“I certainly believe in aliens in space, and that they are indeed visiting our planet.
They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities.”
— Senator Barry Morris Goldwater,
Freemason (33°, Arizona Lodge #2)
Previous Entry
No matter the time or place, humanity’s gaze has inexorably been drawn to the stars. While mainstream academia purports to understand our cosmos with ever increasing accuracy, the sciences are mired in just as much mysticism and myth-making as the ancient practitioners of their craft. The once unassailable creation myths of the primeval atom theory and the theory of relativity lay crumbling beneath the weight of their mounting inconsistencies. With the farcical notion of “space-time” thoroughly uncloaked, new theories are required to explain the alien phenomenon, one that by all appearances is becoming more and more frequent. Indeed, once explored thoroughly, it is abundantly clear that these sightings are not a new phenomenon at all. Rather, they are on old occurrence given new life in the fading glow of the Big-Bang & evolution mythology.
The first part of this exposé extended these inquiries into our cosmological underpinnings even further, traversing the clandestine corridors where advanced physics, “extraterrestrial” (ET) encounters, and anti-gravity pursuits converge. Dr. Brown's electrogravitic discoveries dispels the purposeful deception that such technologies could only be gleaned at the hands of otherworldly intelligences. Furthermore, the true nature of gravity — and therefore, levitation — has been fully weaponized by the Regime. Such technologies do a great deal to explain the sightings of gravity-defying vehicles such as the “tic-tac” or the infamous “foo fighters”. The grand spectacle of the intergalactic narrative thusly unravels, shedding its extraterrestrial veneer, leaving a lingering query in its fading glow — what are these beings, and where do they come from?
— Alleged alien mummies on display in Mexico’s congress.
Despite a dearth of tangible evidence, totally uncritical stenographers in the mass media dispense fanciful tales “proving” the existence of alien life on a seemingly monthly basis. Last year it was Mexican aliens, pitiful paper mache dolls that were quickly proven as a ruse. The latest proof? Supposed gas signatures that could potentially be from organic life. You can trust NASA folks, aliens are real, and we have their farts to prove it!
No, E.T. is not flatulating on some far off planet: these visitors are much more local in origin.
“We are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the earth….
I do not believe anymore that UFOs are simply the spacecraft of some race of extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded history, and the structure of the information exchanged with them during contact.”
— Jacques Vallée, UFOlogist
In the earliest days of UFOlogy, two dueling theories quickly emerged as plausible explanations to the genesis of this phenomenon: the interdimensional versus extraterrestrial hypotheses. The extraterrestrial theory has been the predominant theory promulgated by the Regime’s appendages in the media and military. Yet, for veteran UFO researchers like John Keel, this theory eventually crumbled in the face of the evidence (emphasis mine):
I abandoned the extraterrestrial hypothesis in 1967 when my own field investigations disclosed an astonishing overlap between psychic phenomena and UFOs...
The objects and apparitions do not necessarily originate on another planet and may not even exist as permanent constructions of matter. It is more likely that we see what we want to see and interpret such visions according to our contemporary beliefs.
— John Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse
Noted astronomer and UFO researcher Josef Allen Hynek notes an equally problematic discrepancy in France’s premier UFO journal (emphasis mine):
Hynek: [The extraterrestrial] theory runs up against a very big difficulty, namely, that we are seeing too many UFOs. The Earth is only a spot of dust in the Universe. Why should it be honored with so many visits?
Interviewer: Then what is your hypothesis?
Hynek: I am more inclined to think in terms of something metaterrestrial, a sort of parallel reality.
— Lumières dans la Nuit, Issue #168, October 1977
Hynek is merely describing in materialistic terms what Christianity has preached for millennia: that there is an unseen realm at work in our cosmos.
While the scant “evidence” for ETs almost entirely consists of governmental testimony and radar footage from military aircraft, even their data corroborates the metaphysical, or I would argue, spiritual nature of these craft. There has not been a single radar sighting of a UFO entering Earth’s alleged atmosphere — not one. Additionally, there has never been a sonic boom recorded after the physics defying feats of these crafts. This evidence, rather than bolstering the US government’s ET narrative, further points towards the reality that these craft are not interacting with the material realm at all.
Quite simply put, classified technology can only explain some of these phenomenon, as many of these UFO’s seemingly do not interact with or conform to our physical reality.
— Pentagon and MoD officials feared UFOs were either ‘demonic or sent by God, former investigators reveal.
— First-hand testimony of a “UFO” encounter ended by prayer through Jesus Christ’s name. Rural New Mexico, 2017. (Raul Hilliard of the FirmaMental Podcast)
One of the most underreported aspects of “alien” and UFO encounters is the outright religious and occult undertones infused in the events themselves. Surveys have consistently shown that abduction activity often precedes or follows occult and “New Age” activities (Bates, Pg. 336). Prolific UFOlogist Jacques Vallée has noted the shocking similarities between the abduction phenomenon and historic accounts of encounters with spiritual beings (emphasis mine):
I pointed out in Invisible College that the structure of abduction stories was identical to that of occult rituals. I had shown in Passport to Magonia that contact with [aliens] was only a modern extension of contact with non-human consciousness in the form of angels, demons, elves, and sylphs. Such contact includes abduction, ordeal (including surgical operations), and sexual intercourse with the aliens. It often leaves marks and scars on the body and the mind, as do UFO abductions.
The channeling rituals described by Vallée are nearly identical to the occult rituals performed by infamous practitioners such as Aleister Crowley and Helena Blavatsky. Crowley, in his arcane dalliance with the entity known as LAM, conjures a figure that straddles the line between interdimensional guide and the stuff of nightmares. LAM, or Aiwass, is depicted as an androgynous, spectral being — Lucifer incarnate. Within the cryptic verses of the Book of the Law, the elusive Aiwass takes center stage as the alleged source of Crowley’s “divine” revelations.
Helena Blavatsky, via Theosophy, spins a similar narrative of ascended masters and hidden mahatmas. According to Blavatsky, these intergalactic intelligences bestowed their cosmic wisdom upon her as the seeker of their esoteric truths. The Secret Doctrine, the essential tome of Theosophical dogma, delves into this supposed cosmic evolution and the hidden machinations of ethereal intelligences warring over the Earth. This message is fundamentally the same as many alien cults, such as those of the followers of Ramtha. According to J.Z. Knight, the founder of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, the alien Ramtha possessed Knight and told him that Yahweh and his army of reptilians are preparing to invade our realm. Like the Gnostics, the followers of Ramtha and other alien cults are preaching a total inversion of the Gospel.
— Crowley’s depiction of the non-corporeal being LAM/Aiwass.
John Keel, author of the legendary book The Mothman Prophecies, further drives home for us how little abduction/channeling experiences differ from demonic possession (emphasis mine):
The manifestations and occurrences described in this imposing literature are similar, if not entirely identical, to the UFO phenomenon itself. Victims of demonomania (possession) suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contactees…
The devil and his demons can, according to the literature, manifest themselves in almost any form and can physically imitate anything from angels to horrifying monsters with glowing eyes. Strange objects and entities materialize and dematerialize in these stories, just as the UFOs and their splendid occupants appear and disappear, walk through walls, and perform other supernatural feats.
— John Keel
Much like the messages reported during demonic attacks, the messages of these “space brothers” are a fundamentally anti-Christical one (emphasis mine):
I believe the [aliens] view of future events and their concept of the Second Coming strikes at the very core of Christianity itself. Virtually every extraterrestrial message I know today denies what the church has always called the blessed “hope:” Jesus’ personal, physical return to Earth that the Bible refers to more than five hundred times.
… after reading literally thousands of messages from the space brothers … and carefully analyzing their views of the Second Coming, the coming millennium, new age, Armageddon, the rapture, and the new Jerusalem, I am convinced that these entities are trying to sell humanity one of the biggest deceptions of all time.
— Bill Alnor, UFO researcher
The Messiah alone — not Muhammad, not Buddha — bears the unique ire and derision of the twisted gospel preached during these interdimensional assaults. One must ask, if these beings were truly “extraterrestrials”, why do they so loathe the Risen King?
The Apostle Paul warns us in his second epistle to the Corinthians that this is “no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness.” Alien abductions, shrouded in the cloak of extraterrestrial intrigue, cease to be mere cosmic encounters in light of these facts. Instead, they metamorphose into a malevolent deception, a dark opera that not only denies the divinity of Christ but serves as a clandestine assault on the very fabric of spiritual Truth. As the cosmic curtain rises, the ominous revelation comes to light: these purported interstellar abductions, rather than cosmic explorations, are in fact insidious maneuvers in spiritual warfare aimed at undermining the eternal foundation of Christ's divinity.
According to abduction researcher Wes Clark, this stunning data point also emerged in his investigations of abductee testimonies (emphasis mine):
As the number of cases mounted, the data showed that in every instance where the victim knew to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, the event stopped. Period. The evidence was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.
The reality of the spiritual nature of these assaults and the power that Christ’s name has to end them was so compelling that Wes Clark would eventually convert to Christianity. John Keel also notes not just the similarities between the ritual experience of abductions/channeling and demonic possession, but even the deities invoked in each (emphasis mine):
Thousands of mediums, psychics, and UFO contactees have been receiving mountains of messages from “Ashtar” in recent years…
Ashtar is not a new arrival. Variations of this name, such as Astaroth, Ashar, Asharoth, etc., appear in demonological literature throughout history, both in the Orient and Occident. Mr. Ashtar had been around a very long time, posing as assorted gods and demons and now, in the modern phase, as another glorious spaceman.
— John Keel, UFO’s: Operation Trojan Horse
While Mr. Keel ascribes the male gender to this being, this entity is in fact female, or the closest demonic equivalent to it. Astaroth, or Astarte, is a pagan deity seen throughout the Mideast; the localization of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. Astaroth and her fellow interdimensional allies have also consistently preached a message of unification during these encounters: a new world order — one ruled by their enlightened pupils.
Once again, our road leads us back to Babel and Nimrod’s blasphemous dynasty.
“Someone remarked that the best way to unite all the nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet. In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their UNITY of interest and purpose.
We have the next thing to that at the present time.”
— John Dewey,
American Philosopher & Psychologist
While the Regime vociferously denied the alien phenomenon for decades, their apparatchiks were continuously helping foment belief in ET’s via fantastical tales of secret alien alliances, ET corpses, and exotic interstellar technologies. The very origin of the term “UFO” is attributed to Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, the former chief of the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book. Everything about the alien craze is government manufactured — from the terminology to the “whistlewblower” testimonies. The most recent whistleblower of note, Dave Grusch, has stated “I was an intelligence officer for 14 years, behind the curtain, if you will.” He has also claimed that the US government has recovered numerous non-human entities from these crashes. On the one hand, the government denies contact with alien lifeforms: yet on the other, their agents continually disseminate tales to the contrary in front of Congress.
One of the most revealing looks at this shell game being played by the Regime is the story of Paul Bennewitz. The concerned Mr. Bennewitz reported what he thought was UFO activity to a nearby Air Force base. What followed was years of mental terror, gaslighting, and psychological torture; eventually destroying his marriage and driving Paul Bennewitz mad. William Leonard Moore, a noted UFOlogist & author, admitted to colluding with Air Force OSI to drive Bennewitz to the point of this mental breakdown through gaslighting and planting of evidence. For years these government cutouts and intel operatives terrorized a man into thinking interstellar assassins were after him, knowing full well such tall tales were untrue. It is highly incongruent behavior for the Regime to create a fictional narrative about the existence of aliens when they are also allegedly scared of alien existence leaking. This story further underscores how rife the UFO movement is with outright government operatives, disinfo agents, and known hoaxsters, such as Bob Lazar.
Naturally, in light of decades of double-speak, deception, and confusion, sorting the true fact from fiction in this tale is a daunting task. However, the underlying message being spread by the Regime propaganda is essentially a uniform one: only by uniting humanity under one banner could some outside alien threat be stopped. The Gypper outright said as much during his 1987 speech to the UN General Assembly:
Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.
— President Ronald Reagan (Freemason)
This gambit — according to Werner Von Braun’s former assistant, Carol Rosin — is precisely the ploy that lies as the option of last resort (emphasis mine):
First the Russians are going to be the next enemy then asteroids. And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. 'And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We're going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,' and all of it, he said, is a lie.
Like any proper never ending war, the Regime needs a villain. So much the better one that can be used by all the crooked cartels ruling our countries. Masonic politicians, Masonic presidents, occult devotees, and alien-possessed psychics all agree: one world government is the only answer in the face of the alien advance.

— A century of predictive programming priming the psychological pump. Source: (Top Left) War of the Worlds, (Top Right) Watchmen, (Bottom Left) Close Encounters of the Third Kind, (Bottom Right) Independence Day.
“We all know that UFOs are real. All we need to ask is where do they come from, and what do they want?”
— Cpt. Edgar Mitchell,
Apollo 13 & 14 Astronaut, Freemason (Artesia Lodge #29)
The Regime’s knowledge of the true nature of these beings is one that is impossible to reconcile with their decades long psychological operation against us. The electrical nature of gravity and the sheer impossibility of interstellar travel by aliens are inescapable physical realities. Our taskmasters, evil though they may be, are by no means stupid. Our soulless friends at DARPA know these physical principles just as much Tesla or Dr. Brown did, having weaponized electrogravitics long ago. The furtherance of farcical ideas such as ETs, wormholes, and warp drives leaves us the glaring question: why the lie?
The prevailing theories on the endgame for this ruse generally go something like this:
Mass alien abductions will be used as an excuse to cover up the pre-Tribulation Rapture.
Alien diseases/invasion will be used as an excuse to cover up the jab genocide.
A Project Blue Beam-style alien invasion will be faked, and per Von Braun, used to fund yet more military spending and space-based boondoggles.
AND/OR an alien invasion will be staged in order to scare humanity into forming the New World Order.
Considering the Great Tribulation spoken of by Christ in Matthew 24:21 refers to the period preceding the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD, I very much doubt any alien invasion will be used to cover that up. Out of the remaining possibilities, I view the last theory as the most likely, although still highly unlikely. But hey, they’ve conned the world into believing crazier things before — like being scared of an alleged illness with a 99.96% recovery rate.
Clearly, enough intellectual groundwork has been laid the last century through government propaganda to prepare the populace for such a bombastic gambit. Although truly, no such attack or ploy ever needs to be made. The time wasting potential of the alien rabbit hole alone is of immense value to a regime dead set on running out the clock on the fiat ponzi scheme. Additionally, the spiritual narratives inherent to the extraterrestrial myth only help to further the luciferian mythos at the heart of the New World Order — from Big Bang cosmology, to evolution, to occultism.
— The Alien Agenda II, 2024, digital art.
The implications of this cosmic subversion are profound and unsettling.
Beyond the surface of alien encounters lies a sinister agenda — a demonic stratagem seeking to erode the bedrock of the Christian faith. As the extraterrestrial narrative continues to gain traction, the Gospel becomes collateral damage in a purposely engineered cosmic charade. It is in this celestial theater — one where the battle lines were drawn long ago — that the abductees serve as unwitting pawns in a spiritual chess game that transcends the ages. This only further underscores the depraved and luciferian nature of our rulers as they continue to ply the public with practiced lies regarding the origin of this phenomenon.
Prolific theologians Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon ask the salient questions to these profound testimonies:
… how credible is it to think that literally thousands of extraterrestrials would fly millions or billions of light-years simply to teach New Age philosophy, deny Christianity, and support the occult…
Why would they consistently lie about things which we know are true, and why would they purposefully deceive their contacts?
To comprehend the gravity of this cosmic assault, one must delve into the annals of religious warfare and spiritual subversion. Demons, now relegated to the shadows of myth and superstition in our so-called enlightened civilization, find a new battlefield in the cosmic theater of abductions. Their modus operandi is not one of brute force but of insidious suggestion — a subtle, psychological assault on the core tenets of Christianity. As noted UFOlogists and abduction researchers will attest, the differences between demonic attacks and alien abductions, between channeling and possession, can scarcely be reckoned.
In this crucible of cosmic scrutiny, the shadows of disbelief stretch across the cosmic canvas, unveiling a profound realization: the cosmic narrative, once adorned with extraterrestrial lifeforms, stands at the precipice of a much needed revision.
As the intellectual scaffolding of the Big Bang and the Theory of Relativity crumbles, a new dawn beckons — a cosmic narrative stripped of its alien deceptions and shown for its true nature:
The Alien Agenda is nothing less than a demonic assault upon the eternal Kingship of Christ.
— Wernher Von Braun’s tombstone. Gloating, or a guilty conscience?
“8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”
— Epistle to the Galatians 1:8-9 KJV
Very thorough explanation, having encountered a hubrid about ten years ago I can attest to its demonic nature. They don’t want you to know you have a real solution in Jesus Christ.
Fascinating more tremendous work from Scipio. Also thank you for letting me share my UFO encounter.