I have actually read Albert Pike's tome, "Morals and Dogma" and, yes, it does speak of the Kabbalah but also speaks extensively on the necessity of virtue. I am now reading Michael Hoffman's, "Judaism Discovered", and it is on an entirely different level. It is the Judaic Talmudists who are the black sorcerers of Judiac supremacy over the gentile "goyim" (cattle). They have deceived the vast majority of Christians even though Jesus Christ warned in no uncertain terms of who they are and who they follow. Jesus' second coming in the clouds of judgement (an OT term used many times) on Jerusalem in 70 AD should have convinced Christians that Jesus is Christ and fulfilled ALL things just as he said he would. We are to live in a spiritual kingdom with Christ as the head. Of course the non-believing Jews, those seeped in the writings of the rabbis (Talmud), rejected a spiritual kingdom and are still waiting in anticipation for an earthly king. Is this who deceived Christians are convinced they wait for also? Apparently Christians also reject Jesus Christ's spiritual kingdom.
Absolutely agree, the Apostles make it clear that the Church body is Israel, and Christ is our King. Jews are those who have circumcised their heart and accepted Jesus Christ, not followers of a false religion.
The Judaizers were one the most pernicious heresies that plagued the early Church fathers. If we are at the End of the Age, it only makes sense that the Judaizers would once again rear their ugly head.
"Albert Pike's tome, "Morals and Dogma" and, yes, it does speak of the Kabbalah but also speaks extensively on the necessity of virtue"... yes, and satan himself quotes Scripture..
Excellent work. Thank you for shining a spotlight on this important event. The world is moving so fast it's hard even for those of us who are paying attention to keep up.
Keen eye there, I had totally forgotten about that accident in Atlas Shrugged. The length of the Taggart Tunnel just so happened to be 8 miles, of course.
Let's unanimously "Rebuke", in the name of Jesus, this hideous Hijacking of our lives by this "rag tag" demonic bunch! Thank you for this Writing, and all of the other Writing's in this Blog! You are truly doing the Lord's work! God bless.
Also, the book of Revelation is only a repeat of Jesus' Mount of Olivet discourse in symbolic imagery. Note for instance the 7 churches addressed in Revelation 1:4 were the 7 churches in existence at that time.
the herding of populations into controlled areas is playing out worldwide as well in the UN/WEF designated destination ‘CORE’ countries and migration source ‘GAP’ countries.
I am sorry and I promise not to post any more for awhile or at all at your request, but get a load of this. I looked the verse up and there it is! Again, I have read the entire bible and never put these things together myself. I am gobsmacked.
"Christ’s teaching to “store up treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:20) is alien to Yahweh. He is the Greedy One, who wants “the treasures of all the nations” amassed into his Jerusalem residence: “Mine is the silver, mine the gold!” (Haggai 2:8). “The wealth of all the surrounding nations will be heaped together: gold, silver, clothing, in vast quantity” (Zechariah 14:14). Interestingly, according to 1Kings 10:14, the amount of gold hoarded each year into Salomon’s temple was “666 talents of gold”—the “number of the Beast” in Revelation 13:18! Make of it what you want. Or ask Jared Kushner to explain it."
The vast preponderance of the evidence suggests that Christ was a real historical figure. This article series, written by an atheist, does a good job of dispelling the ahistorical myths that modern revisionists like Mr Guyenot engage in. Mr Guyenot clearly has an axe to grind with Christianity. These verses are wildly taken out of context, and his tortured interpretations and historical illiteracy make that clear.
As for 666 and it’s appearance in 1st Kings, if you read chapter 11 and subsequent chapters you realize that it is an intentional allusion to the number of the beast. It is a sign that Solomon has begun to covet the things of this world, that he has been led astray by love of money and earthly pleasures. It’s hardly spoken of in a positive light.
Before this is ever revealed to John hundreds of years later, the number of the beast makes an appearance. If anything, it confirms the fact that the Holy Bible is divinely inspired by displaying a continuity of symbolism across hundreds of years and thousands of miles.
Mr Guyenot’s hatred of Christ prevents him from judging these things dispassionately or even rationally. Anyone can cut and paste verses out of context and out of order to reach whatever conclusion they want to reach.
Can I just say one more thing? God exists. I believe in Intelligent Design and am always amazed at the beauty and divine intelligence everywhere I look in nature. I am always in awe of the Creator (Divine Architect?) .
Also don't know if you knew but Kushner is a Chabad Lubavitch cult member. Do you know what the Noahide Laws are? First one is against worshipping idols. Worshiping Jesus is considered idolatry. This is really how ignorant Christains are...assuming Reagan and all the rest of the presidents who are *required* to proclaim it during their presidency are Christians. Seems to me the Judaizers are far more devious than the Freemasons who are always accused. George Washington was a Freemason, for crying out loud.
President Ronald Reagan wrote in his proclamation of 1982:
One shining example for people of all faiths of what education ought to be is that provided by the Lubavitch movement, headed by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a worldwide spiritual leader who will celebrate his 80th birthday on April 4, 1982. The Lubavitcher Rebbe's work stands as a reminder that knowledge is an unworthy goal unless it is accompanied by moral and spiritual wisdom and understanding. He has provided a vivid example of the eternal validity of the Seven Noahide Laws, a moral code for all of us regardless of religious faith. May he go from strength to strength.
In recognition of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's 80th birthday, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled have issued House Joint Resolution 447 to set aside April 4, 1982, as a "National Day of Reflection."
Jared Kushner buys into the symbolism too apparently when he bought 666 Fifth Avenue. I still think something is very very wrong with the God of the OT, YHWH and the 180 of the NT in Jesus otherwise I would not even be reading Guyenot.
I know Christians can rationalize it just as I have TRIED to do but it takes a lot of dishonesty with oneself to accomplish it, imo. Actually, most Christians have never read the entire OT and don't want to. They only know the "Jews are the chosen people of their God and they will be blessed if they bless them" and that's enough. Sound about right?
I have read the entire Bible and studied it in its original languages. I am not relying on someone’s else interpretation. Yes most people are sheep, and with the multitude of false shepherds no wonder they are led astray.
Personally I don’t find Gods hatred for evil hard to understand at all. Before we begin to question Gods character, perhaps we should start with questioning our own.
What makes your judgement infallible? Have you ever messed up before? Hurt someone you love? Done something wrong? Said something hurtful?
Before we can begin to understand God, we must first recognize that we are subservient to him. I don’t need to justify God’s actions to my limited human understanding. I am the one who should have to conform my understanding to God’s.
If you don’t believe you’ve ever done anything wrong, why do you need a savior? Seems like you got life sorted out if that’s the case.
This isn't about me, it's about believing in another people's version of the exclusive god and so you do. You are saying not to judge the evil of YHWH of the OT but the gods of the gentile nations evil must be judged and annihilated. hmmmm
6 I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles
Isiah 42:6 KJV
Christ came to save us all, Jew and gentile (though those distinctions no longer exist) as the Prophets of old continually told us.
The pagan cultures of the Holy Land were not just practicers of ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism, they were genetic demonic abominations. Genesis And Exodus describe the giants that inhabited this land. These were descendants of the Nephilim, the offspring of the fallen angels. Goliath is one example of their offspring. They were a continuation of the rot that had corrupted the world before the Flood. They more than earned their judgement.
I’ve done wrong. I’ve sinned. By what right would I presume to judge? If you’ve done wrong, like we all have, what gives you the right to question the character of your creator? You’re the one who wronged him.
If I had wronged someone, I would want to figure out what I had done to make them think that. Maybe you don’t think your pet sin is a big deal. Maybe you think hell is unfair. Whatever it is, why should He justify himself to you? If you are perfect and therefore don’t require a savior, why bother with this?
I appreciate the dialogue Sunny but let’s agree to disagree on this one.
Here's another super interesting piece. I have never ever noticed this before, have you? This guy blows my mind.
"Christians have always failed to see the biblical god’s utter contempt for their own nations, although it is repeated again and again: “All the nations are as nothing before him, for him they count as nothingness and emptiness” (Isaiah 40:17). “Devour all the nations whom Yahweh your god puts at your mercy, show them no pity” (Deuteronomy 7:16). The vulnerability of Christian nations to Israel’s collective sociopathy is directly related to the their self-inflicted blindness. For their own misfortune, Christians worship a deity who hates them (as one commenter to an earlier article put it).
Christian exegetes never seem to have noticed either that Yahweh’s covenant—domination over the nations in exchange for exclusive worship—is basically identical to the pact that the devil tried to lure Jesus into:
“the devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. And he said to him, ‘I will give you all these, if you fall at my feet and do me homage.’ Then Jesus replied, ‘Away with you, Satan!’” (Matthew 4:8-10)"
I just ordered his book, "From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land...Clash of Civilizations".
I have read the entire bible, started at the beginning and read to the end. Honestly, I was shocked and threw the bible away. I have since tried to reconcile myself to it but I have a very hard time, especially the OT. I am still astounded that grown men literally believe Noah loaded up 2 animals from all over the world to put on an ark...from polar bears to kangaroos.
I am definitely not a Zionist Christian. Pretereism helped me come to terms with New Testament at least. "The Parousia", by J Stuart Russel is a great book.
I did read the piece, I am always willing to entertain opposing viewpoints presented in a respectful manner. I have come across these type of arguments before. I can see why such arguments are persuasive without being presented the other side, and the writer is skilled in crafting his narrative.
The Holy Bible is the most scrutinized book in human history. If the smoking guns that Mr Guyenot presents were supported by the facts, they would be deployed relentlessly by the critics of Christ. They are just simply not grounded in reality. There is a great deal of real historical data that attests to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was a real individual, not a fictitious fabrication. You can debate whether he was God, a madman or a fraud, but you can not seriously debate whether he existed.
We can disagree about sources all day long, but I find the most powerful testimony to the validity of the faith is the sacrifice of our martyrs. Every single apostle, save John of Patmos, died a gruesome death. Tens of thousands of Christians were put to death in horrific gladiatorial expositions. Christians were set ablaze to light the orgies of Roman emperors.
All they had to do was worship Caesar as a god. All they had to do was relent and this fate would have been avoided.
Why would these people die for a lie? Why would they choose to suffer these horrific deaths when they could have just forsaken their Lord, as Peter did before the Resurrection?
Interesting that Paul, a Jewish Pharisee convert, was rescued from Jewish persecution by Roman soldiers due to his Roman citizenship.
It is historical 'fact' today that 6 million Jews were gassed by the Nazis which can be proven false but it is still believed as truth by the masses of Jews and Christians.
That piece was incredible...thank you so much.
Such a good read-
Packed a wallop of information into a small area- not easy to do!
Perhaps more importantly- your piece is excellent fodder for topics that deserve more attention.
I will be seeking out that knowledge thanks to you.
I have actually read Albert Pike's tome, "Morals and Dogma" and, yes, it does speak of the Kabbalah but also speaks extensively on the necessity of virtue. I am now reading Michael Hoffman's, "Judaism Discovered", and it is on an entirely different level. It is the Judaic Talmudists who are the black sorcerers of Judiac supremacy over the gentile "goyim" (cattle). They have deceived the vast majority of Christians even though Jesus Christ warned in no uncertain terms of who they are and who they follow. Jesus' second coming in the clouds of judgement (an OT term used many times) on Jerusalem in 70 AD should have convinced Christians that Jesus is Christ and fulfilled ALL things just as he said he would. We are to live in a spiritual kingdom with Christ as the head. Of course the non-believing Jews, those seeped in the writings of the rabbis (Talmud), rejected a spiritual kingdom and are still waiting in anticipation for an earthly king. Is this who deceived Christians are convinced they wait for also? Apparently Christians also reject Jesus Christ's spiritual kingdom.
Absolutely agree, the Apostles make it clear that the Church body is Israel, and Christ is our King. Jews are those who have circumcised their heart and accepted Jesus Christ, not followers of a false religion.
The Judaizers were one the most pernicious heresies that plagued the early Church fathers. If we are at the End of the Age, it only makes sense that the Judaizers would once again rear their ugly head.
"Albert Pike's tome, "Morals and Dogma" and, yes, it does speak of the Kabbalah but also speaks extensively on the necessity of virtue"... yes, and satan himself quotes Scripture..
Excellent work. Thank you for shining a spotlight on this important event. The world is moving so fast it's hard even for those of us who are paying attention to keep up.
Thanks, and indeed, these kind of mass rituals are being thrown at us left and right now.
The train derailed next to street named Taggart, which reminds of the Taggert Tunnel train disaster in Atlas Shrugged.
Keen eye there, I had totally forgotten about that accident in Atlas Shrugged. The length of the Taggart Tunnel just so happened to be 8 miles, of course.
Let's unanimously "Rebuke", in the name of Jesus, this hideous Hijacking of our lives by this "rag tag" demonic bunch! Thank you for this Writing, and all of the other Writing's in this Blog! You are truly doing the Lord's work! God bless.
Thank you, and Amen 🙏
Before God can break our chains, we must first realize they are even there.
Amen. God bless.
Also, the book of Revelation is only a repeat of Jesus' Mount of Olivet discourse in symbolic imagery. Note for instance the 7 churches addressed in Revelation 1:4 were the 7 churches in existence at that time.
There is great deal of false doctrines masquerading as Biblical truth. Definitely a topic I’m looking to cover in the future!
Looking forward to it.
the herding of populations into controlled areas is playing out worldwide as well in the UN/WEF designated destination ‘CORE’ countries and migration source ‘GAP’ countries.
I am sorry and I promise not to post any more for awhile or at all at your request, but get a load of this. I looked the verse up and there it is! Again, I have read the entire bible and never put these things together myself. I am gobsmacked.
"Christ’s teaching to “store up treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:20) is alien to Yahweh. He is the Greedy One, who wants “the treasures of all the nations” amassed into his Jerusalem residence: “Mine is the silver, mine the gold!” (Haggai 2:8). “The wealth of all the surrounding nations will be heaped together: gold, silver, clothing, in vast quantity” (Zechariah 14:14). Interestingly, according to 1Kings 10:14, the amount of gold hoarded each year into Salomon’s temple was “666 talents of gold”—the “number of the Beast” in Revelation 13:18! Make of it what you want. Or ask Jared Kushner to explain it."
Same link as before: https://www.unz.com/article/the-devils-trick-unmasking-the-god-of-israel/
You are welcome to continue posting. I don’t find Mr Guyenot’s arguments very persuasive however.
The vast preponderance of the evidence suggests that Christ was a real historical figure. This article series, written by an atheist, does a good job of dispelling the ahistorical myths that modern revisionists like Mr Guyenot engage in. Mr Guyenot clearly has an axe to grind with Christianity. These verses are wildly taken out of context, and his tortured interpretations and historical illiteracy make that clear.
As for 666 and it’s appearance in 1st Kings, if you read chapter 11 and subsequent chapters you realize that it is an intentional allusion to the number of the beast. It is a sign that Solomon has begun to covet the things of this world, that he has been led astray by love of money and earthly pleasures. It’s hardly spoken of in a positive light.
Before this is ever revealed to John hundreds of years later, the number of the beast makes an appearance. If anything, it confirms the fact that the Holy Bible is divinely inspired by displaying a continuity of symbolism across hundreds of years and thousands of miles.
Mr Guyenot’s hatred of Christ prevents him from judging these things dispassionately or even rationally. Anyone can cut and paste verses out of context and out of order to reach whatever conclusion they want to reach.
Can I just say one more thing? God exists. I believe in Intelligent Design and am always amazed at the beauty and divine intelligence everywhere I look in nature. I am always in awe of the Creator (Divine Architect?) .
Also don't know if you knew but Kushner is a Chabad Lubavitch cult member. Do you know what the Noahide Laws are? First one is against worshipping idols. Worshiping Jesus is considered idolatry. This is really how ignorant Christains are...assuming Reagan and all the rest of the presidents who are *required* to proclaim it during their presidency are Christians. Seems to me the Judaizers are far more devious than the Freemasons who are always accused. George Washington was a Freemason, for crying out loud.
President Ronald Reagan wrote in his proclamation of 1982:
One shining example for people of all faiths of what education ought to be is that provided by the Lubavitch movement, headed by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a worldwide spiritual leader who will celebrate his 80th birthday on April 4, 1982. The Lubavitcher Rebbe's work stands as a reminder that knowledge is an unworthy goal unless it is accompanied by moral and spiritual wisdom and understanding. He has provided a vivid example of the eternal validity of the Seven Noahide Laws, a moral code for all of us regardless of religious faith. May he go from strength to strength.
In recognition of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's 80th birthday, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled have issued House Joint Resolution 447 to set aside April 4, 1982, as a "National Day of Reflection."
Jared Kushner buys into the symbolism too apparently when he bought 666 Fifth Avenue. I still think something is very very wrong with the God of the OT, YHWH and the 180 of the NT in Jesus otherwise I would not even be reading Guyenot.
I know Christians can rationalize it just as I have TRIED to do but it takes a lot of dishonesty with oneself to accomplish it, imo. Actually, most Christians have never read the entire OT and don't want to. They only know the "Jews are the chosen people of their God and they will be blessed if they bless them" and that's enough. Sound about right?
I have read the entire Bible and studied it in its original languages. I am not relying on someone’s else interpretation. Yes most people are sheep, and with the multitude of false shepherds no wonder they are led astray.
Personally I don’t find Gods hatred for evil hard to understand at all. Before we begin to question Gods character, perhaps we should start with questioning our own.
What makes your judgement infallible? Have you ever messed up before? Hurt someone you love? Done something wrong? Said something hurtful?
Before we can begin to understand God, we must first recognize that we are subservient to him. I don’t need to justify God’s actions to my limited human understanding. I am the one who should have to conform my understanding to God’s.
If you don’t believe you’ve ever done anything wrong, why do you need a savior? Seems like you got life sorted out if that’s the case.
This isn't about me, it's about believing in another people's version of the exclusive god and so you do. You are saying not to judge the evil of YHWH of the OT but the gods of the gentile nations evil must be judged and annihilated. hmmmm
Who did Jesus come to save the Jews from?
6 I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles
Isiah 42:6 KJV
Christ came to save us all, Jew and gentile (though those distinctions no longer exist) as the Prophets of old continually told us.
The pagan cultures of the Holy Land were not just practicers of ritual human sacrifice and cannibalism, they were genetic demonic abominations. Genesis And Exodus describe the giants that inhabited this land. These were descendants of the Nephilim, the offspring of the fallen angels. Goliath is one example of their offspring. They were a continuation of the rot that had corrupted the world before the Flood. They more than earned their judgement.
I’ve done wrong. I’ve sinned. By what right would I presume to judge? If you’ve done wrong, like we all have, what gives you the right to question the character of your creator? You’re the one who wronged him.
If I had wronged someone, I would want to figure out what I had done to make them think that. Maybe you don’t think your pet sin is a big deal. Maybe you think hell is unfair. Whatever it is, why should He justify himself to you? If you are perfect and therefore don’t require a savior, why bother with this?
I appreciate the dialogue Sunny but let’s agree to disagree on this one.
Here's another super interesting piece. I have never ever noticed this before, have you? This guy blows my mind.
"Christians have always failed to see the biblical god’s utter contempt for their own nations, although it is repeated again and again: “All the nations are as nothing before him, for him they count as nothingness and emptiness” (Isaiah 40:17). “Devour all the nations whom Yahweh your god puts at your mercy, show them no pity” (Deuteronomy 7:16). The vulnerability of Christian nations to Israel’s collective sociopathy is directly related to the their self-inflicted blindness. For their own misfortune, Christians worship a deity who hates them (as one commenter to an earlier article put it).
Christian exegetes never seem to have noticed either that Yahweh’s covenant—domination over the nations in exchange for exclusive worship—is basically identical to the pact that the devil tried to lure Jesus into:
“the devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. And he said to him, ‘I will give you all these, if you fall at my feet and do me homage.’ Then Jesus replied, ‘Away with you, Satan!’” (Matthew 4:8-10)"
Btw, I am just learning this myself. I have always felt something was terribly off between the God of OT and God of the NT.
Let me know if you want me to unsub.
You’re welcome to continue posting. I don’t agree with Mr. Guyenot that’s for sure.
I just ordered his book, "From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land...Clash of Civilizations".
I have read the entire bible, started at the beginning and read to the end. Honestly, I was shocked and threw the bible away. I have since tried to reconcile myself to it but I have a very hard time, especially the OT. I am still astounded that grown men literally believe Noah loaded up 2 animals from all over the world to put on an ark...from polar bears to kangaroos.
I am definitely not a Zionist Christian. Pretereism helped me come to terms with New Testament at least. "The Parousia", by J Stuart Russel is a great book.
Found this and am reading. You may find it offensive , a mind bender or enlightening.
I did read the piece, I am always willing to entertain opposing viewpoints presented in a respectful manner. I have come across these type of arguments before. I can see why such arguments are persuasive without being presented the other side, and the writer is skilled in crafting his narrative.
The Holy Bible is the most scrutinized book in human history. If the smoking guns that Mr Guyenot presents were supported by the facts, they would be deployed relentlessly by the critics of Christ. They are just simply not grounded in reality. There is a great deal of real historical data that attests to the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was a real individual, not a fictitious fabrication. You can debate whether he was God, a madman or a fraud, but you can not seriously debate whether he existed.
We can disagree about sources all day long, but I find the most powerful testimony to the validity of the faith is the sacrifice of our martyrs. Every single apostle, save John of Patmos, died a gruesome death. Tens of thousands of Christians were put to death in horrific gladiatorial expositions. Christians were set ablaze to light the orgies of Roman emperors.
All they had to do was worship Caesar as a god. All they had to do was relent and this fate would have been avoided.
Why would these people die for a lie? Why would they choose to suffer these horrific deaths when they could have just forsaken their Lord, as Peter did before the Resurrection?
Interesting that Paul, a Jewish Pharisee convert, was rescued from Jewish persecution by Roman soldiers due to his Roman citizenship.
It is historical 'fact' today that 6 million Jews were gassed by the Nazis which can be proven false but it is still believed as truth by the masses of Jews and Christians.