May 27·edited May 27Liked by Scipio Eruditus

God rest Bill's soul; he was truly a man of God, unafraid to speak the truth and confronting evil. Which is why the ATF, a tentacle of the Octopus, silenced him forever.

The ADL is a yet another tentacle of this monster whose head is in Israel. This unholy creation fully intends on clearing out Palestine and then the entire Levant, from sea to shining sea, to create a Greater Israel -- as is being done to America, albeit slower because of guns. The ADL's purpose is to facilitate and exacerbate this process.

A stronger Israel is a weaker America, which is why Jonathan Greenblatt (really, just saying his name is like going "BLEH" after tasting something foul) and his Comrades are more publicly able to spread their Talmudic lies and deceits these days. Their favored tool, the TalmudVision, has the masses enrapt.

However, like the despicable drones they like to use on the Palestinians, they cannot be stopped unless their command center is destroyed. Like when felling a massive Oak, it is futile to attack the tree without first cutting its roots (another apt analogy for how the West is being killed, by the way). Every Israeli organization in America only exists to infect our society with their satanic agenda, and all our politicians are sponsored by them; in essence, we are the Jewnited States of Israel, no longer America. Take a look at their brash, predictable pro-Palestine protest crackdowns on our college campuses (funded and created by them, of course); then remember how the same cops who are enacting this aggression were on their knees while our cities burned in 2020.

Most law enforcement officers, judges and attorneys are Freemasons. They too are another tentacle getting more powerful by the day.

The entire world knows who the problem is, and always has been -- so how have we allowed them, a tiny minority of concentrated malice, to take control? More importantly, when is it going to end, how many of us are going to have to die, like Bill Cooper, before The Sleeping Giant awakes?

Japan (via Yamamoto), like Israel, knows what happens when the Giant awakens. Please let it be sooner.

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From the Civil war to the Bolshevik revolution…reality is more shocking then sci fi. Thanks Scipio.

👉I did notice that Cooper flips sometimes saying the Jews are being used, then calls the perps “Jews”, this makes the differentiation confusing. One idea, since the planners use so many orgs to wield their bidding, and the names of these orgs are what is taught in school, we should stop using these names: Bolsheviks, Nazis, UN, Chicoms, Israel, ADL, Free Masons, etc., we should call them the same name so that it is clear to all it is all in the same alliance, I don’t know what is best because we still need to delineate them, maybe, the “UN branch of the Global Mafia, The, “Israeli Govt branch of the Gobal Mafia” etc. I like the word “Illuminati” but then normies don’t take that seriously.

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Indeed, the Illuminati term has been lampooned quite effectively. I prefer the Mystery religion, personally.

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May 27Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I'm trying to think what the equivalent of the ADL is in France where I spent most of my working life. The jewish umbrella organisation is called the CRIF (Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France). Many of my in-laws (Nth African non-practising muslim socialists) worked for so-called anti-racist associations subsidized by French gov't which began to flourish under Mitterrand/Fabius in early 1980s and have continued ever since. They had no issues with the CRIF and worked hand-in-hand to achieve same globalist goals. One of their major victories was to set up free injection rooms and distribute clean syringes to drug addicts in Paris, despite strong opposition from French locals. That seemed like a strange priority to me as none of them were drug users themselves. Anyway, just to say that's what we're up against.

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Fascinating info, thanks for sharing.

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