Thank you for your work and thoughts. I wish I could be one of your tests:)

I’ve come to the conclusion that no pharmaceutical is safe. So I will not seek sorcery to fix sorceries. But I’m interested in knowing all the truth so to prevent being tricked by lies. I’m still working as a nursing home nurse and I feel guilty for not leaving but at 54 I’m not sure what career would pay my bills at this point.part of me says lean on God but I must still do the action. Meanwhile, I do my best to expose the lies. My coworker told me she got 4 shots last Friday and she had to call out of her shift the next day due to illness and I asked her “WHY”!?! And she said “because I want to live”. She thinks I’m the nutcase. I stuck magnets on my coworkers, and my necks and informed them phizer admtted they put graphene in the shots. Another coworker said “I thought Pfizer was the safe one”😳. I’ve been squawking for 3 years and clearly they haven’t listened to any of it!!

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Email me at ScipioEruditus@proton.me, I would be more than willing to test you free of charge.

All we can do is pray that the LORD will make a way for us; if He still has you at your job, clearly your work there is not done.

"So I will not seek sorcery to fix sorceries." Amen sister!

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So glad you are doing this much needed research not only for yourself but for those who follow your SS. I hope that over time the blood of your wife's and of yours clears up of any foreign particles and toxins. Looking forward to reading your future Stacks with information that will be helpful to all of us. Take care of yourself and your family.

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Thank you very much James, we only ask that you keep us in your prayers. Worrying about it will not add a day to either of our lives.

God's Will be done.

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Excellent presentation.

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Thank you!

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Sorry to hear about the fact you and your partner are also contaminated with this, i think we all are to some degree. It's great that you managed to get a good microscope.

Very interesting and encouraging results. That image of the hydrogel structure with plenty of quantum dots inside is pretty scary, can't imagine what that must feel like to have this in your blood. I wonder how much Cat's Claw tincture or tea would to be able to clear the blood. I agree that you won't get rid of this horror with just one thing ... Have you considered raising the NAC dosage for a patient at some point in the protocol for a period of time to see if it made any difference ? 600mg or 750mg is often recommended but some people go up to 1400mg.

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Thank you Marty.

I will find some studies on that and see how much we can raise the dosage within safe limits. I wouldn't recommend doing that long term, but for a few weeks or a month, that may be the route we take if the structures won't clear themselves.

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At what point do you plan on disclosing what's in your protocol?

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I published the Protocol and complete instructions on how to run it last month:


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God bless your work

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Definitely sharing this with all my love ones

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Thank you for all that you do! Much blessings!

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praying for the healing and health of you, your wife & child… praying for everyone.

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Thank you very much sister.

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This line of research needs further confirmation and analysis of what exactly the images mean (spoken by a non-medical person).

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I have covered the diagnostic methods and the controls we used in previous articles, which I encourage everyone to catch up on, if you haven't already. Primarily within these two articles:



I agree with you though, we are exploring further diagnostic methods that some of our fellow researchers have used or posited. For anyone wishing to learn more on this vitally important subject, I highly encourage them to checkout the research of Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Ana Mihalcae, La Quinta Columna, & Dr. Robert O. Young.

Matt's Microscopy is doing good work on this subject as well:


Karl.C's substack has explored some of these alternative diagnostic methods: https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/p/birefringent-nano-materials-narrowing

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Beautiful unfolding process of the nano optic hydrogel fibers where the inner core can also be observed.

Great work!

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Try urotherapy and daily prayer

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It Bears pointing out that the vast majority of the nanotechnology Insidious ingredients injected into the unwitting seems to come through pharmaceutical products. Personally, a born-again Christian for 46 years, I have not taken a pharmaceutical product in nearly that length of time, to which I completely accredit my good health.. but it disturbs me no end that the word is still not out on the ecclesiastic street that all of the products of the sorcerers are to be avoided. And that all healing comes through the Lord Jesus Christ through his own medicines and through the power of repentance. Else would these afflictions not be a whisper on the register

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Are there any 'pm' messaging systems on subtstack that you are aware of?

Otherwise I have a question and I can leave it here...

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Nope, just email:


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