Great addition.

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Appreciate it!

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Jun 25Liked by Scipio Eruditus

What an awesome interview with Ron. There is nothing like eyewitness/living witness to an account.

You were right Scipio, the detractors will weight in heavily. Its interesting how what some call a staged event means fake event. False flags events, and staging been going on a lot longer than ive been on this earth..

Seeds planted hopefully a few find fertile ground and reap more awakening.

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I really am at a loss to understand how someone as knowledgeable as you, Scipio, who has provided that absolute golden nugget about Freemasonry in Japan (so helpful to explain the kind of deal the US and Japan must have had over the staged Pearl Harbour and faked atomic bombs) has fallen for the USS Liberty "false flag" narrative. There is no such thing as a false flag, all false flag narratives hide a second layer of duplicity. So much about warfare is duplicity - Sun Tzu said it 500BC and I'm sure it goes back even further - of course, there's the Trojan Horse story.


I think I said my father was in an Italian navy boat torpedoed by the British. I didn't hear it from him but my mother told me that when they were torpedoed, in order to get out, a very narrow piece of the boat needed to be walked along. My father baulked and wasn't going to do it but his fellow navy guy said just walk behind me and hold on to me and we can do it together. Then they came to a place where they needed to climb up and the other guy said to my father. "You get up on my shoulders and climb up and then you can help me climb up." My father got up but then they were torpedoed again and everyone went everywhere. My father got into a rescue boat and that was the last he saw of the guy who helped him. I think he feared that the other guy died with the second torpedo and felt survivor guilt but that's all I know. His story was written up in a book of war experiences by a person from his village which my mother told me we had a copy of but I didn't see it and it's gone now. I might be able to get a copy when I finally go back to his village.

There is mention a few times of the Israeli torpedo boat sending out more torpedoes but supposedly only the one hit. Really? One torpedo hit a 450ft boat, they couldn't manage more? Also, where was the response by USS Liberty? They had no weaponry? Are you going to tell me it was a deliberate stand down? Really? A deliberate stand down? ... just like the supposed deliberate stand down on another very famous day?


"The Mirages left after expending their ammunition, and were replaced by a flight of two Dassault Super Mystères codenamed Royal flight. The Mysteres were armed with napalm bombs, and were flown by Captain Yossi Zuk and his wingman, Yaakov Hamermish. The Mysteres released their payloads over the ship and strafed it with their cannons. Much of the ship's superstructure caught fire.[32] The Mysteres were readying to attack again when the Israeli Navy, alerted by the absence of return fire, warned Kislev that the target could be Israeli. Kislev told the pilots not to attack if there was any doubt about identification, and the Israeli Navy quickly contacted all of its vessels in the area. The Israeli Navy found that none of its vessels were under fire, and the aircraft were cleared to attack. However, Kislev was still disturbed by a lack of return fire and requested one last attempt to identify the ship. Captain Zuk made an attempt at identification while strafing the ship. He reported seeing no flag, but saw the ship's GTR-5 marking. Kislev immediately ordered the attack stopped. Kislev guessed that the ship was American."

They could have told this story so that it was more convincing ... but they didn't. They did it Revelation of the Method style as they always do ... and yet ...

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I'm afraid, Scipio, that your interview does nothing to persuade me of the reality of the attack. Testimonies from service people when staged events occur are part and parcel - we have them for 9/11, Pearl Harbor and so many other staged events - and there is nothing particularly convincing about what Ron said.

Testimonies can work as evidence when they show some kind of consistency with expectations and when they support the visual evidence. The USS Liberty testimonies don't show consistency with expectations (as doesn't the event as a whole) nor do they support the visual evidence.

Why would there be the terrible smell that Ron speaks of? Allegedly, bodies weren't left for any significant length of time and we don't see any reporting of a terrible smell in the other testimonies.

I've gone through a few of the testimonies at https://www.usslibertyveterans.org/files/Archive/Survivor%20Statements/ and numbered them according to the order they appear in the list starting with the document name "USS Liberty Survivor ... " and made some comments.

2. David Lewis

“Prior to and during the attack I was in my office below decks supervising my department, especially after the attack began, in the hopes of identifying our attackers so I witnessed personally no part of the actual attack.”

Allegedly, there were multiple attacks on the ship – strafing runs, the use of rockets and napalm and a torpedo, so to simply speak of “the attack” seems odd. Did he simply stay below decks through all these attacks? How would staying below decks “supervising his department” especially help in the hopes of identifying the attackers?

3. Donald Pageler

“When the Mirage fighters left the Liberty they had inflicted 820+ rocket and cannon holes. They were followed by Mystere bombers dropping napalm.”

While we can see holes made by cannons can you point out evidence of impact by rockets or napalm?

5. Ernest Gallo

“Pools of blood seemed to be in every passageway. We were warned not to go the forecastle area as there dead and body parts thrown helter-skelter.”

We get no sense of this looking at images of the wounded.

6. Gary Brummett

Extremely rambling piece about fixing boilers with virtually no testimony about the attack. This seems very odd, it's as if it had no effect on him.

7. Glenn Oliphant

After the torpedo hit, “Then the ship started sinking to starboard and it kept sinking and sinking and I thought we might turn over.”

“I looked forward to the rack that held my life raft and discovered that all of the rafts and even the rack itself had burned up.”

“While standing there I observed three inflated life rafts floating behind the ship at a range of 100 to 150 yards. Then suddenly, tiny splashes appeared around the rafts and then they deflated. Within minutes a torpedo boat appeared and stopped by the rafts. I observed someone pick up one of the rats and put it in the torpedo boat.”

If the boat went into the process of sinking what stopped it sinking?

Where are any signs that things have burned up and why was no one else concerned about getting into life rafts? Where did the inflated life rafts come from? Why would the torpedo boat bother with life rafts? And what was he doing watching life rafts? Wouldn't he need to be doing something? What about all the injured?

From 2:20 in this video Fakenukes Phil shows very compellingly that all the images of the alleged injured are perfectly consistent with "drill" and do not show signs of the maiming we are told about. It's classic psyop stuff.


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There is nothing particularly convincing from your end either, to each their own.

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Scipio, can I just confirm with you that you recognise that death and injury were staged on 9/11 and at Pearl Harbor?

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Yes there is, there is clear evidence of testimony not matching the visual evidence and unexpected claims in the testimonies. There is also the general sense of the story making no sense just like 9/11's and Pearl Harbour. Why would Israel bomb BFF USA? Staged events are as common as sliced bread so, a priori, what makes USS Liberty any different from all the other staged events? Why would it not be staged too?

Ron isn't going to rat. I love the way they call it a research ship. It was an intel ship so presumably Ron was an intelligence officer and is duty-bound not to tell the truth. That is his duty so presumably he can justify his lies to God under "duty". No one in this situation rats - ever. They never, ever do it. We can see so many fake whistleblowers. We do see occasionally genuine whistleblowers but they don't whistleblow on this kind of thing.

Those in power prey on our human emotions: on our sympathies for those who die, their loved ones left behind, those who are badly injured and those who've been screwed over; on our feelings of loyalty whether it be to those we might admire in public office or fellow servicemen or whoever.

To be an effective analyst of power you kind of have to be like them: you need to detach yourself from your normal human emotions of sympathy and loyalty and be as ruthless as they are. I understand why people don't do it ... but there it is.

It's not a case of to each their own in terms of whether USS Liberty was a "false flag" or completely staged event - it's either one thing or the other but it is to each his own in terms of choosing to detach from normal human emotions or not.

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No offense but I don't feel like re-hashing our previous conversation Petra. I don't agree with your hermeneutical approach on these topics and you have an unreasonable standard on what constitutes a sufficient amount of evidence to prove something.

Why would the US sacrifice American soldiers while planning to blame Egypt in order to assist their BFF in a war they had been planning for months to years? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

If you want to present a cogent argument on why Israel and the US would fake a fake attack, and by doing so, forever shine a light upon the Zionist infiltration of the American government, I'm all ears.

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But they don't need to sacrifice them for real, for goodness sake. No sacrifice needed for real, only pretend.

I have no unreasonable standard.

Please confirm whether this is your standard or you have another standard:

"Even though none of the imagery corresponds with testimony I still believe the testimony."

How it doesn't correspond:

--- all we see are holes made by cannon - zero evidence of torpedo, napalm or rockets.

--- zero signs of any compromises to any body where testimony mentions missing limbs and other gruesomeness (you've heard that one before, right?)

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