“In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena.
I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs, and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject.”
— President Gerald Ford,
Freemason (33°, Columbia Lodge No. 3)
From the cradle of civilization, tales of extraordinary beings — even flying craft of immense speed and grandeur — have remained a constant fixture of our cultural milieu. In 2022, hundreds of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sightings were allegedly identified by the Pentagon. However, these incredible sightings are hardly a new phenomenon, even within America (emphasis mine):
Unknown lights, objects, and shapes have been observed in the skies for thousands of years. Reports have been handed down through the ages from many nations of the world, including India, China, Japan, England, Ireland, France, Italy, the Americas, Scandinavian countries, and Polynesia. Ancient Romans and Greeks had stories of “fiery globes” and “flying shields.” Ancient Egyptians left accounts of “circles of fire” and “flaming chariots” that sailed across the heavens. American Indians have legends of “flying canoes” and “great silvery airships.” Some of these early “vehicles” were also said to contain occupants…
The first modern wave of documented UFO sightings occurred in what became known as the “airship waves” of 1886 and 1887 in the United States.
— Alien Intrusion, Gary Bates
Interstellar travelers of a spiritual nature have been part and parcel of heliocentrism. In his 1608 novel, Sominium, Johannes Kepler wrote about a boy and his sorceress mother who received knowledge about the Moon from demonic cosmonauts. While these types of lurid tales have been present throughout world history, the frequency with which these events seem to be occurring as of late begs the question: what makes Earth so special that we are being visited on such a frequent basis?
Ever since that fateful July day in Roswell, New Mexico, aliens have become a fixture on our televisions and within American public discourse. The last few years in particular, social media has been abuzz with stories of alleged alien encounters, from the jungles of Peru to Vegas and Miami. After seemingly decades of supposed cover-ups, the U.S. Congress is now openly holding UFO disclosure hearings. The DoD has alleged that UFOs have been captured on radar, and an ever growing list of military and intelligence “whistleblowers” have corroborated these supposedly “hidden truths”. Disclosure of non-human intelligence has seemingly become a reality.
— Intel officer turned “whistleblower”, Dave Grusch, testified in 2023 before Congress that the U.S. government has access to a 40 foot tall “Tardis”-like UFO. Your tax dollars hard at work.
Meanwhile, modern cosmology is in crisis. While the connection may not seem apparent, the juxtaposition of these issues are crucial to elucidating the true nature of the Alien phenomenon. In the annals of our cosmological contemplations, where the inquisitive mind seeks answers among the stars, increasingly seismic revelations now shatter our materialistic illusions. The prevailing doctrines of the Big Bang and the Theory of Relativity — once hailed as athiestic gospels — now stand as fragile colossi; crumbling beneath the weight of their ever mounting inconsistencies. As the heliocentric tapestry unravels, the shadows cast upon the extraterrestrial narrative grow longer, unveiling a profound truth that challenges the very essence of our understanding: aliens, once deemed as plausible cosmic architects, are thus squarely thrust into the realm of spiritual phenomenon.
Firmament or not, even the mainstream scientific narratives debunk extraterrestrials. The Regime is fully aware of these facts, of the true nature of these beings, and the true physical paradigms governing our cosmos. At the very least, they have hijacked this phenomenon in order to inculcate the fear of these “intergalactic” foes into humanity for their own ends. Hunter Biden’s neighbor and good friend, Tucker Carlson, has discussed this issue perhaps more than any other mainstream media host. According to Tucker, “there's a spiritual component there that I don't fully understand.” Indeed, “aliens” are spiritual i.e. interdimensional beings, their visitations are not a new phenomenon, and this knowledge has been weaponized against us by our hegemons.
What truly is the Alien Agenda then?
These beings’ true agenda is a spiritual one, deeply nefarious in nature, and millennia in the offing.
“[Relativity is a] magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king.”
– Nikola Tesla
The intellectual bankruptcy commences with the grand spectacle of the Big Bang — a dazzling narrative of cosmic genesis at the heart of the Alien Agenda. The former head of the Jesuit Order, the current Pope Francis, has naturally endorsed both evolution and the Big Bang as compatible with Holy Scripture. This should really come as no surprise, after all it was the Jesuit priest Georges Lemaître who first published his Big Bang theory in the December 1932 edition of Popular Science. The “primeval super-atom” theory is not supported solely by the Vatican: practitioners of Kabbalah claim their texts talked of the Big Bang centuries before its propagation. This poisonous intellectual fruit certainly hasn’t fallen far from the rotten tree from whence it came.
For the last decade, data from the European Space Agency (ESA) has created an acute “crisis” in cosmology (emphasis mine):
[Data] released on March 21, 2013 from the 2009 Planck probe of the European Space Agency confirms the data from the 1989 COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) and the 2001 WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) of NASA that the universe is not isotropic and homogeneous on large scales; rather, it displays a marked anisotropy and inhomogeneity, therefore nullify the [Big Bang theory] interpretation of Einstein’s field equations that proposed isotropy and homogeneity; as well as falsifying the “inflation” theory originated in 1980 by Alan Guth as a solution to the “horizon problem,” as well as nullifying the need for Dark Matter and Dark Energy to propel expansion, as well as revealing by distinct positioning of the dipole, quadrupole and octupole harmonics of the CMB (cosmic microwave background radiation) that the famed “Axis of Evil” connecting the rim of the universe with the Earth can no longer be considered a mere artefact but is indeed in the data and shows that the CMB dipole intersects the quadrupole/octupole at the Earth’s ecliptic and equinoxes, respectively, therefore putting the Earth in a central and non-Copernican place in the universe.
— 2013 Planck data reveals non-Copernican universe: nullifies Big Bang inflation theory, Robert Sungenis
In truth, these crises have plagued modern cosmologists since Michelson-Morley failed to prove the motion of the Earth, forever changing physics. Regardless, this background radiation data poses a serious problem for the Big Bang theory (assuming it’s not being wildly misinterpreted, as Pierre-Marie Robitaille has posited). That’s also assuming the data isn’t just fabricated, which certainly wouldn’t be the first time a scandal of this magnitude has rocked the physics world.
According to Alan Guth, the famed cosmologist and father of the inflation model of the Big Bang:
The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing — zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nowhere.
In order for the astrological measurements to match with Einstein’s already leaky theory of relativity, an intellectual band-aid had to be applied: enter the inflaton. Inflatons are a “hypothetical scalar field which is conjectured to have driven cosmic inflation in the very early universe.” Hypothetical conjecture??? No wonder these priests feel comfortable parroting these theories. This isn’t science: it’s dogma.
It is on purely ideological and philosophical grounds that such implications are outright dismissed, one grounded in the centuries old Copernican Principle. This philosophical principle states Earth and humanity hold no special place of observation within the cosmos, that observations from the Earth are representative of observations from the average position anywhere in the universe. In essence, Earth’s location is meaningless, humans are not special, and our view of the cosmos is one not even unique to our own world. This arbitrary choice arose not out Copernicus’ observations or experiments, but rather his paganistic devotion to the Sun as the giver of life. Naturally, the ESA’s findings pose a serious problem for the Copernican cultists, as it and many other data points appear to show that Earth is at the center of the cosmos.
— (L) Edwin Hubble. (R) Georges Lemaître.
Astronomer Edwin Hubble is credited with discovering the rate of the universe’s expansion, alongside Lemaître. Hubble, like Copernicus, viewed the idea that Earth held a unique role in creation “intolerable” (emphasis mine):
Such a condition [i.e. red shifts] would imply that we occupy a unique position in the universe analogous, in a sense, to the ancient conception of a central earth. The hypothesis cannot be disproved but it is unwelcome…
But the unwelcome supposition of a favored location must be avoided at all costs. Such a favoured position, of course, is intolerable; moreover, it represents a discrepancy with the theory, because the theory postulates homogeneity.
— Edwin Hubbel
Hubble’s initial measurements of the Hubble constant were over 500 km/s/Mpc. In order to conform with the ever changing red-shift data, the value of the Hubble “constant” declined over 90% to about 50 km/s/Mpc, before rising to the currently accepted value of about 70 km/s/Mpc. Findings of this nature, assuming their legitimacy, have plagued the proponents of Relativity for decades.
No matter its legitimacy, data is not required to disprove the farcical notion of a universe conjured from nothing, by nothing. Their own math and simple logic can be utilized to show how bankrupt not just the Big Bang is, but much of modern physics. The physicist Stephen J. Crothers elucidates this quite succinctly for us (emphasis mine):
It is very easily proven that the black hole and the big bang contradict one another and so they are mutually exclusive. All alleged black hole solutions to Einstein’s field equations pertain to universes that are spatially infinite, are eternal, contain only one mass, are not expanding, and are asymptotically flat or asymptotically curved. But the alleged big bang universes are spatially finite (one case) or spatially infinite (two different cases), are of finite age, contain radiation and many masses (including multiple black holes, some of which are primordial), are expanding, and are not asymptotically anything (Crothers 2013). Thus black hole universes and big bang universes contradict one another. They are mutually exclusive and so they cannot co-exist. It is therefore not possible for a black hole to be present in a big bang universe or even in another black hole universe, and likewise it is not possible for a big bang universe to be present in a black hole universe or in another big bang universe. Nonetheless the astrophysical magicians superpose black hole and big bang universes notwithstanding that they are incompatible by their very definitions, and that the Principle of Superposition does not hold in General Relativity. Much of modern physics is simply manufactured in this way and so it bears no relation to the actual Universe.
— How I was expelled from the University of New South Wales
(An example of the suppression of science), Stephen J. Crothers
Indeed, computer models, equations, and reifications of intellectual concepts have taken the place of physical observations. Tesla’s lament of equations replacing experimentation has certainly come to fruition.
— The “Coke Bottle” model of the cosmos, courtesy of of the National “Science” Foundation.
Even within the mainstream paradigm, extraterrestrial visitations shatter probabilities and physics alike. The Fermi Paradox is a thought experiment that asks the obvious questions: are we the solitary bearers of technological prowess in the vast expanse of the universe, or do other advanced civilizations share the cosmic stage with us? If the latter holds true, a perplexing query emerges: Where are they? Why does the cosmic canvas, ripe with potential for traces of extraterrestrial existence, remain eerily silent, devoid of probes, planes, and transmissions?
Consider the hypothetical scenario first posited by Enrico Fermi: If a pioneering expedition, spanning a million years and involving multiple generations of intrepid alien explorers, managed to establish a new colony, the trajectory of cosmic expansion would embark on an exponential journey. The newly founded colony, in tandem with its progenitor civilization, could unleash successive waves of exploration, each culminating in the establishment of additional colonies. A mere 10 million years into this cosmic odyssey, the tapestry of the cosmos would boast 1,024 alien colonies, and with the passage of 20 million years, a staggering one million colonies would grace the celestial tableau.
Following this trajectory, a mind-boggling spectacle awaits us at the juncture of 40 million years: the proliferation of one trillion civilizations. Extrapolating further, after 15 billion years, the cosmos would teem with an overwhelming abundance of alien civilizations — and this calculation only presupposes the existence of a singular race of intelligent extraterrestrials. The Fermi Paradox, in unveiling these galactic sized probabilities, compels us to confront the enigma of cosmic silence amidst the stars.
Renowned physical chemist, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, has scrutinized yet another frequently cited piece of evidence for alien life: the purported Martian rock harboring microbial fossils. Within the rock lies magnetite, also known as lodestone — the magnetic marvel that once guided the first compasses — alongside another mineral akin to "fool’s gold." These minerals are capable of formation through either biological or non-biological processes, therefore they are not dispositive proof of anything. The juxtaposition of these minerals hints, to some, at their origin in living cells: such “proof” is speculative, at best.
Delving further, the rock reveals the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), molecules that are alleged to be found in numerous asteroids. However, a nuance must be considered: PAHs, while allegedly prevalent in space, also find their home in mundane soot or diesel exhaust, both products of Earth-bound biological processes. Dr. Sarfati's analysis should caution us to navigate the intricate landscape of astrobiological evidence with care. The so-called definitive evidence brought forward by our space agencies is anything but, and can easily be explained via processes found on Earth. Just ask Holland, such celestial sleight of hand is quite common for NASA.
“I can assure you that, given they exist, these flying saucers are made by no power on this Earth.”
— President Harry S. Truman,
Freemason (33°, Elks Lodge #26)
Equally tantalizing in this alien narrative are the stories of sophisticated government weapons and exotic anti-gravity vehicles, technology supposedly gleaned from the beings themselves. Anti-gravity propulsion flowed not from the mind of ET, but the minds of luminaries such as Nikola Tesla and Dr. Thomas Townsend Brown. Like the more well known Tesla, Dr. Brown is an equally enigmatic figure, one whose pioneering work defied the gravitational constraints that still bind conventional wisdom. At the heart of Dr. Brown's groundbreaking contributions lies the exploration of electrogravitics — an uncharted realm where electricity and gravity engage in a cosmic interplay. His experiments, conducted with a blend of scientific rigor and visionary insight, sought to unravel the secrets of antigravity, transcending the boundaries of Newtonian physics. Brown's most notable creation, the "Biefeld-Brown effect," unveiled a tantalizing glimpse into a reality where propulsion can be harnessed through the manipulation of electromagnetic forces.
Naturally, these findings did not go unnoticed by the U.S. Government. What adds a layer of intrigue to Dr. Brown's discoveries is his clandestine dance with government agencies. During the most pivotal years of his research, his steps and schematics were veiled in the shroud of classification. As a luminary in the nascent field of electrogravitics, Brown not only propelled himself into the scientific spotlight but also stepped onto a covert stage, performing experiments that stirred fascination and controversy. The hushed corridors of classified research bore witness to his endeavors, as he delved into realms where the intersection of high-voltage capacitors and asymmetric electrodes hinted at propulsion technologies beyond the grasp of public knowledge (emphasis mine):
For one of his experiments, Brown arranged a pair of gravitators, one at each end of an arm that was suspended from the laboratory ceiling by a long cord attached to the arm’s central fulcrum (figure 1.3). When energized between 75,000 and 300,000 volts DC, the connecting arm rotated as each gravitator moved in the direction of its positive pole. This force occurred in the same fashion even when the capacitor was immersed in a tank of oil, thereby ruling out the possibility that the effect was produced by a wind of electric ions. Brown’s gravitators could produce this motion with a power input of 1 watt.
…the thrust-to-power ratio of Brown’s electrogravitic thrusters calculates to 2,000 newtons per kilowatt. This is 130 times the thrust-to-power ratio of a jet engine, or 10,000 times the thrust-to-power ratio of the space shuttle main engine.
— Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, Dr. Paul LaViolette
Dr. Brown naturally concluded that “a concentrated force of some kind accumulates within the presence of a strong dielectric."
— Dr. Brown conducting his experiments into the Biefeld-Brown effect.
Dr. Brown's affiliation with the U.S. government & War, Inc. creates a cloak-and-dagger dimension to his scientific pursuits, further driving home the magnitude of his discoveries. Dr. Brown’s work for Lockheed’s Advanced Projects Unit, colloquially known as Skunk Works, began in 1942. Within the classified confines of black box science, his experiments quickly took on an air of secrecy, with implications stretching beyond the laboratory and into the speculative realms of aerospace technology — even physics itself.
The March 9th, 1992, issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine revealed that the B-2 bomber electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges of its wings. Not only do electrokinetics play a large role in the propulsion of the plane, but it is also responsible for the B-2’s stealth capabilities. That is, as long as it’s not raining, thereby disrupting the delicate electrical homeostasis required.
This is tantamount to an admission that Dr. Brown’s work has not only been perfected, but weaponized.
His work has become a testament to the dual nature of scientific inquiry, where the quest for knowledge seamlessly merges with national “defense” (a pernicious example of Babylonian doublespeak if there ever was one).



— (L) Northrupp YB-35. (M) Northrupp YB-49. (R) Northrupp Grumman B-2 Spirit.
According to government whistleblowers, highly advanced and more accurate physics models are being developed by black-box scientists (LaViolette, Pg. 155). Classical physics concepts like quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, relativity, and Newtonian mechanics are considered outdated by these secretive agencies. The new aether-based physics model regards space and time as absolutes, lying in stark contrast to Einstein’s “space-time” continuum. It certainly doesn’t take a DARPA scientist to realize that it is illogical in the extreme to claim that we can physically bend an abstract concept, that being time.
Charged particles do not engage in instantaneous interactions. Instead, their communion transpires through an indiscernible field of energy, a background medium through which these interactions occur. This energy field, called the electromagnetic field, quantum field, or aether, serves as the conduit through which this interplay unfolds. To articulate it concisely, the phenomenon of light — both visible and invisible — manifests as the transference of energy across distinct domains within this background medium. Light’s paramount function therefore lies in expediting the communion between electric waves and magnetic waves. Yet, it remains a distinct entity, devoid of inherent electric or magnetic attributes but capable of interacting with both spectrums.
Dr. Brown’s discoveries begin to help us understand the true nature of both light and gravity. While light itself does not carry an electromagnetic charge, it is capable of transmitting one through the aether. This perhaps explains why the position of a concentrated beam of light has also been shown to demonstrably affect gravity’s effect on a mass (Rancourt & Tattersall). Not only that, but intense lightning storms will cause measurable changes to gravimeters (emphasis mine):
During observations conducted from 15 to 24 UT on June 10, an intense thunderstorm front was passing above the observation point…
During this interval, the tidal effect in the gravimeter readings decreased by up to 3 mcGal.
— On the Influence of Intense Thunderstorm Activity on HighPrecision Gravimetric Observations, by Abramov and Koneshov
— Yes, little Timmy, the ETHER DOES EXIST, and proof of same is Everywhere around you, by Theoria Apophasis.
In another riveting convergence of scientific inquiry, the groundbreaking experiments of Dr. Brown find resonance in the profound revelations uncovered by Scott Franklin Sibley. Sibley's groundbreaking work further validates this paradigm-shifting concept: gravity is intrinsically linked to the electric tapestry of the cosmos (emphasis mine):
Gravity was established as electrical in nature because the unit electrical charge calculated for gravitation based on measured G (1.4396077×10-34C), adjusted for composition, agrees nearly perfectly (within 0.025%) with the calculated gravitational charge…
— The electrical nature of gravity, Scott Franklin Sibley
This has been further confirmed by the finding that Newton’s gravitational law and Coulomb’s electrostatic law have a dynamic equivalence (Meis). In physics, dynamic equivalence refers to a condition where two physical systems — despite having different underlying mechanisms or structures — exhibit similar behavior or produce equivalent effects. Therefore, the effects of gravity as described by Newton and Coulomb are interchangeable. In this new physics paradigm, light is a near instantaneous side effect of the excitation of the aether due to the transference of electromagnetic energy.
In short: it is not gravity affecting light, but rather, light affecting gravity.
These findings propel us into a realm where gravitational forces and electromagnetic dynamics dance in an intricate cosmic ballet. As Abramov, Koneshov, Sibley, Meis, and so many others unravel the electrical essence of gravity, it not only reaffirms the visionary pursuits of Tesla & Dr. Brown but also beckons us to reconsider the fundamental nature of the forces shaping the cosmos. The synergy between their distinct yet harmonious contributions underscores the interconnectedness of scientific pursuits across generations, illuminating pathways to unlock the mysteries that lie at the true nature of the LORD’s creation.
“The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously.”
— General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev,
In the next installment of this cosmic caper, the Alien Agenda takes center stage, transcending the physical realm and delving into the spiritual underpinnings of this phenomenon. Beings that traverse the cosmos, once deemed plausible cosmic architects, are thusly thrust into the realm of spiritual phenomena. The intertwining threads of ancient myths, contemporary sightings, and government disclosures weave a complex tapestry where spiritual entities — interdimensional in nature — take center stage.
The dance of anti-gravity propulsion and electrogravitics within classified corridors raises troubling questions once again about the intersection of scientific inquiry and national security. The dynamic equivalence between Newton's gravitational law and Coulomb's electrostatic law invites us to reconsider the nature of the forces shaping the cosmos. Gravity, intertwined with the electric tapestry of creation, emerges as a cosmic force dictated by underlying electromagnetic dynamics. That these incredible scientific paradigms have been shielded behind the veil of government secrecy should not be a shock.
The cherished theories of the Big Bang and Relativity are rotting edifices. The grand spectacle of the primeval atom theory, once the pinnacle of atheistic narratives, now falters under the weight of its inconsistencies. Anti-Matter, inflationary particles, and the elusive inflaton strain the credulity of this materialistic creation myth. The crisis only deepens as the data pours in, questioning the need for Dark Matter and Dark Energy as the cosmic narrative unravels.
As we can plainly see, a discerning eye unveils the frailty of this cosmological genesis, a narrative perpetually haunted by its inherent contradictions and philosophical underpinnings. In the cosmic ballet of particles and primordial energies, the dance of cause and effect becomes an enigmatic masquerade, bereft of a conductor. Like a cosmic illusionist, the Big Bang conjures universes from the abyss without revealing the source of this metaphysical magic. As the intellectual scaffolding of the Big Bang and the Theory of Relativity crumbles, a new dawn beckons — a cosmic narrative stripped of its extraterrestrial adornments.
In the dim glow of its fading deceits, the grand spectacle yields to the glaring question that echoes through creation: what, or who, sparked the cosmic overture?
Continued in Part II…
— The Alien Agenda I, 2024, digital art.
“Again once more for the record: it has been shown at least six different ways this century alone that the equations and physics used by NASA to launch satellites are identical to the equations derived from a geocentric universe. Thus, if the space program is proof of anything, it proves geocentricity and DISPROVES heliocentrism.
The evidence for heliocentrism is even weaker than the evidence for evolution.”
— Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D., Astronomer
Another WHALE of a topic blown out of the water by SE!
As a virus watcher all I can say is that UFOs from an alien race are like viruses, never isolated or characterized for full public analysis. These things are either too fast to isolate or too small to isolate. They must share strategies for non-capture I reckon.
Very thought-provoking, Scip; to paraphrase the quote, "that which we do not understand is magic."
When it comes to Cosmology, it has always been the belief that there was a Big Bang, and it happened X many years ago (even just ~20 years ago the timing was changed again), and that with telescopes we may look into the past, with a few fudges here and there, and see the universe in its nascent stages.
As expected, all these theories have been abject failures.
The whole Big Bang theory, among its myriad flaws, can be kneecapped by using simple logic. The idea that if the universe were created as a finite thing, as defined by having a birth date, then it cannot be infinite; for as we have all experienced, there is a cycle for finite beings: birth, life and death.
This is where it all falls apart for them. If the universe is indeed finite, there ought to be entropy; however, this has not been observed; and if the universe is infinite, there ought to be zero states, or great massive dark spots which have not yet been reached by light at least; again, this has not occurred, despite our supposedly time-machine telescopes.
Even black holes are strictly conjectural, and the laughable infrared image released of the one supposedly at the center of our galaxy was CGI trickery. These astronomers have to invent new ways to keep their jobs as their narratives fall apart, so they push out un-scientific, anti-religious drivel which they know nobody will read, much less understand or care about, and then give themselves awards -- like the Nobel Prize -- so they will have famous names. There is no absolute proof that black holes exist; they themselves admit, if these exist we ought to be seeing literally billions of them, scattered among the other uncountable stars.
We do not see them (which fits their theory that they are invisible, rather like viruses) in such numbers.
So, it comes down to, if there was a Big Bang, the Universe is mortal, and ought to end in a Big Crunch, once it reaches its end; if otherwise, we should see vast stretches of unexplored dark space yet to be illuminated. There is no evidence of either. What has been observed unquestionably is the cycle of life of which all living things -- even the stars, even whole galaxies -- in this universe are beholden.
Which brings up the point that if we are here, and take into account the sheer unknowable number of worlds and stars and galaxies which are apparent, then there must be others here as well, some who, if the universe is as old as they say, are billions of years advanced.
And again, no credible evidence of such beings. My personal take on this: they are shoehorning aliens in there to once more try to sell their bad science on us. Or does nobody else believe that if ETs are real they would not be wasting their time doing abduction/experimentation on Ricky Redneck in Podunk, KS, or some other rural place close to military bases? Is that what allegedly highly evolved aliens would do, do you reckon?
Also, the notion that the Sun is a nuclear reactor, converting Hydrogen into heavier elements in its core, is flat-out mad. I know this is what we were all taught in school, but once again the evidence belies conjecture.
If the Sun is a nuclear reactor, it must have a fuel source, and even with an object as large as it there should be signs of decay as radioactive isotopes are released; and hey guess what -- nonesuch has been discovered. If it spun as fast as claimed, like Jupiter it would be flat at its poles and bulged at its middle, but it is not. The whole thing is ludicrous.
I believe the Sun is like your iPhone charger, it takes an already-existing charge and channels it through, to all planets. The incalculable microwave radiation which is static throughout the whole universe provides the Sun with more energy than it will ever be able to use. This radiation is taken in at the Sun's poles and then distributed out along its equatorial plane, which is where it is channeled to the planets. Basically, the Sun is a giant furnace, not a nuclear reactor in the least bit.
Now, this channeled energy from the Sun is also used by the planets in the same fashion, and eventually returned and replaced cyclically. A circuit is formed. It is my opinion that scientists' solar flares are not caused by the Sun but instead when the Earth passes through this circuit; as would be expected, sometimes the break in the circuit between planet and Sun can cause a surge, same as with electrical current. When this circuit is from a planet the size of Jupiter or Saturn, who get the lion's share, that surge could be massive. This is why, I believe, that when there are unique planetary alignments, such as a szyzgy, unusual occurrences are wont to form, and also why there is no solar cycle: it's all planetary.
Glad I was only going to say a few things and then jog on, eh? A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Thanks for reading!