Good post, I would also advise:

1. If you take any capsules, drugs or supps, always dump the contents into juice and take without the capsule which may have graphene imbedded in it especially if there is black printing on it.

2. I've heard supps may also have particles in them, many people recc getting supps from whole foods.

3. If you have to take lidocaine, don't take a clear Globalist company like 3M. Find a small maker and call

the maker and ask them if there is graphene in it, ask them to put a magnet to a vial. Take NAC daily for a month if you get a lidocaine injection.

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Yes I can assure that on some capsules, with "black ink"... like Omezoprazole, there is rGO, I made an experiment with a magnet ! you melt the capsule in warm water, you wait, and then you use the magnet... you will see the "octopuss"...

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Great Points PM.

Whole Foods is owned by Amazon now, so reliable sourcing is really a difficult task. A lot of these once reliable organic brands have been bought out in the last 3 years.

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Oh, start guerrilla farming. Also this co called Apeel owned by BG to some degree I think puts stuff in the peel of fruits and veg....bad news.

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I stopped taking all supplements about 2 weeks ago, especially those with capsules. I was influenced initially by Dr. Ana’s excellent work; she spoke of finding particles--I believe “self-assembling hydra gels” in injectable benedryl which led me to study what was in the regular OTC benedryl capsules--the healthy capsules with “NO DYE”!

Well, I learned enough at least to really not trust quite a lot; I can’t fully argue for my decisions enough yet to demolish someone’s argument that capsules (and their ingredients) are harmless, but I sure know enough never to ingest them.

I used Thorne brand supplements the same brand most of my supplements WERE, all of them being from a good compounding pharmacy where the supposedly purest supplement brands are available.

From time to time I used CoQ10 and alas, it WAS BLACK; so, perhaps that indicates I took graphene oxide?!

What a mess. I tested very high for glyotoxin mold and don’t know enough about the binders I’m supposed to take.

And from Stephanie Seneff’s research on glyphosate and vaccines and autoimmune conditions and “leaky gut”--and Robert Kennedy Jr.--I finally learned what happened to me in 2010 and why, turning my life upside down with celiac disease of the skin and itchy sores all over my body.

But I was a victim who at least was able to reverse my problems and live a healthy life again--well, pretty much. Other results from these recent (last 40 to 70 years) onslaughts of poisons are autism, MS, etc. Go to any school nowadays and observe a special ed class and weep; those tragic sweet children never had to be that way.

Current study is of hydrogen peroxide, chlorine dioxide, and borax (countering morgellons). All promising, but also, likely contaminated by now?! No idea.

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I know how to detox mold.

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Thanks for this thorough analysis.

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Great Plains is not very reliable. Real times labs is a better one

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I learned that after I got the test—which was recommended by a naturopath I attempted to work with and she gave a discount. So, when I re-take it I will probably use Real Times Labs. Thank you.

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If you read Neil Nathan’s book, you arw well informed . Is the mold in your home?

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Yes, but I guess it got into me, too. It is not from food. We just replaced the roof and are using lots of chlorine dioxide and hydrogen peroxide, borax for all the clothing. But until a few days ago when I finally took the hydrogen peroxide, I was exhausted from coughing. Presumably we’ll make faster cleaning progress! But EVERY mold adviser says to “remove yourself from your home” and I can’t do that. But I keep ALL the windows open in the house. Still, that’s an unequivocal requirement, removing yourself from the environment.

Thank you for your interest.

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Well, great, is there a way you could share that information with me? I have read several books, like Neal Nathan’s; he recommends specific binders for specific molds.

So, I have one mold, glyotoxin, that is 4 or 5 times higher than the highest recommended amount you can safely have in your body. I tested at the Great Plains Laboratory and got the results 12/15/2022.

I was taking several binders plus a few saunas a week. Bentonite clay, Saccharomyces boulardii, and NAC are the main ones. But now that I am concerned about so much I am not taking any of them right now. I just keep all the windows open and use my Rabbit air purifier and the saunas.

My focus now is on three unconventional but effective remedies:

1) Chlorine dioxide

2) Hydrogen peroxide (food grade, 3%)

3) Borax (antidote to morgellons)

I finally got the courage to take a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide two days ago. I started feeling relief from intrepid chronic cough; I just took another tablespoon and maybe that will be enough. Because I just told my husband I was feeling great, no coughing, horrible Sudafed to breathe. And then I remembered, OMG, it has to be the hydrogen peroxide that several friends recommended I take. Internally.

So, I’ve studied a lot but have a lot to learn.

Do you know more than the above? I would be most grateful to learn.

Thank you.

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I’ve come to the same conclusion and have dumped all my otc(I did not have a lot) and all my expensive supplements (I was not too compliant anyway) and lastly, I dumped all skin/hair products. I literally stopped using soap...except for hand washing of course. And I still need dawn for dishes but I do a wash afterwards without DW soap. I do you a laundry soap but when that runs out I’ll use borax. I stopped dying my hair in 2015 because it was burning my scalp so badly and make up (didn’t wear it every day) was causing severe swelling of my eyes and tender skin on my face so I threw all cosmetics away. Now I’m inspecting my clothes and have cleared out 99% of anything that’s not 💯 cotton. Which apparently if not organic it also has toxins. Ugh, my life is shrinking! Sometimes I’m jealous of the ones who are clueless....but, I know what I know for a reason. I’m mostly trying to get right with GOD.

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We've proven:

1. DoD contracted vaccine manufacturers to include stealth electromagnetic devices in the injected solution

2. Micro-routers made with graphene and carbon tubes are responsible for the extreme magnetism, which activates especially after strong EMF around, detected in some injected or swabbed: clips, spoons, phones, stick in the injection site then magnetism moves to forehead.

3. The chips harvest the surrounding EMF and turn it into electricity to power the micro-routers

4. The router emits Bluetooth Low Energy (you can pick the signal up with any app like BLE detector)

4. The BLE is picked up by your phone and re-transmitted to a DoD human ID website server

my conference:

Presented by Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech:


cut from censored youtube video of the International COVID Summit 2022 France

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


I'll soon post more the complete proof of the BLE chips in that substack.

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Weird, I thought Malone was , like Cole, a mole ! He only speaks about DNA M and ather BS...

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Hi, Christine! I got your comment about "throwing up the blue and gold colors" and I tried to respond, but can't get back to the original post, so I'm not sure who I was referring to when I said I noticed they wore(?) a lot of blue and gold? I'm seeing it all over the place. Anyway, sorry to be off topic here, but thought I'd take the opportunity to respond.

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Yes, I was asking the pirate person (don’t remember their handle) but they said a couple times that Sabrina is a mason. I’ve watched many of her videos and I don’t see those colors or hand signs...but who knows.

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Omg! Just realized you’re the pirate person, lol.

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I don't remember saying Sabrina is a Mason, but that I have seen those colors which are being flown everywhere and are Masonic colors. I just keep an eye out for signs. They don't always mean something though many times do.

Sorry my response is so late. I'm not getting all the notifications from substack anymore.

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I am so glad to read your story, to know someone else is doing the same elimination process that I am. It’s not wonderful to realize you’re intentionally being poisoned from all sides. But the situation in Maui was my final push unequivocally over the edge, so to speak.

Eg vitamin supplements? The 1st thing I wondered (along with why I didn’t question many such things way earlier!) was: when did we start taking them? Sure enough, if it’s not soon after WWII, it will pretty much always be circa 1910. And that is where, apparently “vitamins” come in, were “isolated” for first time, etc.

I used to think of the obvious assaults--vaxxes, etc.--but finally, recently only, however, I started analyzing the harmless, the safe, the innocent. Already I had long-term concern (paranoia?!) about injected dental anesthetic; yet when I recently became aware of documented evidence that it, too, was contaminated with poisons, well, I realized I was now finally free from my “mind-forged manacles” and, the gloves are off. It’s no less than all out war, the biggest obstacle being the incapacity of so many to image such evil can have such a NICE face.

Thank you!

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Yes, it’s been one horrific realization after another. I don’t want to die but I can’t help but wonder when will this nightmare end already. And then you must go to work, buy groceries and pay rent and deal with people that have no idea and it’s really wearing me down. I stupidly took to Pfizer’s back in the beginning, dec2020-jan2021. I reacted pretty violently to the 2nd, about 12 hours later. I went against my gut feeling because I needed my job and I had no idea about the depop agenda. I wa so aware of bad science in the name of greed but I also fell for the CVplandemic. I also fell for IVM but I’m positive it made me sick too. Also, I lost my cat 3 days after her rabies shot. She had a violent death that really solidified my new antivax stance. Mauis terrorist attack has put a whole mother fear in me because I’m in Northern California and am watching chemtrailing and fake clouds and weird smells at night and so many things in the sky at night that seem like drones, low flying and quiet. I wonder why there’s so much activity in the sky at night. Surveillance, chemtrailing? Who is next? We are fish in a barrel.sorry for the negative feelings. Its a new round of grief stages.

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We've experienced horrific things coming from the sky -- no trails in sight. Fake clouds, fake haze and horrible wretched chemical smells. All of which have affected our chickens and garden this year. I have decided not to eat the food we've grown because I believe it has been poisoned. :(

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Again, thank you for your testimony. It helps a lot. I wish I knew the full answer. But you do know what’s critical and that is the various poisons being put in....everything! Graphene oxide, hydrogels, morgellons, etc. Not a “virus” etc. I realize doesn’t that doesn’t sound wonderful, but ironically, it does narrow things down, despite seeming to broaden!

I’m SO sorry about your cat. Yes, it’s a horrible grief process. I started learning about reality at a late age, 64, and that was about 8 years ago now. It’s more like a chronic underlying feeling of grief; and Maui just, well, it was so blatant; that just another level of grief though.

And ultimately, most critically, as you said, getting right with God. (I’m country gospel singer.)

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what do you mean- fell for IVM?

The fact that its contaminated? It worked for me as far as covid & getting sick.

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Big pharma owns all mass produced ingredients and small companies buy from them. Everything is contaminated.

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Christine is right about falling for Ivermectin: who said it was a panacea for a non-existent "virus" in the first place? Was it the same people who claim to be on "our" side in this matter, yet all have worked for the "other" side at one time?

Any time these so-called expert doctors -- who presumably attended a medical school at some point -- start abandoning the protocols of their trainings by promoting CONVID as a real thing, I immediately discount their advice. The fact that they pushed Ivermectin and HCQ in the alternate media, then vilified it in the main media, seemed like a calculated move, to me. Why those two drugs, specifically?

I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. I wake up some mornings with my hands painfully clawed, and must do stretching exercises in order to be able to do such simple things as put on a pair of socks or hold a cup of coffee. Yet still I do not take any medication for my disorder, though sometimes I will take aspirin or Ibuprofen if the pain flares up beyond normal.

The way I see it, in the thousands of years we have lived on this Earth, only in the past century have we had pharmaceuticals for our ailments, and the people who promote them are trying to replace God's natural order with man-made substances. People used to deal with their bodies, the inevitable aches and pains which affect us all as we age, as best they could -- and somehow survived, without "benefit" of pharmakeia. This must not be forgotten.

Satan has made it far too easy for us to alter our bodies with his vile concoctions, absolutely to corrupt that which is divinely made, and his minions are following his commands. We do not need him, we do not need his awful drugs, and we must avoid listening to his lies.

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From this Substack, above, the ultimate essential issue: “Our food was once our medicine, and the replacing of natural ingredients with processed poison lies at the heart of modern society’s health issues. This forsaken, yet fundamental truth must be recognized once again in order to counter so much of the devastation that the bioweapon campaigns of the Twentieth Century have unleashed.” Thank you.

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If an operating system such as CRISPR is injected how do you repair the DNA? It's a program that overrides native instructions. Anyway, we are assaulted from all angles - air, sea, land. We are swarmed. Frequencies. Tech we rely on. Grains are GMO. Can sewage treatment plants pull out birth control pills, ADD drugs, testosterone supplements ...? On and on. Mankind has been trained to be trusting and ignorant of real science. Your research has real depth and worth but who is reading it? Nobody in my family. Mine is the sound of one hand clapping.

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CRISPR is more smoke and mirrors IMO, it has proven largely ineffective in clinical trials. It can not overcome our God given immune system:


I understand your frustration, I have my fair share of such people in my family as well. Outcomes aren’t up to us though, that’s up to Him. All we can do is keep the sounding the alarm.

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Thanks for this very important contribution!

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Thank you for reading! All I ask is that you pass it along.

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Interesting link bt chitosan and chitin to ticks, lyme/borrelia and bioweapons developed in CT. Likely not a coincidence. It seems this “experiment” has been ongoing since the 60s...

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That’s an excellent observation. They have been definitely been working on these weapons for a long time.

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I try to understand, but I don't !

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Thank you. I’ll try from another device. Would you be interested in attending weekly microscope meetings with Dr Nixon? We meet for 1-3 hours 1-2x a week and discuss findings.

I’m still learning how to navigate Substack, feel free to send me a message or reply with ?’s and I’ll do my best to answer.

We’re all in this together

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Yes mam, absolutely.

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Thanks for sharing. Natural is best. It may be my phone- is a protocol listed? I keep refreshing but I’m not able to view . I posted my live blood analysis from

Dr Ana and she answers many of your questions in her videos. One I see a lot is about vitamins and the IV solution she uses. When I asked her she said that she uses clean pharmacies. She also has a super sweet woman I call a mixologist as she creates/mixes the IV bags as some are custom. 💜

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Thank you for that information.

I have tried to get in contact with Dr. Ana and Dr. Nixon via substack and email to ask some of these questions myself. Both have yet to respond to me, despite multiple attempts to do so.

The Protocol is detailed in section 3 of this essay, perhaps try it on your desktop PC if mobile is giving you issues.

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I guess I got a bit lost while reading…..is chitosan good or bad?

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From their perspective? Great, it has a plethora of uses.

From our perspective? Very bad, since it causes all sorts of diseases and inflammation.

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Interesting! That is a substance they use to bind to phosphorus in pets w/renal failure. The other choice to that would be something with an aluminum base, which would be ridiculous even moreso.

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There is a good French w/ english subtitles documentary on YT called The Science of Fasting. It goes into, as the title states, all the scientific processes the body engages in while fasting.

Intermittent fasting doesn't hit the plateaus the cells must pass through in order to gain the deep benefits of fasting. Intermittent fasting is like backing your car down the driveway, then pulling back up into the driveway. You don't actually go anywhere.

The documentary lays it all out and I recommend it.

I sometimes think we misinterpret God's intentions with fasting. We have a tendency to see it as a sacrifice to Him, but I think it's a beneficial design. Rather than making us weak or depleting us, it strengthens us. Spiritually, mentally and physically.

There is probably very good reason why Jesus fasted before His meeting with Satan on the mountaintop. To strengthen Himself, not weaken. Also why Satan's first temptation was to try and persuade Jesus to break His fast. To weaken Him from the strength gained by fasting.

I hope everyone is praying for blessings over their food and supplements. God can remove all harmful elements. All things are possible with God.

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I am french and I know this documentary...

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Indeed, anyone who can tolerate longer periods of fasting, I highly encourage it for the reasons you mention.

If the results of our first round of tests on this protocol are inconclusive, that is one of the first things we will be increasing.

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The documentary I suggested gives examples of fasting people in illustration of what to expect and how to navigate in order to fast to the point of true healing and benefit. Anyone who says long fasts will harm you is either ignorant or lying.

It takes planning and I'm getting ready myself. I've fasted for ten days and it was great. I want to go longer now.

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This is really interesting, but I know most of those and I'd like to see how they can REALLY dissolve the nanotech. We would need to test your protocol with live blood analysis : blood BEFORE the protocol, and blood AFTER the protocol.

As for NAC, I don't know why, but it doesn't agree with me. It makes me mad, cause severe anger issue. I get really pissed off. I don't know why. Some people say it's because of DAO and histamines. But could it be because it is chelating bad stuff? And if it is chelating this stuff, couldn't it simply redistribute it?

Concerning fasting... I do intermittent fasting and think it much easier to fast about 17-18 hours every day rather than eating one day and fasting the other. Sleeping is much more difficult when you fast, so I typically eat at about 10 : 00 AM and eat again at 4 : 00 PM and that's it. That's 17-18 hours fastng right there, and it's easier to sleep at night. What's your thought about this?

I really appreciate the effort you put into this. But at this point we need to see live blood analysis to test each protocol. I am testing some stuff by myself (I was contaminated when injected for a gastroscopy last March) and so far nothing seems to work.

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1. We are in the processing of testing these regimens and have samples catalogued for precisely that purpose. We will have those results within the next few weeks.

2. NAC can be replaced by glutathione; the uptake is just less efficient.

3. Any chelator will naturally redistribute these metals, which is why the dietary minerals are a focus of the diet. The GO will bond with these minerals as opposed to chitosan, thereby making the structures less molecularly stable and easier to dissolve. Also why probiotics and gut restoration is so important.

4. I fast on a similar schedule, and for a normal routine I would absolutely agree. This detox regimen is meant to be run over shorter time period, and is really dependent upon the level of nanotechnology infestation. It might not be fun to fast in that fashion for a week or two, but it is certainly doable for most individuals.

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OK please keep us updated.

I use EDTA and glutathione in suppositories. So far didn't notice any improvement. Even taken orally, I don't react much to glutathione (lower bioavailability than NAC), but from what I understand NAC is a chelator while glutathione is not (it is "merely" the body main anti-oxydant).

Concerning point 3. A main discussion in chelating communities is about redistribution. If not done correctly, chelators can bind to toxic metals and release them elsewhere in the body, which could cause havoc on the brain. I'm trying to avoid that, but don't know how.

Keep us updated please. Thanks.

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Thank you, Scipio. Your posts are very enlightening. One thing I've learned from having Morgellons/CDB disease and reading Carnicom's papers for years is this : He has pointed out that nanotech is using our bodies as raw materials to grow and take over our natural biology, so as much as we don't want to take any supplements that feed or contain the nano, our cells are being depleted of nourishment by the nano, so we have to keep taking the supplements. What do you think of this?

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Thank you!

We have witnessed that under the microscope as well, and these "fibrous clots" are likely the end result of that process.

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I have had Morgellons/Cross Domain Bacterial disease for over fifteen years.

I know when I've removed these organisms, they are taking my blood and attaching themselves to it and forming a sort of reserve of blood. The blood they use, I'm presuming to grow and multiply as I've witnessed them developing in complexity and size over time, acquires a thick shiny quality which is not like natural blood. I can wash the blood reserve off and the organism left is substantially smaller than it first appeared when it was attached to the blood "reservoir".

I know a lot of people say don't remove the organisms, but having done so for years, once I have "cleared" an area of "materials", it heals quickly and it becomes apparent the surrounding flesh is not actual biological flesh but like layers of plastic. It even sounds like removing plastic cling wrap from a glass dish when I peel it off.

There seems to be a hierarchy within a lesion (Legion?) of organisms. Often a sort of "Queen" in the center with more worker bee types surrounding the "Queen" and what I call "soldiers" at the parameters of the lesions which can be especially tough to remove. But once cleared the lesion forms a flat scar devoid of pigmentation. Like alopecia. It also never returns.

I haven't had any new lesions in years now. Just remnants of old lesions that I failed to clear over the years but wish I had as the remnants have grown larger and stronger over time . I use organic coconut oil to sooth my skin and alleviate the intense pain of removal which is also a bloody and messy process.

There is definitely an electrical component to these things and they seem capable of some kind of "communication" with one another. I believe through some sort of electronic messaging. When I am destroying an area, it will send out messages to other lesions that are not located near one another resulting in intense pain in the remote lesions. I think this is a kind of defense mechanism to discourage me from annihilating an area. There are other defense mechanisms they employ as well.

Most of the organisms are insect-like with long web-like strings attached and sometimes flat worm-like structures as well as clots of the thick shiny blood. Though there have been other kinds. The strangest being one that was about an inch long and looked like the quill of a feather. It was very dark purple and had a clear bulb at one end with a glowing red circle within the clear bulb. I pulled it out from my forehead above my left eye. It was hard to believe something so large could be in my forehead. I left it on a paper towel and the glowing red circle eventually died out. I think it was a kind of antenna. That's what it most closely resembled.

I have tried every cure and only manual removal has worked for me. I have found ingesting organic oregano in concentrated form is helpful as are colloidal silver and gold, both that I take internally. These supplements seem to force the organisms to the surface of my skin where I eliminate them.

As a side note - I had a bad allergic reaction to ingesting Borax and once that happened I couldn't use it on my clothes, etc., or broke out in rashes, etc.

I am not trying to freak anyone out, but this stuff is very slow and insistent in developing and replacing biological flesh with synthetic. It is very hard to kill since it is cross domain. Meaning genetic splicing of animal/plant/mineral. You may inhibit or kill one aspect, but another is unfazed and it continues growing and developing.

I have not been injected and gave up on Western doctors years ago as well as pharma.

My theory is Morg/CDB was a beta test where much was learned. That's why doctors were instructed NOT to treat it. So the progress, symptoms and outcomes could be mined for data. One piece of knowledge gleaned from the beta test was injecting and tweaking some of the genetics was the only effective means of delivery to get it to "work" fast enough for the "plan". I think the rest of the poisoning of air, water, food, supplements and personal products is to augment what the injected and shedded substances are designed to do. Which is to create biobots from living human beings. So a select "group" become gods and the biobots their "people".

This is my experience but it is fifteen years of experience with Morg/CDB.

Please feel free to ask questions if you have any.

Jesus is our only escape. God is in control. Do not fear he who can destroy the body. It's going to die regardless. God Bless.

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Sorry, I do not understand the belief in this so called Jesus !

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I’m very sorry to hear about that.

Have you tried sleeping in a faraday cage type device? My idea was like a mattress sized wooden frame with mylar sheets for the sides, or something like that. Sounds crazy I know lol these machines have been shown to disassemble when cut off from EMF freqs. Probably could be fabricated for $60-70 depending on the materials.

I haven’t tested it yet but the idea has been on my mind in light of my team’s recent discoveries.

Ultimately these fleshly bodies are temporary, and it’s our relationship with Christ that really matters.

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I may try the faraday idea. Funnily enough I have a lot of mylar space blankets for insulation from cold temperatures.

My experiences with the organisms tells me they are more than machines. They are alive. But not in any kind of life we understand.

I am telling people what I know because it may help them in some way. All the shock and fear and sorrow at what's happening. I understand.

We are witnessing Jesus words of what the end will be. Men's hearts will fail them for fear of what they see in the world.

People's hearts are literally failing them. Some because they took the injections out of fear.

Unless these days were shortened there would be no flesh left, but for the sake of the elect they will be shortened.

Our flesh is being corrupted into a form that is no longer recognizable as human flesh.

Thank you for your kindness, but I found Jesus in the midst of my trial and I am such a better person than I was before He changed me that I would never go back to who I was before this affliction. I am even grateful for it if that makes sense. My spiritual life, my heart and mind have grown so much larger. I am filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost and it is more than I ever imagined was possible in this life.

Right now we have a wonderful opportunity to grow closer to understanding what Jesus endured in His persecution, His crucifixion and Glorification.

That's how I hope, truly hope, He will use me to help those who are going down the same path myself and hundreds of thousands more went down trying to find a cure for Morgellons. If I can help one person to see the temporal nature of our existence doesn't mean anything in comparison to what's to come, I will be so pleased. But more importantly, I hope it will please God. That there is no sense in trying to hang on to this fallen world. No matter what "they" do to anyone, they cannot kill the Spirit of God within each of us unless we allow it. What becomes of our bodies pales.

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Amen. I'm so sorry for your suffering. Thank you for given glory to God through it. A beautiful testimony to His goodness. He will never leave us nor forsake us.

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All suffering is heartbreaking. Thank you. He is always with us.

God's blessings to you.

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Amen 🙏

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Very thorough. Thank you.

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I always bring the receipts.

Thank you for reading.

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Absolutely brother. Money is not just a physical thing, it has serious implications within both the political and spiritual realms. Profound evils have been done with seemingly bottomless credit cards to tap. As we both know, it's the people and our assets that back this giant Ponzi scheme of a monetary system, and you can only wring so much blood from this fiat turnip.

It's a topic I've covered in depth previously. Besides these bioweapons, I can scarcely think of a more pressing issue with digital fiat around the corner.



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