Dispatches from Reality
Dispatches from Reality - Narrated
A Response to a Mason

A Response to a Mason

What is Truth?...

Scipio exposes the double-minded defenses of Masonry, as well as his own brush with the Mystery religion, before narrating his February 15th & 20th, 2023 essays:

A Response to a Mason, Part I (https://dfreality.substack.com/p/a-response-to-a-mason)

A Response to a Mason, Part II (https://dfreality.substack.com/p/a-response-to-a-mason-part-ii)

Purchase Scipio’s first book, Anatomy of a Revolution, today!

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Dispatches from Reality
Dispatches from Reality - Narrated
Christ-follower, Truth-seeker, Idol-smasher.
I write about parapolitics, alternative history, alternative science and the intersection of all three with Christianity.