Phoenicians are as enigmatic as the so-called 'Sea Peoples' that anthropologists talk about. Even the Philistines originated from the Greek Isles, apparently with their giant / nephilim DNA. Maybe they were all the same group. Canaan seems to have been a crossroads or melting pot inbetween the two civilzations of Babel / Sumer and Egypt, the perfect place for Satan to use his Principalities to let these cults fester. All those different variants of the same basic 'gods'.

There are a couple of notable parts of God's plan that we tend to overlook. The first is the disobedience of Shem, Ham, and Japheth in NOT spreading throughout the Earth, of which the cursing of Canaan seems to play a big part. The land of Canaan itself was a setup. The second is the calling of Abraham from Ur, from a family who was already into idol worship. So God used a man from the devil's own den, so to speak, to bring righteousness back to Canaan by instituting Monotheism, which I wrote about here https://visayasoutpost.substack.com/p/abraham-at-mt-moriah. Abraham's use of animal sacrifice rather than child sacrifice, underscored by God's intervention of Isaac, underscores this point and also gives us a direct path the future Messiah.

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Amazing, Powerful and well needed in this current day. Thank you.

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The cube is the parassite entity called "God"....religion.....the Throne of God ...is a cube. The numeral significance is from cube.


Judaism= cube

Christianity = open cube.

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Great Article! Thanks

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Outstanding article. I will wait to read the entire thing before commenting, for you will probably cover most of my thoughts anyway.

I have lots to say about Saturn and Bacchanalia.

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Thanks brother, interested to hear it as always.

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Keep up the good brother. Hope all is well for you in stormland.

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Thanks brother, it’s been a crazy month here for sure, praying the worst is over.

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You are in my prayers.

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Great! Thx Scip!

Human sacrifice.. the most interesting topic for me! I think that GOD would never demand ANY sacrifice.

I think that only demons would demand such a thing!

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Thanks brother. Indeed, that’s why it’s always been about faith and repentance:

“6 For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.”

— Hosea 6:6

“16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.

17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.”

— Psalm 51:16-17

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Faith and repentance .. and working as much good as possible ;)

edit: Joseph Campbell’s remark hits home: “the only thing wrong with Yahweh is that he thinks he’s God.”

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Excerpts From The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins (I do not vouch for the accuracy of these statements) -

Those who lump all the descendants of the tribe of Judah together do not realize that there was a tainted branch. There were the families of Pharez and Zarah, Judah's pure bred sons out of Tamar, and there was a third branch, Judah's descendants from a Canaanite mother, Shuah (shuah’s daughter), who were known ever afterwards as "the cursed Shelanites." Tamar was the daughter of Aram, the youngest son of Shem. Shuah called Tamar's sons bastards because they had been born out of wedlock, while the twins claimed to be the rightful heirs of Judah because they were of pure-blooded stock, the Adamite strain. From the Shelanites descended thirty-one cursed tribes of Canaanites of Judea and Samaria, including the Sepharvaims, a name which the Canaanites had adopted for deceptive purposes.


These Mystery cults were formally combined into much of the text of the Babylonian Talmud, a book of religious precepts which had been formulated after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar took this people to Babylon as captives from 586 to 537 B.C., after which Cyrus of Persia captured Babylon and authorized the return to Jerusalem. During the Babylonian captivity, there was a free admixture of the various Canaanite tribes; the Edomites intermarried with the Canaanite branch of the Judahites and Chers. Edom means red; ever since the Captivity, red has meant revolution and Canaanite massacre of the innocents.

Scipio, thank you for tackling these subjects which pastors and churches refuse to consider.

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Thank you for reading 🙏

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The purple dyes of the Phoenicians is why Trump and his gang wore purple lapel pins. That's why the band full of Occultism is called Deep Purple. Nice post Scipio!

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🎯 spot on as always my friend.

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Scipio! This is an excellent essay. I have been recently going down the rabbit hole of Yahweh not being the Most High God. Have you heard the teachings of Israel Anderson? It’s a sort of modern Marcionism. I am however confused at the different names for God in the Hebrew… YHWH, El, Adonai, Elohim, etc… and how they are intertwined (and possibly interchanged…?) throughout the OT.

I’m also confused at the wrathful and vengeful nature of the OT God and how Jesus speaks of his father in the NT. It’s as if the father had nothing in common with the OT God….?

So is there hidden and distorted truth in the interpretation of the OT? Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

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What I will say about the OT corruption issue is that I’m exploring it in depth at this time and plan to address it at some point, but here are my initial thoughts.

There does appear to be minor corruptions in the Masoretic Text, specifically regarding the Patriarch’s genealogies and certain Messianic prophecies. The Masoretic genealogical timeline has Shem living during the time of Abraham. If you are familiar with Rabbinic interpretations of who Melchizedek is, you will realize why Shem being alive during Abraham’s life is important. There is also a reason I quoted the LXX rendering of Psalm 8:2 in this essay, and once you compare it to the Masoretic rendering you will see why.

That said, these very sparse corruptions do not alter any core doctrines, outside of undermining Christ as the Messiah that is. This only further strengthens the case that Jesus truly is the Messiah: otherwise, why go to all the trouble of perverting the texts pointing Jews toward Him?

S. Douglas Woodward has some books on the subject I’m working through right now.

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Thank you for the kind words on the essay! I’m glad to hear it’s resonating with you.

Now, about the rabbit hole you're exploring, it's important to tread carefully as there is a tremendous amount of misinformation and malinformation on this subject. Checking the original source documents and texts on this subject will behoove you immensely.

Attempting to sever the God of the Old Testament from the Father of Jesus Christ fundamentally misunderstands and severs the continuity of Scripture. Jesus never distances Himself from Yahweh but, in fact, identifies as Him. Consider John 8:58, where Jesus says, "Before Abraham was, I am" — the Greek is abundantly clear that this is a reference to Exodus 3:14, where God declares His name as "I AM" to Moses. (The angel in the bush speaking as Yahweh is the pre-incarnate Christ, as Stephen tells us in Acts 7).

Jesus is not revealing a "new" or "better" god. He is the fulfillment of the promises made by Yahweh, fully one with the Father, and yet distinct within the Trinity. The Didache itself, an early Christian manual, invokes this trinitarian reality when it teaches baptism "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Didache 7:1).

As for the different names of God — YHWH, Elohim, Adonai, etc. — these are not names of different gods in Christianity, but rather different titles and aspects of the one true God. Elohim highlights His power as Creator, Adonai His lordship, and YHWH His covenantal faithfulness. They enrich our understanding of the multifaceted relationship God has with His people.

Regarding the perceived difference between the Old Testament and New Testament portrayals of God, there really is no dichotomy. The God of the Old Testament is both just and merciful, and the same is true of the Father in the New Testament. Consider Jesus' own words in Luke 12:5, where He warns, "Fear Him, which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell." This is of particular importance in terms of Trinitarian theology, as it is very often the pre-incarnate Christ we see doling out these judgements in the OT as the angel (or messenger) of The LORD, and it is Christ who reigns as Judge for all time.

I’d highly recommend Tudor Dixon’s documentary on this topic, linked above. It’s lengthy but extremely thorough.

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I'm OK about the wrathful nature of the OT God as His people behaved worse than those of Sodom & Gomorrah on many occasions and should have been a light to the surrounding nations but didn't fully eradicate Baal worship. When I look at what the 'elite' are doing to children and babies I so wish that God would come and destroy all of those Baal worshipping deviants. No they are most definitely not God's people and definitely don't claim to be but the act of sacrificing children is so repugnant on many levels that they deserve destruction.

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