Hey Scipio just moving podcasts from Spotify to Substack and am republishing the series about CBDC with the link to your great instalment on the subject included. 3 part series. Here is the first link:


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Thank you.

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I must say, you bring up some good points. I am all too familiar with many of these things because I was involved in the more recent goings on of the feminist movement myself, and not just as an observer or for just a short time. I came out of it only about seven years ago. What you present here matches well with what I saw and learned (and unlearned), although my take on it at the time was a little different.

You do start to lose me, however, part way, at "If we are to reinstitute a Christian civilization…". For me, that sounds like a pretty big "if". I have had some limited experience with female church leadership and female pastors, and it has not been particularly good. But I have also seen in churches that permit such things what a terrible mess male leadership can make of things (likewise in churches that don't). There are other factors at play as well.

I am surprised you didn't refer to 1 Tim. 2:12-14, where the divine order is clearly in view. Also, regarding divorce, there is Mt. 19:3-9, part of a passage that I don't recall ever having heard used in a sermon.

I could say much more, but there is much that I am not sure about. I see what you have written here as generally on track with reality, but perhaps there are some specifics that could bear closer examination.

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Agreed CM, that is a mighty big IF. Making the pastorate male again is not a panacea for all our problems, but it’s the tourniquet that must be applied before we can ever hope to triage the rest. If you have ever surveyed schismatic and heretical sects throughout Church history, it is impossible not to find the glaring commonality between them: female leadership and sensual, mystical experiences. Women certainly have a role in ministry (Titus 2:3-5), and while it is the minority reading of the pastoral qualification passages, I think a bishop/pastor should be married. A single man in a position of authority and vulnerability like that is a dangerous thing.

As for not citing 1st Timothy, while I agree that Paul is exceedingly clear on the matter, the egalitarians reject it as a mere cultural statement and not the divine order. What they can’t argue is that Isaiah is simply making a statement about some pagan cultural practice: the verse explicitly cites female leadership as a sign of God’s judgement and one of the causes of Israel’s doctrinal deviations.

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All you need to see the evidence of where this heresy started is go to any church and see it for yourself - Feminism Inc - and if you're willing to put in the time - www.crushlimbraw.com - but be prepared for a long haul - this is NOT for casual readers or short attention spans.

Sorry - reality is REALITY!

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If anyone needs more evidence - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Feminism&updated-max=2016-07-17T07:05:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=0&by-date=false&m=1 - a list of headnotes to articles archived in DaLimbraw Library.

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Feminism ideology is rebelliousness against our Creator and His Word. They know exactly what they’re doing when introducing these movements. They hate God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit

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They are Satanic Communists using deception to acheive their ends. Feminism is one fascet of many.

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I don't agree with many of the comments for reasons too numerous to outline but I do like your well documented presentation. Works for me.

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There was a lot of abuse of women when women were dependent on men and did not have birth control. We have a hard time imagining what women went through back than. I’m 61 and I remember all the abuse. It was not a rare thing. Over half the dads were abusive and controlling. I do not why this was the case, but that’s what I saw.

Dads seemed to really come around in the nineties and we could all see progress being made. As men became dependent on women’s salaries, they also started helping out more and engaging with the children.

During the eighties we were inundated with lifetime movies showcasing abusive men over and over again. No man could be trusted. Stalker men were everywhere.

And as with the civil rights movement that started out as a good thing, the feminist movement also started to do good things.

These movements generated a lot of money for certain people and they never ever wanted to let it go. They refuse to acknowledge the progress that has been made and still want to act as if men are oppressing women. It’s a joke really.

Almost every household I know that has a woman in it… that women is managing the whole damn show. The men mostly defer to her, bills and all.

The feminist have turned into the oppressors.

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Great write up Scipio! Some excellent quotes you have here!

Feminism is just one more ISM that is pushed on society by the dEvil and his minions.

Shulamith Firestone's (full name: Shulamith Bath Shmuel Ben Ari Firestone) example is the epitomy of Feminism. Who was she? A well known radical, second wave feminist and activist.

"Firestone was a central figure in the early development of radical feminism and second-wave feminism and a founding member of three radical-feminist groups: New York Radical Women, Redstockings, and New York Radical Feminists. She argued that pregnancy was barbaric and that women should control their reproductive capacities." (feminism plays into abortion, planned parenthood is closely tied to all of it, as is the issue of pedophilia and organ/blood trafficking)

She died alone at 67, cause: starvation, body was found after many days.

I mention her because of her telling name which immediately shows her ancestry. Yeah, I know I will repeat myself, but it is the same group that exerted their huge influence regarding this particular ism.

And as you mention, and as usual for them, they inverted the fact that all life is based on feminine, the woman who gives birth. And they did it by first wattering down the influence of the true Christian legacy in the Catholic church and then fooling people that are thirsty of divine with incomplete and misguided interpretations of Eastern cosmology, mythology and theology. And then they pushed it onto western society with specific goal to make women have a kind of power which is not good for them to have.

To me, Steiner's "story" is evidence for this. And how he gets defamed for his opposition to Theosophy. And for "spilling the Mystic's beans" into the public arena.

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Another one of The Tribe's amazingly destructive inventions, perhaps the most destructive of all.

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Here is my podcast on the same subject that compliments Scipio's article:


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I was worried about the proposed draft of females and cautiously mentioned it to a friend who has young daughters and was shocked that he thought it was a good idea.

Hollywood has a major role in this too.

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Maybe he will think on it.

Ridiculous if you have to spell it out for him.

Do people have to actually experience everything literally, can they not imagine the consequences.

Not that there should be a draft for men either of course.

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Yet another article you knocked straight of the park Scipio!

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