“6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
7 Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward.
9 Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am.”
— Isaiah 58:6-9 KJV
Previous Entries
Expurgo (Latin, verb) - to purge, cleanse, or purify
I — Building the Borg
A. Introduction
Trying to solve a crime while you are still in the midst of the crime itself is an exceedingly difficult task. Despite our extensive research, we have just begun to scratch the surface of a centuries old depopulation agenda: one that is no longer relegated to DARPA laboratories, smoke-filled rooms, or anodyne white papers. These sophisticated technological weapon systems have been decades in the making, and we are now years into a biowarfare campaign that continues to ravage the health of our families and friends. While this specific protocol is still in the infancy of its testing, we find it important enough to release — even in this proto-form — in order to begin reversing some of the widespread damage we continue to see.
Section III contains the details of our protocol, as well as precise instructions on how to implement it. The Expurgo Protocol is not simply a detox regimen, it is an entirely new paradigm through which your diet and medicinal habits should be viewed. Many of us have treated our health in a far too cavalier fashion, and that is precisely why so many countries were so ripe for the events which transpired in 2020 and beyond. Our food was once our medicine, and the replacing of natural ingredients with processed poison lies at the heart of modern society’s health issues. This forsaken, yet fundamental truth must be recognized once again in order to counter so much of the devastation that the bioweapon campaigns of the Twentieth Century have unleashed.
B. What is chitosan?
Chitosan /ˈkaɪtəsæn/ is a linear polysaccharide composed of randomly distributed β-(1→4)-linked D-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetylated unit). It is made by treating the chitin shells of shrimp and other crustaceans with an alkaline substance, such as sodium hydroxide.
Chitosan has a number of commercial and possible biomedical uses…
C. Why use chitosan?
[Graphene Oxide (GO)] is an oxidized and hydrophilic form of graphene which greatly enhances functionalities of polymeric matrices [99]. Both graphene and GO are commonly utilized as a nanofiller in polymeric nanocomposites. Chemical modification of graphene has resulted in high-performance nanocomposites with enriched characteristics [100]. Several techniques have been employed to evenly disseminate graphene or GO into chitosan matrices by developing physical/chemical linkages [101].
Chitosan is a green, sustainable and low-cost material. Chitosan-derived nanocomposites have captivated the interest of many researchers due to their exceptional chemical and physical properties [102]. Advances in nanotechnology has led to nanoparticles being deposited on the surface of chitosan.
— Recent Advances in Chitin and Chitosan/Graphene-Based Bio-Nanocomposites for Energetic Applications, Ikram et al.
D. Vectors of attack
Most of the [carbon nanotubes (CNT)] cytotoxicity studies have focused on the pulmonary toxicity after inhalation (20), intratracheal instillation (22, 23), and pharyngeal aspiration (24), as well as their effects on skin toxicity after exposure of skin to CNT (19, 21), and subcutaneous (s.c.) administration (25, 26), reporting acute pulmonary toxicity effects, induction of granulomas, and inflammatory reactions to the CNT.
— Tissue biodistribution and blood clearance rates of intravenously administered carbon nanotube radiotracers, Singh et al.
In addition to inhalation, these nanomaterials can also be dispensed intranasally (Dong et al., Formica et al.). These nanomaterials naturally biodegrade, albeit slowly; thereby necessitating the booster campaign that has accompanied this bioweapon rollout.
We have previously quantified injectable medications, IV drug use, sexual intercourse, and prolonged intimate contact as confirmed or likely sources of this nanotechnological infection. Indeed, the potential vectors of this weapon platform are impossible to fully list. Until legitimate, wide spread testing has been conducted, we consider all medications, injectable treatments, and OTC drugs from major pharmaceutical conglomerates to be suspect.
II - Fundamentals & Mechanisms of Action
A. What is proteolysis?
Proteolysis is the breakdown of proteins into smaller polypeptides or amino acids. Uncatalysed, the hydrolysis of peptide bonds is extremely slow, taking hundreds of years. Proteolysis is typically catalysed by cellular enzymes called proteases, but may also occur by intra-molecular digestion.
B. Proteolysis as a tool against chitosan and chitosan derivatives
As for enzymatic depolymerisation, many commercial enzyme preparations exert hydrolytic activity on chitosans, that appear to be unexpectedly vulnerable to a range of hydrolases: several proteases such as pepsin, bromelain, ficin and pancreatin display lytic activities towards chitosans that surpass those of chitinases and lysozyme. Cellulases, hemicellulases, lipases, proteases and pectinases are also effective (Yalpani and Pantaleone, 1994). This unspecific activity is possibly due to the simplicity of the enzyme–substrate complex formation.
Zinc (which is present in beef) and collagenase have also been shown to assist in the breakdown of chitosan (Alipour et al.).
C. Immune response to carbon nanomaterials
Recent experiments on mice have demonstrated that animals exposed to carbon nanotubes via inhalation or through injection into the abdominal cavity are not able to break down the material causing severe inflammation and changes to tissues, which in turn lead to impaired lung function and in some cases to cancer. This 'biopersistence' has been likened to that of asbestos…
The researchers examined the effects of an enzyme called myeloperoxidase (MPO), which is found in white blood cells (neutrophils), on carbon nanotubes both in vitro and in mice. They discovered that the enzyme can indeed break the nanotubes down into carbon and water. Once broken down they ceased to have an inflammatory effect in the lungs of mice.
— Enzyme in white blood cells can break down carbon nanotubes
D. What is lysozyme?
Lysozyme… is an antimicrobial enzyme produced by animals that forms part of the innate immune system. It is a glycoside hydrolase…
E. Lysozyme as a tool against chitosan and chitosan derivatives
Lysozyme is highly expressed in hematopoietic cells, and it is found in granulocytes, monocytes, and macrophages as well as in their bone marrow precursors [66]. This enzyme has more degradation activity on chitin than chitosan because chitin has more N-acetyl glucosamine residues. Most of the in-vitro studies concluded that the degradation of chitin and chitosan depends on the reducing sugar unit in the degradation medium, the molecular weight of hydrolysates in the degradation medium and the weight loss of chitin and chitosan [67]As indicated earlier, chitosan is a co-polymer of D-glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine bonded via the β(1-4) linkages, the enzyme lysozyme can hydrolyse the β(1-4) linkages between N-acetylglucosamine and glucosamine in chitosan according to the distribution and proportion of N-acetyl group. The lysozyme only recognizes glycosidic linkages between N-acetylglucosamine units…
It is well-known that lysozyme can catalyze chitosan hydrolysis, but can't affect chitosan with deacetylation degree higher than 95% [68].
— Degradability of chitosan micro/nanoparticles for pulmonary drug delivery, Islam et al.
F. What is chelation?
Chelation is a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions. It involves the formation or presence of two or more separate coordinate bonds between a polydentate (multiple bonded) ligand and a single central metal atom.[1][2] These ligands are called chelants, chelators, chelating agents, or sequestering agents. They are usually organic compounds, but this is not a necessity, as in the case of zinc and its use as a maintenance therapy to prevent the absorption of copper in people with Wilson's disease.[3]
Chelation is useful in applications such as providing nutritional supplements, in chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from the body…
G. Heavy metal chelation and its benefits
(iii) Given that toxic metals have great affinity for sulphur-containing peptides, diets rich in sulphur-containing foods such as alliums (e.g. garlic [42]) and brassicas (e.g., broccoli [43]) have been suggested for effects on glutathione, with hopes for symptomatic improvement and enhanced excretion. Garlic prevented cadmium-induced kidney damage [44] and decreased the oxidative damage due to lead in rats [45].
(iv) Cilantro (leaves of Coriandrum sativum), a popular culinary and medicinal herb, gained attention when a soup was reported to enhance mercury excretion following dental amalgam removal and remains popular despite limited evidence [46]. In animals, it decreased lead absorption into bone and inhibition of the delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) enzyme [47]. Less encouragingly, in a recent trial in 3- to 7-year old children exposed to lead, a cilantro extract was as effective as placebo in increasing renal excretion (improvements across treatment and placebo groups were ascribed to improved diet during the intervention) [48].
Several supplements are also in use to address metal toxicities.
(i) Taurine [49–51] and methionine [52] are sulphur-containing amino acids. They are rich in membranes particularly of excitable tissues, and they decrease oxidative stress markers resulting from heavy metal exposure…
(ii) Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that regenerates other antioxidants (e.g., vitamins E and C, and reduced glutathione) and has metal-chelating activity. Both fat and water soluble, it is readily absorbed from the gut and crosses cellular and blood-brain membrane barriers [22, 53]. Clinical experience is that it must be used carefully as it poses particular risks of redistribution of metals.
(iii) N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), an orally available precursor of cysteine, is a chelator of toxic elements and may stimulate glutathione synthesis, particularly in the presence of vitamins C and E [54–56].
(iv) Glutathione is not recommended to be administered orally as it undergoes digestion; however novel modes of delivery such as liposomal and prodrug preparations are emerging [57]. It may be administered intravenously, in creams and via nebulizer. Glutathione is an important physiological chelator, and the reduced form of glutathione protects cells from reactive oxygen species associated with heavy metals [58–61].
(v) Selenium is an important essential element, that is present at a broad range of levels across populations. The selenide ion forms an extremely stable, insoluble compound with mercury, and provides relief of mercurialism symptoms. On the face of it, selenide might not be compatible with chelation, as the two agents may counter the effectiveness of one another [62]; however, selenium may be incorporated in organic molecules, and organic selenium/mercury complexes may be transported through membranes. Selenium depletion in the face of mercury exposures also depletes seleno-enzymes. In humans, organic selenium supplementation was beneficial in a controlled trial among 103 mercury-exposed villagers [63]. A selenium yeast product increased mercury excretion and decreased oxidative stress-related biomarkers urinary malondialdehyde and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine [63].
— Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review, Margaret E. Sears
The sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine, N-acetylcysteine, an acetylated analogue of cysteine, the methionine metabolite S-adenosylmethionine, α-lipoic acid, and the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) all contribute to the chelation and excretion of metals from the human body.
H. Probiotics and their chelation properties
The application of dietary probiotics is a novel strategy to safely remove heavy metals from the gut, known as “Gut Remediation” [21]. Probiotics are live microorganisms that have been shown to have many health benefits in humans, including improving gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances, inflammation, and oxidative stress, as well as helping to maintain a healthy intestinal microbial balance [22,23]. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria are part of the healthy GI tract microflora and are found in fermented foods [24,25]. These probiotic bacteria boast maximum antioxidant properties among gut microbes and have been observed to have a remarkable ability to detoxify the human gut from heavy metals, such as cadmium and lead in laboratory settings [25]. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria are two common species of probiotic bacteria that have been found to have beneficial properties for detoxification and gut remediation. Studies have demonstrated their ability to excrete heavy metals and bind to other toxic compounds, such as cyano-toxins and dietary mutagens [[26], [27], [28], [29]]. Moreover, Bifidobacteria are part of breast milk and are known to promote the immune system, lower cholesterol levels, and produce B vitamins. Thus, introducing these probiotics into the diet can provide an effective and safe strategy for gut remediation and need to be comprehensively evaluated [21].
— Benefits of fermented synbiotic soymilk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, and inulin towards lead toxicity alleviation, Riasatian et al.
The gut microbiome in particular accumulates these heavy metals (Duan et al.).
I. Dietary minerals and heavy metal absorption
Cations (dietary minerals), including calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, iron, nickel and zinc, inhibited (up to 40%) extracellular binding and intracellular uptake of cadmium by Lemna polyrhiza in solution culture.
— Effect of cations, including heavy metals, on cadmium uptake by Lemna polyrhiza L., Noraho & Gaur
There is ample evidence to suggest that sufficient amounts of dietary minerals reduces the body's ability to absorb these toxic heavy metals (De Lillo et al.).
J. What is Grounding?
Grounding, also known as Earthing, is when humans make physical contact with the Earth’s natural electrical field. The simplest form involves walking barefoot in the grass, dirt, or sand.
K. Grounding and its effects on blood
Emerging research is revealing that direct physical contact of the human body with the surface of the earth (grounding or earthing) has intriguing effects on human physiology and health, including beneficial effects on various cardiovascular risk factors. This study examined effects of 2 hours of grounding on the electrical charge (zeta potential) on red blood cells (RBCs) and the effects on the extent of RBC clumping….
All subjects had an increase in the absolute value of zeta potential after 2 hours of grounding. The smallest absolute increase was by a factor of 1.27 and the largest was by a factor of 5.63. On average, the absolute value of zeta potential increased by a factor of 2.70 (a highly statistically significant result, as can be seen from the one-tailed t-test; this statistical test was used because an increase in the absolute value of zeta potential of ∼ 20%–30% was expected after grounding). This increase effectively brought the average zeta potential from a very small average value of −5.28 mV into a normal value (–14.3 mV).
— Earthing (Grounding) the Human Body Reduces Blood Viscosity—a Major Factor in Cardiovascular Disease, Chevalier et al.
L. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and its clinical uses
— Source: N-Acetylcysteine: A Review of Clinical Usefulness (an Old Drug with New Tricks)
III - The Expurgo Protocol
A. Methodology
We have taken the following considerations into account when selecting the components of The Expurgo Protocol, those key reasons being:
Prescription and OTC drugs can no longer be trusted. Researchers such as Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon, La Quinta Columna, and many more, have confirmed the mass poisoning of our pharmaceuticals. While life saving medication SHOULD NOT be discontinued in light of these facts, synthesized drugs should be avoided AT ALL COSTS. For this reason we have tried to avoid treatments such as Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), Ivermectin, and Hydroxychloroquine, despite their promising results. The potentiating effects of these compounds and certain materials within the bioweapons are still unknown.
The supplements and foods we recommend are all naturally occurring substances. These treatments should therefore not only be widely accessible to the general populace, but also easy for the body to tolerate. This is crucial when we consider the mass poisoning of not just the elderly or adults, but children as well. We know that children were exposed to these poisons in rates nearly identical to adults; for example, 66% of Floridian children between the ages of 12-17 were injected with at least one dose of these bioweapons. While there are other natural supplements that have proven useful in fighting this technoparasitic infection, the one listed below can all be consumed by children; albeit, in smaller doses.
Our diets are the primary culprit of society’s chronic health issues. There are many chemicals found in processed American foods that are outright banned in Europe. The USDA’s use of chlorine as a food treatment in its meat processing facilities is known to increase certain types of cancer. Importantly, kosher certified meats are not treated with this chlorine/bleach solution, and are therefore recommended as the ideal meat to procure (cost and location permitting). Eating whole foods will not only serve to revitalize the body’s natural immune response, it will also help to alleviate a host of other chronic issues brought on by the intentional poisoning of not only our medicine, but our food.
For a variety of reasons, fasting allows the body to heal itself and has proven beneficial in treating autoimmune disorders (Buono & Longo). It provides a host of health benefits: from stimulating stem cell growth, to revitalization of the immune system. The utility of this ancient, Biblical healing modality should be apparent given that so many of the symptoms of nanotechnology poisoning seem to be alleviated through fasting.
B. Directions
Consume the Amino Acid+Fasting Stack & Full Diet Stack on alternating days for at least 1 week, and up to 4 weeks. For example, fast Monday, eat Tuesday, fast Wednesday etc.
At least 2 hours of Grounding time should be incorporated into your daily routine.
For the food items that are recommended 1 to 3 times per day, listen to your body. If you feel no ill effects, consume more if you feel so inclined; or don't, if you feel you've had enough.
Diarrhea is a common side effect of magnesium. If this symptom develops, either reduce consumption or cease magnesium supplementation altogether.
Tylenol (acetaminophen) depletes your glutathione levels, and should not be used while taking N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) since it counteracts the effects of NAC.
C. Amino Acid+Fasting Stack
Taurine - 5 grams 1 to 3 times per day
Methionine - 5 grams 1 to 3 times per day
Cysteine - 5 grams 1 to 3 times per day
Bromelain - 1 tab daily
Pepsin - 1 tab daily
Cellulase - 1 tab daily
Garlic ( or other alliums) & Cilantro - 1 bulb and 1 bushel (handful) per day. Consume raw.
Vitamin C - 1 gram per day, preferably from a dietary source
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - 600mg Daily
On Amino Acid+Fasting Stack days, consume ONLY what is written, in addition to water. Do not even add salt for flavoring, as it can negatively affect the chelation potential of the amino acids. Be sure to time your consumption schedule so the last thing consumed on your fast day is 16-18 hours before your first meal on that eating day (essentially a 16-18 hour intermittent fast with supplementation at the outset).
For example, if your last consumption of supplements was at 8 PM, DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING BESIDES WATER until after 12-2 PM the next day when your Full Diet stack begins.
D. Full Diet Stack:
Organic grass fed beef (zinc) - 1 to 3 times daily
Organic pasture raised egg whites (lysozyme) or whole eggs (sulfur) - 1 to 3 times daily
Organic broccoli (or other brassicas) (chromium) - 1 to 3 times daily
Organic, unpasteurized grass fed milk (calcium) - 1 to 3 times daily
Organic toasted wheat germ (manganese) - 1 to 3 times daily
Organic avocado/beef liver/shitake mushrooms/chocolate (copper) - 1 to 3 times daily
Organic brazil nuts (selenium) - .5 oz daily
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria (via probiotic supplements or fermented foods) - 1 to 3 times daily
Magnesium - 400mg per day, preferably from a dietary source
Iodine - 325 mcg per day
Zinc Sulfate - 30mg per day, preferably from a dietary source
Garden of Life Multivitamin - 1 per day
Vitamin E - 200 IU (134mg) once per week
Bromelain - 1 tab daily
Pepsin - 1 tab daily
Cellulase - 1 tab daily
Garlic (or other alliums) & Cilantro - 1 bulb and 1 bushel (handful) per day. Consume raw.
Vitamin C - 1 gram per day, preferably from a dietary source
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) - 600mg Daily
When consuming the Full Diet Stack, ensure that you eat the all foods listed. You are not limited to only these foods, however, they should comprise the bulk of your diet on the eating days. If you do choose to consume other foods, make sure they are WHOLE, FRESH FOODS. For example, tomatoes, zucchini, venison, etc.
Pasta sauce, soda, candies, any premade foods, etc., should NOT be consumed.
Sugar, particularly refined sugar, should be avoided at ALL COSTS.
Ideally you should only consume foods comprised of organic, whole produce or grass fed meats; i.e. things you have grown/harvested yourself. Since heavy metal chelation is part of the objective of this detox, fish should be avoided (even wild caught) due to their contamination with heavy metals.
Legal & Medical Disclaimer: This is not medical advice and is for informational purposes only. This detox regimen does not constitute personalized medical advice. This detox regimen is suggested for adults only. Discuss this information with your doctor or a medical professional that is informed on your personal health situation before making any changes to your medicinal or dietary habits.
IV - Conclusions
The rootless, central banking bloodlines that have sent this depopulation agenda into warp speed not only want us to eat the bugs — they quite literally want to turn us into the bugs.
A permanent cockroach class of mental, physical, and spiritual eunuchs.
My team and I see the push for edible bugs as a multifaceted operation: not only to create a sickly underclass of literal bottom feeders, but also to serve as a critical source of the biomass required to create nanotechnology at the scale we have already seen deployed worldwide. The nanomaterials sector is a multi billion dollar industry at this point, with that market share growing every day. The bug factories popping up all over the West now appear even more sinister than first surmised — serving as key cogs in the transhumanist agenda. I have much more to say on one of the most crucial subjects of our age in future essays, but suffice to say, nothing the Beast System does is without purpose.
The deleterious health effects brought on by nanotechnologies and nanomaterials are apparent to even the most obtuse among us. Thanks to fellow researchers such as
and , my team and I have identified chitosan as the primary nanomaterial that lays at the nexus of so many of our taskmaster’s agendas: a material that is known to cause Alzheimer’s within humans (Komi et al.). It is no mere coincidence that the very foods that fend off this techno-terrorism, such as eggs and red meat, have been under a decades long public relations assault. That assault has gone beyond words in recent years, with an ever growing list of “accidents” befalling poultry and beef farms across the American homeland.We have also identified several key mechanisms of action that will help breakdown these nanomaterials within the blood, as well as reversing some of the damage that these weapons have done to the body. While these nanomaterials are quite stable at the cellular level, God has given us a plethora of tools to fight off this assault upon the human race. My team and I have worked tirelessly to solve this murderous puzzle, as the victims of this bioweapon attack include those who we call kith and kin. Truly, necessity is the mother of invention.
Crucially however, we must return to the ways of our Lord and repent of the evils that we have done in His sight; for it profiteth a man little to purge himself of this nanotechnology, if his eternal soul is still at stake.
— The Rebuilding of the Temple Is Begun (Ezra 1:1-11), 1866, ill. by Gustave Doré
“12 Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:
13 And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness…”
— Joel 2:12-13 KJV
Good post, I would also advise:
1. If you take any capsules, drugs or supps, always dump the contents into juice and take without the capsule which may have graphene imbedded in it especially if there is black printing on it.
2. I've heard supps may also have particles in them, many people recc getting supps from whole foods.
3. If you have to take lidocaine, don't take a clear Globalist company like 3M. Find a small maker and call
the maker and ask them if there is graphene in it, ask them to put a magnet to a vial. Take NAC daily for a month if you get a lidocaine injection.
Thank you, Scipio. Your posts are very enlightening. One thing I've learned from having Morgellons/CDB disease and reading Carnicom's papers for years is this : He has pointed out that nanotech is using our bodies as raw materials to grow and take over our natural biology, so as much as we don't want to take any supplements that feed or contain the nano, our cells are being depleted of nourishment by the nano, so we have to keep taking the supplements. What do you think of this?