Jul 11, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

At first in 2020, I saw freedoms being taken away, then saw the medical tyranny of the jabs and then the whole house of cards fell... I see all the LIES. God lifted the scales from my eyes about a two years ago with Rev 18:23 (pharmakeia) and I went running to Jesus. My life had been a disaster (utterly living in the world fulfilling my flesh and had been drugged and incapacitated by big 'harma' for over 24 years of my adult life with psychotropic drugs (which praise God I'm now free of)). I'm trying to study God's word daily since I realize I never knew it. Please pray the Holy Spirit strengthen me, to deny myself daily, to repent and to obey His commandments! Thanks for this article!

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You began this important article with - "Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.” Ephesians 5:11. I'd like to see the silent Church reconcile this commandment with 'the Church doesn't get involved in politics'. There it is. Plain and simple - no translations or concordance needed 'EXPOSE THE WORKS OF EVIL AND DARKNESS'. You do a great job of that and I thank God for you.!

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Another sturdy and robust essay. Thanks!

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thank you so much for this installment! We have lived in a hideous control grid that has glorified individuals like Keynes and other degenerates without knowing the spiritual ramifications of of their Usury! To All who are reading this Blog; Please Log out of this Usury "Shitshow" before it's too late!

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

wondering how this world would’ve been different without fiat currencies which enabled massive financial leverage by everyone involved, for better or worse case by case on a micro level, but ultimately on a macro level sowing the seeds of the demise of the entire system.

was listening to a podcast today about BRICs developing a commodity-linked currency platform for trade. shouldn’t have been surprised but it’s overseen by BIS. the participants also discussed the adoption of digital CBDCs (controlled fiat for the masses) also speculating on the digital EURO to be announced this fall to obscure the imminent failure of Germany’s central bank finances.


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"Either we will rectify this colossal error in our collective judgement by returning to Christ’s commandments, or we will consign our children and our grandchildren to yet another century of financial and spiritual debasement."

It is not enough to say, WE MUST ALSO DO as the other half of the equation of getting rid of the GREATEST SIN that has been foisted on us by the Central Bankers.

Peace Planet Party Way:


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