“33 Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty and five years in Jerusalem:
2 But did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, like unto the abominations of the heathen, whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel.
3 For he built again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, and made groves, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.
4 Also he built altars in the house of the Lord, whereof the Lord had said, In Jerusalem shall my name be for ever.
5 And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord.
6 And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.”
— 2nd Chronicles 33:1-6 KJV
Previous Entries
A deep and pervasive spiritual blindness has fallen upon The Church. In our blindness, we have exchanged the truth for a lie and we have fallen prey to a great many deceptions and Anti-Truth’s; the luciferian devotion of our rulers being just one of these grand deceptions. The state of our modern culture is a direct result of these demonic deceptions. We have called overlooking and excusing our brother’s grievous sins against society love. We have called warning and trying to rescue our brothers from everlasting torment hate. We have rejected the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and with it we have descended ever deeper into the pit of madness and despair.
We as the Church have largely rejected the Genesis narrative of Creation, consigning the very words spoken to Moses by God on Mount Sinai to a simple allegory or poem. As an inevitable result, for several centuries now, our perception of reality has been warped in fundamental ways. Beliefs about our reality that were held by the Hebrews, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Apostles, the early Church fathers, and nearly all of our forefathers for the better part of the last six millennia have been rejected in the light of our newfound scientific “truths”. In response the modern Church has bent over backwards to placate and twist Holy Scripture to fit these “new” discoveries. We as the Church have rejected the words of Moses and ultimately, of God.
In light of the many lies, half truths, obfuscations and abject falsehoods we have been sold these past centuries, it is necessary to frame the discussion about Biblical Cosmology upon the actual historical record. The men that have driven these supposed discoveries have been anything but rational, employing a great deal of mystic rituals and alchemical practices during their research. The writings and lives of famed scientists such as Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Darwin make their true beliefs clear: they were all avowed occultists and practitioners of the Mystery rites of Babylon. What we have been sold for centuries now, this fable about the long running chain of intellectual and scientific progress driven by cold logic and clinical reason, could not be further from the truth.
When our modern societies and pop culture refer to science they largely do not mean the scientific process of observation and experimentation, i.e. observing the observable. Instead they mean “How can you dare argue against the science?”, the tiresome mantra of the last three years. What has replaced much of our belief in God in the West is a belief that the scientific process now reigns supreme. What is actually meant is more akin to the following:
Scientism, noun - the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality.
Scientism is not an opinion, it is a worldview. It is a belief system. It is a hermeneutic. It is a rival religion born out of the Mystery cults of Babylon and it is winning hearts and minds. For centuries now we as the Body of Christ have failed miserably to realize this glaring fact: it was the Mystery religion that God’s prophets warned us of all along, not human reason, that spawned the so called Age of Enlightenment.
— The Karnak Temple Complex, Egypt. Ipet Isut Temple (top) & Waset Temple (bottom).
Before the Greeks ever penned an epic or debated the make up of the cosmos, the Egyptian and Babylonian mystery cults were the perpetuators and keepers of this occult knowledge. From it’s earliest days, the Mystery religion and the spirit of Babylon have been the driving influence behind this so called secular attempt to understand and master the known universe. It was in the Egyptian temples at Karnak that Greek luminaries such as Thales, Hippocrates, Pythagoras, Socrates, & Plato mastered the ancient and arcane mysteries; knowledge that had been passed down and guarded by the sorcerers of Egypt for millennia. It was here where Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, learned the secrets of the human anatomy.
Pythagoras is considered the world’s first philosopher, a mythical figure within both the scientific community and Masonry. He is called the father of mathematics, learning calculus and geometry from the Egyptian priests of the Mystery cults. Manley P. Hall, a prolific occult historian, echoes this in his seminal work:
Pythagoras studied mathematics with the Egyptians and from them gained his knowledge of the symbolic geometric solids.
— The Secret Teachings of All Ages
These geometric solids would be the square, circle, and triangle: symbols that appear repeatedly within occult symbology and that have layers upon layers of esoteric meanings. In the Egyptian universities - giant temples dedicated to study of the sacred sciences of antiquity - these ancient Greek thinkers imbibed deeply of the hidden knowledge and mystical rituals of Egypt. Pythagoras brought that occult and esoteric knowledge back to Greece from Thebes and Memphis, forever shaping the course of Western thought and Western societies.
— Pythagoras
The practices of this alleged demigod, prophet and mystic were bizarre in the extreme. All initiates in the Pythagorean cult were made to swear vows of silence for the first year after their initiation. It was only through silence and submission that one could attain enlightenment. The disciples of Pythagoras also highly revered the star Venus (i.e. Lucifer), as it was the only star bright enough to cast a shadow. Venus, the morning star, is visible before sunrise and after sunset; it has been revered by millennia of astrologists for this peculiar trait. Manley P. Hall further details the massive influence that the Egyptian mysteries had upon scientific thought and philosophy:
Although the Hellenes proved themselves peculiarly responsive to the disciplines of philosophy, this science of sciences should not be considered indigenous to them. “Although some of the Grecians,” writes Thomas Stanley, “have challenged to their nation the original of philosophy, yet the more learned of them have acknowledged it [to be] derived from the East.” The magnificent institutions of Hindu, Chaldean, and Egyptian learning must be recognized as the actual source of Greek wisdom. The last was patterned after the shadow cast by the sanctuaries of Ellora, Ur, and Memphis upon the thought substance of a primitive people. Thales, Pythagoras, and Plato in their philosophic wanderings contacted many distant cults and brought back the lore of Egypt and the inscrutable Orient.
— The Secret Teachings of All Ages
As Hall makes clear, there is a clear line from the Babylonian and Egyptian mystery rites to Greek philosophy and scientific inquiry.
— Socrates
It is also abundantly clear from the writings of these ancient Greeks thinkers how intimately tied they viewed matters of the spiritual and physical realities. The Greek titans of philosophy and “reason”, Socrates and his student Plato, describe their reverence for the ancient mysteries in the Dialogues of Plato:
The founders of the mysteries would appear to have had a real meaning, and were not talking nonsense when they intimated in a figure long ago that he who passes unsanctified and uninitiated into the world below will lie in a slough, but that he who arrives there after initiation and purification will dwell with the gods. For ‘many,’ as they say in the mysteries, ‘are the thyrsus-bearers, but few are the mystics,’—meaning, as I interpret the words, ‘the true philosophers.’ In the number of whom, during my whole life, I have been seeking, according to my ability, to find a place;—whether I have sought in a right way or not, and whether I have succeeded or not, I shall truly know in a little while, if God will, when I myself arrive in the other world—such is my belief.
— Socrates, Phaedo - The Dialogues of Plato
In later writings Socrates encourages his debate partner to become an initiate of the Mystery religion:
I believe you will think so too, provided you are not compelled to leave prior to the mysteries, as you were saying yesterday, but stay about and be initiated.
— Socrates, Meno - The Dialogues of Plato
As Plato make clear in his Dialogues, both he and his teacher, the philosopher/mystic Socrates, were initiated into these mystery rites. It was this occult knowledge, gained through experimentation and ritual magick, that served as the basis of Greek thought on science and inquiry into the natural world.
— Plato
The progenitors of modern astrology and heliocentrism are no better in regards to their mystical affinities. Copernicus was fascinated with the occult and was clearly an initiate of the hermetic magicks. He was also an avid follower of Marsilio Ficino, the Catholic priest responsible for the revival of Platonic thought in Italy:
One might say that what Ficino instituted was indeed a religion, a kind of neo-paganism. Copernicus himself was profoundly influenced by this movement, as can be clearly seen from numerous passages in the De Revolutionibus.
— Karl Popper, The Wisdom of Ancient Cosmology
This neo-paganism that Popper describes is nothing other than a continuation of the Mystery rites of old. Plato’s teachings and writings are but a continuation of what he learned in Egypt. It is a reverence and worship of the Sun as a deity (i.e. Lucifer) and therefore it must be the center of the universe. This model of the universe flows from that deep religious conviction, first and foremost. Copernicus’ description of the model of the heavens reads more like a devotional than a scientific treatise:
In the middle of all sits Sun enthroned. In this most beautiful temple could we place this luminary in any better position from which he can illuminate the whole at once? He is rightly called the Lamp, the Mind, the Ruler of the Universe: Hermes Trismegistus names him the Visible God, Sophocles’ Electra calls him the All-seeing. So the Sun sits as upon a royal throne ruling his children the planets which circle round him. The Earth has the Moon at her service. As Aristotle says, in his On Animals, the Moon has the closest relationship with the Earth. Meanwhile the Earth conceives by the Sun, and becomes pregnant with an annual rebirth
— De Revolutionibus, Of the Order of the Heavenly Bodies 10
We see a clear line from Babel to Greece to Copernicus, as Karl Popper points out below:
Copernicus studied in Bologna under the Platonist Novara; and Copernicus’ idea of placing the sun rather than the earth in the center of the universe was not the result of new observations but of a new interpretation of old and well-known facts in the light of semi-religious Platonic and Neo-Platonic ideas. The crucial idea can be traced back to the sixth book of Plato’s Republic, where we can read that the sun plays the same role in the realm of visible things as does the idea of the good in the realm of ideas. Now the idea of the good is the highest in the hierarchy of Platonic ideas. Accordingly the sun, which endows visible things with their visibility, vitality, growth and progress, is the highest in the hierarchy of the visible things in nature…Now if the sun was to be given pride of place, if the sun merited a divine status…then it was hardly possible for it to revolve about the earth. The only fitting place for so exalted a star was the center of the universe. So the earth was bound to revolve about the sun. This Platonic idea, then, forms the historical background of the Copernican revolution. It does not start with observations, but with a religious or mythological idea.
— Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge
Contrary to the prevailing mainstream narratives, it was never rationalism or observed truth that drove these men to redefine our reality. It was always the occult knowledge and mystical beliefs imparted from these ancient Mystery schools that drove their fervor to disprove God’s established order.
— Nicolaus Copernicus
Isaac Newton, a key figure in the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century, was yet another thinker in this Platonic mold. Newton’s reverence for the occult is a well known topic, with even government programming admitting this truth:
…what Keynes found shattered his image of Isaac Newton. For, in these manuscripts, Keynes discovered an Isaac Newton unknown to the rest of the world, an Isaac Newton who seemed obsessed with religion and devoted to the occult.
— NOVA: Newton’s Dark Secrets by PBS
Newton’s alchemical formulas, notes and research was extensive, spanning the entirety of his adult life. Most of Newton’s studies revolved around translating and rediscovering these ancient works of esoteric knowledge once thought lost to history, ultimately leading to his discovery of gravity. PBS once again lets this truth slip:
Newton pursued alchemy because it gave insight into the active principles of nature. Gravity was an occult force, it didn't have an explanation, and Newton believed that it was possible that gravity was one of those forces, one of those active principles. And so, in that sense, Newton's alchemy could give insight into gravity.
— Pamela Smith, NOVA: Newton’s Dark Secrets by PBS
Alchemy was not the only occult arena that Newton obsessed over. His preoccupation with The Great Pyramids, and their role in the Apocalypse was one of the many questions of esoteric knowledge that plagued this conflicted genius.
— Isaac Newton
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was one of the final nail’s in the coffin of the mainstream acceptance of Biblical Cosmology. In it we see the final rejection of the Genesis narrative, entirely removing the hand of a purposeful creator. This desire to disprove intelligent design was one of the driving factors in the creation of his ideology:
The old argument of design in nature, as given by Paley, which formerly seemed to me so conclusive, fails, now that the law of natural selection has been discovered. We can no longer argue that, for instance, the beautiful hinge of a bivalve shell must have been made by an intelligent being, like the hinge of a door by man. … Everything in nature is the result of fixed laws.
— The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
Darwin’s hatred of religion and Christianity is apparent in his writings. He makes several disparaging comments in the vein seen below:
I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished. And this is a damnable doctrine.
— The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
What Darwin fails to mention here is that his family were all high level Masons, including very likely the man himself. The man’s own words could not make his motivations and biases more clear. Darwin’s hatred of Christ, his rejection of God’s divine order, played a central role in the formation of his ideology of evolution.
— Charles Darwin, Freemason
Before we dive into the figures, the experiments, the scriptures and the proofs of the reality of our world, it is so crucial to lay this foundation of understanding. Before we can begin to understand the true nature of creation, we must learn the real history of the men that laid the foundations of the modern world. The myths we have been sold about the Age of Rationalism and Enlightenment are utterly hollow. The men behind the most pivotal scientific schools and discoveries of human history were all steeped in the Mystery rites of ancient Egypt. These experiments and discoveries were driven not by a desire to understand God’s creation, but in order to unveil the hidden mysteries of the universe. It is from this font of occult and esoteric knowledge that all scientific thought and discovery has flowed from.
Scientism - the belief that science is the ultimate tool of divining our reality - has supplanted the Church as the arbiter of His divine truth within our Western cultures. We have removed the Lord from His place of honor, and we have defiled it with these idols crafted by mystics and sorcerers.
We have deluded ourselves into thinking we are the most advanced and knowledgeable civilization to grace God’s green Earth.
And yet, our society is more morally bankrupt, backwards, ignorant and depraved than ever before.
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the MYSTERIOUS.
It is the source of all true art and science.”
— Albert Einstein
An excellent expose of "learning against learning" which is a Jesuit process/technique where one creates false narratives and presents them as truth. Whether public or private, ivy league or small college, the curriculum for the science-based curriculum at all levels of "schooling" is Jesuit-driven. For example, the Jesuits are responsible for the schools of higher criticism, liberation theology, critical theory, the Frankfurt School and its logical positivism, and all cultural marxism narratives. Karl Popper, and Herbert Marcuse are two of the Frankfurt School's famed intellectuals. What Popper, and others, don't acknowledge regarding astronomy is Tychron Brahe did all the mathematics for the motion of planetary bodies within geo-centric universe and Johann Kepler stole his work and placed it into a heliocentric model. Significantly also, one of Marcuse's most famous students was Angela Davis who in 1982 went on a speaking tour to inform her audience there will be a race war and its roots are grounded in cultural marxism. And, we saw some of what she projected come true with a phony BLM movement that preaches tolerance and teaches hate as part of a divide and conquer strategy to confuse those who can't think critically yet believe they can parrot adequately. Back to physics, briefly, Einstein was a Princeton professor who knew far less physics and astronomy than a professor of Psychiatry named Immanuel Velikovsky. In fact, the day Einstein died, on his desk sat an open book entitled Worlds In Collision, one of several works (the follow-up to Age of Chaos) that disputes virtually all the false claims of Nebulae and Tidal theories attributed to Kant, LaPace, and Swedenborg about the origins of the universe and creation of the planets. Though many have tried to discredit Velikovsky, they can not discredit his brilliance at describing the creation of the universe and how the planets have frequently impacted the earth in far briefer time periods than taught by all "modern" universities. Stated differently, catastrophism is factually the norm and not the exception in geology and astronomy. Regarding Charles Darwin, his co-author was Herbert Spencer, another member of the Royal Society, who took their work on evolution so "seriously" that he spent more time as a spiritualist. To be clear, the theory of evolution is Jesuit-based science based on the Delphi Method where one starts with a pre-determined outcome and works backwards. Curiously, but not surprisingly, a Jesuit priest and futurist named Pierre T-Chardin even went so far as to perpetuate the Pilt-Down Man Hoax on academia to provide the "missing link" that was so poorly "crafted" that even Steven J Gould could not adequately resurrect the theory of evolution beyond "strombolites." Richard Dawkins is an entirely different story as is Daniel Denet, both unlikely believe the ridiculous narratives they've crafted. Finally, some extended reading for those who doubt its the Jesuits are the black magicians behind the Bill Hate's and George Soro's and Saul Alinsky's.....https://handbeholdnail.wordpress.com/2018/05/05/the-jesuits-order-of-the-alumbrados-unveiled/
“How can you dare argue against the science?”
Sounds much like.
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast (man as the measure of all things): and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" - Revelation 13:4
Thanks for the background on the Greeks, it ties in perfectly with the following analysis.
This one of several books by the same author that investigates the origins of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" and the beast that came out of its darkness.