“Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one — the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”
— C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
The Wolves Within is a must-read for every believer who refuses to be deceived.
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(s)Election Day draws near once again, a day where we are asked to do our duty, to fight for Freedom, Hope, Change — or whatever catchy new slogan polls well with the rubes. Politicians and their sycophants ask us to hold our noses and cast our ballots, claiming this (s)election — like all before it — is the “most important” of our lifetimes. Sureeee he might not be a great guy, but have you seen the other one?
It’s a refrain that seemingly never loses its potency, no matter how many times this tired stratagem is deployed.
And all of this under the farcical notion that this system is based on the “consent of the governed”! What true “consent” can even be had when the most fundamental question before voters will scarcely be seen on the ballot —that being secession from the perverse, backwards, and farcical American Empire. The purveyors of the status quo point to our “hallowed democracy” and pat each other on the back for its grandeur, oblivious to the fact that it has become — as the tyrant Lincoln proved once and for all — a system fully inclined toward dominance. The duplicitous cur spoke of a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” whilst he butchered those people who refused to bend the knee to him.
The absurdity of America’s political system aside, when you vote, you’re not merely “expressing” an opinion: you’re empowering an agent to wield authority and enforce the policies you endorse — which of course is ultimately predicated upon the very real threat of violence. This is the nature of all human governance: it must function through coercion, through threats, and through violence. The irony of routinely being informed during election season that political violence never solves anything in a country founded by violent rebels should be readily apparent. But since the privilege of the franchise has become so base, it is hardly shocking that the electorate has convinced themselves that by delegating this power to some faceless institution, they can be absolved of responsibility for the actions of their supposed “representative.”

— (L) Trump and Sean Combs a.k.a. P. Diddy. (M) Trump and Roy Cohn. (R) Trump and Jeffrey Epstein. This guy sure does hang out with a lot of sex trafficking blackmailers.
This state of affairs would not be half as repugnant to me were it not for the repeated cries from the pulpits by alleged pastors to cast votes for the “lesser of two evils.” As if choosing a softer shade of evil somehow absolves them from partaking in that very evil. While you will not find this maxim anywhere within the pages of Scripture, you will find it in the writings of the philosopher and Mystery school initiate Aristotle:
For the lesser evil can be seen in comparison with the greater evil as a good, since this lesser evil is preferable to the greater one, and whatever preferable is good.
— Nicomachean Ethics
Echoing the Platonists and rejecting Scripture (Isaiah 5:20), we are told by these hirelings that the lesser evil is actually a good we should support in comparison to an even worse evil.
Let us first dispense with the insult to any thinking Christian's intelligence, or anyone who has not seared their conscience to the bloodbath in Gaza: the notion that we have a divine duty to perpetuate a system, which in itself has become synonymous with genocide and corruption across the world, is idiotic at best and heretical at worst. Shortly after this Platonic prattle, we will be assailed with this equally tired refrain: "God uses both righteous and unrighteous leaders for His purposes." Agreed, but nowhere in Scripture are we instructed to actively support that unrighteousness. Nebuchadnezzar may have been used by God for His purposes, but do you see Daniel casting his vote in the Babylonian Senate to make sure Nebuchadnezzar had a second term? This issue becomes even more alarming when you examine the character of the man that Christians today are asked to support.
If you read my essay on the current state of the scourge of child murder in America, this fact should be abundantly clear to you: a vote for Trump is a vote for child murder. In practical terms, he is in favor of reducing abortion by a mere 7%. Truly, the bar to become the “most pro-life president in American history” is abysmally low. The man who many Christians champion for his pro-life “victories” has overseen the countless slaughter of the born & unborn via Operation Warp Speed, and I have covered the agenda behind this mass poisoning at length in my ground breaking series, The Forced Evolution of Humanity. Apparently all these other commentators and political harlots have forgotten the murder of our countrymen by our government just four years prior: I do not share that deficiency with them however.
No amount of rhetorical gymnastics can obscure this inconvenient truth: if these are Trump’s great “victories,” we can scarcely afford his defeats.
Time and again, Trump has shown himself to be morally bankrupt, a man who champions causes that directly contradict the very heart of Christian ethics and morality. He has publicly praised Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States, calling them “good for women.” He has actively fought against pro-life laws in Florida. He has repeatedly celebrated the “Pride" movement and openly signaled his unwavering support for the degenerate agenda. He is actively egging Israel on to commit even greater war crimes. He has deep political, personal, and business ties with not one, not two, but three of the most notorious sex traffickers and pedophiles in American history: Roy Cohn, Jeffrey Epstein, and now, Sean Combs.
Donald Trump, for reasons that I will truly never fathom, remains the favored candidate amongst the vast majority of “conservative Christians” in America.
That is in no small part due to their pastors and “leaders” constantly carrying water for him.
— Faust (1962), ill. by Harry Clarke.
And thus, the Faustian bargain begins.
Many well-meaning Christians, in their desperation to preserve America’s fleeting vestiges of Christian culture, have convinced themselves that supporting Trump is a necessary evil — one they must endure to stave off a greater evil. But as the story of Faust illuminates for us, no deal with the devil ever comes without a heavy price. Faust, a scholar who traded his soul for knowledge and worldly power, found that his bargain was not the boon he expected.
The very act of consenting to evil — even for what seems to be a “good” reason — corrupts the soul. Consent is the gateway through which demons work, the portal through which their sorceries are plied. Just as Faust willingly allowed himself to be led down the path of destruction, so too do many Christians allow their morals and their reasoning to be eroded in similar fashion.
The concept of the "lesser of two evils" is a lie that has been repeated so often that many no longer question its validity. But let’s break it down: what does it truly mean to choose the lesser of two evils? It means that you acknowledge both options are evil, but you decide that one evil is more acceptable than the other. However, Scripture offers no such loophole: “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17) Nowhere does the God’s Word allow for compromise with evil leaders, nowhere does it suggest that tolerating or supporting a leader who is a “lesser” evil is acceptable. Perhaps these pastors proffering this poisonous council have confused Scripture with Platonic metajargon once again.
The lesser of two evils is still evil.
Yet, Christians across the nation are being told that this is the responsible, mature decision to make. They are told that standing on principle, refusing to engage in a federal system that demands their moral compromise, is somehow impractical or naïve, at best, and derelict at worst. But when did practicality become the standard of Christian ethics? Was it practical for the early Christians to refuse to worship Caesar, knowing it would lead to their deaths?
What these ever-so wise sages fail to recognize is that they are playing into the hand of their foe. Demons do not forcefully overtake the will of men — at first: they require consent. Satan, that ancient serpent, works by deception; slowly eroding our conviction until we as his prey willingly submit. This is precisely the game being played when we are told that we must choose between two evils for the sake of some imagined or temporal good. We are being coaxed, little by little, into giving consent to wickedness, all the while telling ourselves it’s just this once. This is how the conscience dies, and it is why the Church has lost its credibility in this age of rampant subjectivity.
If the people who are supposed to stand upon eternal truths won’t fight with conviction in that unchanging standard, why would a pagan?
The great irony here is that many Christians believe they are fighting to save America by participating in this Faustian bargain. They believe that by electing a “conservative” leader, they can somehow turn back the tide of immorality that has swept through the nation: this is a dangerous delusion. Nevertheless, today’s supposed Christian leaders will urge their flocks to do precisely that tomorrow — to engage with a system that is drenched in the blood of the innocent, to make deals with devils in the name of “saving America.”
While the only Federal election I ever plan to vote for again is the one to sever Florida from this cancerous Union, there are surely still local elections and races that matter. The legalization of child sacrifice is on the ballot in 10 states, and that is certainly a proposition that anyone of faith or decency is impelled to vote against. It is ultimately from the local authorities that the worst COVID tyrannies flowed, and it is within these local theatres that our true political battlefields lay. If there is any meagre hope left in the political arena, it lies in the statehouse, not the White House.
I will continue to repeat this maxim until it finally starts to sink in: there are no political solutions to spiritual problems. As long as Christians continue to engage in this game of compromise, choosing between evils rather than rejecting them outright, they will be dragged down into the same moral abyss that has already consumed their nation. The Rubicon was crossed long ago: the idea that this country can still vote its way out of tyranny while it has been mired in ever increasing tyranny for the last 160 years is nothing short of a fantastical delusion.
Voting for evil is not an act of faith, nor is it mature, wise, or prudent: it is nothing less than an act of fear and submission.
Your vote will not save America — but perhaps our repentance will.
Faust learned too late, but we don’t have to: the devil doesn’t play fair, and no one walks away from a deal with the devils in D.C. without paying a price.
— Faustian Bargains, digital art, 2024.
“Compromise used to mean that half a loaf was better than no bread. Among modern statesmen it really seems to mean that half a loaf is better than a whole loaf.”
— G.K. Chesterton, What's Wrong with the World
The Wolves Within is a must-read for every believer who refuses to be deceived.
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Unlock the mysteries of Biblical cosmology and enrich your faith with some of the top rated Christian reads at BooksOnline.club.
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Election day is a sight to behold as one watches the masses join the frenzied screenplay unfolding around them. The ultimate in, "augmented reality audience participation". Thank you SE!
This is excellent, the best thing I have ever read on this matter and why we should never compromise and vote for the lesser EVIL. This has been bubbling inside of me and you just put it into the *perfect* words. Thank you so so much, Scripio.
I’ve been emailing and talking to family and friends about this false selection and this post will be my last ditch effort to help them see. You lay it out perfectly how it’s compromising morally to vote for him (or any lesser evil), and exactly why it’s so very dangerous to do that.
This is🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. (Holy Spirit fire)