“[Feminism] has revolutionized everything about human life, redefining what it means to be a man, woman, mother or father; it changed what comes to our minds when we think of leadership, authority, and power.
Feminism has indeed transformed our reality in every aspect and dimension you can think of from daily care of our homes and children to how we operate in the workplace or schools.”
— Rachel Wilson, Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women’s Liberation
The Wolves Within is a must-read for every believer who refuses to be deceived.
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There are very few social or political movements over the last three centuries which have been organic in nature: the feminist movement and the sexual revolution are no different.
Feminism and sexual “liberation”, though touted as movements of equality and empowerment, have been far more destructive than liberating. No arena of our discourse, of our daily lives and affairs, has not been impacted by this pernicious ideology. For anyone who has lived through the last 60 years of societal chaos in the West, it should be painfully clear that these movements do not work to elevate women (or men), but instead must tear down the very fabric of civilization by attacking the traditional, God-ordained roles that are required to sustain it. While these ideological movements are often viewed as organic social developments or reactions to “chauvinistic oppression”; in actuality they were, and still are, nothing more than carefully orchestrated efforts to destabilize societies in order to institute the Novus Ordo.
Whether it is the first-wave of feminism (or its more modern manifestations) there is a consistent theme running through this ideology which preaches that women should be free from the "oppressive" roles of wife and mother. And yet, women’s natural and God-given instincts make realizing such goals a Sisyphic endeavor. What is sold as liberation is in reality a form of slavery: slavery to their passions & the financial, corporate, and political powers that benefit from the breakdown of the family.
— “A crowd fills Independence Avenue during Saturday's Women's March on Washington in D.C. Image: Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images”
Sexual liberation, another facet of this grand social experiment, has been equally destructive: it promises freedom but delivers only heartache & broken families.
Liberty, the siren song of every revolution, the shadowy goddess in its wings; ever the elusive goal to achieve for this movement. The sexual revolution was sold as a means for individuals to express themselves, but all it has led to is the commodification of human relationships, the atomization of society, and the destruction of familial bonds. This calculated attack on the family — the cornerstone of any strong and stable society — has resulted in a polity that is awash in confusion. Men and women no longer even understand their roles, let alone desire to fulfill such duties: inevitably, the proper delineation and delegation of authority is destroyed.
Feminism and sexual liberation have destroyed the natural order of things; and in its place, we are left with a chaotic, fragmented culture: the perfect populace for the neo-feudal technocratic slave state unfolding in our midst. The powerful elites who have funded these movements benefit from the breakdown of the family precisely because it creates a population that is more dependent on the state and more easily controlled via consumerism. What is marketed as freedom is in fact a system of control, designed to weaken the moral and spiritual backbone of society.
It is inarguable that Feminism has succeeded in shifting cultural norms regarding marriage, gender, leadership, and authority — but at what cost?
The answer is clear: the destabilization of the family, the destruction of morality, and the gradual erosion of the Biblical scaffolding that has held Western civilization together for over a millennia.
“Every religious worldview must participate in the construction of gender if it is to provide a comprehensive vocabulary of meanings and actions for managing experience and interpreting reality.
We should not be surprised, then, that a reform movement aimed at altering the roles and relations of men and women should find allies — sometimes unwelcome — within a religious movement committed to critiquing basic theological principles and religious structures.”
— Ann Braude, Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women’s Rights in Nineteenth-Century America
While feminism is often portrayed as a grassroots movement of oppressed women rising up against male-dominated power structures, its origins tell a very different tale.
The first wave of feminism in the 19th century was not only tied to wealthy capitalists interests: it was steeped in occult practices. Rachel Wilson describes this esoteric predilection in chilling detail, noting that the leading feminist intellectuals and scholars, the ideological soul of the movement, gravitated toward ancient goddess worship (emphasis mine):
Christianity is a patriarchal religion, with all things being created by God the Father, rather than some earth mother goddess, which would mean that not only is patriarchy the natural and divine order of the created world, but that feminism is a battle that cannot be won against an omnipotent Heavenly Father. So, feminists need to find a new religion that fits their feminist worldview, and Christianity becomes an enemy and a target of destruction for more serious practitioners of witchcraft. Feminist scholars and intellectuals interested in religious systems that can replace patriarchal Christianity adore ancient goddess worship because … it is rife with vengeful female supernatural beings whose main motivation always seems to be domination of men and male gods.
— Rachel Wilson, Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women’s Liberation
These early feminists, many of whom had quite scandalous romantic lives, actively sought to dismantle not just Christian values, but Christianity itself. This is not a matter of mere speculation or opinion — it is a well documented fact.
Victoria Woodhull, a prominent early feminist, was deeply involved in spiritualism — a religious movement in the 1800’s that upbraided Christian doctrine and sought to communicate with the dead (emphasis mine):
When women like Woodhull and other feminists were taunted as witches, as Satanists, as demonic, they embraced these labels with pride, according to the anthropologist Kathryn Rountree. An early socialist American magazine based in Kansas that argued for women’s liberation took the title Lucifer: The Light Bearer. So yes, they were on the side of the devil here: Eve was a hero bringing enlightenment, the serpent was a truth teller, and together they fought against an authoritarian and punishing god. As the historian of religion Per Faxneld has documented, this was a shared experience with many freedom fighters, as various socialists and revolutionaries also embraced the figure of Satan as the ultimate symbol of rebellion and liberation.
Ann Braude, in her book Radical Spirits, details at length how the women’s rights movement found many allies within the spiritualist movement, as well as prominent suffragettes’ predilection for necromancy and divination. Figures like Helena Blavatsky, the controversial founder of Theosophy, heavily influenced early feminists by advocating for a rejection of the Christian patriarchy.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a towering figure of first-wave feminism, was as fierce in her assault on Christianity as her contemporary Woodhull. Stanton, alongside Susan B. Anthony, led the charge in the early suffrage movement, and their influence reached far and wide within the social reform circles of the late 19th century. In 1895, Stanton and 24 other feminist activists published The Woman’s Bible as a direct challenge to the Scriptures. While the publishing of this book ultimately led to the decline of Stanton’s influence in the still Christianized States, it remains indicative of the fundamentally religious mindset driving the intellectual movers of the feminist movement. It was not her beliefs which so offended the suffragettes — most of whom held the same sentiments on overturning the roles of the genders — it was the prejudicial and offensive nature of openly stating their anti-Christian underpinnings.
What can not be understated is that Feminism, from its very inception, was and is a deeply religious movement.

— (L) Ms. Magazine, co-founded by CIA agent Gloria Steinem, was the first national feminist publication in US History. Pictured is Kali, the vengeful Hindu goddess of destruction, sexuality, and female empowerment. (R) An artistic rendering of Kali: she is often depicted festooned with severed male body parts.
But the occult roots of feminist thought are not its only sinister aspect. The movement has historically found financial backing from some of the wealthiest men of the time. For instance, Cornelius Vanderbilt funded his lover Victoria Woodhull’s feminist magazines and endeavors. Why would a capitalist tycoon, the epitome of the patriarchy feminists ostensibly seek to destroy, be interested in advancing that very cause? The answer, much like the Fossil Fuel Farce, lies in gain — and even more importantly, the disruption of the traditional family. By pushing women into the workforce, feminism serves the interests of bankers & industrialists who desired an expanded labor force and a population more dependent on governmental institutions rather than familial bonds.
The modern feminist movement’s ties to intelligence agencies further reveal its role as a tool for societal disruption. Gloria Steinem, one of the most prominent feminists of the 20th century, was a CIA agent and was funded by the Agency during her career:
Upon her return from India, Steinem worked for the Independence Research Service, a foundation backed by the CIA that sent hundreds of American students abroad to disrupt World Youth Festivals, which were propaganda events for the Soviet Union. …
Steinem then followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a journalist. Her editorial break came in 1962 when she wrote about the newly-released contraceptive pill for Esquire magazine. She continued to make a name for herself as a journalist who focused on women’s issues and politics in New York City.
— The True Story Of Gloria Steinem, From The CIA To ‘The World’s Most Famous Feminist’
Second-wave Feminism, far from being a purely organic movement, was a carefully managed project that served the geopolitical interests of powerful elites. This is further demonstrated by arguably the most well-known “women’s rights” organization in America: Planned Parenthood. As the Rockefeller Foundation is more than happy to admit, “John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was an early advocate of Margaret Sanger’s pioneering work in birth control”, with Rockefeller bankrolling the nascent organization and his National Research Council serving as its propaganda research arm.
Feminism’s occult roots and financial ties reveals its true nature: these repeated connections to the wealthy and powerful demonstrate that the promotion of feminism was never about empowering women in any genuine sense. Instead, it was about reshaping society in a way that served the interests of The Regime — ever eager to dismantle the Christian order that stands in its way. In this context, feminism's claim to be a movement for the liberation of women becomes laughable: it has always been a tool for the powerful to weaken the family and to sever the ties that bind one generation to the next, thereby creating the conditions by which they may exert control over a fractured and disunified populace.
“Free love is the direct enemy of freedom. It is the most obvious of all the bribes that can be offered by slavery.
… of all the bribes that the old pagan slavery can offer, this luxury and laxity is the strongest; nor do I deny that the influences desiring the degradation of human dignity have here chosen their instrument well.”
— G.K. Chesterton, Fancies Versus Fads (1923)
The sexual revolution of the 1960’s, perhaps one of the most catastrophic social experiments ever conducted on human civilization, was no less engineered.
While it has been carefully marketed in corporate media as a movement that would free individuals from the supposed "shackles" of Puritanical morality, the reality has been quite the opposite. The sexual revolution has unleashed a wave of destruction on families, severing the bonds of marriage, fatherhood, and motherhood; and thus, creating a hedonistic society where personal gratification is elevated above all else. There is no freedom to be found here, only enslavement to one’s baser passions.
Herbert Marcuse is the most well known intellectual of the Frankfurt School and a key figure in the spread of Marxism in the West. Marcuse’s work provided much of the intellectual framework for the sexual revolution through his work Eros and Civilization, which called for the liberation of human sexuality from societal constraints (emphasis mine):
Eros and Civilization eventually caught the attention of the 1960s counterculture and soon became one of the founding documents of the sexual revolution. It also helped to bring the work of the Frankfurt School to the attention of numerous student activist groups, and their various writings into colleges and universities around the world. Thus, of all the members of the Frankfurt School, it was Marcuse who did the most to provide the intellectual justifications for the adolescent sexual rebellion of the 1960s, and Eros and Civilization became the textbook.
— Cultural Marxism: Imaginary Conspiracy or Revolutionary Reality?
This philosophy was eagerly adopted by the counterculture of the 1960’s, becoming the driving force behind the push for "free love.” Yet Marcuse's ideas, though framed as revolutionary means by which to subvert the State, are in fact tools of social control. By undermining the family, the sexual revolution created generations of individuals cut off from their ethnic, moral, and spiritual roots — aimless minds to be molded by the State.
— “Women’s Liberation march at Copley Square plaza in Boston on April 17, 1971. Charles B. Carey/The Boston Globe/Getty Images”
The destruction of the family via no-fault divorce has had a profound impact upon the transmission of intergenerational wealth. In stable families, wealth is carefully accumulated and passed down through the generations, providing a foundation for future prosperity, as well as a safety net. However, in a society where marriages are short-lived and sacred familial ties are broken on fleeting emotional whims, the passing down of wealth becomes heavily disrupted — if not outright subverted. The rise of single-parent households has led to increasing poverty and financial instability by those affected by this blight, and the current state of the Black community in America serves as no better example of this reality.
Before the sexual revolution, the family was the central institution through which societal values, Christian morals, and wealth were passed down from one generation to the next. This intergenerational continuity provides not only economic and emotional security, but also spiritual grounding as children should (ideally) be raised in households where they are taught to fear God and respect His laws. However, the feminist and sexual revolutions dismantled this structure by promoting promiscuity, infidelity, and the normalization, nay, celebration of divorce.
The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for America. The results are devastating: in 1960, the the median age at first marriage was 23 for women and 25 for men. By the 2020’s, the median age at first marriage had risen to 28 for women and 30 for men. Divorce rates have increased significantly, with 9.2 divorces per 1,000 married women in 1960 compared to 14.9 in 2021 — an increase of 62%. As a result, premarital cohabitation rates have sky-rocketed, with 59% of adults aged 18-44 having cohabited as of 2020. Births outside of wedlock, once a rarity in American society, have increased from roughly 5% of all births in 1960 to 40.0% in 2021. Birth rates have significantly declined, dropping from 3.7 children per woman in 1960 to a staggering 1.7 as of 2021. (National Vital Statistics Report)(Birth Data)
These are not accidents, for if they were, such disastrous results would have surely led to a reversal of at least some of these policies. The elites who funded feminism and promote the sexual debauchery we are subjected to on a daily basis know exactly what they are doing. By encouraging the breakdown of the family, they are creating a society that is easier to control and manipulate. Just ask the Palestinians who have been subjected to similar sexual propaganda by the IDF. Such results are not bugs, but features of a system which serves the interests of our vampiric elite — ones who thrive on a population that is economically and morally vulnerable in order to exert their dominance upon them.
“Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free.
Their passions forge their fetters.”
— Edmund Burke (Freemason), Letter to a Member of the National Assembly (1791)
None of us has been immune to the devastation wrought by these ideologies.
We have all, at some point and in some way, been both victims and victimizers in a society rocked by sexual licentiousness. Amongst the many insidious aspects of this movement is the fostering of a cycle of guilt, shame, and complicity; wherein the very act of challenging these destructive forces is stifled by the shame one feels for having participated in them. This self-perpetuating mechanism leaves the individual hesitant to speak out against the sexual sins in their midst, as if our participation in it disqualifies us from standing up for what we know to be true. Even in most of our churches, a tacit culture of silence and acceptance has emerged, further reinforcing this fatal status quo. All the while, the spiritual and moral foundations of our society continue to rot out from beneath us.
If we are to reinstitute a Christian civilization we must internalize these truths once again: the faith once delivered unto the saints is not merely a moral prescriptive on how we should best live our lives as individuals — it is the moral framework by which we must order our societies. Pursuant to that, these are just some of the fundamental changes that first must take place within the Body of Christ before we can ever hope to rebuild Christian order:
Men Must Be Shamed Into Leadership Once Again
The story of Deborah is oft cited as a Biblical endorsement of female leadership. This is genuinely puzzling to me, as the narrative of Judges 4 starkly reveals the collapse of male leadership and the consequent rise of a female authority — not as an endorsement of the latter, but as a profound indictment of the former. In this chapter, we see Barak, the military leader of Israel, depicted as weak and indecisive, requiring the assistance of the prophetess Deborah. This is not an example of female leadership to be emulated, but rather a grim portrayal of a nation whose men have been derelict in their duty. Barak’s reluctance to act without Deborah’s assurance, and her shaming of him for it, exemplifies the emasculation of Israel’s males. This story should serve not as an endorsement of female leadership, but as a clarion call for men to reclaim their rightful roles in the familial, political, and martial realms.
Churches Must Purge Female “Pastors”
The acceptance of female leadership in the pulpits of our churches is nothing less than a cancer upon the Body of Christ, one which must be excised. This is underscored by Isaiah’s indictment of faithless Israel in Chapter 3:12: “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, those who lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of your paths.” The presence of female leaders in ecclesiastical leadership roles, now even in former bastions of fundamentalism such as the Southern Baptist Conference, is a sure sign of divine judgment upon us. This fact alone should serve as a stark indication that the moral compass of the Church in much of the West has veered disastrously off course. This is not merely a matter of tradition, but a restoration of that divine order — one which is essential for the spiritual health and purity of the Church.
No-Fault Divorce Must Be Outlawed Again
The scourge of no-fault divorce must be fought politically with as much fervor as the Church holds for the pro-life cause, if not more. We must hate divorce with the same intensity that God hates it, as articulated in Malachi 2:16: “For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts.” Divorce has become an industry in America, destabilizing families on the flimsiest of grounds and sundering the very fabric of society. Tireless legislative and political efforts must be made to drive these vultures out of business by reinstating the seriousness of the marriage covenant. By aligning our laws with God’s design for marriage, we not only uphold His divine order but further reinforce the stability and sanctity of the cornerstone of society.
God’s design for men and women, as laid out in Holy Scripture, is the only structure that can ever lead to genuine human flourishing.
If the Churches will not stand up for these truths, then who will?
— Fatalis, digital art, 2024.
Masonic revolutions, cloaked in the rhetoric of liberty and equality, have always carried with them a darker agenda: the systematic dismantling of marriage, family, and the social order. This was clearly demonstrated in the French Revolution, where the overthrow of the monarchy and the Church was accompanied by the destruction of the family unit. The Jacobins, many of whom were Freemasons, immediately attacked the institution of marriage by legalizing divorce. The Russian Revolution took this destruction to its extreme: in addition to legalizing divorce, the Soviet Union became the first country in Europe to legalize abortion, cementing its status as a pioneer in the devaluation of human life. Between 1920 and 1991, an estimated 260 million abortions were performed across the Soviet Union — the unspoken victims of the Soviet regime.
The occult roots of these movements, their ties to powerful elites, and the disastrous consequences brought on by them are all part of the millennia long war against God and against His people. While they may bear different names or titles in this generation, such tools of societal manipulation are quite old; and their manifestations today, while unique in certain aspects, are not new. Feminism and the sexual revolution were never about liberté, égalité, or sororité. They were about control — control over the family, control over society, and ultimately, control over the human soul.
Feminism, along with its partner in destruction, the sexual revolution, cannot win in the long run because they are edifices built upon lies. They deny the fundamental truths of human nature, the reality of gender, and the necessity of strong, stable families for a healthy society. Men must reclaim their role as leaders, protectors, and providers, once more. Women must once again embrace their God-given role as nurturers, caretakers, and most importantly, mothers. This is not oppression: it is our fundamental and eternal design.
To rebel against it would be as effective as rebelling against the changing of the seasons or the passing of time, and this rebellion, in like manner, is doomed to fail.
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation.”
— Saladin (1137-1193), Founder of the Ayyubid Dynasty
The Wolves Within is a must-read for every believer who refuses to be deceived.
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I was worried about the proposed draft of females and cautiously mentioned it to a friend who has young daughters and was shocked that he thought it was a good idea.
Hollywood has a major role in this too.
Great write up Scipio! Some excellent quotes you have here!
Feminism is just one more ISM that is pushed on society by the dEvil and his minions.
Shulamith Firestone's (full name: Shulamith Bath Shmuel Ben Ari Firestone) example is the epitomy of Feminism. Who was she? A well known radical, second wave feminist and activist.
"Firestone was a central figure in the early development of radical feminism and second-wave feminism and a founding member of three radical-feminist groups: New York Radical Women, Redstockings, and New York Radical Feminists. She argued that pregnancy was barbaric and that women should control their reproductive capacities." (feminism plays into abortion, planned parenthood is closely tied to all of it, as is the issue of pedophilia and organ/blood trafficking)
She died alone at 67, cause: starvation, body was found after many days.
I mention her because of her telling name which immediately shows her ancestry. Yeah, I know I will repeat myself, but it is the same group that exerted their huge influence regarding this particular ism.
And as you mention, and as usual for them, they inverted the fact that all life is based on feminine, the woman who gives birth. And they did it by first wattering down the influence of the true Christian legacy in the Catholic church and then fooling people that are thirsty of divine with incomplete and misguided interpretations of Eastern cosmology, mythology and theology. And then they pushed it onto western society with specific goal to make women have a kind of power which is not good for them to have.
To me, Steiner's "story" is evidence for this. And how he gets defamed for his opposition to Theosophy. And for "spilling the Mystic's beans" into the public arena.