Aug 16, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

They might as well be followers of Sabbatai Zevi or any other Kabbhalist cult.

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Very interesting and well-researched; my own research of the Italian crime cartel masquerading as democracy was piqued when I read Mario Puzo's posthumously-released final novel, "The Family," though whetted originally by Machiavelli's "The Prince," which was inspired by Cesare Borgia too.


Cesare Borgia was the illegitimate son of a "Spanish" cardinal, Rodrigo Borja, who later became Pope Alexander VI. The Borgia name originates in Valencia circa 15th C. Spain; but after uniting with Catalonia around 1150, Valencia and Aragon were home to numerous thriving Jewish communities, referenced here: https://jguideeurope.org/en/region/spain/aragon/

So the Church was infiltrated probably before the end of the first millennium, but not seized all at once: the Jews still had the Inquisition to look forward to, and millions of Christians yet to kill. But definitely after, in the 16th C., when chaos agents like Cesare Borgia set upon the Italians. This is absolutely why the Northern Italians do not want their genealogy done: it would expose their Jewish roots.

I have more to say, but it is about Masonry, and I will wait eagerly for your next installment before discussing it.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Well, it will not be a surprise to you that most prominent members of Italian mafia were jews. At least according to the thread on gab in which I saw their ancestry displayed. Yeah, I cant check the validity of such claims other than does it look legit on the surface, which it did.

But isnt it logical that Mafia is yet another jewish enterprise? It is kinda obvious just by the character of that vile organization.

Cheers mate!

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