I was given 4 pneumovax shots in one year 10 yrs back when the doc was trying to assess my igg levels. I’m now immune compromised and need ivig monthly. However I went very fast downhill after the shots, seizures, stroke, heart block, infection after infection. Ran to ton of docs who mostly insinuated it was all in my head. So my thoughts are they began experimenting with this death jab years earlier than we realized. It’s terrifying. Apherisis seems to help.

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I’m sorry to hear that. Your story is becoming more and more common as this technology continues to spread.

Mainstream medicine’s response to victims of injectable medications is largely an exercise in gaslighting and victim blaming in order to escape culpability.

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..and in order to keep the ball rolling. The insidious part is the 'spread of the 'bad' batches.. to disguise the harm. That's what Bayer did in the 1980s with their HIV laced 'Factor VIII' drug for haemophiliacs. When it was determined that the drug was giving its recipients the 'AIDS' virus, instead of pulling it, Bayer sent it overseas.. (With FDA permission).. Another classic example is Wyeth Drugs, that infamously discussed (internally) how to distribute the bad batch of a children's vaccine, so as to hide the damage. That anyone trusts 'allopathic medicine', at all, is a sad testimony to the success of the gaslighting and victim blaming programs.

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10 yrs I’ve spent trying to recover. It’s been brutal. Mainly in bed. No energy and horrible pain. Now going for apherisis in cypress as I must try and get a bit of myself back.

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Have you researched personal testimonies about fasting for 10 - 30 days? Fasting acts as sort of a reset button -- resetting your body to its original factory condition. It allows a deep detox. It can get messy at first but people claim to have sorted all sorts of health issues by fasting -- including "cancer".

Fasting gives your poor, tired biological body a break from adding things to it that you hope are helpful but only serve to tax your body further -- even so-called natural things.

Look for personal testimonies and avoid so-called experts. Formulate your own plan & protocol. You can stop & start & restart anytime you please. Best of all, it is FREE and blatantly nontoxic.

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I get hypoglycemic when fasting. I can do about 14 hrs between dinner and breakfast. Do I need to do more

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Hypoglycemia looks like a very loaded subject. My instinct tells me the Established Narrative about its definition, and its alleged lethality, contributes to psychosomatic symptoms. If someone believes it, they can get frightened. They can manifest it. That doesn't mean they will, but they CAN.

If hypoglycemia is defined as feeling shaky and perhaps weak or hollow because you haven't eaten for many hours -- or days, it seems to me that it's only temporary and passes rather quickly if you don't panic, followed by peace and no more hunger pains. That's according to my research of public video testimonials from people who have fasted from 10 - 30 days, and so-called naturopathic experts about reversing diabetes with long term fasting.

But every case and experience is unique. And you must only do what feels comfortable and/or makes sense to YOU. No one else can possibly be an expert about your personality, your inner life, or your body, except you. And whether it's you or someone you have consulted, it's all a guess and a gamble when it comes to diagnosis and remedy. Health is more of an art than a science.

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Fasting is indeed an excellent way to put the body into "heal thyself" mode. However, it's super important to DO IT CORRECTLY. You don't go from "pizza and beer with friends" on Sunday night to "ok, now I'm going to eat nothing to heal my body" on Monday morning. It won't work. Juice fasting with vegetable broth is ideal because it provides minimal caloric input, vitamins and minerals while not taxing the digestive system. NOT CHEWING is essential to kick your body into autophagy. Check out the Gerson Therapy, or rebooting with Joe Cross. Then find someone to guide you properly depending on your particular needs and challenges. Especially if you're taking any sort of medication.

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I just wanted to add to your instructive comment that at a certain point science becomes art and art becomes science.

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You can still do it by gradually reducing your carbs and between-meal snacking until you can get by on 3 small meals, then 2, then one meal a day until you can increase your hours without eating anything. Once you can get past 72 hours you'll begin the process of autophagy and your body will slough off the dead and diseased cells and replace with new ones. For instance, the lining of the gut is said to be replaced in 3 days...although I think the older and sicker we are, it takes longer to accomplish the repair work.

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What an absolutely amazing article you have assembled here, Scipio. For anyone claiming that there isn't any nanotechnology inside of the bio weapon clot shots, you have clearly proved them wrong. Thanks for sharing this important information with us all. I'm going to Restack this post right now. 👍💪

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Thanks James.

Many big names within this so called health freedom movement are still denying this fact due to their financial interest in nanotech and the IoB/WBAN tech. Outraged Human has been doing some good work on this topic:


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I've subscribed to his SS 👍

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This ought to make me feel better, knowing everything I deduced and that you have discovered, but it doesn't. Pyrrhic victories always leave ashes in my mouth.

The criminality on display here, all of which is simply indefensible, continues to be ignored, both by those who perpetrated these frauds and murders and those who fell for them. Meanwhile, committees are being convened, lawsuits drafted (by soulless bloodsucking lawyers, who work both sides), articles about "forgive and forget" in every MSM Mockingbird missive -- but nothing addressing the underlying issue: We were betrayed by our own country.

Actually, since it isn't our country anymore and hasn't been for many years, I shouldn't even call it "ours." Because I'm pretty sure if this was ours, things would be very, very different. This certainly is not the country I swore to defend, and gave up a great deal of my young adulthood doing so.

So, while I share in congratulations with you and your team and all of us here, I still remain sad at how those responsible for this travesty are not only still walking the Earth, but making and spending the quite literally blood money they've harvested for their Satanic masters. Just knowing that one of these despicable monsters is drawing breath while my late father, who was worth thousands of these things, will never do so again keeps a righteous fire burning inside.

This is not about me, however: this is about the millions of doomed souls who chose to be experimented upon, and those who knew what it was and said nothing. I pray daily for the former; I leave the latter to their hellish fates. And perhaps your information, Scip, will expedite that.

Let the Lord work through you!

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Indeed my brother, it's stunning how intoxicated this country is on its excess. We are still far too comfortable to care unfortunately. The Government can essentially put out bounties on our families with their death incentives and most can't even be bothered.

2 Timothy 4:14 "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:"

May the LORD reward the jackals behind this evil for their works.

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I too read that article (on TBP) from Sasha Latypova, "Internet of No-Bodies," (which you all may read here: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/internet-of-no-bodies?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2) and was stunned (at first) by her position on the research you and Ray and Carl and so many others have done, dismissing it with scorn. Especially when she states, in the third paragraph:

"Then further hounding with endless attempts to make me read mind-numbing techno-word-salad from their favorite bloggers, attempts to pick fights and cheap cries for attention."

Which she then proceeds exactly to do with the entire article.

I understand that she is heavily involved in AI technology, so I smell a rat here. Sasha is playing for the other team, something I suspected; nice to know I can still trust my instincts.

You simply do not get as much mainstream exposure unless you have made a pact with those who run the entire charade. And we know who "they" are.

Sasha's trying to spin the damage you are doing to them. So you must be doing some damage!


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I just left Sasha a message, too, right under yours.

I got your back, bro. :)

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I can’t find the link but she or whoever runs that account had a total meltdown on Proton Magic’s stack a few months back, just really acted psychotic for lack of a better term.

Very strange fails to quantify how bizarre it is for an allegedly concerned pharma exec. to get into flame wars with rando’s on the internet.

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Thanks brother that’s the one!

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I bet I can find it. I know the exact time she did it because, as you know, I was the one she mainly flipped out over. I responded almost the next day on my stack. Will look.........

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THANK YOU for that quote. I think the saints might be more assertive in calling out the devils and putting them under our feet. I pray JOB 18 & 20 over the luciferians.

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Excellent work Scipio! And team!

So it lives on EM input, and probably only on freqs that are used for wireless comms? I sure hope that they are not able to use our "native electricity".

Hm, if these "critters" (what to call it - zombie EMnano?) feed on certain EM freqs, then they could be destroyed with other EM freqs? Can these" assembly parts" be shorted out somehow?

Maybe with a Raymond Rife machine and some of his freqs? Or maybe with techniques like ice bath + sauna? Hmmmm

Of course, detoxing the graphene is key!

Horseradish and peroxide!

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Dr. Ana has some research indicating that they are indeed harvesting our bioelectricity as well.

I think a faraday cage has promise for a non intrusive method of disassembly, but we need to do more testing. As you mention, no matter the method, one will still need chelating agents as part of their diet to make sure these materials are expelled.

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Can you share the detoxing formula, regarding horseradish and peroxide for the benefit of myself and other readers? Thanks 🙏 in advance.

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Pls hit like, subscribe and share with people you love. Check the comments as well. Cheers

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Outstanding presentation / research Scipio.

Appreciate these findings with complete confirmation of the horrors placed upon all living things.

Will circulate this .

Much respect to you and your team.

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Thank you Dr. Deborah, I appreciate that.

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ran across this Substack yesterday, he experimented mixing a sample of blood with vial of mRNA & got an “address”… saw this early on where random people were claiming to see this…


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Great intel KSA, thanks 🙏

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I’m not 100% sure but had 4 shots in one year and after first 2 things went south fast. No I told many docs. They denied possibility.

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Confirmation 🎯

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Also I went to a lyme doc who did dark field exam and yes my blood looked like that. Strange fake red blood cells and what looked like little stick’s everywhere

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I’d love to see those images if you still had them by chance.

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If you don't mind, what did the doctor say to you? Was the doctor shocked? Did the doctor offer any treatment? Were you vaxed? Did you ever get any shots from the dentist these last few years? How do you think this happened to your blood?

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I have had novacaine etc. why is it in dental as well? Any research on that

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Yes some prople were saying they put it in dental products too. I think it was talked about on the Stew Peters show.

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I need dental work badly, but I'm not much of a Scotch drinker so I'm going to wait till I can get overseas.. I DO spray my mouth each night with Hydroclorous acid in dilution, just to keep any infection at bay. Works swimmingly!

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What if you are killing bacteria necessary and intended to help your mouth? Are bacteria evil parasites or benevolent janitors?

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Hydroclorous acid is produced in our bodies. It is an ideal disinfectant, as it does not target beneficial flora.

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"Hydroclorous acid is produced in our bodies. "

When I search on Hydroclorous acid, I can't find anything.

Did you mean hypochlorous acid?

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Wow! Impressive & well-written assessment. Thank you 🙏 for your work and the risks you assumed to do it! I will pass on your articles. And read your other offerings. This is my first exposure to your account.

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Thank you!

I’ve compiled all my work on this topic into a single webpage, so for new readers I would recommend starting with the first article in this series:


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One of my supporters at https://terral.substack.com sent me your article link. Your work mirrors much of what Dr. Ana is sharing. There is much more going on here than meets the eye. The SARS bioweapons and the bioweapon Vax components are AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses (Todd Callender, Jeffrey Prather, etc.). Everyone not on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen is already infected with the SARS "binary" bioweapons and transfected by Vaxxers with the bioweapon Vax components you are observing under your microscope.


Get more information by watching my interview with Tina Griffin on these related topics. We are living inside a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion Movie that is real. The PlanDemic is the Globalist-Elite Command-Control Mechanism over the clueless Sheeple global population. The Black Star is coming to terraform the planet and the Globalists are preparing to run to their Underground Ark Cities leaving everyone on the surface to perish.





Get more information at https://www.terral03.com and https://terral.substack.com/. terral@terral03.com

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Very interesting, however, what about a control away from wifi?

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I will annotate the article with this, but yes, a control was kept in a faraday cage equivalent. No objects were present in that sample.

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This sample was not diluted, it’s a droplet of the pure solution.

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I paid to subscribe but cannot read the article - bummer.

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Thank you Rocina but I’m not sure why, none of my articles are paywalled except for this one with a download link at the bottom for my ebook (for paying subscribers like yourself):


Perhaps try your laptop or a different browser.

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I'd like to read this article but impossible. I've just subscribed. Can you email to me please?

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