Yes, it is a poisoning, but is it, in the mind of the perps, an attempt at directed evolution? And if so, toward what? Simply enslavement? Even Isaiah would be stunned at the scale of this.

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Yes sir, It is nothing less than the forced evolution of humanity and the attempted annihilation of our free will. Watch any Yuval Noah Harrari video and that freak will be more than happy to tell you about it.

An even more total enslavement is one of their goals yes, but more importantly, our biometric data. As crazy as this sounds, some of these freaks think they can create synthetic bodies for themselves in which they can live forever. Jared Kushner believes his generation will “conquer death”: a supremely blasphemous notion.

In their eyes, we are no more than hackable animals. Those unwilling or incapable of “evolving” into this new life-form will go extinct.

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Maybe a forced *devolution*, as Spirit seems to be their primary target! They are lost indeed.

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WOW! What an astonishing post here. I've learned so much from it. IMO, it's makes best sense to make sure we take a prevented approach to healing by eating fresh, colorful and raw foods, stay away from packaged foods, drink only purified water, don't consume alcoholic beverages, don't smoke, no drug use, abstain from pharma medications, no vaccines, detox regularly and do not go to a hospital for treatment.

I know this all seems unreasonable to most but once you consider the alternative, the choices are limited. Either one must take good care of their body the best they can or let your government kill you with their invisible weapons.

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Thank you and indeed sir, clean living is the surest way to avoid their 5th Gen minefields. Truly the wages of sin is death; that Scripture has become more real to me the last month than ever before.

If only there was some sort of ancient book that had been telling us to live largely that way all along.

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I beg you to watch everything from her : https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.D5E8F851-4FF8-483C-B72A-7590D29617E2:4

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Wow, what a great video, thank you!

I’ll definitely have to catch up on her work.

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It is absolutely life transforming and I wanted her to be wrong about this very hard, believe me

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'Telepathy'... 'precognition..' 'electromagnetic Telemetry..' '.. mental telepathy..' 'epigenics..' 'trans magnification..' 'chakras..' 'integral psychology..' What a coincidence that only last night I read where a scientist (no less) admited that all of 'science so-called' is really nothing more than spiritism and demonology. Think NASA.. CERN.. They just dress it up with white coats and fancy terms, sending out CGIs of covid viruses that look like Christmas tree ornaments.. matching the ornamental celestial bodies that NASA calls 'planets' no such thing in the Bible)..or 'galaxies'.. (ditto) In fact they are all working in concert with their deceiving images, and deceiving spirits, and the whole morass of deceiving sciences. What she (Sabrina) was describing is nothing more than spiritualism soul possession and the workings of devils. She mentioned hearing aids.. ! It's in everything flu shots.. medications.. all pharma products.. hearing aids! PCR tests! That's why we are pushed to take advantage of FREE services. Hah! Not a day goes by except I get advertisements in the mail daily for hearing aids!!,.. On my phone texts come in daily from the VA..'veterans come get your free flu shot'..Medicaid oye vay.. Thousands of invitations come by the year ..because the free treatments always involve these devilish ingredients. In my house the colorful card stock mailers all goe right into the trash. They can't get into my body or brain of a person covered in the blood of Christ. It's impenetrable.

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Truly, it is sorcery in all but name.

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wait until you see this : I assure you that she is absolutely who he sais she is : https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.D5E8F851-4FF8-483C-B72A-7590D29617E2:4

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I've seen all of Sabrina Wallace's videos. She's an amazing teacher on this subject matter.

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I am glad there is others out there. Innovator of the classical guitar here, continuous music, oil painting ... and now nanotechnology expert who knows that nano rectennas run on 0.1 nW each element and can send 100 femtosecond pulses through TS OOK signaling and boolean logicgates ... I recommend you to translate everything from xochipelli.fr with deepl into english in the reader version of the website - this is an aldous huxley, even Rudolf Steiner leveled mind ... truly a visionary truth speaker and his xochis substack is dense with scientific truth to those essays ! What else of Sabrinas class can you recommend ?

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Check out nonvaxer420 on Rumble to see all of Sabrina's videos.

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Excellent post, there's so much information in there. It will be interesting to see if the Expurgo protocol can purge the nanotech from his blood, i think it will help a lot, focus on vitamin C and glutathione ...

The mass poisoning of America is established, but i'd suggest that we're talking about the mass poisoning of the world, or at least much of the western world, since it's likely that these poisons are exported to many other countries. Do you know where (other than the US) these IV drugs that you mentioned are exported and administered ? A father in Switzerland that lets his 5 kids get vaccinated, and then they all have hydrogel in their blood .. I just hope that doctors who realize the danger of what's happening will unite to find solutions.

Since a good proportion of the pharmaceuticals is now poisoned at the nano scale, the last line of defense is the electron microscope. Forget about injectables ...

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Yes, this is happening across the world unfortunately. Other researchers have found adulterated drugs throughout the EU, Australia, and New Zealand. Japanese health authorities found heavy metals in the first jab batches they got.

Toradol, Zofran, Saline: these are some of the most common drugs used in ER's, and not just in America.

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Have you an opinion on NAC for clearing the blood?

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My colleague and I are very pro-NAC, for a variety of reasons, which I detail in the Expurgo Protocol article.

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How long could this have been going on? Vaccines have been poisoning us and producing adverse events for decades. We didn’t know to look for nanotechnology before - who could have imagined childhood vaccines and flu shots being filled with nanotech...?!

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Some of this tech is 60 years old. Other parts are more recent, 20-30 years or so. Hardly a recent phenomenon. The first quantum dot was synthesized in 1981. The assemblers, quantum dots, were the big breakthrough they needed to reliably construct at the nanoscale. I highly recommend that Engines of Creation book linked at the end of the article, they were already doing a lot of this stuff in 80's.

This stuff is really toxic to humans; if there had been mass testing before 2020, I have to think we would have seen the damage manifesting itself more significantly if that was the case.

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Another bombastic post Scipio, youre on fire!

I will add to the topic of poisoning, few months ago I had an epiphany.

So now I think that one of the ways they are poisoning masses is with imported cheap "health foods" which are laced with tons of parasites.

These cheap imported foods can VERY easily be infested with parasite eggs somewhere in transport. It would be really hard to detect it and no one would be too liable if it did get detected.

And when one gets infested with parasites, they start to pump poisons into the body of the host. All manners of poisons which can even cross the blood brain barrier.

And what are the symptoms? Flu like symptoms at first in any case. But it depends on where these parasites manage to reach and if they manage to reproduce faster than they get dealt with. That is if you know you have an infestation in the first place, which is not an easy diagnosis. In fact you are liable to get diagnosed with some illness that is caused by the parasites toxicity but is ascribed to some other cause. And with more time symptoms will always worsen.

Of course, cheap and refined industry food is already highly toxic. There is a BIG possibility that in some cases human body can DEVELOP parasites JUST because it is pumped with poisonous foods. Add environmental poisoning on top of that....

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Dr. Nixon wrote a study on his substack where he found peer reviewed publications about computation on NaCl crystals - so when you zoom in, those things are chips after all... very genius, like this Dr. Cole was not even lying

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Interesting, I can't seem to find that link if you don't mind sending it my way.

The big question still remains though, if that was salt, how is that salt not dissolving in our blood? How are crystals in the blood period? Salt dissolves at 78 F, and our blood is anywhere from 97-100 F.

We have purposely focused on human blood samples for now precisely because crystals are the most convenient deflection used to hand wave these findings away as a natural phenomenon.

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it is partly modified salt and then there are DNA crystals becoming plasmonic nano rectennas and other elements too

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So I read the papers, definitely interesting. There were references to Cadmium Graphene Dots and some other nanomaterials we've been coming across more and more lately.

While they can modify salt crystals for those purposes, I don't know how that would negate the issue of dissolvability in human blood. All the scientific papers that Dr. Nixon cited are not in vivo studies, they're lab tests in sterile settings. Sodium Chloride is already throughout our blood in a dissolved form.

These papers do not demonstrate how that would be technically feasible in a human body, let alone actually demonstrating that capability. Perhaps there is a paper I missed in the admittedly small amount of time I spent looking into this yesterday. If you're familiar with a paper that discusses that or demonstrates it, I would love to see it.

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regarding this particular issue, I do not have more evidence - but for everything else nano related, this is the best substack for answers regarding the feasibility of even GO coated aptamers with specific signaling for the WBAN 802.15.6 - wide body area network, where signals are bouncing off our biophotonic signals, modulating a part of our body and extracting a huge part of our electricity : https://open.substack.com/pub/xochipelli/p/mik-andersens-39-articles-in-english?r=zpm8l&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Wow, thanks for putting all this together! Amazing!

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Exactly this. Right now.

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