Wow, Scipio...this is sooo excellently written! I had to laugh that they are exposing their own hypocrisy. Then the thought--guess who may find themselves boiling in excrement?! Or worse...unquenchable fire. Ooops, is that hate speech? Laws are being constructed right now (or already are via noahide "laws") that will call it such and carry a prison term or, if they get their way, execution via beheading. The book I just read expounds on much of what you shared, and what they plan to do to "heretics". Those secrets are being exposed, just as God said they would. That book is one of the most eye-opening I've read yet--by DeAnne Loper, called Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know, An in depth Study of the Kosher Pig and the Gods of Jewish Mysticism. You can find it on her website: https://kabbalahsecretschristiansneedtoknow.com/?m=1 So glad I found it. And the Lord blessed me just now, causing Stripe to bypass the E-mail code insertion and finally let me order your book, The Wolves Within. PRAISE THE LORD.Prayer always helps. PTL Bless you, and may God bless all your work and keep it accessible and safe from all the deniers and interlopers. ha ha. THANK YOU AND HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY IN THE LORD! P.S. I DO pray for all the deceived and those who are against us, that any who can still "come out of her deceptions", will seek the real truth, the real Lord of Lords. Only Jesus knows their hearts. It breaks my heart that my only Sister, who used to love the Lord, has joined their kabbalah and masonic ranks and is now a hater of the one she used to love!

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This series of articles would benefit all Christians. It would strengthen many and cause other to repent of their idolatry and misinterpretation of the simple gospel message.

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Loved your comment and I’m sorry about your sister. It’s not too late though and I pray that she will see the huge error she made and the eternal consequences of turning away from Christ and following a lie, before her last breath, or Jesus returns. Do you think it was because of some kind of promised monetary/material gain? I guess I just struggle with understanding it, especially if she loved the Lord at one time. I have unsaved loved ones and it truly is heartbreaking, but they’ve never loved the Lord , just too proud to admit they are sinners in need of the Savior, Jesus. I will continue to pray for them though.

I’m calling first dibs on the guillotine, and it’s not because I’m brave and need to be martyred, tbh its cowardly to even say, but if I’m first, I won’t have to watch my brothers and sisters in Christ go through it. If and when that day comes, may we all persevere and get strength from our Mighty King 👑. Hope your day is good, peace and blessings In Jesus.

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