The Jewish Encyclopedia declared Jewry to be Edom, that is, Esau. Esau is cursed for he committed fornication by taking as wives women of Canaan and Cain; furthermore, he has no part of the blessings of Abraham as passed on to Jacob and to the tribe of Joseph.

The Judeo-Christians have committed spiritual fornication by joining with the Edomite rabbinical religion.

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As predicted by the prophets.

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Jon Hagee’s church is literally next door to my work. His “flock” are completely void of the Spirit nor any of the fruits of the spirit. Years of experience and I see a dead church. So sad. Just another megasynagogue of satan.

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Jon Hagee is just another huckster masquerading as a man of God. He's actually just another phony Christian Zionist shill paid to perform this Christian Zionist genuflection ritual to the Talmudic Rabbi's. His love for the dollar far outstrips his love of Christ's message.

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Do you have a similar treatise on the historical origins of the Christian religion?

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I believe that the great falling away of II Thessalonians 2 where God sends a strong delusion is this current reverence for Judaism by Christian Zionists who do not have a love of the truth. Just found your sight and subscribed.

Revival happens one person at a time. A study of Isaiah chapter 1 should be a sobering reminder to any Christian who chooses to depart from the truths of God. A simple progression is Genesis 12 was fulfilled by Jesus Christ according to Paul in Galatians 3:16. Hebrews chapter 8 declares that there is a new covenant and the old was fading away (which it definitely did in 70AD). Check mate.

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Thx for all u do Scipio

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Right on.

Doug Wilson was a very interesting choice for the opening quote.

Spoiler alert?

I'm speculating that in another installment in this series we may see a quote from a more recent document that Wilson helped write, that is inexplicably at odds with his first quote. A classic example of Doublethink.

Can't wait to read the rest of the series. Preach on, Brother Scipio.

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Ironic, no?

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Fraudsters gonna fraud.

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