Wow. Hands down best article about MK Ultra that I have ever read! I had been searching for this kind of info but it’s hard to find anything but usual limited hangouts.

I look forward to reading more of your Substack and looking at the additional readings. Have you written a book on this material? I try not to stare at my phone for too many hours but I can see that I am about to binge read everything here.

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Thank you, I appreciate the kind words. At some point in the not too distant future these articles will be compiled into a physical format, most likely the Anatomy of a Revolution series first.

There is a lot of misinformation around this topic for a very understandable reason:

They want our guard down against their very real and operational weapons.

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All the targeting that targeted individuals talk about is real, today, now. MK ultra , cointel pro programs have expanded, MUCH worse today , so many go thru the history of these and do not break down the present. Note over half the people who claim to be targeted are actually agents looking to discredit the targeted, and is this too so freaking hard to understand. Of course they would the targeting is a well oiled machine money making operation with millions upon millions of operatives , agency, military, emergency management, academia , occult related organization, so many related to occult system, it is not just a small group of behavioural mad scientist, but a society of damaged people and sickness, you either profiled and let in , family history, handed down, revolve towards it based on occult procliviites, or you do not know, they do NOT tell the uninitiated, never, Many regular people are naive or unintersted in this too bad, knowing properly prepares who to deal with how evil this system, and deceptive all of society is, to protect onesself. Last words of dumb Americans, "they wouldn't do that" um yes they would and they did and are

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Spot on Marcus. Truly we have moved beyond targeted “individuals”, as all of us are their targets now.

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IF you knew how many are of the payroll with military contractors and third parties - red army- it would blow your mind, i hesitate to give you number because most all people could not get their head around it and doubt all, suffice to say it is millions plus plus, we do not have a real american goverment for people , coup already - what you see is a facade - showing you pieces going the path of least resistance before further ambush cuts

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Oh I believe it. Even if just 1% of the populace is “read in”, that leaves 3.4 million or so potential operatives running amok in the homeland and abroad.

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additionally, i don't write , i am not good at journalism although i attempted , no one will read because it hurts too much, i live this shit

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and God speed

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This is true, as i am targeted mostly organized stalking rather than microwave, but for 5 years, i would say atleast 2 mil per year spent on me, my home has been broken into about 65 times , 100's of vehicle out with/ around me when drive, and various NLP threats i call program a cryptic _______ threat subproject, i left the ________ so as to not scare people which i am usually very good at, i have learned to handle myself, not asking for anything and not need of any attention and not crying out for help, my targeting quantity decreased as i call out NAMES of perpetrators in NC i mean NO HOLDS BARed, i think many think i am alittle crazy for doing it, but i don't care any more, and i know these people well and the know me, it becomes a game on the daily, me to survive and them to hit and then cover there tracks, payoff people, FLASH the "as a matter of national security card" around town, the program is to psychologically modify , contain and destroy a human being - sabotage - work place cyber sabotage (covertly) think of it as a massive (covert to others, over to the target) bully project , gaslighting , using cryptic, overt satantic ritural, and subconscious messenging, ALL resources of the agencies, military, government to do underhanded things with plausible deniabilty or just plain deny and coerce. So what i have noticed is that are bringing the same tactics to everybody, you are VERY correct they are bringing to everyone, one of the things i would advise : during my targeting - messaging - uses "speaks out of both sides of mouth" for instance for all the masses - "we want to depopulate you" and then "we would never do that depopulate humans" "that is riduculous" "conspiracy" but then the clearly and for all people to see " Lahina was clearly laser incinerated houses people , child sacrifice, clear as day, the WANTED YOU TO SEE IT , they LOVE to destroy the innocent, seriously, plus good is bad and bad is good, truth is illegal and lies are uplifted, and many people are coerced into this spirit it appears , and they turn the "people" against one another, the fighters against the lemmings and this constant inversion of every thing i have witnessed for 5 year, and NOW they roll this all out - it is just they tested of people like me supercharged , and others - thanks a million for bringing attention to this - good work

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Well presented, sadly we need devices now to get word such as this and the urgency of awareness. Books are limited and to be able to be a part of your work would be more difficult.

When 5 G was starting in the state in which my Targeting was basically an upheaval upon my life, this was also when Covid was unleashed, I noticed something, the state of Colorado in which I was residing at the time went and pulled ALL LANDLINE BOXES, wires, everything out!!! Why????

May God protect you as you are a voice that needs to heard!

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i have a different perspective, than most and the "even if " is a good example , but 1% or 3.4 is no where near close, however, i of these are not the same, citizens snitches, infragard, several levels of actual 17 agencies of operatives, militarty intel, the entire emergency management complex , academia , govern, finance, and fema,, - blm , antifa substantial number but not all, doctors, nurses - did you know FLorida got caught issuing 7000 fake doctor nurse certificate license many of these work for ____, goes on forever, those many hardly do much , compartmentalized, others to Navy intel and CIA - massive complex organized with death cult principles managed by coersion payoffs, threats mafia with a badge- this is thug PLUS suits upper class economic psychopaths, all strata of society - have to sign a NDA - some sign not knowing what getting into were told it was cool, and now done comflicted , they know how to do that - incideous does not begin to tell you the HELL of these-

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Everything dovetails nicely into a beautiful tapestry; all the conspiracy's that I was continuously browbeat and gaslit about, have come to undeniable realness in this Blog post! You are Blessed with such a gift! God bless!

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Thank you my friend. If we are conspiracy theorists then what does that make the Psalmist?

Psalms 2:1-2 KJV

1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed…

To deny the luciferian conspiracy against HIS Kingdom is to deny The Lord’s Truth.

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