An excellent review! Here's another aspect of the story:
The liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) network has controlled US policy and the media since WW2. Humphrey and Oppenheimer, quoted above, were CFR members.
War Secretary Stimson, who oversaw the “Manhattan Project” and the bombing of Japan, was a CFR member. So were George L. Harrison, Vannevar Bush, Karl Compton, James Conant, and several other project leaders. Every chairman of the post-war Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was a CFR member.
Most of the NATO commanders, starting with Eisenhower, have been CFR members. Most of the CIA directors from Dulles to Burns have been CFR members. Likewise for the secretaries of State, Treasury, and Defense.
Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. After Kennedy sacked him, he was replaced by CFR member John McCone. After Kennedy was murdered, Dulles sat on the Warren Commission with CFR chairman John McCloy. Warren and Ford were Masons, as you know. Ford later joined the CFR.
Same stuff, different decade. CFR members on the “Biden team” include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and ‘Homeland Security’. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.
Thank you very much for your kind words and this exceptional addendum.
The CFR and other supranational groups are certainly an integral aspect of the control mechanism by which the moneyed powers exert their dominion. With the WEF dominating headlines, it’s quite surprising to me how so many alternative media sites overlook that it is simply a European rebranding of the CFR.
The CFR network includes corporations, foundations, captured govt agencies, and dozens of interlocking NGOs including the WEF and the UN itself.
Billionaires Larry Fink (BlackRock), David Rubenstein (Carlyle), and Marc Benioff (Salesforce) are WEF trustees. Fink is a CFR director, Rubenstein is the CFR chairman, and Benioff who owns Time magazine is a CFR member.
Here's a database including all CFR members since 1921 which you might find interesting. Enter any last name into the search box and follow the links:
JFK wasn't murdered. The propaganda strategy for the JFK event employed the False Dilemma fallacy - we were given two choices:
Story A: Lone gunman
Story B: Cabal
When reality was C: all staged.
The False Dilemma strategy was also employed for 9/11, the post 9/11 anthrax attacks, the 1980 Bologna station bombing and is really not an uncommon strategy. They target the ~90% of the population they know will accept their nonsense with one propaganda stream and the ~10% who won't with another story. They want us all fooled as much as possible.
Cheap energy is certainly very dangerous to those wishing to enslave the human race. It is one the primary areas through which society is controlled, the other being food, fear, and currency.
The scarcity of Oil, much like the nuke scare, is almost entirely a fabrication of Rockefeller propaganda campaigns. It’s hard to think of a family more damaging to our country than that cursed clan.
Just to point out Predictive Programming is only part of the Revelation of the Method (RoM) which occurs during the event and after too. Obviously, you know that but I just wanted to clarify.
The moon landings really happened because they wanted to go to the moon for real. Boys and their toys. They wanted to go so they went. It was a massive feat though and for various reasons hasn't been repeated. There's no RoM in the moon landings or they might have snuck in just a tiny bit ... because well they can't help it but they went and the evidence is overwhelming.
This is about 200 hours of audio recordings for Apollo 11 alone (and there's however many hundreds altogether for all the landings).
You cannot fake 200 hours of audio recordings, that is a clear impossibility ... but even if you could, doing it would be completely and utterly alien to RoM. RoM is about TELLING you they're faking it, not simulating reality as well as possible. Besides, all the visual imagery provided is completely in accordance with the alien lunar conditions.
What disbelievers of the moon landings say is: "X could be faked" when they really mean "X could be faked WITHOUT DETECTION" which is a completely different proposition. You cannot claim as fact that 200 hours of audio could be faked without detection.
Also, you cannot just stick a camera in a desert scape at night with artificial lights and fake the moon either.
--- Because of no atmosphere, the light quality is different and shadows are more delineated than on earth.
--- Movement in a low gravity situation is simply completely different.
--- There is clearly a single light source which couldn't be achieved with artificial light, you'd have to have multiple lights and they would cast multiple shadows and show spotlighting and falloff.
Great article with useful links! I’d be very interested to learn more about Marilynn Monroe’s involvement in Laurel Canyon. I had been under the impression that she was a just a floozie who became too close to JFK and RFK. But now it seems that she may have been very involved in intelligence/government propaganda. Do you have any additional links on her roles?
My opinion is that Marilyn Monroe was likely an MK ULTRA victim. She had a very tragic childhood and suffered sexual trauma at a young age. These are precisely the kind of malleable and damaged minds that the government sought to conduct their experiments on. I highly recommend Dave McGowan's book on Laurel Canyon (attached at the end of the article), which also intersects with the MK ULTRA war crimes committed there.
The feds had quite extensive records on her as well.
She also happened to star in the first Hollywood picture to mainstream crossdressing, Some Like It Hot (1959), presaging the tranny madness we are all now subjected to on a daily basis.
I don’t recall mentioning that, but it is certainly true that the rainbow is yet another Christian symbol perverted by Lucifer. I no longer believe in coincidences when it comes to these folks.
The Enola Gay was named after the pilots mother, and the plane dropped the Little Boy bomb. A metaphorical birthing of the apocalypse via symbology.
An excellent review! Here's another aspect of the story:
The liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) network has controlled US policy and the media since WW2. Humphrey and Oppenheimer, quoted above, were CFR members.
War Secretary Stimson, who oversaw the “Manhattan Project” and the bombing of Japan, was a CFR member. So were George L. Harrison, Vannevar Bush, Karl Compton, James Conant, and several other project leaders. Every chairman of the post-war Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was a CFR member.
Most of the NATO commanders, starting with Eisenhower, have been CFR members. Most of the CIA directors from Dulles to Burns have been CFR members. Likewise for the secretaries of State, Treasury, and Defense.
Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. After Kennedy sacked him, he was replaced by CFR member John McCone. After Kennedy was murdered, Dulles sat on the Warren Commission with CFR chairman John McCloy. Warren and Ford were Masons, as you know. Ford later joined the CFR.
Same stuff, different decade. CFR members on the “Biden team” include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and ‘Homeland Security’. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, etc.
Thank you very much for your kind words and this exceptional addendum.
The CFR and other supranational groups are certainly an integral aspect of the control mechanism by which the moneyed powers exert their dominion. With the WEF dominating headlines, it’s quite surprising to me how so many alternative media sites overlook that it is simply a European rebranding of the CFR.
The CFR network includes corporations, foundations, captured govt agencies, and dozens of interlocking NGOs including the WEF and the UN itself.
Billionaires Larry Fink (BlackRock), David Rubenstein (Carlyle), and Marc Benioff (Salesforce) are WEF trustees. Fink is a CFR director, Rubenstein is the CFR chairman, and Benioff who owns Time magazine is a CFR member.
Here's a database including all CFR members since 1921 which you might find interesting. Enter any last name into the search box and follow the links:
Petra is correct, JFK wasn't killed. The corpse was Tippit, but it was all a movie.
The link to Nakatani no longer works. It's rapidly disappearing from the net, here it still is, download if you havn't already!
Thanks for the heads up PM. I got that on my hard drive but I’ll upload the PDF file to these articles, substack has that feature.
JFK wasn't murdered. The propaganda strategy for the JFK event employed the False Dilemma fallacy - we were given two choices:
Story A: Lone gunman
Story B: Cabal
When reality was C: all staged.
The False Dilemma strategy was also employed for 9/11, the post 9/11 anthrax attacks, the 1980 Bologna station bombing and is really not an uncommon strategy. They target the ~90% of the population they know will accept their nonsense with one propaganda stream and the ~10% who won't with another story. They want us all fooled as much as possible.
maybe nuclear power plants aren’t nearly as dangerous as we are lead to believe (unless cheap, reliable power is considered dangerous)?
Cheap energy is certainly very dangerous to those wishing to enslave the human race. It is one the primary areas through which society is controlled, the other being food, fear, and currency.
The scarcity of Oil, much like the nuke scare, is almost entirely a fabrication of Rockefeller propaganda campaigns. It’s hard to think of a family more damaging to our country than that cursed clan.
Great series, Scipio!
Just to point out Predictive Programming is only part of the Revelation of the Method (RoM) which occurs during the event and after too. Obviously, you know that but I just wanted to clarify.
The moon landings really happened because they wanted to go to the moon for real. Boys and their toys. They wanted to go so they went. It was a massive feat though and for various reasons hasn't been repeated. There's no RoM in the moon landings or they might have snuck in just a tiny bit ... because well they can't help it but they went and the evidence is overwhelming.
This is about 200 hours of audio recordings for Apollo 11 alone (and there's however many hundreds altogether for all the landings).
You cannot fake 200 hours of audio recordings, that is a clear impossibility ... but even if you could, doing it would be completely and utterly alien to RoM. RoM is about TELLING you they're faking it, not simulating reality as well as possible. Besides, all the visual imagery provided is completely in accordance with the alien lunar conditions.
What disbelievers of the moon landings say is: "X could be faked" when they really mean "X could be faked WITHOUT DETECTION" which is a completely different proposition. You cannot claim as fact that 200 hours of audio could be faked without detection.
Also, you cannot just stick a camera in a desert scape at night with artificial lights and fake the moon either.
--- Because of no atmosphere, the light quality is different and shadows are more delineated than on earth.
--- Movement in a low gravity situation is simply completely different.
--- There is clearly a single light source which couldn't be achieved with artificial light, you'd have to have multiple lights and they would cast multiple shadows and show spotlighting and falloff.
Great article with useful links! I’d be very interested to learn more about Marilynn Monroe’s involvement in Laurel Canyon. I had been under the impression that she was a just a floozie who became too close to JFK and RFK. But now it seems that she may have been very involved in intelligence/government propaganda. Do you have any additional links on her roles?
My opinion is that Marilyn Monroe was likely an MK ULTRA victim. She had a very tragic childhood and suffered sexual trauma at a young age. These are precisely the kind of malleable and damaged minds that the government sought to conduct their experiments on. I highly recommend Dave McGowan's book on Laurel Canyon (attached at the end of the article), which also intersects with the MK ULTRA war crimes committed there.
The feds had quite extensive records on her as well.
She also happened to star in the first Hollywood picture to mainstream crossdressing, Some Like It Hot (1959), presaging the tranny madness we are all now subjected to on a daily basis.
I don’t recall mentioning that, but it is certainly true that the rainbow is yet another Christian symbol perverted by Lucifer. I no longer believe in coincidences when it comes to these folks.
The Enola Gay was named after the pilots mother, and the plane dropped the Little Boy bomb. A metaphorical birthing of the apocalypse via symbology.