For more information check out The Star of Bethlehem: The Star that Astonished the World By Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D. 1996 (https://www.askelm.com/star/) which formed the basis for much of Dr. Heiser's discussion.

September 11, 3 B.C.E. was Tishri One on the Jewish calendar. To Jewish people this would have been a very profound occasion indeed. Tishri One is none other than the Jewish New Year’s day (Rosh ha-Shanah, or as the Bible calls it, The Day of Trumpets ― Leviticus 23:23–26). It was an important annual holy day of the Jews (but not one of the three annual festivals that required all Palestinian Jews to be in Jerusalem).

From <https://www.askelm.com/star/star006.htm>

Chronological Rundown

The nativity occurred on September 11, 3 B.C.E. Note the following sequence of historical events.

1. Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem for the “census” occurred at the very close of the Jewish civil year ― an apt time for a registration of peoples to happen. It was in the summer season and before the rains set in that would have made it difficult.

2. Jesus was born in a stable in the twilight period of September 11th, the Day of Trumpets, 3 B.C.E. [between 6:15 p.m. sunset and around 7:45 p.m. moonset] date also corresponded to Rosh-Hashanah (Tishri 1), New Year's Day for Jews and the Day of Trumpets. Tishri 1 was also the "New Year's Day" of the civil calendar according to the calendar accepted in Judah during the divided monarchy. In other words, it marked the first day of the reign of every new Davidic King.

Michael Heiser presentation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52hVgs5ykFc

3. He was circumcised on September 18, 3 B.C.E. (the eighth day for the circumcision rite is reckoned inclusively).

4. He was dedicated in the temple on October 20/21, 3 B.C.E.

5. Luke says: they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth (Luke 2:39). This means they did not go to Egypt after the birth of Jesus. After all, they had only gone to Bethlehem for the “census,” not to move there. So, the family returned to Nazareth in the latter part of October, 3 B.C.E.

6. Then for some reason, they decided to move to Bethlehem. This could have been in the spring or summer of 2 B.C.E. They set up house, having no need for the temporary type of shelter they had when Jesus was born (Matthew 2:11).

7. On December 5th (Kislev 7) of 2 B.C.E. the youth tore down the eagle from the east entrance to the temple.

8. Then on December 25, 2 B.C.E., when the King planet Jupiter came to its stationary point in mid-Virgo the Virgin, it would have been seen “stopped over Bethlehem” as viewed from Jerusalem. The Magi then went to Bethlehem and gave the child the gifts they brought from the east. Jesus was now a paidion (Greek: toddler) not a brephos (Greek: infant, as in Luke). He was old enough to stand and to walk. In the papyrus codex Bodmer V of the Proto-Evangelium of James written in Egypt in the 4th century, it even states that the Magi were able to see Jesus “standing by the side of his mother Mary” (21:3). This shows early opinion that the visit of the Magi to give gifts to Jesus was long after his birth. This giving of gifts by the Magi would have occurred during the days of Hanukkah when Jewish fathers were accustomed to give gifts to their children. This would have appeared quite proper to Jewish people.

9. With the warnings of the Magi, Joseph and Mary immediately took Jesus to Egypt in late December of 2 B.C.E.

10. Immediately after this, Herod killed all the male children “from two years old and under” (Matthew 2:16). This matter of killing children two years old can now make better sense. If Jesus was born on 11 September, 3 B.C.E., the slaying of the innocents was about 15 months after his birth. If the conception period were also considered, it comes to 24 months exactly. This may be a helpful clue that Jesus was indeed born in September, 3 B.C.E. and why the Magi saw Jesus “standing by the side of his mother Mary.”

11. Soon afterward, the two illustrious rabbis were tried and sentenced by the Sanhedrin. This could have been in early January of 1 B.C.E., and then a few days later (on January 10th) the eclipse of the Moon occurred that Josephus mentioned.

12. Herod then died about January 28th (Schebat 2) in 1 B.C.E.

The earliest copies of the manuscripts of Josephus show him dying in the twenty-second year of Tiberius. Since Tiberius’ twenty-second year was C.E. 36, this shows that Philip began his reign in 1 B.C.E. With modern manuscripts of Josephus copied since the year 1700 C.E., it is common to erroneously read the “twentieth year,” not the older and proper “twenty-second.”

…the lunar eclipse that Josephus said was associated with Herod’s death was that of 10 January, 1 B.C.E. (and not the earlier eclipse of 13 March, 4 B.C.E.).

From <https://www.askelm.com/star/star009.htm>

13. Later, in the spring of 1 B.C.E., the Passover occurred during which 3000 Jewish worshippers lost their lives in the temple.

14. In the summer and autumn of that year (1 B.C.E.) The War of Varus took place.

Then, about twenty-eight years later, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist sometime in either October or November of C.E. 27 at the beginning of a Sabbatical Year. Jesus then began his official ministry with the Passover and Pentecost season of C.E. 28 and was finally crucified in C.E. 30.

September 11: Happy Birthday to Jesus

Michael S. Heiser



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Thank you for this great comment Joshua and for further demonstrating why the 3BC birth date meshes perfectly with the Biblical witness.

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Yashua was conceived on the day not born on the day

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Thoroughly enjoyed listening to this again yesterday, also reading the Star of Bethlehem book referred to. What a shame Heiser didn’t look deeper into 9-11 and also the occultic history of NASA. Still, an excellent bible scholar. His books have been life changing for me.

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Holy Spirit, I give You my life and invite You to come to me, to overshadow me and to fill me with Your divine presence. As You fill me give me the wisdom I need to speak of Your greatness and to be an instrument through which others are drawn into the glorious celebration of the birth of the Savior of the World. Come, Holy Spirit, fill me, consume me and use me for Your glory. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen

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Excellent. Bernard L. Comparet and a few others also stated this many years ago. Makes sense when you consider Sept. 11, 2001 was the coming out party for the New World Order.

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thank you for sharing a few weeks ago… have been thinking about this🙏

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The Story of Jesus is an Allegory for the Sun's Procession throughout the year, a day or two after the Winter Solstice is when the Sun starts to Rise in the sky, that is the Resurrection of the Sun/Son of God.

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This nonsense is built on a cheap pun — “sun” and “Son” — that only exists in English, a language foreign to the Bible’s authors. Christ’s resurrection, tied to the Passover in the spring, is rooted in Hebraic history — not pagan solar myths.

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And the 12 Apostles are the 12 Months, look at the courtyard of the Vatican it's a Sun Dial with a Phallus in the middle, look at all the Suns in Cristian paintings, and around the Churches. The Cross is a Pagan depiction of the Sun. As for your 'Ju'ish history not being Pagan you obviously don't know where the word Ju comes from.

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Seriously, more of this intellectual drivel? Your grasp on actual history is clearly very tenuous if you think these Zeitgeist-tier arguments pass muster.

The twelve apostles intentionally parallel the twelve tribes of Israel, predating pagan calendars by millennia. The Vatican’s architecture, while certainly occultic in nature, has no bearing on the legitimacy of first-century Christianity.

I’m definitely no fan of the papacy, but these alleged parallels you note are all post-hoc rationalizations and fallacious assertions, not actual arguments.

You do realize Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure, right?

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I am sorry you believe that rubbish and out and out lies. The bible gives the only true account, and "If they speak not according to this Word, there is no truth in them." You will meet the SON of God, Jesus, at the judgment, and see that He is NOT the sun! Praying you seek Him now, or you may hear..."Away from me, I never knew you." Worst words you will ever hear in your entire lifetime. But...it IS your choice......

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That's right, and the Jews wrote the Bible, so if you don't speak against them they win. Go look at the Pope yesterday, wearing his Jewish Yarmulke, opening the symbolic Gates of Hell, if that doesn't work for you, try explaining why Cardinals are named after a Carnivores, and they wear Sashe's to signify the Jewish Satanic Kabala, "Signs and Symblos Rule the World", if you don't know their meaning you will keep falling for the Deception. The Vatican is the Richest place on Earth, the Vatican Bank is stuffed full of Trillions, and Trillions of Euro's, how do you think that happened, I'll tell you how they profit from War, War that they create so easily by getting Zealots/Bigots(By God) to fight over who has the best God, and they run the Mafia's under the cover of War, see the Godfather. It is not Timothy 1:6,10 that is not the problem, that is just another Jewish Psy-op, it is "For the Love of Thy God that is the root of all Evil", because all War is fought by Zealots (Incited by God), and that is omitted from all Religious Books, to hide their exponentially profitable "Salvation" Business Model. It's all Pagan Idolatry, based on Human Sacrifice, Pedophilia, and Cannibalism, Cann-i-bal Cain's Lord God, nothing has changed since the Jews left Africa thousands of years ago.

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I am glad you know that Rome is NOT Christian, but serves the syna-gog-ue of satan. If you go to safeguardyoursoul.com you can learn the real truths that dispel all the lies. So that the scripture in revelation, "the devil who deceived the whole world" won't be true for you. I hope you'll take a look at least...I learned a lot, and want to pass it on. It really is crucial in these end times.

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September 11th puts a fine point on who exactly was the perpetrator of 9/11, as if the “art project” and all of those boxes of fuses didn’t. I find it interesting that Jesus and Mithra have so many things in common. More than just Mithra, I remember seeing something about maybe 9 other “chosen ones” sharing the same traditions and myths. All of the “religious” paintings allude to Jesus being the sun god- note those artistic halos.

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The tired trope of Mithraic parallels to Jesus has been debunked so thoroughly it ought to be classified as intellectual littering. Mithra wasn’t born of a virgin (he sprung out of a rock), didn’t rise from the dead, and shared no substantive overlap with Christ’s historical, prophesied life:


I addressed the claims of supposed pagan parallels to Yahweh in a prior article as well:


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Christmas Day birthdays… I’ll read your work because knowledge is power and I know less than a little about it. I’m not sure if the parallels to Mithra or the other 8?9? have been debunked but I’m sure willing to learn. My grasp on faith is fading because I’m not entirely sure I ever had a grasp on it. I’m a Christian because my parents said so is the best I have on the subject. I certainly don’t believe a single word the Catholic Church says about anything and that’s what I was baptized. I believe there’s a god because the universe didn’t create itself but after that- I got nothing. Once I realized early Genesis is written by Sumerian writers and then Egyptians I found it impossible to call it the voice of god. Ancient historians are oddly silent on too many things that should be easily verified by those who were in a position to know. I have too many questions and no concrete answers to even the most basic things taken as fact. There’s good money in religion so I’m not knocking it entirely.

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The idea that Genesis was written by Egyptians or Sumerians is not rooted in any kind of factuality. Genesis openly critiques pagan myths like those from Egypt and Babylon, emphasizing the one true Creator God over their chaotic pantheons. Even many liberal scholars agree it’s an anti-pagan polemic, not borrowed mythology. I’d really recommend you explore Dr. Heiser’s work on this subject, it is exceptional:


As for faith struggles, I’ll say this: questions don’t negate belief — they refine it.

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I’m thinking about Genesis 1.27, maybe KJ version 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

This is exactly how the Sumerian cadence is written and it makes sense to me because Abram/Abraham was from Ur, the son of a temple priest and idol maker (perhaps Abram was conceived by a temple priestess?) and Surai means Princess so I think there’s a connection and reason to be curious. The flood myth parallels Gilgamesh far too closely imo. The whole thing is interesting because Sumerian was a language isolate.

Another interesting thing is “Let US create man in OUR image” Who exactly is US? The phrase doesn’t speak to a monotheistic religion and that also makes sense because Sumerian cities all had a city god. If the god Yahweh is in play that’s also curious because Yahweh was a Sumerian creation too, a minor storm and war god, seems fitting considering all of the warring and killing the exiles did on their way to overthrowing the existing population. The failure to disconnect from idol worship suggests that they brought their polytheistic religion into the new territories.

I’m completely unsure of anything religion tbo but I like history and history branches into mythology without missing a beat and the mythology is fascinating. I really like to learn and grow. I appreciate your writing and I welcome any and all information/interpretations. I have many questions and much curiosity. Knowledge is power after all.

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You will learn real truths at safeguardyoursoul.com

And Genesis was not written by Sumerian or Egyptian writers

I hope you will visit Todd's web site, as it will surely help answer all your questions. And the Catholic church is NOT Christian. I am Praying that you will come to a knowledge of the real truth! There are MANY myths and fables and lies out there, and false prophets, etc. just as the Bible says. Those wolves that crept in unawares. Sharing cunningly devised fables. Bless you!

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