“Transhumanism literally means ‘BEYOND human.’
It's using science and technology to radically change and improve the human species and experience.”
— Zoltan Istvan Gyurko, Transhumanist Advocate & Politician
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Throughout my exploration of the transhumanist and nanotechnological threat we now face, the question I have most often been asked is this:
“What is ‘their’ endgame?”
Before a question as complex as that can be properly addressed, we must first seek to understand the ideology which now drives our implacable and megalomaniacal foes.
The foundation of the transhumanist ideology rests upon a materialistic philosophy that reduces the essence of life to mere interactions of matter and energy. At the heart of this world view is the belief that mankind can be perfected through our own hand, transcending the limitations of mortality via technology. This hubristic viewpoint carries with it a dangerous disregard for the inherent complexity and sanctity of life, best demonstrated by its advocates, such as Klaus Schwab (emphasis mine):
These technologies will operate within our own biology and change how we interface with the world…
Smart dust, arrays of full computers with antennas, each smaller than a grain of sand, can now organize themselves inside the body.
— Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Transhumanists, driven by their narrow materialistic lens, envision a future where biological entities are deconstructed into algorithms and codes, attempting to strip away the very essence of what makes us human: our God-given free will.
— The megomanicial digitization of nature has already begun.
The transhumanist dream is steeped in materialistic ambition, ultimately looking to subvert the natural order by seeking to attain for themselves godlike powers over life and death. In their quest for a post-human, nay, an anti-human “utopia”, transhumanists advocate for the synthetic hybridization of humanity; blurring the lines between the natural and the artificial. This reckless pursuit of technological “transcendence” neglects the profound ethical and existential questions raised by tampering with the very fabric of natural life, altering our biological and ecological systems with impunity in a gnostic-like rejection of the material world. By promoting the idea that synthetic substitutes can surpass or even replace natural phenomena, transhumanists seek to commodify life itself; reducing humanity to mere data points and algorithms in a cold, emotionless, and predictably mechanized world.
This reductionist worldview is one that can only lead to a hellishly dystopian future, one where the boundaries of what makes us human are blurred beyond recognition, with the essence of what it means to be human lost amidst the pursuit of technological apotheosis.
“…My generation is, hopefully with the advances in science, either the first generation to live FOREVER, or the last generation that’s going to die.”
— Jared Kushner, Svengali & Chabadnik
The language used by transhumanism’s advocates is one steeped in spiritual and transcendent language. While transhumanist ideologues purport to share superficial similarities with Christianity, the two theological camps do share an obscure connection within Christian literature. The word "transhuman" first originated in Henry Francis Carey's 1814 translation of Dante's Paradiso. At the apex of this Italian classic, Dante Alighieri vividly portrays a transformative shift in the human form via the Second Resurrection — the restoration of every believer’s glorified physical body at the end of time. During the medieval era, European occultists such as Roger Bacon, an alchemist and early scientist, renewed the ancient quest to attain this transformation through scientific means. Leading the intellectual excursion in pursuit of deification, the practitioners of alchemy fervently sought the ever elusive elixir of life (both exoterically and esoterically).
— Peter Thiel (right), Republican megadonor and “former” ally of Donald Trump.
In this vein, transhumanism is simply modern-day alchemy masquerading as scientific progress. Amongst these zealots stands Peter Thiel: a controversial figure who dares to weave the tapestry of transhumanist folly with threads of Christian eschatology. Thiel has quite publicly attempted to create a blasphemous union betwixt Christianity and transhumanism, stating: “the thing that strikes me is how similar they are.” According to Thiel, it is the Christian worldview that drives his agenda:
The one part of the Christian view that I believe more strongly than anything is that death is evil, that it’s wrong and we should not accept it and fight it any way we can.
No Peter, you and your alchemist friends will not conquer death: only Christ will do that (I Corinthians 15:24-26). What this heretical fiend forgets is that the essence of Christianity lies not in the manipulation of matter and the pursuit of earthly immortality, but seeking after Christ and His kingdom — a kingdom “not of this world”. Yet, blinded by his techno-utopian idolatry, Thiel dares to equate the resurrection of the body with the uploading of our consciousness into silicon substrates, a sacrilege that mocks the sacrifice of Christ and proves the falsity of his profession of faith.
The hubris of these techno-prophets knows no bounds as they seek to more fully merge mankind with machines.
“…The brain sciences have in fact created a tremendous amount of momentum and potential. And that is the momentum to be able to assess, access, and affect…
…it also allows us to then exert certain levels of intellectual assessment, knowledge acquisition, and CONTROL about human relations on the individual to cohort to group to community to local, regional and even global scale…”
— Dr. James Giordano, Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons (August 29th, 2017)
At the forefront of this technofuedalist movement has been not only the desire to control humanity, but to cull it.
The Club of Rome, that infamous clandestine cabal of elitist ideologues, whispers the poison of eugenics into the ears of the powerful, masquerading their inhumane ambitions behind veils of intellectualism and pseudo-scientific prognostications (emphasis mine):
Klaus Schwab is credited with the founding of the WEF, but according to Professor Mikko Paunio, who has dedicated 30 years of research into the subject, “Schwab founded his organization on the recommendation of Henry Kissinger, the economic Nobel laureate John Kenneth Galbraith and the real Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn, in 1971.” …
Kissinger’s Malthusian depopulation plans informed a “sustainable development” strategy itself informed by the Club of Rome, whose founder, the occultist Aurelio Peccei, gave the keynote speech at the second World Economic Forum in 1973. The economist J.K. Galbraith gave the first, in 1972, lending his credibility to Schwab’s new CIA-backed venture, which began with a Harvard course run by Herman Kahn, “the real Dr. Strangelove.”
Kahn envisioned a technological dictatorship of an elite trained to rule a “unified American and European superstate.” Despite Kahn’s rejection of the doomsaying prophecies of the Club of Rome’s “Limits to Growth,” Schwab used Kahn’s future predictions as the blueprint for his own model of the technocratic future.
The Limits to Growth was the Club of Rome’s headline book of 1972, which gained international attention for its prediction of a future apocalypse created by human overpopulation. The Kissinger Report NSSM 200 in 1974 led to the U.S. declaring efforts to limit the world population a matter of U.S. national security the following year.
— Frank Wright, The influence of the occult-inspired World Economic Forum is finally waning
As the Kissinger report makes clear, depopulation has been an explicit policy of the cryptocracy since at least 1974. The modern-day eugenics movement, championed by the Club of Rome, cloaks its inhumanity in the language of progress and efficiency, but beneath that thin veneer lies a dark and dystopian vision. They hollowly speak of improving the human race, but in reality, what they seek to do is engineer a technologically stratified society where the privileged few will even more fully control the masses.
— Yes, your favorite prepackaged COVID “heroes” are in on it.
Pursuant to this technocratic vision, nanotechnology has been put forth as the future of American surveillance and warfare for decades (emphasis mine):
The combination of nanotechnology, wireless sensor networks, and MEMS forms a new meaning to network-centric warfare while creating a new application of persistent surveillance beyond current systems, such as Global Hawk and Predator. This combination, Smart Dust, creates a wireless network of nanoscaled sensors, called motes, across a battlespace, like dust on furniture, yielding real-time information about enemy or friendly movements, habits, and intentions.
Historically, the US deployed this concept in Vietnam using 1960-era technology under the auspices of Igloo White as part of the informal McNamara barrier.
— Major Scott A. Dickson (USAF), Enabling Battlespace Persistent Surveillance: The Form, Function, and Future of Smart Dust. April 2007
This much should be clear: nanotechnology is one of the key facets of the much discussed Fourth Industrial Revolution and Agenda 2030. It has been pursued and weaponized in order to help “realize thirteen out of seventeen [of the UN’s] Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.”
“Because if you inject tiny robots into the bloodstream they can get very close to all the cells and nerves and things in your brain, really close.
So if you want to input information or read information, you do it through the bloodstream.”
— Nicholas Negroponte, Co-Founder of MIT’s Media Lab. December 13th, 2014.
Besides the slow motion culling of the masses, the ultimate goal of the technocrats is to turn humanity into a cybernetic slave class, mentally enthralled, devoid of individuality, and incapable of rising up in rebellion against them. While this idea may seem like something ripped straight out of a dystopian novel, it is rapidly becoming a very real technical capability (emphasis mine):
Herein, we have shown that we can stimulate [magnetoelectric nanoparticles (MENPs)] with a magnetic field to remotely generate electric polarization of the MENPs. We have shown evidence that non-resonant frequency magnetic stimulation of MENPs locally modulates neuronal activity in vitro and in vivo. We have also demonstrated that this modulation is sufficient to change animal behavior, and to modulate other regions of the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuit…
Magnetoelectric nanoelectrodes show promise for new technologies in wireless neural devices.
— Injectable Nanoelectrodes Enable Wireless Deep Brain Stimulation of Native Tissue in Freely Moving Mice, Kozielski et al. March 15th, 2020
Indeed, there are numerous experiments and studies conducted within the last decade which have shown the viability of stimulating nanoparticles with EMF in order to induce behavioral modulation and control within mammals (emphasis mine):
The electric and magnetic impulsion in brain is termed as neuromodulation, also called as deep brain stimulation (DBS). Neuromodulation is a method for implant of nanoparticles in the size range of 22 nm. They are coated with polymer to increase the compatibility while dispersing through blood brain barrier. Many experiments have been conducted in mice, and these implants have attained the targeted sites for mind modulation.
— Kunar & Alukal, Control of Mind using Nanotechnology. May 16th, 2020
Israeli scientists demonstrated that drug delivery via remote controlled nanorobots has been technically feasible since 2016 — or even earlier according to the testimony of Israeli researcher Ido Bachelet. Drug delivery and mental manipulation via nanotechnology may not be perfected yet, but to discount it as a very real and looming threat is to denigrate its apocalyptic potentiality.
— Still from “The emergence of nanobot society”, a presentation by Dr. Ido Bachelet at TEDMED Israel 2013.
Lost amidst the rosy future painted by the techno-syncretists is the problems already facing the merger of medical devices with the Internet of Things. By opening up our bodies and our medical system to the internet, hacking and subversion has become rampant. These attacks targeting and exploiting WiFi enabled devices already account for 88% of medical data breaches. The same threat posed by these external and internal devices is even more insidious in the case of nanotechnology (emphasis mine):
Many experimental treatments are, after all, electronic medical devices, just on a smaller scale. These tiny devices are typically controlled by a program on a traditional electronic device like a computer, smartphone or server, meaning they could be very hackable. Some digital security experts posit that a single nanoparticle in the body with it's own processor could be hacked, but they also say that if someone had more than one particle in the body, which many treatments would require, a hacker could theoretically turn them into a network in the body, using the body's own systems to communicate and do their bidding.
It might sound like nanotechnology hacking will happen far into the future, but some experts believe some experimental nanotechnology medical treatments will be in use in just two years. Additionally, medical technology already in use today has already been proven hackable. Johnson & Johnson advised users of one of its insulin pumps to not use the remote control feature of the device, and to make sure to set a maximum insulin dose in case of hacking. Recently, the FDA recalled 500,000 pacemakers due to the risk of hacking. In 2015, researchers were able to hack into and deactivate a pacemaker set up on a mannequin, proving these are much more than fears: they are an inevitable reality.
— Alpine Security, Hacking Humans with Nanotechnology. February 6th, 2020
Despite the known security risks and impediments caused by data breaches, the digitization of our healthcare system has proceeded with warp speed.
If indeed our enemy had the capability to control humanity in such a fashion, I have no doubt they would have exercised that ability by now. Whether the rubicon of mental manipulation via nanotechnology has or can be achieved, these technologies still pose a very real threat to the homeostasis of humanity. Quantum dots, the bedrock of this sophisticated weapons platform, have shown to be severely cytotoxic, depending upon their chemical composition (Derfus, Chan & Bhatia). For the better part of the last decade, these technologies have also been pioneered in cancer treatment (emphasis mine):
Compared with other control groups, the highest nanobubble destruction efficiency of NBs-GPC3-rGO was attributed to the dissection effect of [reduced graphene oxide (rGO)] on UTND… So NBs-GPC3-rGO using UTND and near-infrared (NIR) irradiation resulted in cell viability within 24 h, 48 h, 72 h lower than other treatment groups.
— Targeted delivery of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets using multifunctional ultrasound nanobubbles for visualization and enhanced photothermal therapy, by Lui et al. November 2018
Put simply, the excitation of rGO via infrared and photothermal treatments causes cells to die off. All of these technologies are inherently dual-use in nature: if it can target and kill off cancerous cells, it can be turned against the healthy ones as well.
If these false prophets of the singularity can return your mobility, they can also take it away.
“9 And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is LEGION: for we are many.”
— Mark 5:9 KJV
In summation, the endgame of the transhumanist agenda is the total mental, physical, and spiritual enslavement of humanity via the cybernetic collectivization of the masses.
Like so many of the poisonous ideas strangling our societies, this idea finds its birthplace within the occult. The introduction of the concept of Akashic records into the English-speaking world can be traced back to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and the Theosophical movement of the late 19th century. H.P. Blavatsky popularized the idea of the Akashic records as a celestial library containing the history of all human experiences, thoughts, and actions. Theosophy blended Eastern and Western esoteric traditions, contributing to the dissemination of this occult concept by portraying the Akashic records as a cosmic memory bank accessible to those with so-called “heightened spiritual awareness”. This fusion of ancient mysticism and modern metaphysics would lay the intelectual groundwork for later interpretations linking the Akashic records to the transhumanist vision of a collective hivemind, where individuals tap into a shared reservoir of knowledge and consciousness to transcend the limitations of our mortal coil.
In the annals of predictive programming, portrayals of this looming cybernetic hivemind, such as the Borg from Star Trek, serve as potent tools in the alchemical preparation of the populace. The Borg were a cybernetic collective consciousness that grew via the forced assimilation of all living beings into a uniform entity, perfectly embodying the chilling future which metaphysical marauders such as James Giordano or Peter Thiel envision. Similarly, movies like The Matrix vividly depict a world where humans are enslaved by machines, plugged into a pseudo-reality that masks their true one — a narrative that has subtly shifted in recent films: AI is now a tool to be harnessed in the fight against the machines. Numerous portrayals such as these have sowed the intellectual seeds for a future where human-machine integration and the loss of individual autonomy is presented as an inevitable one.
— A Borg hiveship from Star Trek. The black cube is a symbol with a staggering amount of esoteric significance, including as a symbolic representation of the human mind.
In the realm of transhumanist discourse, concepts such as the Akashic records take on even greater significance — a gateway for the self-professed masters of humanity to unlock the potential of a hivemind collective (emphasis mine):
[Neural nanobots] would navigate the human vasculature, cross the blood-brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among, or even within, brain cells,” explained Freitas. ‘They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction.’
— Scientists propose putting nanobots in our bodies to create ‘global superbrain’
Transhumanists envisage a future where interconnected minds transcend individual limitations, accessing the vast reservoir of humanity’s technotronic records to augment intelligence, expand consciousness, and merge all of mankind into an unholy union. This convergence of ancient mysticism with futuristic visions of grandeur epitomizes the occult quest for transcendence; blurring the boundaries between human and divine, individual and collective, in the relentless pursuit of immortality. It is my informed opinion at this point that the incalculable amount of biometric data required to fashion this techno-idol is one of the driving factors behind what was unleashed upon humanity the last 4 years.
In its millennia long war against our LORD, the City of Man has ever sought to supplant the Creator as the master of life and death. Held in bondage through their fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15), the cryptocrats and occultists have ever sought to escape their inevitable judgement. The words of transhumanists themselves make this clear: their agenda is one driven by the oldest temptation known to mankind (emphasis mine):
So as we evolve, we become closer to God. Evolution is a spiritual process. There is beauty and love and creativity and intelligence in the world — it all comes from the neocortex.
So we’re going to expand the brain’s neocortex and become more godlike.
The echoes of Genesis 3 & 11 resonate with haunting clarity in this statement. As a unified human empire once sought to ascend to divinity in their towering pyramid of intellectual arrogance, so too do the Novus Ordo aspire to erect a digital ziggurat in order to usurp the divine prerogatives of the Creator. Their hubris is cloaked in the deceptive allure of progress, mirroring the ancient folly condemned in Nimrod's shattered dreams. In the transhumanists’ unholy quest to forge a collective hivemind, humanity is reduced to mere nodes in a soulless, digital network.
Just as God confounded the tongues of those who dared challenge His eternal sovereignty, so too shall the relentless march of transhumanist ambition stumble and fall upon the jagged shards of their own delusions.
The only question which remains is how much of humanity they will drag along with them into the Abyss.
— Technotheosis, digital art, 2023.
“4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as GODS, knowing good and evil.”
— Genesis 3:4-5
"... turn humanity into a cybernetic slave class, mentally enthralled, devoid of individuality, and incapable of rising up in rebellion against them..."
If you look around they have already achieved this with the majority of the population without nanotechnology.
People glued to their tv's and devices, worshipping the same false gods that appear on those devices, all fashioning themselves in accordance with those false idols - wearing the same things, doing the same things and dreaming the same things, all lining up to take the same poisons whether it be food or medicine, stigmatizing and policing anyone who points this out or does differently.... Is there really any possibility of a rebellion at this stage?
You wrote:
“It is my informed opinion at this point that the incalculable amount of biometric data required to fashion this techno-idol is one of the driving factors behind what was unleashed upon humanity the last 4 years.”
I agree….and not simply because it was a clinical trial of mRNA. Rather, I think the drive is for data lakes that can be employed in various ways and for different purposes in pursuing the transhumanist agenda. My spidey sense tells me that for the likes of Thiel and others in the shadows of our governing bodies, research institutes, and purported to be benevolent NGOs….the past four years has been designed to harvest incredible amounts of data on many aspects of human existence, even beyond medical elements.
While they may have mapped the genome, they don’t d not have a “key” to understanding it. That is, how and what genes affect parts of our being. They need data to collate and aggregate into their precious AI machines to try to discover patterns or fractals from which they hope to further divine the nature of our existence.
I refer to what is underway as the pleather vs leather….indeed a spiritual war whereby they are attempting to measure and map the essence of the material world as a means of accessing the spiritual world.
The funny thing is even as this plays out….people fail to see that what they are synthetically attempting to create ALREADY exists….why else would they be trying so hard to study and master the nature of reality. Seriously, they are simply trying to hack the divine. Even as Kurtzweil opines that he pursues transhumanism to be more God like…he refuses to see or admit that his statement admits that God exists or certainly a higher order of things that we do not fully understand.
But, one of the reasons I love Robin Kimmerer’s “Braiding Sweetgrass” is for its message that there are many ways of “knowing” that enrich our lives. And also that knowing is enhanced and realized through gratitude and reciprocity not through the desire to exercise control and manage.
And at the end of the day, I suspect that…as a now deceased relative of mine who was very close to nature as a father and practiced true conservation said…”Mother nature always has the last laugh, no matter how smart man thinks he is or his efforts to outwit her.”
The tragedy is that we risk destroying the great gifts given to us out of hubris and a failure to see that the whole is made healthy for the individual doing their part, not based on an algorithm, but out is a sense of awe and respect for the many gifts that require neither money or pride to enjoy.
Sadly, I think the few, because of having acquired money, power and control through technological means (including encouraging dependence by the masses) have the ability to ruin it all for the many.
My mantra….do what you can to not be a data point. Live if you can without leaving your mark on the world….strive to leave it better than you found it. God bless and love nature knowing she is guided by a hand we cannot see, but can feel if we just allow ourselves.