Mar 24Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thanks Scipio, for another great compilation if info. I new for decades that fossil origins was a lie, however no one has really delved into showing oils origins all I had was bits and pieces.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Superb work here. Thank you for sharing

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Im 100% certain that plasma physics and electromagnetism are intertwined in this process of converting minerals to hydrocarbons.

Hydrocarbons are plentiful on comets for the same reason they're plentiful on earth: the same raw minerals converting into them via electromagnetic-plasma processes.

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Looks like it is Rockefellers all the way down. And Left and Right are two wings of the same bird.

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Brilliant work my good comrade-in-arms; thank you. I can use much of this with appropriate acknowledgement of course. It looks like WW3 is hotting up at last, after 3 years of phony war ,with the masses asleep as usual. The number of likes and comments indicate to me that we are shouting in an empty theatre - but no worries - if I save one soul I have accomplished my mission on Earth. https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/ww3-declared-de-banking-silent-weapons-e27



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The whole world needs to read this. I was aware of much of this already but you have bundled the information so concisely. Another round of mass "offings" occurred in the run up to Divoc-19. There is a large laundry list of people in the fields of immunology , virology and alternative health that bit the dust oddly over the last decade. They knew who the main people were who were going to cause trouble and took care of it ahead of time.

My family had oil wells in Illinois on farmland we owned there from back in the 20's. The wells had become unproductive by the 80's and were shut down. They probably only needed a rest. We sold the farm so I don't know if the wells came back. It would be interesting to know.....

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Will re-read again and again! Thanks.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

"The Twentieth Century — sometimes referred to as the American Century —...."

Aren't we dealing here with another commonly accepted anti-truth? Since the sovereignty of the United States is today an indefensible matter, Slezkine's definition seems to be more appropriate: "The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century"


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For a good review of the subject, see the video "How Big Oil Conquered the World" by James Corbett: corbettreport.com/bigoil/

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both of my parents were employed in the oil industry and never supported as factual “Peak Oil” theory, “Malthusian” theory or “Climate BS” but they were old school in a ‘waste not, want not’ mentality… control of supply/demand economics was/is probably key in manipulating the masses towards their desired goals… in early 80’s my dad actually biked a few miles to work for a time so I could use his car to drive to my job, nothing to do with any fake narrative but our own family’s budgetary issues … am actually glad that neither lived to see, understand the grandiose farce that has been perpetrated … it took the COVID Con to wake me up

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Holy cow!

What an incredible article!!

It will take days to digest.

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Great article, very well written. I always enjoy your articles because they are intelligent and exhaustively researched. I wish I could write as well as you!

The whole idea that dinosaur bones have been the source of oil was laughable even in school. "How did all those dinosaurs end up dying all at once in the same place?" It seemed a bit silly, even for a child.

Of course we now know they didn't, and never did, provide any fuel except maybe methane and other byproducts of decomposition, just like everything else which has ever lived or died. At least some of us know this, anyway. But it absolutely shows how effective Big Oil has been with their propaganda, that so many of us do not know, and believe what they have been told. I know CONVID spotlighted the mindless sheep who complied with each mandate with religious fervor, blatantly virtue signaling their acquiescence every step of the way; so it is simple to see how effective mind-control can be. The old saw about telling a lie until it becomes truth is Media 101.

Before I go, I did want to point out that there are Masonic signs and symbols all around them, in your picture of Rothschild/Rockefeller. (My father was a 33rd-degree Scottish Rite; I have all his Masonic books and his Masonic ring, so I am very familiar with their symbols.) Right behind them, on the fireplace mantel, the two matching candelabra are styled in the classic calipers-over-triangle Masonic sign. Also, the clock in the middle has a Sun surrounded by olive branches. Rothschild's hands, his fingers interlaced in that manner, shows he is a Master Mason; notice you do not see his thumbs. The carpet underneath him, right under the table where their teacups are, there is a Phoenix. One of the books on the shelf, directly behind Rothschild's right shoulder, is "The Unicorn Tapestries."

If unfamiliar with it, look here for starters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunt_of_the_Unicorn

OK, I've gone on long enough. Thank you again for your thoughtful articles, and keep 'em comin'!

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thank you 🙏🏻

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