The one-world planners are masters of infiltration, social pressure and need of humans for belonging to a group as fulcrum of indoctrination, and deception. They seem to use the same game plan with some minor changes for each cult and pseudo religious movement they start. Scipio never disappoints to cover sensitive but crucial topics.

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Jun 17Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Her last name is ‘luv’? What a sweetheart. She has a testimony delivered by Jesus from a mystery religion. I pray she influences many to come out of darkness into the light.

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Jun 17Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I always say that my God is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob the one true God who is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. My Jesus is the only begotten son of God.

The Mormon God is the God of a planet called Kolob and his word changes every time a so-called prophet or apostle speaks, and the Mormon Jesus is the brother of Satan.

It was so refreshing to hear you say basically the same.

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Jun 22Liked by Scipio Eruditus

So true every word! Thank you for your comments!

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Jun 17Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Great interview. Thanks

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Jun 21Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thanks for the interview, I learned a lot about Mormonism

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Thanks Brent, definitely check out Heidi’s work we were just barely scratching the surface with this one. Dr. James White has a lot of great information on this topic as well.

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Jun 18Liked by Scipio Eruditus

All praise to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior 🙏

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Sounds like she’s showing pictures and slides is there a video version somewhere to watch?

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Not at this time, in between editors at the moment.

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Oh yeah, another playbook to capture humanity so as to repent for sins being committed by mkultra conditioning. Captured souls. Pass the offering plate and I’ll free your soul. No thanks, I’ll choose my donation via education.

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Thanks for your comments. I will look up all the references you made!! I’m 72 years old and I’ve read every anti LDS book that has been written and yes members of the church including the prophet makes mistakes, but my testimony of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ comes from witnesses by the Holy Ghost! I don’t place my faith in any man and that includes all of God’s prophets!! I’m at peace with my testimony that God and Jesus Christ are resurrected perfected beings who love me and want for me to be perfect like them in all things!! To belief that there are no Heavenly mothers, wives or families is a hellacious belief. Each to their own!! Though out history, the majority has been on the wrong side of truth!! Look at 6 billion people getting the C19 death jabs and even though our prophet encouraged us to get the jab, about 30% of us did not! Just because one is a prophet doesn’t make one impervious to errors! Just read your bible and look at all of God’s chosen men and women who made mistakes! Do I need to name them for you??

This earth is an imperfect testing ground with lots of imperfect people, but the closest thing we have to heaven on earth are nuclear families and those take lots of work and even then we must have Christ!

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You will notice that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints never attacks other churches, yet my church is the constant recipient of every evil someone conjures up! My church donates millions of dollars to other churches for welfare in caring for the poor and asks nothing in return! Yes we have our faults, but remember Jesus said “he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone!!!” Instead of speaking evil of my church, you should be asking why my faith is so strong in Jesus Christ and His restored Church!

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Indeed, many faults, such as denying the triune nature of God, besmirching Holy Scripture, and nullifying the blood of Christ by preaching a works based salvation.

“Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”


Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Max, your Church preaches another Jesus. I say this with all love, but you need to repent of these heresies and believe in the LORD Jesus Christ, not the false one your failed prophet and necromancer Jospeh Smith puts forth.

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Time will tell brother!!!

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Time has already revealed it: Joseph Smith is a false prophet.


From the Pearl of Great Price:

"My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.

I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.”

Your “church” denies that my baptism is legitimate and calls real Christian denominations the churches of Satan.

We are not brothers.

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Here is where my faith and yours differs. You believe in a God who has no physical body and that god, Christ and the Holy Ghost are one! The scriptures say they are one! Yes they are one in purpose, but my god teaches they are 3 separate being with god and Christ have bodies and the Holy Ghost is a spirit so that he can reside in us when needed. The most beautiful relationship is between a man and a woman and to think our Father in heaven is single is the most awful hell I can think of. Now I can’t force anyone to believe as I do, but knowing that I have a beautiful Heavenly mother also who stands beside my Heavenly Father is a most cherished truth and gives me a bright hope of the Real Heaven! Anything less is not worthy of consideration!! If nuclear families are the foundation here in this mortal life, eternal nuclear families is a glorious truth I rejoice in! Why do you think Satan is so hell bent on destroying traditional family here on earth? He lost his chance to be part of that when he rebelled against God before we came to this earth, and since he will never have a posterity, he wants all of us to be miserable like him!! We are not perfect, but we are trying!

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Why should we trust Joseph Smith about these alleged revelations when his prophecies have repeatedly been shown to fail?


Thank you for clearly demonstrating that we are not brothers since we do not serve the same God.

This is not merely about the triune nature of God: the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is fundamentally different from the god of Mormonism. The Bible clearly presents a God who created everything from nothing. Genesis 1:1 states, "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." This implies creation ex nihilo — out of nothing.

John 1:3 reinforces this, "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." The God of the Bible, through Christ, is the source of all material existence, not merely an organizer of pre-existing matter. Hebrews 11:3 further emphasizes this: "Through faith we understand that the worlds (aeons) were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

Contrast this with Mormon scripture. In the Book of Abraham 3:24, it states, "We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth." This implies that your god did not create matter but merely organized it. Doctrine and Covenants 93:33 even states, "The elements are eternal," suggesting matter has always existed.

This directly contradicts the Biblical account of a God who created everything from nothing. The God of the Bible is omnipotent, the Creator of all. The god of Mormonism, as presented in your scriptures, is limited to working with pre-existing materials. Your god is not even powerful enough to create matter, why are you so sure he’s powerful enough to save you?

In essence, the God of the Bible is the true Creator of all Heaven and Earth, while the god of Mormonism is more akin to a cosmic organizer. These are fundamentally different conceptions of divinity. Thus, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is quite clearly not the god of Mormonism.

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Jun 22Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I challenge you to look at the presentations I have on my site as well as the information here. I did not "make it up". I have historical evidence for every piece of information (mostly provided by the mainstream LDS church) that I belonged to my whole life. Works are great, but they are filthy rags, Isaiah 64:6. Also the Masonic rituals I myself performed in the LDS temple have nothing to do with my salvation or yours. As far as not attacking other churches... Did Bruce R McConkie not say He saw the devil that was the foundation of it and also the murders, wealth, harlotry, persecutions and evil desires that historically have been part of this satanic organization? Referencing the Catholics? Also bashing in the old temple ceremonies other religions, as well as literally saying they are the only "true church?" As a member for 34 years, I can tell you so many other examples, but you know them. You just act like you don't because they teach us to be unassuming and non-confrontational. I will say this Joseph's occult practices are evident in his Jupiter talisman, his parchments, his ceremonial knife, his seer stone and other proven relics. He literally pulled this religion out of a hat. Your current prophet Russel M Nelson put it on this year for a show. Russel M Nelson is in the Brotherhood of Death U of U chapter Skull & Bones and Owl & Key verified from his own book in his own hand on page 48. I speak to you from someone who found the true God, he needs no wife he is complete and despite all we know Isaiah 55:8 states we do not think like he does. We are not God, nor do we become God like the Adam God doctrine. I could spend all day, but I urge you to read the bible in wholeness, do not doubt ie in as much as it is translated correctly.... I know the talk. Pray to God for your eyes to see and ears to hear. I pray for you.

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