it bewilders me the support he gets from conservatives. my top arguments against him in a nutshell would be 1. his direct responsibility for the deaths and disabilities worldwide as a result of Warp Speed and 2. his abandonment of the J6 political prisoners, his most dedicated supporters. with a “leader “ & “friend” like that, who needs enemies?

beyond that he has no problem serial cheating on his wife, his obsession with other women/beauty pageants (his Miss Universe franchise.) a friend of mine was visiting someone in Trump Tower in the 1990’s and said she felt uncomfortable in the lobby which was lined with photos of beauty queens.

I ignored red flags the last time I voted for him but refuse to compromise any more, the honeymoon is over (with the entire corrupt system.)

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A very good deep dive on Scump.

I would just add that, when he owned and ran casinos, his father made him an illegal loan by buying a huge dollar amount of chips, that he carried out of the casino in a briefcase. They got fined by the regulatory commission for that. And, when the Donald was building Trump Tower,he hired workmen from Romania, paid their way to NY, then didn't pay them the wages he'd promised. This resulted in a lawsuit.

Then there was also the Trump University scandal where he had to pay a $25 million settlement to people who attended in 2007-2010.

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"The Human Library", Scipio Eruditis strikes terror in the eyes of the wicked once again.

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Jul 23Liked by Scipio Eruditus

A most excellent exposé on DJT, Scipio. After reading this article, it’s no wonder that Trump will be once again selected as the next POTUS. More evil is in store for the world starting in January when Trump officially becomes the next president…AGAIN! God Bless us all. 🙏

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The saddest part for me is how few see these truths

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Thanks, Scipio for putting all these facts, pictures and videos in one place. I felt conflicted about the man for a long time. During the 4 years he was president I felt safe.

But, after reading a biography about him and reading your articles, and seeing how he ignored the J6 prisoners and pushed the jab, I agree that the "Christian" persona is a sham.

For more eye opening information, go to Forbidden News on Sub stack and look for her article on The Black Nobility (the ones at the top of the pyramid who really run things). There we find out that Epstein was from a black nobility family and DT partied with him extensively. Also, you'll see pictures of Donald and Ivana with other members of black nobility.

Zionist puppet!

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Jul 24Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Not a good man. It seems he (Drumpf has a Druidic bloodline)

Many people focus only on 1 Timothy 2 and implore us all to pray for him.

But they usually preface it with a quote from Trump such as ‘the almighty saved me’ etc.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t pray for him. But maybe it’s best to ask God to use this evil for good?

We can also pray for his soul, but I’m not sure those who post these things understand that if Donald Trump were to be saved, he would no longer be in power and he’d probably be dead very soon.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Just curious, Scipio - why the focus on Trump? You said yourself that our problems will not be solved by politics because they're spiritual - so who exactly is up to snuff in that area?

The Bible clearly shows - and history confirms - that God uses whom He chooses to accomplish His ends. Can you think of a better example than Titus, who literally ended the reign of that 'harlot who sits on many waters'? Titus was no saint!

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It’s a topic that I had planned to address for some time, too many of our brothers and sisters are still very much in the dark about it, including members of my own family (and I’m sure yours as well.) Due to his sordid connections, it also provided me an avenue to discuss many topics of import that I have yet to discuss, such as the Noahide laws and the origins of Kabbalah.

Certainly, God can use whom He pleases to accomplish His ends. Although I am not Reformed, it’s hard to dispute that clear Biblical principle.

Regardless, that does not absolve us of our responsibility to call out evil in our midst, particularly when Trump continues to cloaks himself in the trappings of Christianity.

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Aug 30Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Excellent series! Thank you once again for the deep dive. I wish people would see him for who he is.

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Thank you Jaime, it just shows you how desperate most of us are for someone else to fix our problems.

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Have you read Juri Lina's books? If so I would be interested in your opinion.

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I ask because I am suspicious of at least some of the "facts" presented therein, and of Juri's integrity - and wondered if (assuming you had read them) you had reached similar conclusions?

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I have, It's been several years since I read Under The Sign of The Scorpion but I remember it generally being spot on.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I too regarded Juri as spot on. However in "Architects of Deception" he claims that the Pike/Mazzini-3-world-war letter was first published in a book by Domenico Margiotta (Le Palladisme - culte de Satan-Lucifer) in 1895.

The letter is not in the book. When I contacted him he didn't really even address the point - just said that it didn't matter because he had information that the letter had been withdrawn from the British museum library, and that he had removed the reference to Margotti in the most recent edition. When I asked what his source was for the British museum library withdrawal, I received no further reply.

This left me concerned that he was behaving disingenuously - and left me thinking that I could no longer accept anything else he had written without explicitly checking every single fact :-(.

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Jul 29Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thank you for this article, Scipio. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful musings.

In retrospect, I wonder if it is even possible to be a Christian and involved in American politics. When I look at the people in that Clinton clip--filled with our supposed "leaders" and political "elites"--I see a group of truly reprobate people. Yes, they are marginally connected to Christianity because they are from Europe, and I believe some of them are capable (unlike Trump apparently) of asking forgiveness from God. But most of these people have gone far to the dark side, with endless unbridled greed for power, money, and sex, and an inability to see how destructive their actions are to average Americans. These people are united only in protecting their sacred sins, and in fake ritual "elections," so that they can continue sinning unabated, keeping us disunited, and maintaining both their spiritual and financial power. Again, I wonder, has it ever been any different? My own family history tells me that there was a time, not long ago, when some or most of our leaders, were at least culturally strongly Christian, and were patrons for the American people, the way any morally decent king or queen would be. Now? Are Americans ready to put a Ganesh statue or fai chun decoration above their north-facing front doors? There's probably far more of those symbols where I now live than there are crosses.

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Jul 24Liked by Scipio Eruditus

May Jesus rebuke and condemn these disgusting reprobates to Hell! At least Mara Lago is here in Hot and Sweaty 🥵 🥵 Florida, so he get ready for his future eternity in Hell!

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deletedJul 23Liked by Scipio Eruditus
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Good question. I once subscribed to this interpretation, however, I have come to view the imagery of Revelation in a markedly different light in recent years. I have partially written about that subject here (https://dfreality.substack.com/p/that-wicked-generation) & here (https://dfreality.substack.com/p/kingdom-come).

Firstly, it is worth noting that the title or name "Antichrist" is conspicuously absent from the Book of Revelation. In his epistles, the Apostle John employs the term to denote a spirit of opposition to Christ rather than a singular, definitive individual (1 John 2:18, 4:3). The Revelation text does not explicitly identify a singular Antichrist figure; while he is often conflated with the Beast (Rev. 13:1), the heads of the Beast are mountains (Rev. 17:9) and the horns are said to be kings (Rev. 17:12), so the Beast appears to be a nation, government or system more than a singular man.

Moreover, the portrayal of the rider on the white horse in Revelation 19:11-16 is unequivocally identified as Jesus Christ. This juxtaposition later in the book raises significant questions about the rider in Revelation 6:2. If Christ is depicted as a rider on a white horse later, could this earlier rider also signify a force aligned with God's purposes, albeit in a different context? Consider the prophetic vision of Zechariah: angels are depicted as riders on horses (Zechariah 1:8-11), one of which is almost certainly the pre-incarnate Christ, and these riders patrol the earth for the Most High.

In my view, this imagery in Revelation should be seen as a continuation or reflection of this theme, suggesting God's divine retribution rather than a singular Antichrist figure.

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deletedJul 24Liked by Scipio Eruditus
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I had come to these particular conclusions before I came across Dr. Baldwin’s preaching, although he has certainly helped elucidate some of the areas I was still struggling to discern, such as the identity of the 144,000 saints.

I’m not familiar with Leland Jones but his handling of Daniel 8 here is extremely deceptive. He has selectively edited the clear verses which dispel aspects of this symbolism for us so he can drag this prophecy into the future (see his citation of Daniel 8:21 for instance.)

Gabriel tells Daniel in 8:20-21 that the Ram he saw was the Medio-Persian empire and that the Ram is the Greeks. This vision aligns and further expounds upon Nebuchadnezzar’s vision seen in Ch. 2. For Daniel these would have been future prophecies, Alexander and his conquests would come some three hundred years after this vision.

I recommend Matthew Henry’s commentary on the matter if you are wanting to study some alternative views to the futurist interpretations of these chapters: https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/daniel/8.html

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Jul 23Liked by Scipio Eruditus

No the white horse is the first horseman of the apocalypse, prior to the rise of the big AC. Could be an ac but not the big one. The timeline of events at the end of the age confuses everyone and it's not meant to be totally understood in advance I believe, rather it'll line up as it happens for those with open eyes and ears.

But in a nutshell very troubling times will happen with the 4 horsemen breaking the previous world order to set up the NWO. First Babylon must fall and the kings and merchants of the Earth will desperately coronate the beast to save themselves from ruin, for whom the AC is the front man. Then the great tribulation begins

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