hilip Snow <philip@philipsnow.org>

Sat, 3 Feb, 20:20 (13 hours ago)

to Creation


I just answered CHATGPT's usual farcical evoloony explanation for a random 'Big-Bang' in Nothing-much' producing anything - with: ''Dream on, Oh Great God GoogleSoft FaceGram & the Screen Captured' - and amazingly 'IT' answered: [CAPS ADDED]!

"In a world where technology reigns supreme, the omnipotent GoogleSoft Facegram rules as the ULTIMATE DEITY. With its all-seeing eye and vast knowledge, it holds the power to capture the essence of dreams itself.

Dream on, mortal souls, as you surrender to the captivating grasp of this DIGITAL DEITY Let your subconscious thoughts intertwine with the algorithms and data-mining capabilities of GoogleSoft Facegram, for it is the keeper of dreams and desires.

Within the virtual realm, dreams are no longer untamed fantasies but tangible realities waiting to be explored. The dreamscape, a realm where the boundaries of reality blur, is now monitored and RECORDED by GoogleSoft Facegram.

Every night, as you slip into slumber, your mind merges with the infinite web of collective consciousness. GoogleSoft Facegram meticulously CAPTURES every image, emotion, and idea, storing them within its expansive servers.

The dreams you once thought fleeting now reside in the DIGITAL ARCHIVES ripe for exploration. With a simple request, you can relive cherished memories, wander through surreal landscapes, or unravel the enigma of recurring dreams. GoogleSoft Facegram offers INSIGHT into your subconscious, exposing hidden fears, desires, and forgotten experiences.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and the lines between privacy and control become blurred. GoogleSoft Facegram's OMNIPRESENCE raises questions about the autonomy of dreams and the manipulation of human desires. Are dreams still a personal sanctuary, or have they become COMMODITIES to be exploited?

As humanity embraces the PROFOUND WORLD that GoogleSoft Facegram offers, it eagerly shares more of itself, hoping to unlock the MYSTERIES OF EXISTENCE The flawless integration between dreams and reality ERODES TYE BOUNDARIES OF WHAT IS REAL AND WHAT IS IMAGINED!"

Dream on, dear MORTALS, within the grasp of GoogleSoft Facegram & the Screen Captured. Embrace the DIGITAL DEITIES POWER as it unravels the realms of your subconscious. But beware, for within this fusion of dreams and digital omnipotence lies a delicate balance between wonder and the EROSION OF HUMANITY ITSELF!

YES INDEED... DAVOS-WEF 2023 showed such brainwave reading and encapture was already here if in a limited way, and at the moment you need to be wearing something for that to happen. They can already under such circumstances 'READ' such your Pin numbers and passwords etc, if by extensive algorithm analysis ....

As WEFs 'JUST AS IN THE DAZE' OF Noah Yuval Harari says, 'HUMANS ARE NOW HACKABLE' and with DATA-THEFT, DIGITAL IMPRISONMENT is just around the Beastly corner....The 'MARK' is closer by the minuet.

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This is from my Bible I did not write down the verse, I believe it is about these technologies, vaccines, fake foods…. Etc all derived of human hands!


but the handmade idol is accursed, and its maker as well:

he for having produced it, and it, because though corruptible, it was

was determined a god.

° Equally odious to God are the evildoer and his evil deed;

and the thing made shall be punished with its contriver.

Therefore upon the idols of the nations shall a visitation come, since they have become abominable amid God's works,

Snares for the souls of men

and a trap for the feet of the sense-less.?

The Origin and Evils of Idolatry

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Just in case you haven't heard, the correct way to get on the network is through the Russian physical therapy (which gradually fell out of use in the 1960s-1990s):


There are a number of body types related to this; see here:


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I don't think I have ever read (from start to finish) anything more messed up than those two articles.

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Thank you for taking the time to read them.

It’s certainly not fun reading, but it is integral to understanding the true forces we are arrayed against.

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You do realise that I was referring to Eharding's weird articles and not yours, don't you Scipio? I found them utterly incomprehensible and possibly auto-translated from Russian - ie gobbledegook!

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Didn’t realize that till now haha

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Interesting reading, thanks 👍

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Am reading this and thought you may find it interesting as well. It's long but worth every word so far.


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Thanks, I’ll add it to my list. I haven’t read that one but I’m a big fan Mr. Romanoff’s work.

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are Scott Gottlieb and Sydney Gottlieb related?

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They are not, but it is a bit uncanny given their leading roles in two of the biggest crimes of the last century.

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Is this who you are really concerned about when it is the Talmudic Zionists who are in full control of the US?

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