“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries.
By SYMBOLS men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.”
— Manley P. Hall, 33° Freemason, The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Signs and symbols rule this world, communicating to us on an unspoken level and driving our subconscious thought processes. What our eyes take in will naturally express itself in our actions and thoughts. When the human brain sees a symbol, we analyze it in more ways than we typically realize. On both the conscious and unconscious level, our mind derives meaning from these signs, and that meaning translates into our reality. Jesus Christ taught his disciples this truth: “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.” (Matthew 6:22-24 KJV). The eyes are the windows to the soul, and it is for this reason that we must zealously guard what we allow to pass those gates.
The science of symbols, their meaning, and their effect on humanity has been one explored by centuries of occultists, mystics, philosophers and psychologists. This field is called semiotics, the study of visual signs and imagery, i.e. symbols. Sigmund Freud, a member of B’nai B’rith, and Carl Jung, born to a Jewish family of powerful Freemasons, both heavily influenced this nascent scientific field of study. Symbols, visual representations of an ideological or religious concept, “transcend the faculties of rational thought and connect the individual psyche with the ontological category of the transcendent” (Beebe, 2004). Consider the symbols of our own modern culture, such as Apple’s iconic forbidden fruit; these symbols communicate layers and layers of unspoken truths without speaking a single word. That is the power of symbols.
Amongst the hermetic orders and Mystery schools the power of symbols have particularly fascinated the practitioners of magick. Alice A. Bailey, the matriarch of the New Age and Theosophist movements, describes the mystical properties that these occultists ascribe to symbols:
A symbol can be defined as the outward and visible sign of an inner and spiritual potency. It is literally an externalisation of forces or energy; the objective form which an idea, existent in the Universal Mind, has built for itself. Through this form the quality and purpose of the latent idea can express itself, and through the means of the symbolic form those who have developed intuitive perception can interpret the plans and designs of that great Life in which we live and move and have our being. (The Beacon, April 1939)
This power and spiritual potency is not just a rhetorical flourish on her part. Sigil magick, the usage of signs and symbols to evoke specific changes in reality, has been in practice for millennia. The occultist employs symbols not just for a conscious and unconscious purpose, but for a spiritual purpose as well.
Language, communication, these concepts are taken for granted in an age with Google translate and instant messaging. With the babelizing of languages seen in Genesis 11, the ancient mysteries and knowledge of the Babylonian rites were dispersed into the myriad cultures of the world. Manley P. Hall, the prolific occult historian and Freemason, expounds on this topic in his magnum opus:
Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries; in fact it is the language not only of mysticism and philosophy but of all Nature, for every law and power active in universal procedure is manifested to the limited sense perceptions of man through the medium of symbol. Every form existing in the diversified sphere of being is symbolic of the divine activity by which it is produced. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. Rejecting man-conceived dialects as inadequate and unworthy to perpetuate divine ideas, the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable.
— The Secret Teachings of All Ages
To the practitioners of the Mystery rites of Babylon, these symbols serve as a universal language to communicate hidden truths in plain sight. Only the enlightened and the illuminated are privy to the true esoteric meanings of these symbols, the ignorant masses remain oblivious.
In a culture and world dominated by these luciferian forces, it is no wonder why we continually see their symbols pop up in our day to day lives. The selection of images below are just a small sample of the multitude of logos, signs, and symbols that rule our culture. The true meaning of these symbols is clearly evident by the fruits of the companies they represent.
Coincidence or a conscious decision?
You be the judge.
— Apple’s logo, the forbidden fruit.
— Apple’s first computer advertisement. Note the price, $666.66.
— Modern logos and their occult inspirations.
These same signs and symbols are evidenced throughout our pop culture, as I have detailed in previous articles (see The Great Delusion or The Coincidence Zone: East Palestine Edition for more examples):
— Elon Musk and his Novus Ordo Seclorum jacket. Elon in white and his wife in black, representative of the light energy (male) and dark energy (female).
— Collage of celebrities displaying the all seeing eye, vow of silence and triple six sign.
The signs and symbols of the occult are all around us. These demonic forces have infused American culture with this dark symbology in homage to the god of this world. Movies, television, songs, the evidence of the occult influence on pop culture is not even deniable to any serious rational observer at this point. We are now so far down the slippery slope that we are holding blatant satanic revels on national television with regularity. The dark symbols of the Mystery religion now assault us on a daily basis.
“SYMBOLS are powerful because they are the visible signs of invisible realities.”
— Augustine of Hippo
One of the most powerful and prolific occult symbols that has hijacked our societies is the hexagram, i.e. the Seal of Solomon, otherwise known as the Star/Shield of David.
— The Star of David, also called the Shield of David
— The Seal of Solomon. The Talmud teaches that this seal was engraved on Solomon’s magic ring, a ring which held the power to bind and control demons.
— Other forms of The Seal of Solomon
— The Talisman of Saturn
— The Hexagram and it’s many forms
The hexagram is a symbol steeped in occult meaning. It was engraved on talismans, used in witchcraft as well as alchemy throughout history. The hexagram has been used for these purposes by Rabbinic mystics, the progenitors of Kabbalah, for millennia now. The Star of David was openly adopted by the Jewish communities of Prague in the 14th century, later being chosen as the official symbol of the Jewish people during the First Zionist Congress in 1897.
However the only symbol Biblically associated with ancient Israel was the Menorah, described by God in Exodus 25. The hexagram as a representation of the House of David can be found no where in Holy Scripture. The only star mentioned in the Old Testament that does not refer to an angel or Israel is from the Book of Amos, referenced when he is denouncing the idolaters of Judea (emphasis mine):
But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is The God of hosts.
This same demonic star is spoken of in Acts by a deacon of the Jerusalem church and first martyr, Stephen:
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
Remphan was another name for Chiun (or Kiyyun in Greek), the Assyrian name for Saturn. Moloch of course is the Canaanite sun god who is often associated with Saturn due to the imagery and roles they share in their respective pantheons. As I covered in The Coincidence Zone, Part I & The Coincidence Zone, Part II, all of these pagan sun gods are viewed by occultists as different manifestations of Lucifer, the light bringer. It is this worship of Moloch, of Saturn, of Kiyyun, that we know as the Mystery religion of Bablyon. It was this pagan idolatry, the practicing of the mystery rites and witchcraft first started by Solomon, that led Israel to divide into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms.
The context of Acts 7 is incredibly important to note here as well, further affirming what I believe to be the correct interpretation of this symbol. In Acts 7 we see Stephen under trial by the Pharisees. Stephen calls out the idolatrous worship of Moloch a.k.a Saturn and the blasphemy of the oral traditions (see Mark 7:7-13 KJV). He lambasts the usage of this star, a symbol the rabbis adopted for their dark god. This truth so cut the Pharisees to the heart (Acts 7:54 KJV) that they immediately stoned Stephen to death. The first saint martyred in the service of our Lord was killed for speaking this truth.
Bible scholars have often said that Stephen was merely quoting Amos here; I disagree however. We see Stephen not just echo the indictments of Amos, he also further expounds upon them. Amos rightly prophesied that the idolatrous Hebrews of old would be carried off past Damascus (the Northern Kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians and the enslaved populace was carried off to Damascus). We see Stephen in Acts prophesied that the idolatrous Pharisees would be carried off beyond even Babylon, a prophesy that would come true with the Jewish diasporas of the First and Second century. It is in Babylon where the Talmud, the oral tradition of the Pharisees, would finally be written down and codified. The Talmud is nothing less than the continuation and perpetuation of the oral tradition that Jesus devoted a significant portion of His ministry denouncing as a satanic deception.
The symbol of the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9, 3:9), the worshippers of Moloch and of Saturn, make their true allegiance clear by the usage of this six pointed star; a star which we still see in use to this day. In a sick twist of irony that I’m sure Satan enjoys, misguided Christians have begun adopting this Kabbalistic and occult symbol as their own.
Their god is not our God, Jesus Christ the risen King.
Their god, their father (John 8:44 KJV), is Satan.
“SYMBOLS are the language of something invisible spoken in the visible world.”
— Gertrud von Le Fort
The study of symbols, or semiotics, is a topic that has fascinated and captivated the adherents of the Mystery religion for millennia. In the eyes of the occultist symbols not only communicate powerful messages in a compact format, but they literally impact reality as we know it. By repeatedly exposing a population to these evil images and occult signs, the sadistic sorcerers who rule our societies are mentally and spiritually breaking our people’s will to resist. Centuries of indoctrination and mental manipulation have created a populace that is not just apathetic to evil, but one which actively celebrates it.
The universal language of the Mystery religion of Babylon are these symbols hidden in plain sight. It is through esoteric and hidden meanings that the adherents of Mystery Babylon have communicated to each other throughout the ages, passing on the forbidden knowledge of Nimrod and his Primus Ordo Seclorum. Despite The Lord confounding their spoken and written languages, the practitioners of these dark magicks have persisted in their evil ways. The dangers that these symbols pose to us, the unspoken and sinister thoughts they communicate on an unspoken level, could not be more clear.
This danger is why Christ warned us to guard our eyes, to dwell on what is righteous and pure, not on what is dark and evil. The impact that symbols and signs have had on humanity is demonstrable and impossible to deny. Wars have been fought and battles won on the psychological strength of symbols alone. These images are charged with meaning and purpose, capable of evoking a myriad of emotions on the observer. On both the conscious and unconscious levels our mind is affected by everything we see, particularly symbols and signs.
What we see become our thoughts.
What we think become our actions.
And action transforms reality.
For far too long we have unwittingly exposed our eyes to the dark signs and symbols of the ruler of this world.
— The Psyopticon, digital art, 32x32 in.
“The underlying, primary psychic reality is so inconceivably complex that it can be grasped only at the farthest reach of intuition, and then but very dimly.
That is why it needs SYMBOLS.”
— Carl Jung
Thank you for the in depth look at just how evil symbols are.
The 'star' of David, was never his. That fabrication is the same as saying 'George Washington was a Mason'. They whitewash their darkness by adding men of light to the alleged company.
If Solomon used symbols, I have not seen that, but nothing would surprise me, seeing as he went so deeply into following ba'al.
One more symbol to add to the recent mix is one that the Ukrainian nazis sport, Zelenski also wears, and ignorant supporters in the West herald..
The TRIZUB. It is a ghastly symbol favored because of its resemblance to the pitchfork, a tool used by Ukrainian civilians during WWII, to murder their own neighbors, Jews, Poles, including children.
Finally and important to point out - there are NO symbols in Christianity. None.
People designed the 'cross' as a symbol. But it was never part of the first century Church.
Why celebrate the means of killing the Christ. If they shot him, would we wear an AR-15? https://theparalleluniverse.substack.com/p/christianity-has-no-symbols
Thank you for what you do. I saw this symbol for a law firm and it caught my eye. Do you know what it represents? https://m.bbb.org/prod/ProfileImages/b4ac203c-6d28-47da-be58-196a403ac10e.jpeg