This should be required Civics Instruction!

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what an awesome detailed piece of work. You essentially opened up both ends of the can, then split it down the seam and opened it wide. Keep up the inspiring work Scipio.

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Well done my friend. Keep up the good work.

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"What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is to-day one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will to-morrow be forced upon its timidity, and will be succeeded by some third revolution, to be denounced and then adopted in its turn."

Indeed. Simply put, Dabney's observation is the story of American "conservatism." Absent a rooting in the eternal truth of God, and Christ, there is only endless pragmatism, or, if extreme chaos ensues, brutal totalitarianism. At this moment, we appear far closer to the later than the former.

And what of the dozens (or hundreds) of other kinds of non-Christian "conservatism," now existent in the United States with the flood of non-western "immigrants" since the Immigration Act of 1965? At least those of us rooted in the American experience, whose ancestors have fought in her many conflicts, and who are nominally Christian (even if we have at times fallen away), can find common ground debating the merits and demerits of Burke, St. Augustine, the history of the GOP, the John Burch Society, "New Conservatism/Buckley," how the Confederacy is filtered by mainstream historians, Masonry/secret societies, etc. Where I live, in San Diego, half or more of the population just arrived here yesterday. And while some of them may be "conservative" in their own religious and ethnic traditions, many new arrivals appear to be "globalists" at heart. Nary a familiar conversation is to be had with any of these people.

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It is for these reasons that the Church is responsible for the current evils in America. We have failed to discern good from evil and failed to proclaim Christ’s rule of Law as our standard. May God grant repentance to His church and preserve those who mourn over the evils of our day. Thanks Scipio for being a voice crying in the wilderness.

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The Church as an institution has fallen. Unless on the individual level proven otherwise. Seek the Ecclesia.

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Indeed sister, there are many evils afflicting this nation precisely because Pastor's refuse to do their jobs.

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There is a veil put into place for a good reason ... So we don't participate with these demons of powers & principalities.... i.e. Politicians & A.I. daemons.

Do not sign their permission slip for worldly conveniences.

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I am forever catching alt media; 'influencers'; and Health Freedom gurus genuflecting to their Dying God and signalling to their fellow Masons.

Very few if any are independent of 'handlers'.

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They just cannot help flash thier gang signs. It is like a nervous twitch.

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This is an idea that is growing on me. I have only suspicions. Do you know where I can research this further? Namely the health freedom folks.

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Omar Jordan has impressive research on all the big names in the “health freedom movement”:


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A parralell intelegence network node.

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"If we continue to delude ourselves into thinking that voting for the lesser of two occultists is going to fix our problems, then we are both worthy and deserving of the dire consequences we continue to face."

This is one of those erudite words of clear-cut wisdom that will certainly get rolling-eyes if not more likely outright ostracism and derision.

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It turns out folks don’t particularly appreciate it when you smash their idols.

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Some do.

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"The highest law is not Man’s law, it is God's; and the absence of Liberty is a direct consequence of the absence of Christ."


"Simply put, there are no political solutions to spiritual problems."

100%. And with the "church" structures bankrupt of power and substance, it begs many questions.

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