Apr 16Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Wow, this is jaw dropping the ties between masonry and some of the Afro Caribbean voodoo religions and that story about Jimmy barbecue is savage more tremendous work from Scipio !

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A little seeding of culture and touch of burundanga and voila.. Zombie slaves. Scopolamine, otherwise known as hyoscine, burundanga, or devil’s breath, concerns me here, since it makes rohypnol, a common date rape drug, look like nothing.

In 1977, the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence held hearings about CIA’s illegal activities in the United States, describing “the abuses of the drug testing program and reports of other previously unknown drug programs and projects for behavioral control.”

How far have they gone since?

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Apr 12Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Its very concerning as we learn country after country is overthrown, leaders are assassinated, and central banks installed. Thanks for showing the depth and breadth of the people behind this evil.

My last count was i believe no more than 3 countries remain. Also to note, none of them had debt prior and following the toppling they all have massive BANK debt. They are setting up the whole world for their orchestrated collapse.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Scipio Eruditus

There are some manifestations of our culture which are obviously Satanic - voodoo being one of them - but masonic culture is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, I propose that the the most insidious form of Satanism is what we don't see at all.....the unknowingly servants of Satan.

I researched Synagogue of Satan in DaLimbraw Library - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Synagogue+of+Satan&updated-max=2024-03-19T10:21:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=0&by-date=false&m=1 - these are just headnotes to articles archived there. Keeping in mind that Old Scratch is a master of deception - how many of us might be his servants? No club membership required!

The masons are just one tentacle of DaSynagogue of Satan.

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Apr 10Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I grew up in a town run by Masons. My father took a job there and it took him a year to get it, because they wanted their man in. It was a government job and my dad was not a mason. He did really well on his test and was a top contestant, so they couldn't ignore him. So, our family suffered for years and I never understood why. Now I do. I always felt like we were under some kind of curse. My father was treated like a criminal, but he hung in there for 40 years on a job that required his time of 6 days a week and driving 150 miles per day. Know one would talk to him before or after work. My mother shut down and wouldn't socialize with anyone unless she knew their mason status. I was assaulted in high school and my brother died at age 34. Life was hell and school was the same. I have been trying to find out about their curses for a long time and people think I am crazy. Is this possible? Then I studied my husbands family history and they were all masons going back to the Revolutionary War. I was stunned! I made sure all memorabilia of their involvement were out of my house. My father understood their tactics, but didn't realize how it affected the rest of us. It is the occult there no doubt in my mind and believe they are behind all of this. If anyone knows about these curses please let me know. I'm so glad these people are being reveled. Growing up it was a secret religion. A neighbor died and went to his funeral and experienced a masonic funeral for the first time. I was terrified. Then going through some family items there was that white apron. I threw it in the garbage along with all other related material. Not a good experience to say the least. Thanks for your work. Jane Wilson

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Apr 10Liked by Scipio Eruditus

A very interesting read, thank you. For decades now Haiti has seemed like hell. Ive always wondered if it was the voodoo connection.

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As I have said before, my father was a 32° Mason. He was a court reporter (stenographer) starting in 1971, perhaps not so coincidentally also the year he became a Mason.

It is only logical that my father joined the Club, so to speak, as nearly every single one of the judges, sheriff's deputies, attorneys and even clerks were Masons; thus, in order (ironic word choice) to do what they were doing -- namely, using the esoteric legal system to mask their true nature, which is to punish -- dad had to Tribe up.

I was two when he did this, but I am told that before dad's court job they struggled financially, neither of my parents coming from wealth. I only remember the highfalutin cars dad bought in the early '70's, like Jaguars and Porsches, just the sort of thing a young man flush with newfound success would do. Cars were always coming and going in our driveway that he bought/sold.

One thing I do not recall ever seeing is him going to any Masonic gatherings, though given his degree I have no doubt it was all done in secrecy. He could have at any time during his workdays gone to the Lodge and presided it. The only time I was told he was doing something for the Masons was when he got a late-night phone call, and had to travel the next morning to take a deposition for a Lodge brother; what stands out most, is that dad could not say no. He had to call his judge and tell him he would not be there in the morning, and of course it was no problem.

I found his "Lightfoot's Manual of the Lodge," which was presented to dad at the Holland Lodge in 1975. The Holland holds the distinction of being the first lodge founded in the US. I know he was proud to go to the Holland Lodge, I remember that for a fact, because dad brought my grandfather in as a Mason there. Grandpa always wanted to be a Mason, it seemed, so when dad was "elevated" he sponsored him; it was an act of love from my father.

By the time I was old enough to be considered for an apprenticeship, however, dad had stopped doing all things Masonic, and after he retired he practically ran back into church; which was odd, as we never went to church on Sundays growing up. We had many conversations about inconsistencies in the Bible in those years, though. Yet when he went back to Jesus I saw nothing but peace and relief out of dad until his hospital murder.

I do not know what to make of his change of heart, but I do know that he felt it was of utmost importance to him, like he had to get right with Our LORD before he died. That was my impression, anyway. He died a true Christian. This is all that matters.

One last thing I want to say: I never saw my father do an evil thing other than Masonry. He was a good man, worked hard, and our family thrived. He did all a man could do for his family, and I loved him completely and miss him every day. He is now where he wanted to be all along, I know.

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Apr 9Liked by Scipio Eruditus

The quote from L'ouverture to "annihilate everything" is very troubling, on so many levels ! Even Today! Thank you so much for this Epic article!

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Apr 9Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I really enjoy your articles. And your citings and book references provide credibility to your work (as well as further reading). I have sent a link to my dad as well.

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Apr 9Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Was in DomRep a few weeks ago and when the driver let us out to explore he was adamant that we stay clear of the border as Haitians were attempting to cross into DR. Border issues. The story is like the record on repeat; we commoners are but lab rats...

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Apr 9Liked by Scipio Eruditus

We may be at the start of some big trouble if this history is a harbinger of what demographic movements into the US southern border will bring.

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very interesting information. and now we are the destination for the Haitian immigrants, doesn’t look good.

was thinking about the 2019 Notre Dame Cathedral fire if it was really accidental, fascinating that it might have been built over an ancient Isis temple (& “Paris”)

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