Jun 9Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Rothschild, uh oh.

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Mapping those secret societies networks would be a mind-bender labyrinth

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FWIW a few facts for clarity: Marina Abramovic is a Satanist. She is Serbian (by nationality) and according to what I have read she "her maternal grandmother. Milica Rosic is a devotee of the Orthodox Church, and her early childhood is deeply influenced by her grandmother’s faith" The The Orthodox Church is not jewish so It's possible that she is of "mixed heritage" but was raised atheists by what appears to be a cruel family, indeed communists. Whatever her faith/heritage please note that Kabbalah is not Satanic but Satanists use Kabbalah as well as Christian Rituals INVERSED and perversely twisted in order to make their dark magik. Thus a Christian cross is inverted, thus a Jewish Tree of Life (not Satanic) is inverted (turned upside down) in Luciferian rituals including their art. In SRA children are instructed with their family's faith during the daytime and get INVERSE dark programming at night. A host during the day is made with wheat--at night with far more gruesome ingredients. By day chidlren are blessed, at night sacrificed. I know this is dark but neither Judaism nor Christianity is Satanic--only when inverted (and this applies to Kabbalah too) is it so. Abramovic is evil whatever her origins (I've seen guesswork online but nothing that indicates what they are for sure AND many non-jewish artists have made art that commemorates jewish events--even if this one is apocryphal--of that I know nearly nothing--just as jewish artists have made art the honors Christianity--for example there are at least two cathedrals with stained glass designed by Marc Chagall).

Addin' the above as info--with all the rest I agree and I find this persons "art" not art--just frightenin'!

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There are no redeeming features of witchcraft, regardless of the label placed before it, which is precisely what Kabbalah is.

As for whether Judaism is satanic or not, I have an incredibly difficult time describing a religion which promotes vile blasphemies about the Lord Jesus Christ such as these as anything other than such:

"Onkelos then went and raised Jesus the Nazarene from the grave through necromancy. Onkelos said to him: Who is most important in that world where you are now? Jesus said to him: The Jewish people. Onkelos asked him: Should I then attach myself to them in this world? Jesus said to him: Their welfare you shall seek, their misfortune you shall not seek, for anyone who touches them is regarded as if he were touching the apple of his eye.

Onkelos said to him: What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement. As the Master said: Anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement. And this was his sin, as he mocked the words of the Sages. The Gemara comments: Come and see the difference between the sinners of Israel and the prophets of the nations of the world. As Balaam, who was a prophet, wished Israel harm, whereas Jesus the Nazarene, who was a Jewish sinner, sought their well-being."

— The Talmud: Gittin 57a (https://www.chabad.org/torah-texts/5453289/The-Talmud/Gittin/Chapter-5/57a)

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Kabbalah isn't witchcraft but I won't argue the "pernt" with ya--it's mysticism an' many jews don't know anything about it but many who do are decent spiritual good folks. (feel free ta disagree) What you quote is from one part of Talmud--which is not "law" as some think--it's an op ed book , many opinions"on" law with many wildly contested arguments that contradict each other. Unlike Torah the Talmud isn't timeless--much outdated--still argued by scholars but LOTS would not apply to "today." For that reason (in fact) Maimonides branched off from a lot of outdated scripture formin' the modern Conservative an' Reform movements. Anywhoo--the section ya share (which is indeed dee-skust-tin') is supposed ta be what Jesus would have as a punishment for persecution of Jews for those who would do it-- It's bizarre but then again--a LOT of bizarre stuff is in old AND new testaments. So... if you sum up the entire Jewish faith with this one quote or a few other doozies out there (many mistranslated fwiw) it's certainly not flatterin' but also not fair or accurate- There are quotes in the The Bible (New Testament, after the first 5) about prostitution, murder, an' cannibalism--I wouldn't judge Christianity based those bits either--an' that's bible which is to be taken more at word whereas Tamud isn't "law"-- so I guess we'll agree to disagree--respectfully on my end. Like I said, Ms Abramovic is evil but what makes her "so" is not kabbalah--which she, like Madonna an' the Hollyweird gang, do not really understand nor follow. They are actually the opposite of holy... an'nuther story from this one.

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Daisy, if you have to defend something like Kabbalah, trying to compare it to the Bible, know that one is God's Word (admittedly mistranslated and misunderstood -- as He predicted) and the other a human invention, so really there is no comparison.

Abramovic is an admitted satanic witch; therefore anything she does is only to glorify Old Scratch, and if she uses Kabbalah, even inverted, she is not using it for Godly purposes for it is not from Him. It is natural for them to use the Word of God in mockery, it is their raison d'etre: to be anti-God. But using any sinful, man-made ideology such as the Torah and Talmud for use in blasphemous blood rituals must surely imply from whom came their ideals; I cannot even see how that is an arguable position, personally.

Either way, it is a perverse world we live in indeed, where satanists can practice their unholy craft in Glorious Living Color while us Christians, who have built a glorious civilization based on His Word, are being privately torn apart. And in the background, China laughs, as they see we have been sold out by our own kind.

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I respect yer views "Capt" -- IMHO an' from all I learned, the 10 Commandments and the "old testament" that make up the Torah -- first five bible books--were written down by humans puttin' inta print the "word of God" as dictated to them (just as "we" believe Moses was a human an' heard God's instruction hence made the "tablets"). Talmud is definitely a set of opinions (legal) put down by scholars and rabbis who knew Torah well. Kabbalah is mysticism, not witchery--an' has been long been used for good and for understandin' of our world, the skies, the blessin's of the divine in everything--water, earth, sky, etc. I see these as different forms of Wisdom carried down thru the ages--in various forms, some not even doctrine. I know good folks of all faiths.

Your clear belief that God himself (as you see it) wrote the New Testament personally of course would mean that only that document is holy and cannot be "inverted" or "subverted" vs the angle that all that was written down by humans (man) is unholy. Though I don't see it that way--but I respect yer "view" onnit as ya wrote it:

"But using any sinful, man-made ideology such as the Torah and Talmud for use in blasphemous blood rituals must surely imply from whom came their ideals;"

Jews don't believe Judaism is "made made ideology" or evil nor does the faith worship "Satan"--in fact the figure of Satan is not really present in Judaism, another whole thing I won't go into. (If you do hold that Satan is behind Judaism that's yer right of course--I speak up from all I know--nobuddy has to "agree").

Most Christians we know (many!) accept the first 5 books of the Old Testament (i.e. the "jewish" bible) as doctrine, not as sinful "man-made ideololgy"--Not that anyone "should" do the same--as Christians--just that some "do"--good people I know--the do not dismiss or hate Torah or even Talmud even if it's not "their" faith.

The "blasphemous blood rituals" use Christian doctrine too-- invertin' it just like Jewish doctrine, no different. Seek out the words of SRA Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien who speaks how her Catholic upbringin' was inverted in her programmin'. If you believe Christian doctrine cannot be inverted then that's fine -- your choice--but the SRA survivors do tell a different (and imho truthful) story--many similar tales in fact.

Thus I personally cannot see it as consistent with your logic that when Satanists using holy Christian bible and doctrine in inverted form with evil intent--when they do this it somehow doesn't tarnish that pure Christian doctrine because it's always pure in nature. To me it's odd that by the same logic you cite in claimin' that ONLY when Jewish doctrine is inverted does it mean it wuz evil all along, never "good" nor pure. OK.

So yer sayin' that anything that CAN be inverted for dark purposes is evil from the start except all Christian doctrine because it was handed down by God only to Christians with no humans or human "ideology"? OK--I see

IMHO when Satanists take a pure child--good in heart (any faith, race, color, creed or background)--and do them harm--does that mean the pure child must have been evil if evil folks use it fer evil doin's? I.e. takin' something good an' pure an' inverting it? What I'm sayin' is that if you believe we are all God's children then anything that that harms them is evil even though God's children are good. If yer sayin' only Christians born are God's children so only they have innocence an' are pure--then that's yer view, not mine. I believe ALL innocence an' good can be used for evil--even if it's origins an' intent were good. So I think that's how we disagree (ok to disagree)

IMHO real live humans wrote down the New Testament too--physical hands translatin' the word of God in print on parchment. It's not blasphemy to say this per my many Christian friends--i.s. to believe that a human hand usin' ink (from plants) an' put down on parchment what was "God's" word to make the bible. Not that the words or messages were not divinely inspired--be we see all havin' ta go thru a human filter of sorts, a human with a writin' tool. Later "versions" also bear the mark of human hands and minds--an' this is for both Jewish and Christian documents--hence many translations, etc that can subtly or not so subtly change meaning. Most Christians I know (including friends evangelical) think that both Old and New Testaments came to us as God's word written by humans with language after bein' passed down orally.

If you believe that only the New Testament / Christian bible came directly from God an' has no human intervention an' only the New Testament has pure ideology--then you make sense and are consistent with your own arguments--even if I disagree (respectfully tho' I do)

Many think all non-Christians are "Satanists"--that's ok. I know folks of all faiths--Buddhism too--an' do not agree but I respect everyone's right ta have their own "onions" (opinions) an' use labels they like--unfair (imho) or in their view, accurate.

At least (for the moment) we can "air" such perspectives while there's still an internet an' that's somethin' we can all be glad of.

Last point--

Nope, I don't compare Kabblah to the bible--it's a different thing, serves a different purpose which is my mystical but intended for "good" not evil--I know it's not Satanic. Most joos don't even know much about it but respect those that do--those that are sincere are good folks. (Again, not the "hollyweird" crowd that just play with the ideas) Of course you can believe differently.

All good things (in my view) can be twisted an' used "for bad"--but again, I respect yer angle even if I skew differently. (peace out)

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Jun 5Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Fred Armison's 2019 "Documentary Now" episode "Waiting for the Artist," which parodies Abramovich's "art," is not even parody.


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Jun 4Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Totally off topic. Does anyone here know of a good reference paper for Schwab, Harari, and others of their ilk, quotes (with references)? I am trying to do a research paper on CBDCs, from a biblical standpoint, and seeing their actual words would be very helpful. It is so difficult to obtain through ordinary computer searches... Thank you in advance.

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ICYMI, wrote a pair of articles discussing CBDC's as well as one dealing with fiat currency from a Biblical perspective, there should be a plethora of links in them to assist your writing:



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Jun 5Liked by Scipio Eruditus

You are a fount of GOOD knowledge. I earnestly thank you.

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Jun 4Liked by Scipio Eruditus

She reminds me of another Jewish cooking maven, Nigella whatever-her-name-is-now. Nigella is known for her cooking. Named after her father, Nigel, they are Jewish Brits who are public figures. Nigella comes from a sorta wacky family. Nigella seems pleasant enough but has had man-trouble. Mostly she operates as a celebrity for celebrity's sake.

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Ah. Another bagel lady. That explains her rise to media prominence. I thought it was because of her, er, obvious visible assets. I mean, other women know how to cook, as well.

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