This is pretty much exactly what I have thought since all of the talk of vaccines and transhumanism began to trend back in early 2020. I just thought: This is just a repackaging of witchcraft and I bet that's exactly how THEY see it. No one has written about this in the way you have here, that I have seen anyway, so good for you! This needed saying and a good job you have done.
I had never heard the phrase "goofer dust" but was aware of the concept in Voodoo magick especially. When the shots were rolling out in 2021 and early reports of deaths and "adverse events" began to be reported I was just thinking: I don't know what's really in this crap, almost don't care, but I bet there are witchcraft ingredients and of course poison. Might as well have been 1621. I had already seen what they did with the fake, "Tiffany Dover" ritual when all this kicked off on 12/17/2020 so not a big jump to think all of it, the whole agenda just amounts to a rebranding of plain old witchcraft in the end. Everything else they do with these agendas will be the same. Just more Goofer Dust.
All of this was very thought provoking and reaffirmed what I already thought so GOLD STARS for you on this one my friend. ✨
“…the whole agenda just amounts to a rebranding of plain old witchcraft in the end.”
Knowing what I know now about the occult agenda at work here, I’m shocked more pastors didn’t discern the immediately evil nature of this COVID charade. It is steeped in esoteric symbology and dark spiritual energies, and that’s before we even get into the unscientific fallacies at the heart of the matter.
The scope of the witchcraft at play here is staggering.
"Dusting the psychological masters of contention from the dust bin of their own DNA" This is a 70's Era stop and go documentary, but above all don't miss the many scriptural nuggets after the 41:00 mark.
Dark Magick is used against us DAILY on packages in our grocery stores via sigils. They hire witches
in the Gov. .... It's ALL spellcasting & ILLUSION. "signs & symbols" will be their downfall.
If you have any questions...just look at the medical caduceus. They tell us of their evil deeds. You can CHOOSE to partake or leave the Babylon system.
Ultimately, with and through Christ alone. (See Ephesians 6)
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”
Yes, this is certainly the foundation. I'm speaking towards what practical steps the Spirit will provide to identify these specific evils, then combat substances/dust etc used to monitor and intrude. A parallel from recent experiences was learnings and wisdom provided to combat sickness without taking the jab.
The spirit provided us with a brain and body to use to help ourselves. No one and no spirit is coming to help us on the chess board, we can only exchange info as we each decide on our personal strategy. Scipio is but one guru to light your way forward.
This is pretty much exactly what I have thought since all of the talk of vaccines and transhumanism began to trend back in early 2020. I just thought: This is just a repackaging of witchcraft and I bet that's exactly how THEY see it. No one has written about this in the way you have here, that I have seen anyway, so good for you! This needed saying and a good job you have done.
I had never heard the phrase "goofer dust" but was aware of the concept in Voodoo magick especially. When the shots were rolling out in 2021 and early reports of deaths and "adverse events" began to be reported I was just thinking: I don't know what's really in this crap, almost don't care, but I bet there are witchcraft ingredients and of course poison. Might as well have been 1621. I had already seen what they did with the fake, "Tiffany Dover" ritual when all this kicked off on 12/17/2020 so not a big jump to think all of it, the whole agenda just amounts to a rebranding of plain old witchcraft in the end. Everything else they do with these agendas will be the same. Just more Goofer Dust.
All of this was very thought provoking and reaffirmed what I already thought so GOLD STARS for you on this one my friend. ✨
That’s high praise coming from you sir, thanks!
“…the whole agenda just amounts to a rebranding of plain old witchcraft in the end.”
Knowing what I know now about the occult agenda at work here, I’m shocked more pastors didn’t discern the immediately evil nature of this COVID charade. It is steeped in esoteric symbology and dark spiritual energies, and that’s before we even get into the unscientific fallacies at the heart of the matter.
The scope of the witchcraft at play here is staggering.
Excellent commentary!
Thank you 🙏
"Dusting the psychological masters of contention from the dust bin of their own DNA" This is a 70's Era stop and go documentary, but above all don't miss the many scriptural nuggets after the 41:00 mark.
Fascinating video, thanks!
the public education system continues to indoctrinate sorcery through Harry Potter… why aren’t parents rebelling against this?
Knocked it out of the park once again.
Thank you kindly!
Dark Magick is used against us DAILY on packages in our grocery stores via sigils. They hire witches
in the Gov. .... It's ALL spellcasting & ILLUSION. "signs & symbols" will be their downfall.
If you have any questions...just look at the medical caduceus. They tell us of their evil deeds. You can CHOOSE to partake or leave the Babylon system.
Begs practical question: how can we mitigate/destroy intrusion of the hex in our homes and person?
Move closer to where the elite have bunkers, south NZ etc.. Hey if it was easy you wouldn't be asking.
Ultimately, with and through Christ alone. (See Ephesians 6)
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 KJV
Yes, this is certainly the foundation. I'm speaking towards what practical steps the Spirit will provide to identify these specific evils, then combat substances/dust etc used to monitor and intrude. A parallel from recent experiences was learnings and wisdom provided to combat sickness without taking the jab.
The spirit provided us with a brain and body to use to help ourselves. No one and no spirit is coming to help us on the chess board, we can only exchange info as we each decide on our personal strategy. Scipio is but one guru to light your way forward.
Oh my goodness.