Feb 21Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Going by memory, Kalergi's mother was Japanese. That makes him EURASIAN.

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Feb 21Liked by Scipio Eruditus

The great internet censorship and coup against Trump is a direct result of our ascension in 2017. They have gone scorched earth on our people.

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Feb 21Liked by Scipio Eruditus

It is too early to know what is going on. As for those coming from Latin America, maybe this is God's plan to remove them from the shackles of Catholicism. As for those of Islamic backgrounds, how many will retain their faith when it is not forced upon them? It is quite difficult for any tradition to come to America and be significantly unaffected (for better or worse) by American pop culture. Interesting times.

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Feb 21Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I've seen many whites, including my wife speak about being fearful of a non-white invasion. I'm not white, so I may be biased on this matter. However, something doesn't seem right about framing an issue based on skin color. This is not to say that a non-existent border with people coming in to destabilize the country is good. If we imagine those people were highly skilled, educated, God-fearing people who happened to be brown-skinned then I doubt there would be as much cause for concern.

Note that both Adam and David were not white, but red. Adam is described in Strongs #120. אָדָם (adam): ruddy, a human being and David can be found described in 1 Samuel 16:12, Strongs #132. אַדְמֹנִי (admoni): red, ruddy. You can also see Adam described in Josephus "Antiquities of the Jews" - Book I, Ch 1, as "This man was called Adam, which in the Hebrew tongue signifies one that is red, because he was formed out of red earth, compounded together; for of that kind is virgin and true earth."

Fortunately God looks at the heart, not external appearances. We have many things coming our way all at once, but I would say studying the Word of God to show ourselves approved is a top priority as is knowing and doing Jesus commandments. None of us will be able to solve America's/the world's problems, but we can do everything possible to buy that pearl of great price, though it cost us everything we have.

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It is imperative to recognize that the same people, under different names, have perpetuated these crimes throughout history, as you show with the Roman Empire rise and fall.

We know that by the time of Jesus the Romans were already fatally compromised and had nowhere to go but downhill after killing Him, which they surely knew. Practically everything in these evil bastards' playbook was used then and is being used now: rampant degeneracy and mass immigration, overseen by an elite, uncaring 1% who will be long gone when the revolution hits, all controlled by a brutal overlarge inefficient government that's openly hostile to its native population.

After they were done with Rome, they moved across to Spain and did the same thing; then Russia and China and Europe, each time creating chaos out of order as they profited mightily. Their claimed heritage is as fake as their names, yet considering who they serve this is sensible, in their demented ways. Now they inhabit the unholiest nation on Earth, and have an inexorable sway upon American elites, who are either already or want to be like them.

But it also appears that satan is getting tired of waiting; he has tried everything in his power to seize total control, but us doggone Christians thwart his every measure. I sense desperation in him and his followers, almost like they know Someone is even more powerful than their "god," and Our LORD is a vengeful God. Their torment is evident in all they do. They hate themselves for being who they are, but just like a dog cannot help but eat his own vomit so it goes.

It is always darkest before the dawn.

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"The Great Replacement" has hit warp speed. Natural-born, Locals are thrown into the streets, and foreigners are put into hotels. American Military are murdered by the corrupt military brass through vaccine suicide or chose dishonourable discharge punishment. Government policies destroy businesses, creating food deserts in inner cities. The takedown is in full swing. Sad. Wake up and take it back before it is too late. Pretending the government has authority over you is the source of most of these problems.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are endowed by the creator, not the government. They are a birth right, claim it.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Well done. Thanks (if that’s really the right term) for this musing. I share all of your sentiments, and have been pondering them for the past decade at least. I’m so disturbed by what’s happening now that I have to take time to gather my thoughts before writing anything lengthy and coherent. In short, I do believe that everything that has occurred since the Immigration Act of 1965 has brought America to a state of anarchy. At present, the ever shifting demons of “popular culture” and consumerism are the only “acceptable” unifying forces to most new arrivals. And given that entities like Blackrock now control most of what is presented in the MSM as “America” and “America,” that’s terrifying. I have ancestors that have been in America since tge 1600s, involved in every conflict—often on both “sides”—in American history. What of these 100 million of non-European descent who have shown up in the last forty years, or forty weeks? They don’t seem to understand that many of us whose families have sacrificed so much are still, in many instances, “poor.” As such they tend to think of someone like me, or my family, as not “real Americans” because I/we don’t match the superficial and damaging stereotypes presented to them in popular culture. I sense people like me are the new “out group” for the globalists.

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Feb 20Liked by Scipio Eruditus

“the American government, at seemingly every level, is actively engaged in the long running ethnic and cultural genocide of America.”

It is more than just the American government. It is the NWO, of which the American government is just a part. And they are engaged in the ethnic and cultural genocide of the entire West, not just America. But ultimately they want to destroy all cultures, not just the West. I think the main reason they are focused on the West right now is because the West (especially America, due mainly to having a large armed population) is the only entity that could theoretically effectively resist the NWO. Once they bring down the West they will turn their attention to the rest of the world, which will be a cakewalk compared to bringing down the West. The NWO hates them just a much as they hate us, but they are willing to use “migrants” from third world countries to bring us down first.

And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the NWO is going to be successful. Watching the battle between the NWO and the West is like watching a boxing match between Mike Tyson and a 10-year-old Girl Scout. They are out-maneuvering us at every turn. Half of the population (mainly the Left) are actually facilitating the plans of the NWO, either because they understand and agree with the those plans or, more often, they are useful idiots who think they are doing something to improve world conditions, or they don’t have any idea what is going on and they are just doing what their peers are doing or their bosses tell them to do. The other half of the population (mainly the Right) realizes that evil people are doing bad things, but they blame specific people (Schwab, Soros, Gates, Fauci, etc), without realizing that they are just frontmen for the NWO. They also think that people like Trump, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, Alex Jones, etc are fighting the globalists, when they are actually puppets of the NWO.

We lost the battle at least as far back as 1913 when our forebears gave them the ability to create essentially unlimited amounts of money out of thin air. That money gives them the ability to hire/bribe the politicians, journalists, lobbyists, scientists, psychologists, lawyers, judges, district attorneys, police chiefs, private investigators, foreign leaders, assassins, etc (those that they don’t control by blackmail) that they need to accomplish their objectives. They used that money and power to take over all the institutions of the media, academia, entertainment, banking and government, and they have been using those institutions ever since to successfully dumb down the public. They are going to achieve their Agenda 2030 (and subsequent) goals, which include reducing the world population to 500 million, and herding the survivors into tightly controlled and tightly monitored 15-minute cities. The only thing to do is prepare for what is coming and plan on being one of the survivors. In fact, in some ways I am actually looking forward to the challenge.

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Feb 20Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Our ancestors built a dynasty. We are witnessing its end. Northern European people and ancestry are being displaced by lower IQ peoples as if this was the plan.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Scipio Eruditus

The conclusion that stems from this information is indeed scary. Sadly, majority of people who should be concerned are still oblivious to these facts. When enough of these lowbrow animals are imported, the tipping point will be disastrous first and foremost for the goys. I've already seen videos of them in Italy, having cat barbecue in front of some ladies house. And there are worse things than that! They now rape and EAT their white victims!

Also, it seems how nations as we know them are obsolete. Do people have a backup plan?!

Again, I still do not see much hope for the collective. But maybe there is no other way?

Beekeeper analogy: infected beehive has to be destroyed so that it doesnt infect other healthy beehives.

Idk, I start to sound like an eugenicist when I think about what will happen in next 10-20 years. And I am certainly not one!!


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