I really enjoyed your three-part series. I have my own page which has links to your three articles, however, I hadn't read them properly before. My page just puts as many basic points to make it clear that nuclear bombs are a hoax including some of yours, however, I really did wonder how it was that Japan was obviously in league to some degree with the US both with Pearl Harbour and Hiroshima and Nagasaki and your series provides a background that explains it - cannot believe the Ryoma photo and statues with the incredibly ostentatious hidden hand (seriously?) - and some points you make really add to the argument such as there was no need to destroy any more than had already been done for the Japanese to capitulate.


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Thanks Petra, this series definitely took me a bit by surprise as well. I had no idea about the depth of the Masonic machinations in Japan prior to the Pearl Harbor but it certainly helps explains much of the incongruent behavior.

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Hey the Wilson vid didn't debunk Nukes, he seems like he is actually promoting the nuke narrative. His work history smells like he is working for the Blob.

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Oh he’s definitely working for the blob, but he does quite throughly demystify one of the most prevailing historical myths of nuclear weapons: that they were so devastating they caused Japan to capitulate.

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Yes good point. My take is that the Russian thing isn't it either. It's a pre-written script, time to get the slaves working again to build up assets for the next war shake-down and to set up the next motif of nation blocs at tension and in need of arms.

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Until your use I hadn't seen those in power referred to as the Blob (I'm assuming that word simply refers to those in power generally or some more specific group?) and it reminds me of how early 9/11 researchers referred to Flight 11 (alleged plane into the North tower) - Blobs 11.

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Just means the the group of monsters that move as one mass and eat whatever is in their way.

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So it seems to me that the world is already under a one-world Government if being a Freemason is a prerequisite of holding power... are we just in the process of ironing out the kinks and conditioning people to accept it?

I’m only just realizing the world-wide scope of Freemasonry. Is it also prevalent in Africa and the Middle East?

Are the “elite” (Rothchilds, Rockafellers etc..) also Freemasons? Or Freemasonry like a cult for the henchmen?

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Yes we effectively have had one world government since 1930 with the creation of the Bank for International Settlements. +95% of the economic activity in the world is conducted on their systems. COVID really solidified this perception in my mind personally. There wasn’t a lick of difference in COVID policies from Milwaukee to Moscow. That is prima facie evidence of a centralized command and control structure.

You will find Masonry everywhere the British empire, and by extension, the American empire has exerted their influence. Overt Masonry has struggled more so in the Middle East than a lot of other places due to it’s Kabbalistic and Judaic roots, but that hasn’t prevented the elites of these countries from becoming captured as well.

The Rothschilds and Rockefeller’s are definitely initiated members of Freemasonry. (https://www.rothschildarchive.org/family/family_interests/freemasonry)

The lower degrees serve as filters and sorting mechanisms to discover prospective talent. There are definitely much more elite entities, such as the Bohemian Society, that are restricted to those of a more “noble” patronage.

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Actually I think the Ka'ba' at Mecca is one of the most Kabbalist locations on earth. Why Muslims can't see that thing they bow down to and circle is just a giant tefillin is beyond me. It's all Saturn worship. There is a vid I mirrored on my old YT channels that some brave soul in Iran put up showing just how infested they are with Masonry as well. The symbolism is everywhere there. North Korea is no different. They actually carefully aligned all memorials and major landmarks in PyongYang to form a Masonic 47 degree compass overlayed by a pentagram. All you have to do is connect the dots to see it.

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This Jewish scholar seems to be saying the same thing slightly differently in this video, Where Did the Mecca Black Stone Come From?


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The Ka'ba is also how the Muslims sneak in the goddess and Sol Invictus worship. Islam has never allowed statues or other figurative imagery so they use the black stone to represents the child and a silver frame that looks like a womans parts to represent the goddess. They actually show and celebrate the birth and Muslims don't have a clue what they are really worshipping. This is just plain old bait and switch witchcraft where the blackstone and silverframe become the talismans that gather the emotional energy.They placed this in the very center of their black cube that they bow down to, chant at and circle endlessly.

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Yes, it's everywhere. In China they have affiliated institutions called the Triads. This is their version of it. All bases are covered and have been for a long time. You can easily find images online of Kim Jong Un doing the hand signs.

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Tremendous three part series! I was surprised by the mention of the Sasoon's. I have heard that Dangoor, and Kadoorie family; along with the Sasoon's are the "Shadow" element with the most influence! Freemason's are real Losers! Praise Jesus!

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Jun 27, 2023
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Dr. Akatani’s logic is inescapable, it would basically take a miracle under the best circumstances for one of these devices to fire off, let alone constrained by 1940’s era tech.

To those who haven’t read it, I can’t recommend Dr. Akatani’s book enough.

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