Dec 5, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Another interesting read! I’ve also read that the good old Smithsonian has ‘taken care’ of most of the bones found, I’m sure the founding and ownership of this museum has links to secret society’s with discrediting the Bible always top priority. Blurry Creatures is a very interesting podcast on this topic.

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I have a question. If those constructions were so perfect in imperial system measurements then who built them?

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023Author

That is certainly the million dollar question. Any answer given is conjecture at best, informed or not. That said, I find the argument that nomadic Stone Age peoples were responsible for these constructions quite laughable.

The fact that so many of these structures have such striking architectural similarities certainly lends credence to the theory that there was a singular, postdiluvian world empire that Humanity descended from, IE Babel. How exactly they were built is unclear, but it is a near certitude that ancient man had technological capabilities that utterly dwarf ours. What role the giants played in their construction is unclear, but physical feats that seem impossible for a human to pull off certainly seem much more realistic for giants to do so. Egyptian and Mayan hieroglyphs both show scenes of giants working alongside humans, so there is archeological evidence for the idea, although admittedly scant.

The precise craftsmanship of the stones at South American and Egyptian pyramids in particular is nothing short of incredible. The stones of the pyramids are so precisely machined that no mortar is required to hold the blocks in place, and not even a razor blade can fit in between the stones. That’s something we would be hard pressed to do today, let alone 5-6 thousand years ago.

There is clearly a large piece of the puzzle missing in regards to the mainstream historical narratives of Indian cultures within the Americas.

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