“12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other OATH: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.”
— James 5:12 KJV
, life has been busy so I don't want you to think I've been ignoring you. I appreciate your input and always encourage an open dialogue. I’m glad that you stumbled upon my writing and I pray that they can provide value to your spiritual walk. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, one person never could, so I’m always open to new ideas and opinions, so long as they do not conflict with the Word of God.As I was responding to your comment from my last article, Anatomy of a Revolution, Part IV, it got longer and longer, so I decided to turn my response into an article to properly respond to your question. I think it provides an illuminating view into why Freemasonry is such a treacherous ideology. I will include Don Smith’s unedited responses below which started this conversation for the elucidation of future readers of this article.
Have you ever thought about joining a lodge to get some first hand knowledge to denounce Freemasonry over?
I encourage you to do so, at any given time you could walk out if you come across anything that runs contrary to your Christian faith, that was my position anyways, I haven't walked out yet. I became a Freemason about 4yrs ago. I am just a 3rd degree Master Mason, I have no interest in the upper degrees, the main reason I joined was to be involved in charity work. I am somewhat of an anomaly in Masonry for I am an ex-con, 20yrs ago I was a very wretched man. I did 8yrs in federal prison and turned my life around in there or rather God turned me around. Although I practice Christianity, I studied many things in there including M P Halls books, so I was familiar with the ancient mystery schools before I joined. as I said I studied many things, Hermetic philosophy, several schools of magik, Enochian, Abramelin and others, so I am versed in many of the things you write about. As I said at any point I encounter something that runs contrary to my faith I will leave Freemasonry, it just hasn't happened yet. So far all I've found were a group of men who have made a commitment to virtue, morality and charity that were able to overlook the past sins of a fallen man and call him "Brother"
I have read your writings and fully understand your position, I was merely suggesting that you could get first hand knowledge, it was not meant to antagonize you. If you wanted to look at it as infiltrating so be it. It was just a suggestion. If you think that joining a lodge to get that first hand knowledge would jeopardize your salvation then by all means don't. I have not heard salvation spoken of in the lodge, but the requirements are a belief in God and the immortality of the soul. I agree with you, it is my belief that salvation lies with Christ and Christ alone, but as James said "Faith without works is dead". I tried to read Pike once but found it exhaustive, I kept thinking "Just get to the point". I know he was instrumental in the Scottish Rites in America, there's many "Rites", but I have no experience in them so I can't speak for them. I am just speaking of my experiences with "Blue Lodge" masonry and I haven't found it to be anything other than what they profess, a fraternity of men under the fatherhood of God. What makes a man a mason is the obligation he takes, in my mind if a man has evil intent he has broken that obligation and therefore no longer be a mason. I know many men have written their reflections on masonry, but to my experience so far masonry is an oral tradition, passed down from mouth to ear, so if something is written, it someone's personal opinion. I'm not trying to convince you of anything, but since you write so much on it I thought you might be interested in my experiences, if you're not I won't bother you anymore with it.
The only way to determine if a philosophical position is the correct one is to test the spirits, as the Apostle John reminds us in his first epistle. I do not view your offer as an antagonistic suggestion, merely puzzling. I must admit at the outset that I did find it odd, given that you have read my writings, that you would try to earnestly recruit me for an organization that I believe is satanically inspired, at it’s worst. At best it is an insidious form of idolatry that the apostles warn us of in Romans, Corinthians, or Colossians. As a self professed believer in Christ, I encourage you to read those books and take the warnings of the apostles to heart.
On the outside it is a benign, even benevolent organization. Masons fund the Shriner’s Hospitals all across the country, providing life saving as well as life extending care to sick and terminally ill children. They engage in acts of charity. They are active in local upkeep and outreach. They are what most would consider model citizens. The rituals and ceremony can be hand waved away as no big deal, what’s the harm you say?
At the core of all these beliefs lies an insidious idolatry. It is a false worship of a worldly knowledge, even at it’s lowest degrees. Earthly knowledge is foolishness. Masonry can no more enlighten a man than a broken flashlight could. The Lord knows the plans of those who profess to call themselves wise, and He laughs at them. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13), and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of true wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). To hate evil, as God hates evil, is the beginning of true wisdom. I started this article with a verse from James, but it is not the only verse in the New Testament that warns us against swearing oaths.
34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
-Matthew 5:34-37 KJV
Oaths and their rituals are an integral part of Masonry. Surely a Master Mason would know this. How can you rectify the grisly and gruesome oaths you swore with these verses?
— The Steps of Masonry
York Rite Masonry, ie Blue Lodge Masonry, sometimes called American Freemasonry, is still Freemasonry. This handy chart, produced and used by Masons themselves, attests to that fact. The oath, symbols and rituals performed are uniform in the first three degrees of Masonry, regardless of rite. This has been in effect since the founding of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717, a significant occult date that I have covered already in Anatomy of A Revolution, Part I. The York Rite merely condenses the degrees required to reach true enlightenment in the light of Freemasonry.
Is this not the oath you swore as a Master Mason, that details this veneration of the Light of Knowledge?
"All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steady resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind what-ever, binding myself, under no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I would be, should I ever, knowingly, violate this my Master Mason's obligation. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same."
Worshipful Master-You will detach your hands and kiss the book. In your present condition, what do you most desire?
Candidate (prompted by conductor.)--Further light in Masonry.
Worshipful Master--Let him receive further light.
My sources in regards to the significance of Masonic symbols and the meaning behind them are from first hand sources or Masonic tomes still in use today, such as Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor which I quoted above. This tome is in use by York Rite Masons, the Blue Lodge Masonry you refer to, to this day. I know this because I've read it from numerous Masonic Lodge websites who will freely admit this information. I have also read and listened to the testimony of former Masons of high degree who will confirm the veracity of these symbols and their hidden, or shall we say occult meaning. Former Masons who have repented of these ties and blasphemous oaths provide a dire warning to Masons of lesser enlightenment, such as yourself. Are these not firsthand sources?
I have to admit, as a researcher and a historian, delving into Masonic history is perhaps easiest topic to verify. The Masons are very proud of their legacy, and they want you to know it. Albert Pike, Manley P Hall, these men are 33rd degree Masons. Are they not credible first hand sources in your eyes? Do they not clearly state that the pursuit of light, the pursuit of knowledge that Freemasonry reveres, is Lucifer? Do you not find it odd that Freemasonry constantly speaks of this light, the light of knowledge, or illumination, in such reverent terms? As if it were a divine entity unto itself?
— Inner Sanctum of a York Rite Holy Royal Arch Lodge
This is a York Rite Holy Royal Arch lodge. This is one degree higher into York Rite Freemasonry than you currently stand. It is adorned with pagan symbols and occult numerology. Need I further even expound upon this point? It’s clearly an altar, with graven icons adorning its walls and décor. What exactly is being worshipped here? Certainly not Jesus Christ, all these symbols and nary a Cross to be seen.
Do these facts, scriptures and testimony not give you pause?
If the only reason you have joined Freemasonry is to pursue philanthropy or to engage in acts of charity, I would recommend finding a Bible believing local church to join. Find a community of fellow followers of Christ and serve your Lord that way if that is truly all you desire to do. Flee from Babylon’s “social club” as quickly as you can.
Repent of your oaths sworn before pagan idols and occult symbols. Repent of your foolishness for swearing these oaths in the first place, Lord knows I have had to do that very thing myself. Repent, humble yourself as - we all will one day - before the Throne of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask for his mercy and forgiveness, which he has freely given to us, though we surely do not deserve it.
Your Brother in Christ,
Continued in Part II…
"Come, let us reason together..." indeed. In order to reason we must have a certain amount of objectivity, we must be open to the idea that some of our perceived notions are wrong. That I, as a mason, am reading your writings should be testament that I possess a certain amount of that. I admit that a lot of it is because , regardless if I agree with you, I think you are a very good writer. I spent 8 long years reading 8 to 10hrs a day, so I consider myself an experienced reader. You encouraged me to read a few of the epistles, sound advice, I have. Having said that , you have the advantage over me on your ability to express yourself in writing, but I will do my best, being the simple man that I am. As I said the truth should be the highest aim for all of us. I by no means consider myself a masonic scholar, I've only been a mason 4yrs, so I'm not speaking for masonry, I'm sharing my experiences and my perceptions.
About the veneration of light. There are so many Bible verses concerning light that I can't even begin to list them all, most notable is probably John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”. Not once have I have had the impression that I was worshiping anything in the lodge, much less light, the references of light are symbolic for searching for the truth. It's interesting that you posted an excerpt from Duncan's Masonic Ritual. Why not post the whole obligation? So others can see just exactly what it is that makes a man a Mason. Reading in full, it doesn't seem that nefarious. Also in that excerpt it said "kiss the book", what tome do you think that is? Upon being brought to light what is the first thing that person sees resting between his hands? It's the Holy Bible. When I became a master mason I was presented a bible and told "The light you seek is in there". That is the only tome recognized. All anti masonic rhetoric ends up with Pike, Mackey and Hall, in the 4yrs I've been a mason not once have any of these three been mentioned much less their writings. I understand the slippery slope between revelation and illumination or enlightenment, the Gnostics went through that several hundred years ago. You posted a picture of a York Rite lodge, I am only speaking from what I have experienced, I don't know what all is in that picture, but I do see the Holy Bible. It is my understanding that the last degree of the York Rite, the Knights Templar, requires you to be a Christian, but I won't speak on that which I have no experience with, but I will say if I were to continue on in masonry it would probably be in that order, although I have the utmost respect for the Shriners, the ones I know are very committed to helping those children, judge a tree by it's fruit. On a side note there are two flags in my lodge, the US flag and the flag of Christendom, so in my lodge there is a cross, although I have read somewhere that the flag of Christendom had pagan origins, when you have a hammer everything's a nail.
Yours is not the first anti-masonic message I have read, I've read many, Bill Cooper's "Behold a pale horse" comes to mind, but with all I had read I wasn't able to reconcile that with the men I knew that were masons, so I decided to have a look for myself and I'm sharing with you that experience. Sometimes that best men can do is agree to disagree. As I said I sure wasn't trying to recruit you or even convince you of anything, just share my experiences. Perhaps it's best to look at the things we do agree on, Christ is the way, the truth and the life, the blood atonement and someday we will stand before him and give an account for our lives, hopefully you'll be standing in line behind me because the wretched life I used to live will make you look good. As I said I am no masonic scholar, I have just given an honest account of my experience, but in my searching and reading I did come across this link that does a much better explanation of masonry than I could do and to which I found nothing that I would disagree with, please have a look. https://brlodge.org/about/responding-to-critics/ I will look forward to reading more of your work, God Bless
The name Lucifer is only mentioned once in the Bible and as far as I can tell commentaries are in agreement that it is the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II being referred to.
Isaiah 14:12 King James Bible
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!