Sep 1Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Growing up in Canada, our 'history' classes were more focused on European, and Canada/U.S. material... I found this article quite interesting on several fronts, some of which was referenced in other comments regarding the RC organization and the Jesuits murky history... As one who prays for the nations to become more aware of the dark entities who seek to kill and destroy... I now have more insight as to how to pray for Mexico... Good timing... as individuals of Mexican heritage are now a part of my family.

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Glad you found it edifying, God bless!

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Just to add my perspective on Freemason attacks on the Church, I hope you will not mind Scipio.

I think they are just for the show. To make people think that the Catholic Church is the greatest opposition to Freemasons.

Freemasonry is designed for the secular world. But it would have the same target as the synagogue of satan. The faithful who are born again in Christ.

Namely the future generations, since it is nearly impossible to get at those who are born again.

So in fact, Freemason did not target the Church. The subversive forces did it slowly/subtly, over centuries, through cryptos and subversion of early Christian theology and creating more erred theology. So the Catholic Church is an entity that acts like it honors Christ but in reality it is working for Satan.

One clue is its nature, exemplified in the Vatican and the Pope. The Church wants to rule the world and be rich! Yet all it should want to do is to heal and do exorcism and to teach the proper faith in Christ.

To my mind, ALL of this has to do with the fight against the salvation through Jesus Christ - but the stuff that he set in motion is immortal and indestructible - and they cant comprehend it while they refuse to be born again.

And Christ ain't going nowhere, in fact, he sacrificed himself for all of humanity.

But it is up to us humans to take him on. Or go with demons...

So that would mean that, for now, we are stuck in this damn situation! And its a dangerous moment in time, ALL the crazy bastards that the talmudic abomination is controlling now have so much physical power at hand that they could actually steer the entire human evolution on a Satanic path, maybe even take us on a path of total annihilation. I pray that we will have the needed strength to be able to somehow avoid these scenarios!

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There is some skepticism about Fr. Miguel Pro, and more so his alleged execution. Please take a look at the photo of him and enlarge it; what do you see?

An obvious fake: as with nearly all these paste-ups, you might notice foremost that nobody is casting any shadows. Where are they in this world that this anomaly occurs? Even if the Sun is directly overhead, shadows are beneath us; but they are there. But not here.

Also, Fr. Pro was a Jesuit, the Order of which has already been revealed, by Scipio and others, to be another anti-Christian one, so his martyrdom ought to be at best questionable. They were executing many priests at the time; what made Pro so special as to have a camera crew available (at a time when one had to stand still while being photographed)?

Finally, even with Pro being somewhat obscured in the background you can see the man had quite a proboscis. He looks like Toucan Sam, and this is from several feet away. This is not normal Mexican physiognomy, I would submit.

Who would do such a thing as impersonate a so-called Christian, stage an event (which is conveniently filmed), just to galvanize true Christians to fight to the death while they spread their evil? Anybody have any ideas?

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Good eye CO, I had some of those thoughts myself. Fr. Pro also has the distinct “honor” of being the only Catholic saint whos martyrdom was ever caught on film. Given his affiliations, it’s certainly eyebrow raising.

As for the why, the Regime is more than happy to gin us up so we can grind each other down. (See Ukraine.)

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Scipio Eruditus

"Who would do such a thing as impersonate....?"

Well, the Jezuits themselves. They are indeed the masters of deception

Also, check my comment on the post.


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Aug 20Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Very good report. I am ashamed to say that it was only in recent years that I learned about the Cristero War. Some of it still does not make sense to me, especially pertaining to the actions (or maybe non-action) of Pope Pius XI. Maybe he was too busy in Spain or elsewhere, but it seems like more could have been done. Looks like President Coolidge didn't do much either.

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Aug 20Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thank you Scipio!

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