The best "icon" I saw was a soldier kneeling, ready to shoot, but it was a huge syringe in his arms, and WWIII was written under it. Is it kind of like those locusts that have tails, and with their tails they do hurt?! Just a thought. it is also very sad what these locusts are doing to all animals, like before the flood--when ALL life was being genetically manipulated and polluted, with only one pure blooded man left, and his family. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK in exposing this world wide demonic fiasco. And the whole world lieth in wickedness...again...almost. But when evil has come to the full...and the last gentile has come in...woe to all the wicked workers who took part in all of this. Our suffering will come to an end...theirs never will. Seek the Lord Jesus Christ while He may still be found. OUR GOD REIGNS!
The breakdown of the repo market was most likely the trigger they were focused on because it was pivotal and inevitable. It was the main domino of the rest of the dominos that were already lined up to tumble. The disease was the distraction. The disease, they say, caused the collapse. Act of God. Nobody's fault. Move on and eat your losses. Highway robbery blamed on a disease. Get it?
Pterostilbene is still being (stilbene?) researched, but so far it shows massive promise as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and also for treating certain types of cancer. However, the one other major benefit of it is its gene-expression modulation, which is why I bring it up here: pterostilbene can affect gene expression by activating or inhibiting specific genes involved in antioxidant defense, cellular repair, inflammation, and oxidative stress.
The obvious takeaway here is its genetic potential could be essential for combating the Killshots, which target specific genes. If a buffer was presented, I suspect the nanotech in the shots would become confused and possibly start cannibalizing itself if it was unable to locate these, and at the very minimum disrupt the quantum nurseries. Pterostilbene might be something worth researching.
It's important to understand that Trump was not the mastermind. He was convinced or coerced or simply on-board with an existing plan that has been being set into place for decades. I'm not defending him, just providing some very important context. Such context is provided in great detail, with receipts, by Katherine Watt over at Bailiwick News.
Please, if you don't already know, this is important information:
One thing I have never been able to figure out is whether Trump himself understands all of this, and knowingly participated in the deceit, or if he is just a clueless useful idiot puppet of the NWO, and really believes that the Operation Warp Speed saved millions of lives as he claims. But regardless of which is the case, Trump was selected to win in 2016 for his role in the scamdemic. The Right would have resisted the scamdemic tyranny when it started in 2020 if Hillary had been president at the time. But because Trump was president, they (reluctantly) went along with most of it. (The Left didn’t have to be manipulated to support the lockdowns and the vaccines because they were inclined to believe the COVID-19 official narrative just because it is their nature to believe nonsense like that.)
“Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.”
Anyone who hates Christ is antichrist. Trump rejects Christ through his mouth and his deeds, saying he does not need forgiveness since he has never done anything wrong. That is blasphemous.
I figure the Penteteuch, as its name indicates, is the work of Greeks. The update (aka New Testament) was the making of the Romans. In other words I consider old and new to be the work of Empire. It is true that it has stuck around and that most think that it is anti-empire (and plausibly some of the intellectuals tasked with it wrote in some dissent) but nevertheless it is still the work of Empire. Christ the son of god as Apollo was. In fact they're the same guy. Jesus Christ can be translated as 'gold of iasos'.
This is just, ahistorical nonsense. We can debate whether Christ was what he claimed to be, but Christ is a real historic figure, and that is not even debatable by any serious academician. The majority of Atheist historians will freely admit this.
Christ’s miracles and resurrection are testified to by hundreds of eye witnesses. These have been chalked up as mass hallucinations by serious atheistic historians, yet even they do not deny that they happened.
As for the theory that Hebrew is derived from Greek, that is… tenuous, to be extremely charitable.
Donald Warp Speed Trump is sucking the MAGA steeple $ dry. At one time I too WAS blinded by him until he invited everyone to DC J6 than disappeared after the shtf.
it fascinates me the minority who have come to this realization, conclusion as to the reality of our situation as opposed to the majority who can’t grasp it has nothing to do with IQ but a psychological dependency on, indoctrination into a system that provides them the soup to nuts perception of identity, purpose, sustenance. why it’s so difficult to convince them otherwise .
2020 means hindsight, right. In hindsight, the Plandemic was truly a well thought-out program to depopulate, gain access to millions of people via the IEEE platform, mind control, surveillance and silence, enable a massive wealth transfer to the already wealthy, huge profits for big pharma, and most important - to see how effective a vaccine weapon (not bombs or bullets) could do all of this, AND MORE!
Very well put together!! My post barely deserves mention but honored.🙇♂️
Quote for the ages:
"the year 2020 bore witness to a bewildering saga. It was led by the enigmatic figure of Donald J. Trump, a leader whose unconventional actions concealed an operation with repercussions that will reverberate throughout time. Yet, this was not merely a tale of incompetence or greed; it was an intricate conspiracy that transcends the scales of evil in human history. Hidden beneath the veneer of benevolence, this audacious endeavor harbored a chilling truth — Operation Warp Speed was a long orchestrated [OCCULT] military operation."
Yeah, I hate bullshitters, I can't hold back from calling them out. But I can't write anything as eloquent as you can, I make jokes to hide that from everyone you see. You're really something else, you must have won some writing awards. I will take your example and endeavor to improve, promise!
The best "icon" I saw was a soldier kneeling, ready to shoot, but it was a huge syringe in his arms, and WWIII was written under it. Is it kind of like those locusts that have tails, and with their tails they do hurt?! Just a thought. it is also very sad what these locusts are doing to all animals, like before the flood--when ALL life was being genetically manipulated and polluted, with only one pure blooded man left, and his family. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK in exposing this world wide demonic fiasco. And the whole world lieth in wickedness...again...almost. But when evil has come to the full...and the last gentile has come in...woe to all the wicked workers who took part in all of this. Our suffering will come to an end...theirs never will. Seek the Lord Jesus Christ while He may still be found. OUR GOD REIGNS!
The breakdown of the repo market was most likely the trigger they were focused on because it was pivotal and inevitable. It was the main domino of the rest of the dominos that were already lined up to tumble. The disease was the distraction. The disease, they say, caused the collapse. Act of God. Nobody's fault. Move on and eat your losses. Highway robbery blamed on a disease. Get it?
Hey brother, I think I may have found another needle in the haystack: are you familiar with pterostilbene? If not, take a look at it here:
Pterostilbene is still being (stilbene?) researched, but so far it shows massive promise as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and also for treating certain types of cancer. However, the one other major benefit of it is its gene-expression modulation, which is why I bring it up here: pterostilbene can affect gene expression by activating or inhibiting specific genes involved in antioxidant defense, cellular repair, inflammation, and oxidative stress.
The obvious takeaway here is its genetic potential could be essential for combating the Killshots, which target specific genes. If a buffer was presented, I suspect the nanotech in the shots would become confused and possibly start cannibalizing itself if it was unable to locate these, and at the very minimum disrupt the quantum nurseries. Pterostilbene might be something worth researching.
“We did something that was historic. We saved tens of millions of lives worldwide"
Whose lives were they?
It's important to understand that Trump was not the mastermind. He was convinced or coerced or simply on-board with an existing plan that has been being set into place for decades. I'm not defending him, just providing some very important context. Such context is provided in great detail, with receipts, by Katherine Watt over at Bailiwick News.
Please, if you don't already know, this is important information:
Indeed, I cited Katherine’s magnum opus in the first article in this ongoing series.
It is vital to understanding how this mass murder continues to be shielded by the American medical and legal system.
BTW, sorry i missed that. I try to catch ALL your essays!
"National Security"
"Public Health"
All lies told to manufacture consent for tyranny.
One thing I have never been able to figure out is whether Trump himself understands all of this, and knowingly participated in the deceit, or if he is just a clueless useful idiot puppet of the NWO, and really believes that the Operation Warp Speed saved millions of lives as he claims. But regardless of which is the case, Trump was selected to win in 2016 for his role in the scamdemic. The Right would have resisted the scamdemic tyranny when it started in 2020 if Hillary had been president at the time. But because Trump was president, they (reluctantly) went along with most of it. (The Left didn’t have to be manipulated to support the lockdowns and the vaccines because they were inclined to believe the COVID-19 official narrative just because it is their nature to believe nonsense like that.)
I think you've basically sorted it out mate, he was our Judas steer, if you're familiar with the ranching term.
At some point soon here he will be getting his own little essay to fully demystify his true nature.
Thank you for your impeccable research. I shared this with my audience at Reformed Earth:
Thank you for yours as well Mischelle!
That laser level test video has been invaluable for me in recent conversations.
Everyone who hates Donald Trump is a Luciferian.
Everyone whose fake social media name sounds like Latin is a Luciferian.
Everyone spreading fear instead of hope and faith in God is a Luciferian. @kitten seeking answers
Proverbs 25:19
“Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.”
Anyone who hates Christ is antichrist. Trump rejects Christ through his mouth and his deeds, saying he does not need forgiveness since he has never done anything wrong. That is blasphemous.
He is the luciferian Diana, not I.
Thanks, Luciferian. You think I don't know what you are? You're a dime a dozen.
If only I could be as Christ like as you Diana.
You realize the yin-yang symbol is a luciferian, occult symbol right? What does that make you then?
I figure the Penteteuch, as its name indicates, is the work of Greeks. The update (aka New Testament) was the making of the Romans. In other words I consider old and new to be the work of Empire. It is true that it has stuck around and that most think that it is anti-empire (and plausibly some of the intellectuals tasked with it wrote in some dissent) but nevertheless it is still the work of Empire. Christ the son of god as Apollo was. In fact they're the same guy. Jesus Christ can be translated as 'gold of iasos'.
This is just, ahistorical nonsense. We can debate whether Christ was what he claimed to be, but Christ is a real historic figure, and that is not even debatable by any serious academician. The majority of Atheist historians will freely admit this.
Christ’s miracles and resurrection are testified to by hundreds of eye witnesses. These have been chalked up as mass hallucinations by serious atheistic historians, yet even they do not deny that they happened.
As for the theory that Hebrew is derived from Greek, that is… tenuous, to be extremely charitable.
If you're an atheist then you know that it's made up. Any atheist who says different is a sell out.
Donald Warp Speed Trump is sucking the MAGA steeple $ dry. At one time I too WAS blinded by him until he invited everyone to DC J6 than disappeared after the shtf.
J6 was my final straw as well.
He hasn’t spent a dime on defending these people, let alone pardoning them like he could have on the way out.
it fascinates me the minority who have come to this realization, conclusion as to the reality of our situation as opposed to the majority who can’t grasp it has nothing to do with IQ but a psychological dependency on, indoctrination into a system that provides them the soup to nuts perception of identity, purpose, sustenance. why it’s so difficult to convince them otherwise .
Andrew Breitbart had an old adage: politics is downstream of culture. I disagree.
Politics is downstream of the pulpit.
If our identity is not solely in Christ, it will be in something of this world, whether that be Trump, Republicans, or whatever have you.
Excellent article, sir. 👍👏
2020 means hindsight, right. In hindsight, the Plandemic was truly a well thought-out program to depopulate, gain access to millions of people via the IEEE platform, mind control, surveillance and silence, enable a massive wealth transfer to the already wealthy, huge profits for big pharma, and most important - to see how effective a vaccine weapon (not bombs or bullets) could do all of this, AND MORE!
The word effective should be effectively. 😵💫
Superb piece.
Very well put together!! My post barely deserves mention but honored.🙇♂️
Quote for the ages:
"the year 2020 bore witness to a bewildering saga. It was led by the enigmatic figure of Donald J. Trump, a leader whose unconventional actions concealed an operation with repercussions that will reverberate throughout time. Yet, this was not merely a tale of incompetence or greed; it was an intricate conspiracy that transcends the scales of evil in human history. Hidden beneath the veneer of benevolence, this audacious endeavor harbored a chilling truth — Operation Warp Speed was a long orchestrated [OCCULT] military operation."
Thank you PM, but I disagree. Your piece is essential to understanding the true sleight of hand being worked here.
The timeline of events is utterly damning when you remove all the viral nonsense disguised to hide the true moves being made.
Yeah, I hate bullshitters, I can't hold back from calling them out. But I can't write anything as eloquent as you can, I make jokes to hide that from everyone you see. You're really something else, you must have won some writing awards. I will take your example and endeavor to improve, promise!
Just when ?
Did the me of We,
Get a vaccine done ?
(I venture
Your We,
Ain't OURS).
But that's just conjecture.
Your Team,
Can probably,
Come up,
Or down,
On the matter,
& Our heads,
With a new answer.
"The United States, is A CORPORATION."
~ Deborah Tavares & Ned Beatty in NetWork.
And yet people believe The Father Of The Vaccine Donald Warp Speed Drumb is the good one.
Idolatry is a helluva drug.