I have some additional information about Uncle Ben that I have both lucked into and dug out over the years and that I have been able to confirm in going back through the genealogy research my aunt put together over decades. Benjamin Franklin's parents were something like my 11th great grandparents. The fact is they were Jews. She was actually a Folger and could not have been anymore Jewish (think Folger's coffee dynasty). This has been almost completely covered up and almost no one is aware of it because a concerted effort was made to cover the real ancestries of many of these "revolutionary" movers and shakers who were either Crypto Jews, Crypto Phoenicians or often both. My family tree is chock full of this deception on both sides and it has been my diligence and nose for this kind of thing that has exposed it all. No one in my family knew we had actual Jewish ancestry and it explained why some of that morphology was still quite obvious in my Dad and his sisters.
Quakerism was actually a construct invented by these families that allowed them to be "white" and "protestant" without actually mixing with real gentiles. The Franklins in England began as Franks during the Norman invasions and quickly changed to Frankland as they assimilated into the aristocracy. Franklin was later derived from that. This transition is true of many names people believe are English but didn't start out that way.
Historical accounts of who the Franklins were and what their status was are nearly completely fictional. They were never poor. It actually appears the entire family was working for the British government doing whatever nefarious tasks needed doing. The fact is nearly the entire extended family was in the newspaper business and there was never any shortage of money when these papers were being started. Ben himself was said to have been a poor apprentice but started his own newspaper by the time he was about 21. The British government used loyal families like the Franklin's and the Bennett's (my Mom's side) to run their propaganda campaigns from the earliest days of the colonies.
The real history of this country is nothing like what we have been taught. And the people who manufactured that history were also not who people believe they are now. Benjamin Franklin was brought up in a Crypto-Jewish family of agents for the Crown and remained an asset his entire life. None of the rest of what you have written about here is that shocking when seen in this light is it?
I tend to believe it. There is nothing new under the sun, as a famous Jew said. I wonder about one of my family names: Seymour. I have read that it comes from Normandy and from St. Maur but then why did it become a Jewish first name? Henry 8's wife Lady Jane Seymour and the British-Jewish actress Jane Seymour. Little Shop of Horror's hero, Seymour. My Seymour ancestors trace back to a Felix Seymour from Britain who came to Virginia before the Revolution and spread through Ohio. Not too impressive in their endeavors though.
Small world Et but I can’t say I’m totally surprised by that; there is so much solid evidence that a host of our favorite American icons were indeed crypto-Jews.
See Lincoln’s “eulogy” by Rabbi Wise for instance:
“Brethren, the lamented Abraham Lincoln believed himself to be bone from our bone and flesh from our flesh. He supposed himself to be a descendant of Hebrew parentage. He said so in my presence. And, indeed, he preserved numerous features of the Hebrew race, both in countenance and character.”
There is one much lesser known portrait of George Washington where the artist didn't reconstruct his nose and portrayed it as it actually was. His real features were nothing like the fantasy that has been sold to the public for over two centuries. Of course we are all kooks and racists for pointing these things out........
The fact that giants populated America, leads to recognizing that Hebrews populated America. L.A. Marzulli has documented these findings and photographed many skulls 19" in height with corresponding body heights. Finding the same giants that populated the ME, leads to the conclusion that Hebrews came here also. The connection of Alaska to Russia through the Bering Strait geographically looks very likely.
In addition, certain Native tribes are said to be Hebrew as their languages are unlike other Native tribe's languages. Partial evidence is that the Navajo Code-Talkers were but one tribe that spoke a "native" language that could not be deciphered even by other Native tribes. And the Navajo are not alone. Other tribes are distinctly unique. There are Native songs that are extremely worshipful. The Cherokee Morning Song is one.
Also, research by some Jewish scholars, leads to America being, not of the son of Joseph, which would have meant of the tribe of Manasseh (father of many nations or Commonwealth / U.K.) or Ephraim (the younger, which was to be greater than the older, therefore, this would have been the US), but instead, to be the 1st-born Grandson of Joseph.
Remember, there are Jews and there are false Jews, as Jesus called them out in Revelations, and said, "Woe to those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan....I never knew you."
Without Biblical context, there can be no truth found. As I keep deep-diving, I believe the difference is between those who follow the Torah as true Jews, vs those who follow the Talmud, a sick perverted monstrosity of evil, equal to the Quran. Biblical context also proves the fallen bloodlines will be here until the end of days when the earth is fully renewed.
What an astounding work on the background of this. I heard a year and a half ago about the Franklin residence in England and what they uncovered, and all went seemingly silent. Thanks for your amazing tenacity in bring these truths to light.
Great article, brother. These evildoers used to do their unholy acts in private, but not anymore, they went mainstream.
I used to wonder what happened to the satanism, and its adherents thereof; growing up in the '70's, movies and comics and music -- just about everything was about devils, witches and demons, with "The Exorcist" being the prime example. Satanism was chic, and therefore spoken about openly by many famous people.
And then it all stopped. Like it went underground again.
Well now we know why: the young devil-worshipers had to mature, to gain power and control, before they felt confident enough (urged by their master, like Netanyahu was by Rabbi Schneerson) to unleash their fiendish plot for enslaving mankind, after slaughtering most of it. This is the reason our septua- and octogenarian politicians have gone insane, they have to implement their devilish plans quickly, as their end is nigh. They are desperate to invoke the antichrist. There is no repentance for these people. They chose the wrong master and know it, and their souls are damned. The pain of denying our LORD is etched on their faces.
Speaking of etching, that William Hogarth fellow whose art you displayed was quite the prolific Mason for his time, his paintings and engravings full of symbology. Jim Twitchell, once Alumni Professor of English at University of Florida (I thought you might find that interesting), wrote about Hogarth and his predilections towards showing misery and suffering in his works. Twitchell says about Hogarth:
"... Hogarth was giving form to what has really become the stock in trade of modern horror: specific and highly located images of human perversion and transformation."
The last part of that sentence should be emphasized: look at America the last three years. Perversion and transformation have been at the top of the charts. Back in his day, Hogarth used art to further the satanic Masonic agenda; today their tool is the One-Eyed Devil, aka Talmudvision. The only change has been the medium, not the message.
I would encourage you to read Twitchell's book, "Dreadful Pleasures: An Anatomy of Modern Horror." It's free to read here: https://archive.org/details/dreadfulpleasure0000twit/page/n5/mode/2up . The book came out in 1985, but Twitchell obviously did some research pertinent to your story.
Well written. Your writing is a breath of fresh air, in a stuffy sinking swamp. Well done my friend keep it up. You are making a difference and I learn many things that have been hidden from us, each time you share this hidden knowledge.
I have some additional information about Uncle Ben that I have both lucked into and dug out over the years and that I have been able to confirm in going back through the genealogy research my aunt put together over decades. Benjamin Franklin's parents were something like my 11th great grandparents. The fact is they were Jews. She was actually a Folger and could not have been anymore Jewish (think Folger's coffee dynasty). This has been almost completely covered up and almost no one is aware of it because a concerted effort was made to cover the real ancestries of many of these "revolutionary" movers and shakers who were either Crypto Jews, Crypto Phoenicians or often both. My family tree is chock full of this deception on both sides and it has been my diligence and nose for this kind of thing that has exposed it all. No one in my family knew we had actual Jewish ancestry and it explained why some of that morphology was still quite obvious in my Dad and his sisters.
Quakerism was actually a construct invented by these families that allowed them to be "white" and "protestant" without actually mixing with real gentiles. The Franklins in England began as Franks during the Norman invasions and quickly changed to Frankland as they assimilated into the aristocracy. Franklin was later derived from that. This transition is true of many names people believe are English but didn't start out that way.
Historical accounts of who the Franklins were and what their status was are nearly completely fictional. They were never poor. It actually appears the entire family was working for the British government doing whatever nefarious tasks needed doing. The fact is nearly the entire extended family was in the newspaper business and there was never any shortage of money when these papers were being started. Ben himself was said to have been a poor apprentice but started his own newspaper by the time he was about 21. The British government used loyal families like the Franklin's and the Bennett's (my Mom's side) to run their propaganda campaigns from the earliest days of the colonies.
The real history of this country is nothing like what we have been taught. And the people who manufactured that history were also not who people believe they are now. Benjamin Franklin was brought up in a Crypto-Jewish family of agents for the Crown and remained an asset his entire life. None of the rest of what you have written about here is that shocking when seen in this light is it?
I tend to believe it. There is nothing new under the sun, as a famous Jew said. I wonder about one of my family names: Seymour. I have read that it comes from Normandy and from St. Maur but then why did it become a Jewish first name? Henry 8's wife Lady Jane Seymour and the British-Jewish actress Jane Seymour. Little Shop of Horror's hero, Seymour. My Seymour ancestors trace back to a Felix Seymour from Britain who came to Virginia before the Revolution and spread through Ohio. Not too impressive in their endeavors though.
Thank you for your post!
Very interesting.
Will check out your stack.
Pinned this important comment.
Small world Et but I can’t say I’m totally surprised by that; there is so much solid evidence that a host of our favorite American icons were indeed crypto-Jews.
See Lincoln’s “eulogy” by Rabbi Wise for instance:
“Brethren, the lamented Abraham Lincoln believed himself to be bone from our bone and flesh from our flesh. He supposed himself to be a descendant of Hebrew parentage. He said so in my presence. And, indeed, he preserved numerous features of the Hebrew race, both in countenance and character.”
When Jewish History.com talks about this, it’s called stunning and brave. When you and me talk about it, we’re called conspiracy theorists 😂
There is one much lesser known portrait of George Washington where the artist didn't reconstruct his nose and portrayed it as it actually was. His real features were nothing like the fantasy that has been sold to the public for over two centuries. Of course we are all kooks and racists for pointing these things out........
The fact that giants populated America, leads to recognizing that Hebrews populated America. L.A. Marzulli has documented these findings and photographed many skulls 19" in height with corresponding body heights. Finding the same giants that populated the ME, leads to the conclusion that Hebrews came here also. The connection of Alaska to Russia through the Bering Strait geographically looks very likely.
In addition, certain Native tribes are said to be Hebrew as their languages are unlike other Native tribe's languages. Partial evidence is that the Navajo Code-Talkers were but one tribe that spoke a "native" language that could not be deciphered even by other Native tribes. And the Navajo are not alone. Other tribes are distinctly unique. There are Native songs that are extremely worshipful. The Cherokee Morning Song is one.
Also, research by some Jewish scholars, leads to America being, not of the son of Joseph, which would have meant of the tribe of Manasseh (father of many nations or Commonwealth / U.K.) or Ephraim (the younger, which was to be greater than the older, therefore, this would have been the US), but instead, to be the 1st-born Grandson of Joseph.
Remember, there are Jews and there are false Jews, as Jesus called them out in Revelations, and said, "Woe to those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan....I never knew you."
Without Biblical context, there can be no truth found. As I keep deep-diving, I believe the difference is between those who follow the Torah as true Jews, vs those who follow the Talmud, a sick perverted monstrosity of evil, equal to the Quran. Biblical context also proves the fallen bloodlines will be here until the end of days when the earth is fully renewed.
Thank you for your excellent work!
Truly horrifying.
My genealogy on my mother's side ; Anne Boleyn 1501.
Heard many "tales" as a small child .
It is all true.
What an astounding work on the background of this. I heard a year and a half ago about the Franklin residence in England and what they uncovered, and all went seemingly silent. Thanks for your amazing tenacity in bring these truths to light.
Great article, brother. These evildoers used to do their unholy acts in private, but not anymore, they went mainstream.
I used to wonder what happened to the satanism, and its adherents thereof; growing up in the '70's, movies and comics and music -- just about everything was about devils, witches and demons, with "The Exorcist" being the prime example. Satanism was chic, and therefore spoken about openly by many famous people.
And then it all stopped. Like it went underground again.
Well now we know why: the young devil-worshipers had to mature, to gain power and control, before they felt confident enough (urged by their master, like Netanyahu was by Rabbi Schneerson) to unleash their fiendish plot for enslaving mankind, after slaughtering most of it. This is the reason our septua- and octogenarian politicians have gone insane, they have to implement their devilish plans quickly, as their end is nigh. They are desperate to invoke the antichrist. There is no repentance for these people. They chose the wrong master and know it, and their souls are damned. The pain of denying our LORD is etched on their faces.
Speaking of etching, that William Hogarth fellow whose art you displayed was quite the prolific Mason for his time, his paintings and engravings full of symbology. Jim Twitchell, once Alumni Professor of English at University of Florida (I thought you might find that interesting), wrote about Hogarth and his predilections towards showing misery and suffering in his works. Twitchell says about Hogarth:
"... Hogarth was giving form to what has really become the stock in trade of modern horror: specific and highly located images of human perversion and transformation."
The last part of that sentence should be emphasized: look at America the last three years. Perversion and transformation have been at the top of the charts. Back in his day, Hogarth used art to further the satanic Masonic agenda; today their tool is the One-Eyed Devil, aka Talmudvision. The only change has been the medium, not the message.
I would encourage you to read Twitchell's book, "Dreadful Pleasures: An Anatomy of Modern Horror." It's free to read here: https://archive.org/details/dreadfulpleasure0000twit/page/n5/mode/2up . The book came out in 1985, but Twitchell obviously did some research pertinent to your story.
Fascinating bit of info on Hogarth there my friend thank you, I’ll be grabbing that book.
My brother keep up the tremendous work. I couldn’t have said it any better than the sober Christian gentleman.
How Hideous! Well done article!
Well written. Your writing is a breath of fresh air, in a stuffy sinking swamp. Well done my friend keep it up. You are making a difference and I learn many things that have been hidden from us, each time you share this hidden knowledge.
Fascinated as always ~ your work is amazing. May the mighty and merciful hand of our God guide and guard you always.
Thank you, you as well 🙏
In the hellfire club tunnels,
A.K.A. Dungeon complex.