"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (satan and demons), and out of the mouth of the beast (natural fleshly humanist man), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (media propaganda syndicates)." - Revelation 16:13
With their big eyes and freakish physiques, frogs are a very fitting description for the most common depiction of ETs in our modern culture. This verse also tells us it is unclean spirits posing as frogs.
You substack authors don't get to the root to creaming the demons at the ROOT. Even Zeee media does not get it -- as much as (she) appears sharp. See who this DEMONIC DEATH JAB does not effect or hurt:
Palestine--HOLY LAND OF THE BIRTH PLACE OF CHRIST AND HIS LIFE --is our turning PIVOTAL point and crossroads with the Children of God and the Children of the Devil who are taking it and defiling it even further to total ERASURE of all peoples and history (of Christ) since their inception into that part of the world:
If you have the courage, intellect and will to join at the root source, in our struggle to the death with the Demonic force we have at this time and this place, then come with us to cut clear lines with the sword of the Archangel Michael for the path we NEED to be on RIGHT NOW--in principle with the Jewish Satanic Bankers:
All we need to say to these Demonic forces: Quis Similis Domino? ("Who is like Unto the Lord" ) in His name.
With the New Glory Flag to create the UNITY and COHERENCE WE NEED for grounding our forward momentum as the Family of Man for Heaven on Earth--WE become AS ONE the CHRIST-EMPOWERED Children of God:
Contact the site and we will gladly send you the Archangel Michael inspired New Glory flag to you for the difference it will make complimentary Scipio.
We take the first step for BATTLE and God will take care of the rest.
And God bless to all who have the courage and Vision to UNITE FOR THE FAMILY OF MAN as ONE with the New Glory Flag.
Great work Scipio, and thank you. But I will also say here as I have just said under your alchemical weapon article:
"Either we will rectify this colossal error in our collective judgement by returning to Christ’s commandments, or we will consign our children and our grandchildren to yet another century of financial and spiritual debasement."
It is not enough to say, WE MUST ALSO DO as the other half of the equation of getting rid of the GREATEST SIN that has been foisted on us by the Central Bankers.
May I ask what scriptures you are basing the pre-Tribulation Rapture point on? The reason why I ask is because many churches believe in this doctrine, but when I look up their supporting scriptures it seems to be confusing the wrath of God (bowl judgements) with the persecution of the saints by the dragon. Matthew 24:3 seems to be concerning two direct questions: "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying,
[question #1 - concerning destruction of the temple] Tell us, when shall these things be? and
[question #2 - 2nd coming] what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"
"Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: AND THEN shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a TRUMPET, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." - Matthew 24:29-31 (KJV). See also Mark 13:24-27, Luke 21:25-28
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." - 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (KJV)
"Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day." - John 11:24
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33
"And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which CAME OUT OF GREAT TRIBULATION, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Revelation 7:13-14 (KJV)
You ask some great questions Joshua which I could (and will) write entire essays on. The hermeneutical approach we take, the dating of the Book of Revelation, who Israel is, whether Daniel's 70 weeks have been fulfilled or not, whether the Davidic Covenant has been fulfilled; so much really precedes this question but I will try my best to answer without becoming to verbose. The rapture is obviously going to happen, the timing is what I dispute. I will attach some other links on the subject if you are interested.
While I do believe the Bible to be the literal Word of God, not every word is to be taken in its most literal sense. Obviously there is metaphor, allegory, and symbolic language that import a meaning beyond the most literal sense of the words. Jesus calls Himself the door that all men must enter through. I don't think either of us thinks He's literally a door, or a tree, or a root, or a vine, or a lion, or bread: these things are obviously symbols. Likewise, much of the vivid language of the Olivet Discourse is clearly prophetic or apocalyptic language, a lot of the imagery being used hearkens to Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. in order to bring that symbolism to the Apostle's minds. You'll find similar language in those same prophecies of the first destruction of Jerusalem - including the LORD coming in His glory with His angels - which generally doesn't occur in the exact fashion depicted.
That said, 67-70 AD had a great deal of pretty incredible signs in the sky. According to multiple ancient historians, a comet shaped like a sword hung over Jerusalem for an entire year. Angelic armies riding flaming chariots were seen over Judea. Audible trumpets were heard in the sky. I would contend some of that was quite literally fulfilled.
Which isn't to say that 70 AD is the second advent of Christ, rather it is the fulfillment of his first advent. When Christ reads from Isaiah 61 in the Synagogue, He ends verse two before a hugely important segment: "To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God..." 70 AD is that day of vengeance that Christ, Zechariah and Malachi prophesy of, and I cover that pretty extensively in a previous essay (https://dfreality.substack.com/p/that-wicked-generation).
Christ also states some of the Apostles will live to see the Kingdom come: "For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. (Matt 16:27-28)" In Luke 9:23-27 we see that same message, importantly in verse 27: "But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God." You see similar language in Mark 8:34-38, of note in verse 38: "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
I think the most obvious bifurcation point of the Olivet Discourse is Matthew 24:34-35 and its equivalent verses in Mark and Luke: "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Because of the repeating verbiage used here (this generation) and its triplicate emphasis in the Gospels, I find it hard to not take Christ literally here. It breaks the rules of grammar and logic to assert that "this generation" actually means some distant, future generation. Its the verse that really stuck in my craw and led me to study God's Word more in depth, as the explanations I was receiving at church just wasn't making sense. After that, Christ gives tha parables of the Kingdom of Heaven that does line up quite nicely with his second advent at the end of time which is when I personally think the rapture will occur.
Thank you for the links and the thoughtful response. Being a Floridian, I found your post on "A Case Study in Controlled Opposition" and DeSantis back in March interesting.
It seems a bit strange to say Jesus came in 70 AD amid great signs and wonders in the heavens (Matt 24:29-31) without calling it the second coming. Did he gather together his elect from one end of heaven to the other at that time? Is that the 144,000?
The verses in Matt and elsewhere mention the "Last Trumpet" (7th trumpet in Revelation) and "Last Day" and after that occurs the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Jesus Christ:
"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. " - Revelation 11:15
Based on the current state of the world, it seems that Jesus is not currently reigning on earth.
I've argued my points about the pre-trib rapture with a couple local pastors already. One of them is promoting Dr. David Jeremiah's book "The Great Disappearance": 31 ways to be rapture ready. I have another book called "Not Afraid of the Antichrist": Why we don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. Needless to say, the book promoting the pre-trib rapture is by a bestselling author.
The true danger is that pastors are telling congregations they don't need to worry about the mark of the beast, that they won't be here when it shows up.
God bless you brother. I look forward to your future writings.
Great stuff, Scip. This agenda goes as far back as there have been people on the Earth.
One of the major pieces on the Killuminati's chess board has always been the E.T. They need it as another method of distraction, and also to help keep their secrets esoteric should they ever be discovered ("Nothing human could have made this!"). A massive part of their deception involves the Pyramids.
I read, years ago (back in the '90's) on a site long-since defunct, an article written by an Egyptologist who actually spent years studying the Pyramids and deciphering the hieroglyphics inside them, and what meaning from them he inferred.
It is/was his opinion, based on his intimate knowledge, that the glyphs clearly tell the following story: sometime around when humans started getting civilized near the Nile River, about 16,000 years ago -- though we have been untruthfully told it was more recently -- we encountered a race of otherworldly beings, with technology so advanced as to be incomprehensible to us. These beings flew around on devices which defied description, especially to protohumans who did not even have a common language, and performed acts that thrilled and terrified us.
Here I must add that there is a huge Masonic deception when it comes to the Pyramids. According to their story, the Pyramids were built as an approximation of a star which went supernova circa 4000 B.C. that was surrounded by three stars (Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum, in the constellation Puppis); this is where Masons get their triangle from, and why threes are so important to them. It is their belief that the nova star was Lucifer (Osiris) being cast down to Earth (and why they add ~4000 years to their Masonic calendars), and where he landed. This also explains why the highest-level Masons think they must spend three (once again) days inside Giza, where they are "reborn" -- all of this in mockery of Jesus -- with the knowledge obtained from their new god, Lucifer, into a divine state. This same idea is prevalent in other ancient texts, that of man elevating himself above God; it is not a strictly Mason one, by the way. However, this entire story is myth and misdirection by these people I have mentioned (and many I have not), for their real motivation is to always hide the truth, as you will see.
Getting back to the Egyptologists' story, the alien beings depicted on the walls claimed to be from the left (or eastern) most of the three stars on Orion's Belt, which they called Alnitak, with Alnilam and Mintaka completing the trifecta (there is a even an open shaft above King Tut's tomb which points directly at Alnitak). Having no other way to visualize this for posterity, the visitors instructed the Egyptians in building monuments to their trinary as it is seen from Earth, using their unearthly tools to do so; for you must understand, at the time the first pyramid was being built, most men were still painting on walls, there are almost no surviving languages and barely any tools left from that long ago. All of the hieroglyphs were exquisitely designed and etched before placement -- not chiseled on years later, for nothing comparable would be found for thousands of years and in a different country (Peru) entirely. The aliens had to be certain these structures would be built; they are landmarks.
You see, these Alnitakans also left, going back from whence they came, leaving behind knowledge and tools that even to this day are not understood -- and said they would be back again, which is where The Second Coming derives. It is this evidence, which was only revealed to those ancient people, that is the closely guarded secret power, the so-called relics. This is why the Killuminati wants the rest of us who will never know about this dead. It is not that they want this world for themselves; for obviously if they did they would care for it and its people, because they have to live here too; no, what they want is a seat on that spaceship when it gets here, as ironically space might be limited on the return flight!
Seriously, however, part of how our primitive culture has always included blood sacrifices to those considered gods has been falsely attributed to the Alnitakans (and the Incas/Mayans), but nowhere in the glyphs does this portray this concept as theirs. This is where the evil ones who are trying to usurp our Lord have insinuated their ways into their version of the story, to justify their behavior, and must not be taken otherwise. Blood sacrifice is nothing Godly (nor alienly either, apparently).
So, this is why we have people who call themselves "The Chosen Ones," for they behold the knowledge -- actual proof -- that there are more evolved beings than us in this galaxy, and that whenever they return these people want to show them they are "on their level," or at least the level they left behind, indeed, that they are no longer lowly humans. They think the Alnitakans will allow them to become them, like gods, and share everything... but only for the very fortunate. Only the ones who end up, literally, holding the tickets, which are scarce.
This is because of the last part of this story: according to the hieroglyphs, the pyramids will be the meeting places when the Alnitakans return, and as is evident, eight billion of us are not going to fit in there (just imagine what that would be like), so only a certain number will be making the trip back to Alnitak. Who is it going to be? And when do they believe this will happen?
According to the Alnitakans, it took them 8000 years to travel here, and that long to return; so, if this is the case then the time is drawing nigh. They could be here in the very near future. Thus, like kids madly cleaning their houses after they have had a big party while their parents were away for the weekend, the Killuminati want everything looking clean and orderly, the best of the best, when our guests arrive. Their view is that all of us who are not them -- every Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, it does not matter -- has to bugger off, because only their god is worthy. I personally am of the opinion that whenever these aliens do get back they might not be alone; would you be, if you were them, based on what they saw here?
Whatever has or will happen no one knows but our true God, and when it is His will, it will be revealed to us. Strange desert rats scrawling unknown symbols into rock which did not come from that desert aside, we have no word from God to corroborate their stories, so it must all be considered the word of the other. And how he lies.
I do believe a fair percent of the read in crowd legit believe that they are in contact with the greys or whatever have you, not realizing what they are actually in communion with. C.S. Lewis has a sci-fi novel where the premise is fairly similar, bad guys take orders from a disembodied head that is supposedly revivified through transhuman like technology, but is in fact possessed by a demon.
I do find it interesting how diametrically opposed these alien creation myths are to Genesis. How desperately does the enemy yearn to break free from the habitations set forth for him by our LORD.
Well the dead giveaway to the whole alien Pyramids scam is when you know the Master Mason ritual that involves their being entombed inside Giza for 72 hours, after which he has been "reborn." Another is why are these Pyramids needed? It is satan (I refuse to capitalize that word) mocking and defiling Jesus and the Bible, for to be reborn in Lucifer (whom I will capitalize, as it is the name given him by our Lord) is to be against our being born again through Our Savior.
(I should add here that even Aristotle himself was "reborn" in Giza before he started his lectures and writings. The adversary has long had his hands in what we have been taught, and by whom.)
They fact is, they had to come up with a deception to explain why these monuments were built, at first in the middle of the desert but later throughout history in other sites worldwide (like the obelisks in DC, London, Jerusalem, etc.). Obviously it was not meant for the good of all men or it would not need secrecy; only those doing evil need to stay hidden.
It is another way Lucifer and his minions use to deflect their inhuman behavior -- !ALIENS! -- while they dig underground synagogue tunnels and such surreptitiously, and kill Christians by the millions.
I do believe a fair percent of the read in crowd legit believe that they are in contact with the greys or whatever have you, not realizing what they are actually in communion with. C.S. Lewis has a sci-fi novel where the premise is fairly similar, bad guys take orders from a disembodied head that is supposedly revivified through transhuman like technology, but is in fact possessed by a demon.
I do find it interesting how diametrically opposed these alien creation myths are to Genesis. How desperately does the enemy yearn to break free from the habitations set forth for him by our LORD.
Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (CA) gave a sermon while the US Congress held hearings last year on UFOs/UAPs and reached your same conclusion.
Very thorough explanation, having encountered a hubrid about ten years ago I can attest to its demonic nature. They don’t want you to know you have a real solution in Jesus Christ.
Excellent article, intriguing observations, my 2p worth, to have extra "terras" on the same plane that are hidden and possibly not carbon based , is my research so far.
Frequency of visits and the metaphysics observed suggest it's
" life Jim,but not as we know it"
5 sense tech intervention, meta data interception and modification and other " magik tricks" through the main "back of the neck" matrix highway by "visually shielded devices" Thule tech and raptors for example may be involved.
Powers and principalities are real. Taking time to try to get up into the Spirit is so essential. It's so easy to fall back into "reality" and get totally bummed out. Nice work.
Narrative crafting by TPTB is clear. Whatever they are, we need them in hand available for full inspection and analysis by society. Even with all the chatter, we still don't have one. That's just like a virus, lots of talk, none in hand. Keep going Scipio!
"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (satan and demons), and out of the mouth of the beast (natural fleshly humanist man), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (media propaganda syndicates)." - Revelation 16:13
With their big eyes and freakish physiques, frogs are a very fitting description for the most common depiction of ETs in our modern culture. This verse also tells us it is unclean spirits posing as frogs.
You substack authors don't get to the root to creaming the demons at the ROOT. Even Zeee media does not get it -- as much as (she) appears sharp. See who this DEMONIC DEATH JAB does not effect or hurt:
And is your spirit resonating and aligned to the two great Commandments Christ gave us as the WHOLE LAW of God?:
Palestine--HOLY LAND OF THE BIRTH PLACE OF CHRIST AND HIS LIFE --is our turning PIVOTAL point and crossroads with the Children of God and the Children of the Devil who are taking it and defiling it even further to total ERASURE of all peoples and history (of Christ) since their inception into that part of the world:
If you have the courage, intellect and will to join at the root source, in our struggle to the death with the Demonic force we have at this time and this place, then come with us to cut clear lines with the sword of the Archangel Michael for the path we NEED to be on RIGHT NOW--in principle with the Jewish Satanic Bankers:
All we need to say to these Demonic forces: Quis Similis Domino? ("Who is like Unto the Lord" ) in His name.
With the New Glory Flag to create the UNITY and COHERENCE WE NEED for grounding our forward momentum as the Family of Man for Heaven on Earth--WE become AS ONE the CHRIST-EMPOWERED Children of God:
Contact the site and we will gladly send you the Archangel Michael inspired New Glory flag to you for the difference it will make complimentary Scipio.
We take the first step for BATTLE and God will take care of the rest.
And God bless to all who have the courage and Vision to UNITE FOR THE FAMILY OF MAN as ONE with the New Glory Flag.
Hey there UF, I assume you’re new to my work. I’ve called out the Synagogue of Satan and their banker allies quite frequently:
Great work Scipio, and thank you. But I will also say here as I have just said under your alchemical weapon article:
"Either we will rectify this colossal error in our collective judgement by returning to Christ’s commandments, or we will consign our children and our grandchildren to yet another century of financial and spiritual debasement."
It is not enough to say, WE MUST ALSO DO as the other half of the equation of getting rid of the GREATEST SIN that has been foisted on us by the Central Bankers.
Peace Planet Party Way:
https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=touchable+blue+beam+holograms&atb=v223-1&ia=web.... " my kingdom is not of this world " Jesus... we are souls made in Gods good image and likeness ,,, please God of goodness truth , grace and love help us all return to you
May I ask what scriptures you are basing the pre-Tribulation Rapture point on? The reason why I ask is because many churches believe in this doctrine, but when I look up their supporting scriptures it seems to be confusing the wrath of God (bowl judgements) with the persecution of the saints by the dragon. Matthew 24:3 seems to be concerning two direct questions: "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying,
[question #1 - concerning destruction of the temple] Tell us, when shall these things be? and
[question #2 - 2nd coming] what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"
Concerning question #2 - 2nd coming [emphasis mine]:
"Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: AND THEN shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a TRUMPET, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." - Matthew 24:29-31 (KJV). See also Mark 13:24-27, Luke 21:25-28
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." - 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (KJV)
"Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day." - John 11:24
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33
"And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which CAME OUT OF GREAT TRIBULATION, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Revelation 7:13-14 (KJV)
You ask some great questions Joshua which I could (and will) write entire essays on. The hermeneutical approach we take, the dating of the Book of Revelation, who Israel is, whether Daniel's 70 weeks have been fulfilled or not, whether the Davidic Covenant has been fulfilled; so much really precedes this question but I will try my best to answer without becoming to verbose. The rapture is obviously going to happen, the timing is what I dispute. I will attach some other links on the subject if you are interested.
While I do believe the Bible to be the literal Word of God, not every word is to be taken in its most literal sense. Obviously there is metaphor, allegory, and symbolic language that import a meaning beyond the most literal sense of the words. Jesus calls Himself the door that all men must enter through. I don't think either of us thinks He's literally a door, or a tree, or a root, or a vine, or a lion, or bread: these things are obviously symbols. Likewise, much of the vivid language of the Olivet Discourse is clearly prophetic or apocalyptic language, a lot of the imagery being used hearkens to Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. in order to bring that symbolism to the Apostle's minds. You'll find similar language in those same prophecies of the first destruction of Jerusalem - including the LORD coming in His glory with His angels - which generally doesn't occur in the exact fashion depicted.
That said, 67-70 AD had a great deal of pretty incredible signs in the sky. According to multiple ancient historians, a comet shaped like a sword hung over Jerusalem for an entire year. Angelic armies riding flaming chariots were seen over Judea. Audible trumpets were heard in the sky. I would contend some of that was quite literally fulfilled.
Which isn't to say that 70 AD is the second advent of Christ, rather it is the fulfillment of his first advent. When Christ reads from Isaiah 61 in the Synagogue, He ends verse two before a hugely important segment: "To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God..." 70 AD is that day of vengeance that Christ, Zechariah and Malachi prophesy of, and I cover that pretty extensively in a previous essay (https://dfreality.substack.com/p/that-wicked-generation).
Christ also states some of the Apostles will live to see the Kingdom come: "For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. (Matt 16:27-28)" In Luke 9:23-27 we see that same message, importantly in verse 27: "But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God." You see similar language in Mark 8:34-38, of note in verse 38: "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
I think the most obvious bifurcation point of the Olivet Discourse is Matthew 24:34-35 and its equivalent verses in Mark and Luke: "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Because of the repeating verbiage used here (this generation) and its triplicate emphasis in the Gospels, I find it hard to not take Christ literally here. It breaks the rules of grammar and logic to assert that "this generation" actually means some distant, future generation. Its the verse that really stuck in my craw and led me to study God's Word more in depth, as the explanations I was receiving at church just wasn't making sense. After that, Christ gives tha parables of the Kingdom of Heaven that does line up quite nicely with his second advent at the end of time which is when I personally think the rapture will occur.
Hope that answered your questions, God Bless.
Thank you for the links and the thoughtful response. Being a Floridian, I found your post on "A Case Study in Controlled Opposition" and DeSantis back in March interesting.
It seems a bit strange to say Jesus came in 70 AD amid great signs and wonders in the heavens (Matt 24:29-31) without calling it the second coming. Did he gather together his elect from one end of heaven to the other at that time? Is that the 144,000?
The verses in Matt and elsewhere mention the "Last Trumpet" (7th trumpet in Revelation) and "Last Day" and after that occurs the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Jesus Christ:
"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. " - Revelation 11:15
Based on the current state of the world, it seems that Jesus is not currently reigning on earth.
I've argued my points about the pre-trib rapture with a couple local pastors already. One of them is promoting Dr. David Jeremiah's book "The Great Disappearance": 31 ways to be rapture ready. I have another book called "Not Afraid of the Antichrist": Why we don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. Needless to say, the book promoting the pre-trib rapture is by a bestselling author.
The true danger is that pastors are telling congregations they don't need to worry about the mark of the beast, that they won't be here when it shows up.
God bless you brother. I look forward to your future writings.
Great stuff, Scip. This agenda goes as far back as there have been people on the Earth.
One of the major pieces on the Killuminati's chess board has always been the E.T. They need it as another method of distraction, and also to help keep their secrets esoteric should they ever be discovered ("Nothing human could have made this!"). A massive part of their deception involves the Pyramids.
I read, years ago (back in the '90's) on a site long-since defunct, an article written by an Egyptologist who actually spent years studying the Pyramids and deciphering the hieroglyphics inside them, and what meaning from them he inferred.
It is/was his opinion, based on his intimate knowledge, that the glyphs clearly tell the following story: sometime around when humans started getting civilized near the Nile River, about 16,000 years ago -- though we have been untruthfully told it was more recently -- we encountered a race of otherworldly beings, with technology so advanced as to be incomprehensible to us. These beings flew around on devices which defied description, especially to protohumans who did not even have a common language, and performed acts that thrilled and terrified us.
Here I must add that there is a huge Masonic deception when it comes to the Pyramids. According to their story, the Pyramids were built as an approximation of a star which went supernova circa 4000 B.C. that was surrounded by three stars (Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum, in the constellation Puppis); this is where Masons get their triangle from, and why threes are so important to them. It is their belief that the nova star was Lucifer (Osiris) being cast down to Earth (and why they add ~4000 years to their Masonic calendars), and where he landed. This also explains why the highest-level Masons think they must spend three (once again) days inside Giza, where they are "reborn" -- all of this in mockery of Jesus -- with the knowledge obtained from their new god, Lucifer, into a divine state. This same idea is prevalent in other ancient texts, that of man elevating himself above God; it is not a strictly Mason one, by the way. However, this entire story is myth and misdirection by these people I have mentioned (and many I have not), for their real motivation is to always hide the truth, as you will see.
Getting back to the Egyptologists' story, the alien beings depicted on the walls claimed to be from the left (or eastern) most of the three stars on Orion's Belt, which they called Alnitak, with Alnilam and Mintaka completing the trifecta (there is a even an open shaft above King Tut's tomb which points directly at Alnitak). Having no other way to visualize this for posterity, the visitors instructed the Egyptians in building monuments to their trinary as it is seen from Earth, using their unearthly tools to do so; for you must understand, at the time the first pyramid was being built, most men were still painting on walls, there are almost no surviving languages and barely any tools left from that long ago. All of the hieroglyphs were exquisitely designed and etched before placement -- not chiseled on years later, for nothing comparable would be found for thousands of years and in a different country (Peru) entirely. The aliens had to be certain these structures would be built; they are landmarks.
You see, these Alnitakans also left, going back from whence they came, leaving behind knowledge and tools that even to this day are not understood -- and said they would be back again, which is where The Second Coming derives. It is this evidence, which was only revealed to those ancient people, that is the closely guarded secret power, the so-called relics. This is why the Killuminati wants the rest of us who will never know about this dead. It is not that they want this world for themselves; for obviously if they did they would care for it and its people, because they have to live here too; no, what they want is a seat on that spaceship when it gets here, as ironically space might be limited on the return flight!
Seriously, however, part of how our primitive culture has always included blood sacrifices to those considered gods has been falsely attributed to the Alnitakans (and the Incas/Mayans), but nowhere in the glyphs does this portray this concept as theirs. This is where the evil ones who are trying to usurp our Lord have insinuated their ways into their version of the story, to justify their behavior, and must not be taken otherwise. Blood sacrifice is nothing Godly (nor alienly either, apparently).
So, this is why we have people who call themselves "The Chosen Ones," for they behold the knowledge -- actual proof -- that there are more evolved beings than us in this galaxy, and that whenever they return these people want to show them they are "on their level," or at least the level they left behind, indeed, that they are no longer lowly humans. They think the Alnitakans will allow them to become them, like gods, and share everything... but only for the very fortunate. Only the ones who end up, literally, holding the tickets, which are scarce.
This is because of the last part of this story: according to the hieroglyphs, the pyramids will be the meeting places when the Alnitakans return, and as is evident, eight billion of us are not going to fit in there (just imagine what that would be like), so only a certain number will be making the trip back to Alnitak. Who is it going to be? And when do they believe this will happen?
According to the Alnitakans, it took them 8000 years to travel here, and that long to return; so, if this is the case then the time is drawing nigh. They could be here in the very near future. Thus, like kids madly cleaning their houses after they have had a big party while their parents were away for the weekend, the Killuminati want everything looking clean and orderly, the best of the best, when our guests arrive. Their view is that all of us who are not them -- every Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, it does not matter -- has to bugger off, because only their god is worthy. I personally am of the opinion that whenever these aliens do get back they might not be alone; would you be, if you were them, based on what they saw here?
Whatever has or will happen no one knows but our true God, and when it is His will, it will be revealed to us. Strange desert rats scrawling unknown symbols into rock which did not come from that desert aside, we have no word from God to corroborate their stories, so it must all be considered the word of the other. And how he lies.
I do believe a fair percent of the read in crowd legit believe that they are in contact with the greys or whatever have you, not realizing what they are actually in communion with. C.S. Lewis has a sci-fi novel where the premise is fairly similar, bad guys take orders from a disembodied head that is supposedly revivified through transhuman like technology, but is in fact possessed by a demon.
I do find it interesting how diametrically opposed these alien creation myths are to Genesis. How desperately does the enemy yearn to break free from the habitations set forth for him by our LORD.
Well the dead giveaway to the whole alien Pyramids scam is when you know the Master Mason ritual that involves their being entombed inside Giza for 72 hours, after which he has been "reborn." Another is why are these Pyramids needed? It is satan (I refuse to capitalize that word) mocking and defiling Jesus and the Bible, for to be reborn in Lucifer (whom I will capitalize, as it is the name given him by our Lord) is to be against our being born again through Our Savior.
(I should add here that even Aristotle himself was "reborn" in Giza before he started his lectures and writings. The adversary has long had his hands in what we have been taught, and by whom.)
They fact is, they had to come up with a deception to explain why these monuments were built, at first in the middle of the desert but later throughout history in other sites worldwide (like the obelisks in DC, London, Jerusalem, etc.). Obviously it was not meant for the good of all men or it would not need secrecy; only those doing evil need to stay hidden.
It is another way Lucifer and his minions use to deflect their inhuman behavior -- !ALIENS! -- while they dig underground synagogue tunnels and such surreptitiously, and kill Christians by the millions.
I do believe a fair percent of the read in crowd legit believe that they are in contact with the greys or whatever have you, not realizing what they are actually in communion with. C.S. Lewis has a sci-fi novel where the premise is fairly similar, bad guys take orders from a disembodied head that is supposedly revivified through transhuman like technology, but is in fact possessed by a demon.
I do find it interesting how diametrically opposed these alien creation myths are to Genesis. How desperately does the enemy yearn to break free from the habitations set forth for him by our LORD.
Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (CA) gave a sermon while the US Congress held hearings last year on UFOs/UAPs and reached your same conclusion.
I'll have to find that sermon, thanks.
Very thorough explanation, having encountered a hubrid about ten years ago I can attest to its demonic nature. They don’t want you to know you have a real solution in Jesus Christ.
Well now you gotta spill the beans haha
sort of overwhelmed right now but thinking about doing a post on this.
Excellent article, intriguing observations, my 2p worth, to have extra "terras" on the same plane that are hidden and possibly not carbon based , is my research so far.
Frequency of visits and the metaphysics observed suggest it's
" life Jim,but not as we know it"
5 sense tech intervention, meta data interception and modification and other " magik tricks" through the main "back of the neck" matrix highway by "visually shielded devices" Thule tech and raptors for example may be involved.
In any case, no NWO.
Fascinating more tremendous work from Scipio. Also thank you for letting me share my UFO encounter.
Appreciate you for letting me share it brother!
Powers and principalities are real. Taking time to try to get up into the Spirit is so essential. It's so easy to fall back into "reality" and get totally bummed out. Nice work.
Thank you and indeed, our true battleground is the spiritual one.
Narrative crafting by TPTB is clear. Whatever they are, we need them in hand available for full inspection and analysis by society. Even with all the chatter, we still don't have one. That's just like a virus, lots of talk, none in hand. Keep going Scipio!
Xenobiology makes virology look like a serious field.