I happened upon this in the Bible recently and it hit me like a truth bomb:

But as for me (Micah), I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression, to Israel his sin. Hear this, you leaders of Jacob, you RULERS OF ISRAEL, who despise justice and distort all that is right; who build Zion with bloodshed and Jerusalem with wickedness. Her leaders pronounce judgment for a bribe, her priests instruct for a price, her prophets divine for money. Yet they lean on the Lord saying, "Is not the Lord in our midst? Calamity will not come upon us" Therefore, on account of you, Zion will become a heap of ruins, and the mountain of the temple will become high places of a forest. Micah 3: 8-12

And who is poised to profit from this genocide and the razing of Gaza? President Trump's son in law, for one.

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Forgive me for asking this, Has anyone else noticed if you use the audible play of the article ( because I do use that function while at work or multi-tasking at my residence) that on occasion an audible voice not AI or a voice filtration simulation splices in and tends to briefly speak in another language??? As weird as that sounds this the 3rd time that has happened to me before I asked. I am too tired of all of this to just make something up…

God help us. 😔

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"I’m sure if my grandparents had evicted them from their ancestral homes, gaslit them, and terrorized their families for the last 80 years they would feel differently."


My ancestors have been butchered, evicted from their homes, gaslit and terrorized for much, much longer than 80 years!

So what you mean by "feel differently"?

You mean feeling it's time to declare JIHAD? Never happened. Eviction in our world is a tragedy but not an excuse for bloodshed.


Declaring war against a huge group of armed thugs who without any provocation invades your property, gleefully slaughters your friends and family in their homes, kidnaps over 200 others and threatens to keep up the bloodshed until every last Jew is dead "from the River to the Sea" -

Well, that would piss ANYONE off , don't you think?


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Man, what a shame to invest so much effort on this lengthy piece of anti semitic trash.

"Fake rapes and beheadings", eh?

What the heck do you think Islamic society IS? Try disguising yourself as an Arab and live under cover in any town in the West Bank of Israel, Gaza, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iran or Iraq for a few months and observe how these barbarians really live.

You will quickly discover that every single atrocity Hamas committed against innocent Israelis on Oct 7 happens EVERY DAY in their own towns and villages against their OWN PEOPLE.

Extreme cruelty and violence has always been the hallmark of Islam since Mohammed.

Someone's sister slept with her boyfriend? You'll probably find her severed head lying in a gutter. In fact, on a typical day in Arab Paradise it's not unusual to trip over several severed heads rolling down the street .

Arabs are indoctrinated from childhood that the greatest goal in life is to DIE killing "infidels". How do I know all this? Not by quoting photo shopped propaganda rags from my comfortable home half way across the world . I LIVE in Israel. My husband spent decades as a hostage recovery specialist for the IDF and my oldest son was one of the first paramedics to arrive on the scene at Kibbutz Be'eri on October 7.

And for the record, my son did not report that the dozens of mutilated and charred bodies he found during those 2 hellish days on Beeri were fake.

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Firstly, I realize this is an emotional subject for you, but if you are going to continue to hurl insults at me I will ban you.

What’s a shame is that you lack reading comprehension and feel the need to put words in my mouth. Never once did I say all the rapes were fake, nor did I excuse them, but there is a dearth of difference between an intentional campaign of drug-fueled mass rape and what has been substantiated by forensic evidence. Clearly these stories were pumped out there to provoke precisely the reaction you are having.

The claim of beheaded babies however is certainly faked, and the Israeli gov’t and media have backtracked on those claims. Not even Israeli propaganda rags are parroting that line still:

“The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit does not deny that Lt. Col. Buskila's remarks about babies strung up on clotheslines do not jibe with reality. It said: "The officer serves as a reservist operations officer. He arrived at a large number of scenes after the attack and saw many difficult sights as part of his duties. The details of the incident will be clarified with the officer, and it will be made clear to him that he should not describe events whose details are unclear and unofficial."


I’m no fan of Islam or Muhammad, and I’ve written about their bloody invasions of Europe more than once, so your implication that I’m ignorant of Islam is entirely baseless. I have been to the Middle East several times in my travels and I have interacted with many Arabs, they treated me with the utmost respect and cordiality.

I’m sure if my grandparents had evicted them from their ancestral homes, gaslit them, and terrorized their families for the last 80 years they would feel differently.

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I didn't give your article the attention it deserved ... and still haven't Scipio. Fantastic work although I think that some of what you put forward is button-pushing propaganda if a great deal isn't. Any time I see anything to do with cars I'm always suspicious because the cars they pushed out being destroyed by DEWs for 9/11 and similarly for Maui were junkyard cars. Also, Fakenukes Phil has identified a lot of the child injuries as fake - honestly whenever you see blood and bandages beware!


As you can tell from my post, https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/blood-and-bandages-are-they-real, unlike you, I have no depth of knowledge even remotely about Gaza or the ME in general, my main focus is that at the top they're all in it together and I thought it was interesting when I followed your link to the NYT article about Qatari money funding Hamas that the Hamas guy I mentioned (the only one I know of, in fact, who I found by simply googling "rich Palestinians" and he was top of the list!), Mousa Abu Marzook, lives in Qatar. I thought rich Palestinians will be in on it from both sides although I wasn't expecting the first one to be a key Hamas figure! ... but that just shows my naivete.

I've cited your substack in mine now (quote from Netanyahu) and used the before and after pictures of Gaza too.

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Jesus!!! I rebuke this Atrocity! Great accompanying videos and Images! Excellent work! Thank you so much!

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incredible compilation & analysis, read it twice.

evil, twisted, deranged all seem inadequate.

all governments that participated in the Vax program participated in genocide of their own citizens, so we shouldn’t be surprised when they do the same to our communities, homes using the same techniques they use on neighbors with beachfront property.

another summary of the Al Jazeera analysis of October 7 (Google is screening the YouTube video)


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Kitten, Al-Jazeera is controlled opposition so anything they say should be treated with great skepticism. The hostage thing was fake - do they say that? No right? (unless I'm wrong) so what credibility do they have?


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somewhere a few years ago I read that the first people to “disappear” would be journalists.

it’s getting harder to tell what or who is real.

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Sure is, however, we can - to a reasonable degree at least - rely on Revelation of the Method to give us good indications. Those in power simply rely on the fact that most people don't want to know the truth., it's not as if the truth isn't reasonably available for many things at least.

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most people are on a hamster wheel (by design) so they may be too exhausted to pursue it…


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I loved the likening by former NIST employee, Peter Ketcham, of NIST's computer modelling of WTC-7's collapse with a Rube Goldberg machine - doesn't take much for me to bring the conversation to 9/11 ... in case you hadn't noticed :)


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it’s just like with tech, it’s supposed to be to save time but it just sucks it up another way.


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Scipio, this is your best article yet. How do you approach the subject with Zionist Christians? I get accused of supporting terrorists. Mentioning that October 7th was a false flag does not compute.

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The most effective method I've seen/used within my own social circles is to try and establish who the people of God are without mentioning the "chosen ones" until that fact has been established. When the question is asked "Do you think someone can reject Jesus Christ and be called a child of God?", I've yet to find a Christian who answers in the affirmative. You probably would not be shocked by this, but most of the flock have no idea what the Talmud is or what modern Judaism really involves, and that includes the vast majority of pastors.

The crystal clear words of Galatians 3, and who the blessings of Genesis 12:3 were made to, really dispels this argument quite efficiently. If they continue to contend with you at that point they are truly contending with the divinely inspired words written through Paul; I'd kick the dust off my sandals and leave them to the Holy Spirit.

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It is blatantly obvious that those demons infesting Israel who are not Jews are using the same page from the Holocaust playbook, that being that all non-Zionists are expendable (and in the case of the Jews,/Freemasons, useful idiots). They are the masters of deceit, and full of foulness and evil, for their master demands it. There is no goodness, no holiness, in these people.

As an example of their lies, I must point out that the picture of the burnt-out cars and scarred landscape from the Supernova Festival is a fakery. If you look closely at it you will discover some glaring anomalies, like the same make and model white-colored cars photoshopped in multiple times, others undamaged while sitting within a few feet of some supposedly destroyed, the one in the left center egregiously painted in (it is competely out-of-place). Does it look like that is the sort of venue where they would be holding a festival, honestly?

The fallacy continues if you take a look at those Israelis who were allegedly killed there: most of them are obviously actors and models. They are all young and beautiful, quite unlike their fellow countrymen/women. No doubt they were selected and told by their rebbehs that they were doing a mitzvah for Israel for their actions, and were probably promised riches and fame, as this is all those vile creatures want since they have no God to temper their vanities.

Using this as a linchpin into another, but still related, subject, it ought to be indubitable based on fake events like this entire Gaza charade that what we call history has been tainted by these snakes. They seized important positions in the publishing industry, employing their own kind in order to obfuscate their involvements in evildoing. It is nigh impossible to find a non-Israeli in any authoritarian profession, such as medical administrator, attorney or editor, who is not a high-ranking board member of their respective professions. They control all media, medicine, military, government, financing and education; therefore history as well.

So everything we have been told, as long as these rats have insinuated their ways into the tellings of the stories we call history, we have to question their validities. Since they control the universities, archaeology and paleontology are both immediately suspect, for they can conceal or suppress information which might otherwise conflict with their approved agendas since they pay for every expedition. And we are even seeing it in real-time, how history is being Blackened and rewritten and distorted by these godless things, who have kept the masses hypnotized by their TalmudVision (which is the evilest invention of Man by far, so far).

Everything they do is to subvert the Word of OUR LORD, even having the -- to use their a word from their own foul language -- chutzpah to believe they are the "chosen" ones and may therefore do as they will (DO AS THOU WILT, their favored slogan) to those who are unfortunately not. Whatever they say, they mean the exact opposite, and have a carnival of ensorcelled minions who amplify their unholy utterances. They have captured and infiltrated so-called Christian ministers with their treacherous money.

Their actions only serve to prove that OUR LORD Jesus Christ's teachings are the Truth, for if it were otherwise these despicable monsters would not be attempting to murder as many Christians as possible: it is that simple. Yes, they have even tried to infect God's Word through various means (Calvinism, Protestantism, etc.) with their lies, but the Truth is the Light which exposes their shadowy ways. They fear the Light, for no matter how much darkness there may be, a single beam of light will penetrate it. We Christians are their Antichrists.

I better stop now before this gets out of hand. Thanks for your fine articles, as always, Scip.

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Indeed, there are certainly specific instances which we know are CGI or faked footage, much like the Ghost of Ukraine nonsense. Mossad toady Ben Shapiro and his CGI snafu come to mind as well.

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Yes, fakerey is rampant!

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"On February 29, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his annual address to the Federal Assembly, emphasized the need for a new framework of equal and integral security in Eurasia. "

1984 vibes here.

Read it for yourself.


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The irony being, of course, that it's fake. So ridiculous.

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To be clear, the Western-controlled Islamic Terror Groups will start attacking to raise empathy and support for Israel. The Western media will cover up or spin everything, but money will flow to the right people. The narratives will be shifted. We are watching a narrative reset in motion.

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Thanks again Scipio for taking us on this in-depth analyzation of this situation. it is shocking, what is going on and people just don’t see it. Bro I had no clue about some of this stuff I had never heard of Hannibal doctrine. Thanks for another lesson brother.

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Rank and file Americans who understand what you have written are faced with a sobering dilemma. Since the US has provided financial and political support (especially at the UN) of genocide against the indigenous population since modern Israel's inception, all Americans are at least indirectly morally complicit. One assumes that even if a significant segment of the population stopped paying taxes, the money and armaments would continue to flow to Israel as long as the Federal Reserve continues to create money out of nothing. Elections have proven totally fruitless/futile. There appears to be nothing that any American can do except register moral outrage against those who are complicit in this atrocity. It is an absolute tragedy, no doubt of Satanic origin.

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Americans need to understand the thing called government is a fake institution it is a corporation with the same name. The Republic was shelved during the Civil War and never reinstated. Americans are not guilty of what the gangsters are doing in their name. Americans are guilty of not removing this gangster organization. The Declaration of Independence compels free men to act to remove an apparent government that has become tyrannical.

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The US Republic is the only place on earth that has a legal directive to overthrow tyranny. People believe in those birthright liberty concepts. That is why it is slated for destruction.

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Scipio has become the embodiment of the “human newspaper” and appreciate everything he does because I don’t read any news myself.

1. The situation is a disaster that will merge with Yemen and Ukraine to engulf a large swath of the Eurasian continent. Nato vs. a Russian-Iranian bloc.

2. Neither the Rothschilds nor Netanyahu or anyone up in any level of the Israeli govt or IDF is actually “Jewish”, nor Israeli either as that conflates them with the everyday people. We should call them, “NWO infiltrators in the Mid East”. How many Americans should really consider the US govt or high ranking DOD people “American”? Don’t believe one word Bibi, or Blinken, or Biden says.

I suppose the “Christian Zionists” are Free Mason kind of NWO operatives, Scipio probably knows. They all want the Satanic temple of Solomon on the temple mount for their world religious center..

3. We know the NWO uses fakery and propaganda to the Max in the Mid East, we should assume the same here, including fake whistleblowers, crisis actors, deceptive footage, etc.

4. This is/will be a displacement and genocide of all sides, just who goes to the slaughterhouse first or second, does it matter? Didn’t you notice the US military working for the NWO has also been a genocidal maniac over the decades under the name of liberation but also killing and maiming it’s own military in the process because these are wars without meaning, using toxic chemicals and munitions, and they force inject their members with terrible shit.

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I agree with most of your comment. But I don't agree that Christian Zionists are NWO operatives. They are simply deceived people who have bought into the lies of Darby and Scofield, who were employed by NWO proponents to enlist Christian's help. James Perloff has written an excellent article on the subject at jamesperloff.com called The War on Christianity, Part II. It's a chapter from a book he wrote.

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I was slightly vague, I guess these groups are partly propped up by the NWO planners (and their stooges on the ground that you call employed) and then willing adherents join, if that's what you mean by deceived. These things need an artificial scaffolding then things grow on them. Of course the planners are never the ones on the ground. Just my take on the usual growth of their movements from top to bottom: planners-managers-mercenaries/stooges-helpers-victims.

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Great points all around PM and thank you.

To me, the JQ is not ultimately one of race, but rather a spiritual one. The Talmud makes it clear, Judaism's spiritual lineage goes back to Babel, not Jerusalem.

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Thanks. I don't really know honestly, but if we can't trust a virology paper in 2024 can we really trust what the Talumd says? Just thinkin'

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2. They're jewish. This is judaism. Read Deuteronomy and the talmud.

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Novices are to realize that although members of the Illuminati appear, on the surface, to be Jews, Christians and Muslims, their cunning guises are not to be trusted. We are not to be hoodwinked by their obvious public colors and allegiances. Their own symbolism tells us as much. The important connections between Templars (Merovingians) and other branches of the nobility throughout Europe began in the eleventh century, at the time of the First Crusade, when Hugh de Payens, Godfrey de Bouillon, and the rest of the Merovingian-Templars, were supplied, aided and befriended by super-wealthy Italian merchants who ruled the Mediterranean. That lucrative connection has been preserved to this day. The fabulous wealth of these groups is hidden in countries such as Switzerland, Belgium and Malta, not to mention in many off-shore banking houses.

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You're the novice, Proton. Even secular jews are taught with their mother's milk that they're "the chosen" and special, superior to every other tribe and group on earth. This is reinforced when they go to "hebrew school" prior to their bar or bat mitvahs. You're stuck in la la land. The truth is right in front of your face.

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Hey Chucky, you fell for the Jew psyop just as you fell for my comment thinking it was me who wrote it, just to prove you fall for things and to smoke you out. It is a fake canned comment, I don't know Jack Sh*t about Hugh de Payens or Godfrey de Bouillon and neither does 99.9% of the population. Have a nice day 😍

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Also note Protocols of Zion.

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Hi JM, This summary on the POZ should make sense, it's only 15 min at 2X speed.


There are multiple deceptions in it on how to take over the world. They even say they will remain in the shadows, so naturally they are not going to tell you who "they" are. The Khazars are also just another name for the deception, though may likely have been part of it. The avg Jewish person on the street has no idea about any of the NWO stuff we talk about and thinks we are nuts, same as the avg Italian, Irish, you name it person.

We may know many of the persons close to or basically in the actual Cabal, but it is a big mistake to think we can assign a specific demographic label to them, even if many of them hide behind being in a Jewish group-Judiasm is a religion, anyone can join. Is every Catholic a Jesuit, in the Knights of Malta, or in Opus Dei? I don't think so but all these are NWO groups.

Their power lies in staying hidden, dispersed in race and country by intermarriage, and faking to be of numerous demographic attachments. But yes, some subgroups of self-proclaimed Jews are part of it like Chabad and Kabbalah, same as most every group which is exactly what the POZ says, "we will infiltrate every walk of life". The Chabad guys are just the same as the Bushes and Clintons with bad beards.

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Thanx for the link Proton :)

I agree, It's all about the camouflage. Scapegoats shrouded in mysteries.

Who's on first ! ?

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I watched a nonaffiliated boots on the ground reporter in San Francisco & he interviewed a dude from Yemen & he asked the guy if he liked it here in the US, San Fran & he said...It's much worse than his war torn country of Yemen. Police here are told to stand down against homegrown terrorists. My mind was blown in that moment.

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This is what I have been hearing Scipio.... No idea how accurate this is.


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I don't place too much stock in that personally, there have been rumors of this sort going back to the fighting during the Six Days War.

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As a postmillennialsit / amillennialist, neither do I. However, it's "the buzz".

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