“We did something that was historic. We saved tens of millions of lives worldwide – we, together, all of us, not me, we.
We got a vaccine done, three vaccines done, and tremendous therapeutics like Regeneron and other things that have saved a lot of lives.
We got a vaccine done in less than nine months, that was supposed to take from five to twelve years.”
— President Donald J. Trump, December 20th, 2021
Previous Entries
Shrouded in secrecy and masked by the veneer of benevolence, Donald Trump embarked on a path in 2020 that would forever alter the course of humanity. This audacious endeavor, disguised as a noble mission to safeguard the populace, concealed a harrowing truth – it was in fact a calculated military operation, meticulously designed to achieve dual objectives:
The demise of one facet of humankind, and the forced evolution of another.
The leaders of the world orchestrated an intricate plot, thereby convincing the masses that salvation lay within the confines of their miraculous injections. After a year of fearmongering and manipulation, the pathway out of the lockdowns was proffered to the pliant masses. A mesmerizing narrative was thusly woven, promising protection, prosperity, and progress. It was a siren's song that lulled the unsuspecting into submission, as the governments of the world wielded their syringes, concealing within its depths both the elixir of transformation and the poison of degradation.
Within the dimly lit halls of political intrigue and covert military operations, the enigmatic figure of Donald J. Trump and his brainchild, Operation Warp Speed (OWS), looms large. Beneath the veneer of the pandemic response, a narrative unfolds that defies mere incompetence or simple greed. What we have seen collectively is nothing less than the intentional weaponizing of doctors, pastors, and priests into pushing known poisons. To most, OWS is still a heroic campaign to expedite vaccines; in truth, it was an insidious conspiracy scarcely paralleled within the annals of human history.
This publication has already extensively covered the lies and half truth’s surrounding the origins of the alleged coronavirus, as well as a thorough deconstruction of the gene therapy/spike protein narratives (See Chaff & Countermeasures). As our societies stand on the other side of this profound paradigm shift, this tale of deadly deception and deathly determination continues to unfold. One where the line between malevolence and salvation blurs, and the destiny of humanity hangs in the balance. Amidst the shadows of power and the cries of dissent, the world watches; blissfully unaware of the unfolding drama, forever changed by the choices of a regime willing to shape the future — no matter the cost.
Operation Warp Speed and its precursors were not merely a well-intentioned inoculation endeavor. Rather, it was a meticulously orchestrated military operation, an intricate design aimed at both the physical and metaphysical evolution of humanity — a scheme that dared to tread the fine line between mass murder and mass evolution.
“We are excited to announce that our Center is working with the ['World Economic Forum] and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to hold a major pandemic exercise in October of 2019 which will draw together global business and the WHO and national government to consider these issues and shine a light on them and see if we can identify paths forward.”
— Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel
Long before the COVID PsyOP was unleashed, operations such as Dark Winter, Clade X, SPARS, Event 201 and Crimson Contagion — all shrouded in the cloak of governmental foresight — emerge as tales of duplicitous design and calculated chaos. These “fictitious” exercises, seemingly intended for preparedness and resilience, in reality, unfurl as a grand charade, a carefully choreographed orchestration of subterfuge. The specter of a deadly pandemic serves as both the backdrop and the pretext for the clandestine agenda truly at work here: nanotechnology.
Within the intricate fabric of these simulations lies a web of deceit and deliberate manipulation. The virulent phantom, concocted for the sole purpose of testing the readiness of a nation, instead becomes a weapon of disinformation and confusion. Crimson Contagion lies as the most prescient example of what was about to unfold in 2020:
Crimson Contagion was a joint exercise conducted from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza originating in China…
Between January and August 2019, Health and Human Services (HHS), headed by Alex Azar, runs a simulation—code-named "Crimson Contagion". In this "Functional Exercise", participated the National Security Council, United States Department of Health and Human Services, United States Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Commerce, United States Department of Defense, United States Department of Energy, United States Department of Homeland Security, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, United States Department of Interior, United States Department of Justice, United States Department of Labor, United States Department of State, United States Department of Transportation, United States Department of Treasury, between others State and Local organizations, public and private.
During the simulation, several tourists fall ill with a "respiratory virus [that] began in China . . . [and] quickly spread around the world by air travelers . . . [with] high fevers." The virus spreads quickly throughout the world with the first detection in the United States occurring in Chicago (the host city for the exercise). The simulated virus was dubbed "H7N9 Influenza". Conduct of Crimson Contagion begins at a point 47 days after the first case is discovered in the United States. According to the results of the coordinating draft report, dated October 2019, the Crimson Contagion simulation registers 110 million infected Americans, 7.7 million hospitalizations, and 586,000 fatalities.
As the unsuspecting populace remained blissfully ignorant in the fall of 2019, the power brokers behind the scenes manipulated their strings of influence. Crimson Contagion serves as a powerful reminder of the darker depths of governmental machinations, where crises become opportunities, and the interests of the many are overshadowed by the designs of the few. This fabricated pandemic saga — draped in the garb of preparedness — ultimately exposes a chilling truth about the ruthless aspirations of those who dwell in the corridors of power. Events such as Crimson Contagion and Event 201 are chilling looks ahead at what was about to unfold in 2020 and beyond.
“Fact Check: This Moderna/NIH vaccine is literally the one that President @realDonaldTrump partnered with Moderna to create on January 13, 2020…
I repeat January 13th, 2020.
Just be happy. This is great news for America and for the world!
— Ivanka Trump, November 16th, 2020
The timeline of events preceding and surrounding the eventual house arrest of the world truly speaks for itself:
January: Crimson Contagion begins.
May 13th: Klaus Schwab declares the Fourth Industrial Revolution has begun.
June 12th: Moderna files the patent for the alleged modified RNA injections.
July 1st: Fort Detrick’s infectious disease lab is shutdown by the CDC.
August: Crimson Contagion ends.
August 7th: Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, allegedly dies of a cold.
August 9th: Remdesivir is dropped from Ebola trials due to increased risk of death & kidney failure.
September 17th: The Fed bails out US banks after the repo market spikes. The $128 billion cash infusion was larger than the 08’ bailouts.
September 19th: Donald Trump signs his Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health.
— The Never-Ending Plandemic Loop. Source: FDA.gov.
October 18th: Event 201 begins:
[Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security] partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to host the tabletop exercise Event 201 in New York City. According to the CHS, "the exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences".
Quarter 4: “The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March.”
January 4th: China’s CDC Director George Gao Fu — a participant in Event 201 — calls CDC Director Robert Redfield. The content of the call is unknown.
January 4th: Dr. Robert Malone receives a phone call from Wuhan-based CIA officer Michael Callahan, who warns him:
“Robert, you’ve got to get your team spun up because we’ve got a problem with this virus.”
January 12th: Per Melissa J. Moore, the Chief Scientific Officer of Moderna, they designed the alleged spike protein in less than “one hour”.
January 13th: Moderna enters into contractual agreements with the NIH for the production of their mRNA injection.
January 21st: The USA’s first alleged COVID patient is treated with Remdesivir. Remdesivir becomes standard of care for hospital patients within the United States.
January 21st: President Donald Trump addresses the WEF at Davos:
“We continue to work on things which you will be hearing about in the near future…
We have found answers to things that people said would not be possible…certainly not possible in a very short period of time.”
January 31st: HHS Secretary Alex Azar declares a public health emergency.
February 28th: Bill Gates warns us:
“In the past week, Covid-19 has started behaving a lot like the once-in-a-century pathogen we’ve been worried about.
I hope it’s not that bad, but we should assume it will be until we know otherwise.”
March 13th: On Friday the 13th, President Trump officially declares a national state of emergency due to COVID:
“On March 13, 2020, the President declared the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant an emergency declaration for all states, tribes, territories, and the District of Columbia pursuant to section 501 (b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207 (the “Stafford Act”).”
— Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
March 15th: Operation Warp Speed launches:
“OWS is a partnership among components of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and the Department of Defense (DoD). OWS engages with private firms and other federal agencies, including the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. It will coordinate existing HHS-wide efforts, including the NIH’s Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) partnership, NIH’s Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) initiative, and work by BARDA.”
— COVID-19 Vaccine Development Portfolio report. Source: FDA.gov.
March 16th: Lockdowns begin inside of America.
July 21st: The DoD enters into OTA contracts with Pfizer for a “Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration”. Under the legal Rube Goldberg apparatus that the security state has assembled, these medical countermeasures are not required to conform with any regulatory or manufacturing laws given their “unique” legal status as medical countermeasures — as opposed to a federally regulated medicine.
— Pfizer’s contract with the Department of Defense. Source: HHS.gov.
This was a military operation from day one, as the fact pattern laid out above makes abundantly clear.
“I never got, I think, the credit I deserve on COVID.”
In previous essays — such as The Coincidence Zone Series, American Idols, Alchemical Weapons for Economic Wars, The Kingdom of Magic, & The Power of Symbols — I have discussed the true nature of the occult spiritual forces holding court in the decrepit remnants of Christendom. The practitioners of these unholy magicks rely heavily upon symbolism and the mass ritual to fully realize their Earthly goals:
…the occultist places great significance and consequence in the convergence of the various esoteric and real elements. The more converging elements, such as devotionary symbols and invocations, the greater the effect. The most difficult to pull off, but most potent element, is the dramatic ritual. The more people drawn into the ritual, the greater the energy harnessed. The modern era has led to the perfection of this dark mass ritual with the advent of mass communication. TV, and now social media, provides the occultist a perfect stage to enact his dark play. This may seem quite ridiculous at first to the layperson, but the seriousness with which our leaders believe in these rituals is getting harder and harder to deny.
The adherents of Mystery Babylon rely upon mass rituals to instill fear and birth their dark agendas into the world. COVID and Operation Warp Speed were not just a mass occult ritual, however.
It was the unwitting initiation of mankind into the higher mysteries, and the unwilling entry of humanity into the next stage of its evolution.
— The Operation Warp Speed logo.
Firstly, let us analyze the Operation Warp Speed Logo, one deeply laden with occult symbolism. We see 13 stars emblazoned upon the seal, the Biblical number of rebellion. In the Major Arcana of Tarot, it represents Death. Within Kabbalah, 13 represents the climbing of the spiritual ladder into illumination.
— Death, the 13th Major Arcana.
The Hexahedron, one of the five Platonic solids, represents both the mind and the Earth within various esoteric disciplines. The image obscured by the alleged spike protein particle is the Antahkarana, a Hindu religious symbol for the mind/soul:
The term has various meanings, which differ with every school of philosophy and sect. Thus Sankarâchârya renders the word as “understanding”; others, as “the internal instrument, the Soul, formed by the thinking principle and egoism”; whereas the Occultists explain it as the path or bridge between the Higher and the Lower Manas, the divine Ego, and the personal Soul of man. It serves as a medium of communication between the two, and conveys from the Lower to the Higher Ego…
— H.P. Blavatsky, The Theosophical Glossary
The Operation Warp Speed Logo is laden with brazenly obvious occult symbolism: a literal mind virus, something that can not be proven to exist, and yet, kills all the same.
— The Antahkarana.
The most obvious occultic aspect of this ritual was the masking. Masking has a long history within occult rituals the world over. It fulfills one of the primary objectives of the occult initiation — silence as one learns the higher mysteries:
G3466 Musterion — From a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); a secret or “mystery” (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites) — mystery.
Now on the psychological level, it serves as a powerful tool of social domination and mental terror. Masks are an ever present reminder to the wearer that their body is not their own, and that they are in grave danger from an inscrutable threat. Acquiescence to these shame based rituals then inculcates further helplessness and passivity in the face of future assaults upon their person.
The masks are a tool almost perfectly created in order to provoke paranoia in a populace.
“Well no, the vaccine worked, but some people aren’t taking it. The ones who get very sick and got the hospital are the ones who don’t their vaccine. But, it’s still their choice. And if you take the vaccine you’re protected.
Look, the results of the vaccine are very good. And, if you do get it, it’s a very minor form.
People aren’t DYING when they take the vaccine.”
— President Donald J. Trump
In the labyrinthine annals of history — where the tapestry of human existence is woven with threads of secrecy and malevolence — the year 2020 bore witness to a bewildering saga. It was led by the enigmatic figure of Donald J. Trump, a leader whose unconventional actions concealed an operation with repercussions that will reverberate throughout time. Yet, this was not merely a tale of incompetence or greed; it was an intricate conspiracy that transcends the scales of evil in human history. Hidden beneath the veneer of benevolence, this audacious endeavor harbored a chilling truth — Operation Warp Speed was a long orchestrated military operation.
As the tumultuous tempest of 2020 engulfed the world, a beguiling narrative unfurled before our eyes. It promised salvation, security, prosperity, and progress. Yet, like the seductive song of the Greek sirens, the masses found themselves ensnared by the allure of government-endorsed injections. To the majority, OWS remains a heroic campaign to expedite vaccines. After a closer look, it emerges as a sinister plot, a chapter of darkness that defies comparison within mankind’s barbaric past. It serves as a chilling reminder of the immense power held by governments, where the line between salvation and malevolence becomes blurred, and the fate of humanity precariously hangs in the balance.
The timeline from 2019 to 2020 is a testament to the orchestrated military precision concealed beneath the pandemic's surface. The relentless drive for inoculation, the cryptic symbolism, and the esoteric rituals converge to create a narrative that surpasses the boundaries of conspiracy. In a world where mass rituals and symbolism hold the power to mold the destinies of nations, COVID and Operation Warp Speed transcend mere occult rites. They stand as unwitting initiations into higher mysteries and the reluctant entry into the next stage of human evolution. Symbols interwoven into this saga, such as the Operation Warp Speed logo with its 13 stars and hexagonal motifs, harbor secrets that transcend the boundaries of mere coincidence.
In the labyrinthine realm of covert designs and political intrigue, these operations unraveled a darker facet of governance, where crises morphed into opportunities and the interests of the few eclipsed those of the many. Crimson Contagion, Event 201, and other staged exercises unveiled the depths to which governmental machinations can plummet, exposing chilling truths about the relentless ambitions of those who still hold the reins of power.
The stage is set, the actors are in place, and humanity teeters on the precipice of a new era where the dichotomy between salvation and destruction remains tantalizingly blurred.
— Warp Speed to Democide, digital art, 2023.
“These are not weapons of mass destruction, they are weapons of mass disruption.”
— Dr. James Giordano, Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons (August 29th, 2017)
Excellent article, sir. 👍👏
2020 means hindsight, right. In hindsight, the Plandemic was truly a well thought-out program to depopulate, gain access to millions of people via the IEEE platform, mind control, surveillance and silence, enable a massive wealth transfer to the already wealthy, huge profits for big pharma, and most important - to see how effective a vaccine weapon (not bombs or bullets) could do all of this, AND MORE!
Very well put together!! My post barely deserves mention but honored.🙇♂️
Quote for the ages:
"the year 2020 bore witness to a bewildering saga. It was led by the enigmatic figure of Donald J. Trump, a leader whose unconventional actions concealed an operation with repercussions that will reverberate throughout time. Yet, this was not merely a tale of incompetence or greed; it was an intricate conspiracy that transcends the scales of evil in human history. Hidden beneath the veneer of benevolence, this audacious endeavor harbored a chilling truth — Operation Warp Speed was a long orchestrated [OCCULT] military operation."