The "Mandela Effect" is more Phoenician trickery and every bit of it is being staged managed by operatives. Any way these evil bastards can undermine God's truth, well, THEY do it. Much of this has been accomplished through the stranglehold these people have over imagery and words online. A very good example of how they do all of this is the case of the James Bond film Moon Racker and the case of "Dolly's Braces". They take some very obscure detail from a film, book or other media and change all the imagery or wording online.

With Dolly's braces it was them removing the characters big ugly braces in every online image that exists. THEY can do that. They also removed them from the film itself. The braces were the key to an almost iconic moment in the film where Dolly and a character called Metal Mouth, I think, experience love and complete acceptance at first sight. It is actually one of the more memorable scenes of the film and quite touching really.

Well, when you stream the film now the braces have been scrubbed . All images online have also been scrubbed. Miles Mathis took a very high resolution image recently of the " braceless" Dolly from online, blew it up and low and behold you could see the Photoshop manipulation of her teeth. The Mandela Effect is just more Phoenician, cheap magic show, confuckery. There was also a Mastercard ad from the 70's they forgot to get rid of that was a reprise of the actual scene in the film. It may be gone now but it wasn't months after all this started.

Another case was the disappearing Fruit of the Loom Cornucopia. There was a period of decades where the Fruit of the Loom logo was in fact fruit cascading from a funnel-like cornucopia. All that was made to disappear from online, or so THEY thought. I was able to debunk this one myself. I looked and looked every way I could think to look and finally found a vintage ad image of the real logo from the 50's to the 70's. There was the Cornucopia they were trying to say never existed.

This means the company itself was in on this one. The Phoenicians and Jews own and controlled everything but are not infallible. I hope this helps dispel any doubts people have about this subject. Its just more of the usual lying and fraud these people live for.

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This was my general assumption in regards to the pop culture switches, but thanks for verifying that for me my friend.

This idea is entirely a modern phenomena of the digital age, one where the kind of photoshop trickery you describe is very common.

It’s rather insidious, gaslighting normal people into not even being able to trust their senses or their reality. Truly a pernicious mind virus.

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Planting doubts about the nature of reality also sows seeds of doubt about the steadfastness of God himself. They want people believing in a glitchy, imperfect Universe and thus the creator of that becomes imperfect or some kind of trickster as well. Very insidious. THEY always seek to muddy the waters.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Hey brother, thank you for coming on FirmaMental again, and setting the record straight on this very polarizing subject. I’m glad I did it this way, allowing both sides to speak their part and now after hearing it presented in the public court I can definitely say that I believe the Mandela effect is a PSY op, and not super natural. You presented your material very well and I’m grateful for people like you who have done their homework and knowledge deep in the word and share it with us when the spirit speaks bro, it speaks clear and I heard it through your teachings. These things are going on though not just within the truth community but within congregations so I’m glad that it all played out this way. Much Love Scipio

Raul H

FirmaMental “protect your dome”

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Thank you once again my brother!

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thank you so much Scipio for your response to John Kirwin's bizarre interview on the Firmamental podcast!

I have listened to George Hobbs podcast with him, and both of the ones with Raul and Alex, also to some of his YouTube videos. I have also read his book.

I've been a truth seeker for many years and know the truth about many conspiracies, but I can hardly believe that it took me 72 years of my 74 years on this earth to finally accept true biblical shape of the earth, and geocentric cosmology!

This Mandela effect is something else though! If anything good has come out of this unbiblical deception John is trying to spread, for me, it's proof that God has answered my prayers for discernment and leading me into all truth and providing me with sound bible teachers.

Like you, he deeply disturbed me, and when I asked the Lord about it He made it clear to me that I must not waste any more time on it. It is a distraction. I told Raul this too. I love him and Alex!

What bothers me though is that many in the comments on JK's channels are thinking it's wonderful. I will continue to pray for them and John. I think it will take a miracle for him to humble himself. That's why you realized that it was pointless to try and debate him.

Thanks again, and God bless you for your stand. Hilary

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Likewise, I have spent way more time on this nonsense than it deserves.

Raul has become a close friend, and without disclosing personal communications, I will say that he feels similarly. If nothing else, I’ll take that as a win for truth.

We both love John as a brother in Christ, but he is in serious error. I had little hope my response would change his mind, he’s in too deep to admit that he’s wrong at this point. But it wasn’t really for him, it was for others with less knowledge of the Bible that have absolutely been sucked in by this deception.

We must be wise as serpents in times such as these.

God bless you as well sister.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Posted this on Sunday:

Dear Pastor, Elder and Member- is it time to EXAMINE ourselves?............

………not only individually, but as a church congregation…..and collectively as the church AT LARGE!

And where do we begin? Are we in the faith? Do we prove all things? Are we producing fruit? Why did Jesus curse the fig tree which looked good from a distance? Is Christian examination limited to individuals only? For example: Are we in any way connected to or responsible for the existence and welfare of Western Civilization? Was the development of WC even possible without Christianity? And most importantly – why and how have we lost it?

How many of us are familiar with the history of Christianity AFTER Jesus walked the earth 2000 years ago…….that wasn’t written by a humanist?

Read it all: https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/10/dear-pastor-elder-and-member-is-it-time.html?m=0

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Thank you for sharing that powerful message. I have read several of Dr. North's books and will definitely be giving this one a read.

"more of a librarian who connects dots" oh man that gave me a good chuckle, too true!

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Yes, this is more like a spiritual battle; the physical side is unlikely to win, but that's not what matters as long as the spirit remains unbroken:


I personally have my own limits:


The "Mandela effect" can can contribute to simple people adhering to their cognitive security.

Christianity has been successfully divided by the Enemy. Faith must rely on personal experience as well as Divine Revelation. I am no preacher, so I share my experience only, and even that only to a certain extent:


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Listened to this on Firmamental today. Good stuff. Keep fighting the good fight!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I am one of the very few peeps I've ever encountered who did a lot of research into the construction of the KJVB, the 1611, which was completed in 1609 and placed iin the hands of John Dee and Francis Bacon (or one of his several "alters"). Why? Curiosity and concern. And shame. My standard response to the KJVB only adherents, "it's the inerrant word of God," is tell me about the resurrection. Is Ishtar or Easter correct? if so, that does deeply trouble me. I can't think of anything worse than that message, and no, I will not call that bible translation inerrant. My comment is always met with handwaving and derision towards me. Stated differently, the whole "Mandela changes in bible is a KJVB spun narrative" Which leads me to ask which version is inerrant? The 1611? The 1629 where 1000's of changes were made? The one's in the 1800's that got rid of the 15 books or the one's before that didin't? I can not come up with an accurate number of the times I've been told the KJVB is the only inerrant word of God and I needed to throw away all of my "satanic" bibles. I've lost count, but I could likely grab at least 10 separate translations within 500' and although I enjoy the KJVB, I also like some of my other translations. Recently, I read in my most read KJVB (1971 study bible) that I am supposed to "try" the spirits instead of "test" the spirits and in Zecheriah the flying "scroll" is now the flying "roll." Check it out now, yourselves. Does it matter? Not really. Plus, Interestingly, my C.I. Scofield study bible with forwards from 1909, 1911 and 1919 says "test" and "flying scroll." I've heard peeps teaching, the KJVB and go to those scriptures from the edition I read most often and and stumble in the last several months when it says "try" instead of "test" and "roll instead of "scroll." Regardless, full disclosure, I can give many more examples but I don't really have a dog in this fight beyond we live in a supernatural universe and we are spiritual beings living a physical existence. There are many mysteries I don't understand, that I can't explain yet what's true to me is life as we know it is in the blood, and we also are mind, body, soul and spirit, and that's why Jesus died and resurrected. To atone for our sin, to make us worthy. Thusly, everyone should at least start with the gospel of John and re-read it several times, then read the other gospels. Rinse and repeat. Isaiah is the next book I recommend to the dismissive audience; it's the 5th gospel IMO. Beautiful material. Then go for Genesis, but don't trust any English translation. Get a concordance, use it. I suggest approaching one's search of the scripture prayerfully. Seriously. Take a look at Ephesians 6: 10-20. Doesn't matter the translation, the war in the spirit is very real and it bleeds right into this existence. The whole tomato v tomatoe has created a lot of friction, mainly within the KJVB crowd and I am not welcome as a participant in the foray. What I can suggest is a guy named S. Douglas Woodard has written a couple of books entitled: "Rebooting the Bible." He also has several youtubes and a website. If you seriously want to be serious about what's in the bible and if there are changes that's a good start. The real question anyone who thinks they are saved needs to ask is not: "do I know Jesus, it's does Jesus know me." Yes, we're saved by grace yet once saved we need to become holy. There's roughly 40 parables within the four gospels. Study those and seek God and you will find you can understand any other scripture whether it's been supposedly changed or left as is. I agree with "ET Cinema PsychoMasonica there's an agenda and spell casting, and residuals and sometimes one has to search for them. The Canaanites became the Phoenicians who became the Venetians and there's nothing new under the sun which means our bibles have been under assault since they were first written. In Micah 7:5, Jeremiah 17:9, the gospel of John, in Isaiah and throughout the Psalms the common theme is trust not in man or men. Not a mentor, not a friend, not a brother, and not a guide without always consulting one's bibles and the Holy Spirit. Place all one's trust in the Heavenly Father who created all and who still is in charge regardless of the side shows and distractions. I welcome comments and correction wherever merited. God Bless.

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I would be interested to see what sources you can provide to verify that information. Not that I don’t believe you, but I am interested to see if you have studied something I haven’t, as it’s a charge I have come across before and came away rather unconvinced.

Beyond conjecture - informed or not - and the words of Manley P. Hall, I haven’t found much substance behind this charge that Francis Bacon was responsible for editing the 1611 KJV.

That is to say nothing of the 47 translators who worked to compile the 1611 KJV, all of whom would have known that such changes were made to their manuscript. Curiously, they never brought such charges forth.

Christ’s sacrifice for us is of the utmost importance, and on that, we entirely agree.

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I was wondering if you’ve ever read Phillip Kayser’s book on the Majority Text? It’s a short read. I think he makes some solid points about the true text of the New Testament. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts. He rejects the Westcott/Hort tradition - but also points out some good information concerning the Textus Receptus versus the Majority Text. Wilbur Pickering dives into this stuff even deeper. https://leanpub.com/has-god-indeed-said/read

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I have not but I’ll look into that, thank you.

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Sep 17Liked by Scipio Eruditus

On my page is an actual photo of where I found this in scripture, unfortunately cannot share photos here for people to see themselves that this is NOT my wordings.

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Sep 17Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I have a military Catholic Bible that was given to me and this is in assisted explanation of the scripture for a helpful understanding; it states exactly what you spoken upon today and these misuses of wording is the tactics of the V2K , neuro-strike perpetrators upon people. The people unfortunately are some that aware and some that are not. I hope this helps people understand what you have shared! Thank you again Scipio🕊️

Thes 2, 3b-5: incomplete sentence (anacoluthon, 4) recalls what the Thessalonians had already been taught, an apocalyptic scenario depicting, in terms borrowed especially from Dn 11, 36-37 and related verses, human self-assertiveness against God in the temple of God itself. The lawless one represents the climax of such activity in this account.

2,4: Seat himself in the temple of God: a reflection of the 2Thes

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thank you bro

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

Thank you and everyone that praises Jesus ❤️

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

If you wanna prove that Kirwin is willingly lying and deceiving ask about Revelation 22 verse 10. Kirwin claims the word "seal" as used in his alleged biblical proof of the mandela effect in prophecy Revelation 22 verse 10:

He reads off an actual usage of the word "seal" G4972 however he deceptively moves it from its correct usage in Matthew 27:66 and combines it with another usage in Revelation 20:3 and moves it over to Revelation 22 verse 10. In short, he claims to be an educated man in the scriptures with 30 plus years of experience and in his own videos shows he understands who to use the Strongs/Blue Letter Bible App however he avoids showing the actual usage and meaning/context of the word seal in Revelation 22 verse 10 and writes in the other meanings. There is no way that you could accidently do that. Its intentional.


There are people whos lives have been destroyed because of this and some have even punched out early thinking they will restart or gather together like the Jett Li movie The One......

Anyways thank you for defending the gospel and speaking the truth

much love, God Bless

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Incredible video my friend, thank you very much for making it and exposing this wicked deception.

These verses in Matthew 7 have become even more real for me after this week:

15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

That sheep’s disguise doesn’t last too long once the wolf gets challenged. If that’s not the scariest verse in the Bible, idk what is.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

If you want to see how much someone truly loves you, disagree with them once. Thank you for the kind words and responding back. I was hesitant to even try to reach out to you but after reading what you have put out on here.....well, much love!!!

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Thank you for reaching out, your video shed some light on a very important aspect of all this. John’s deceptive agenda is clearly premeditated, and I seriously question if there is someone behind the scenes pulling his strings.

Some random church-goer doesn’t just start a crusade like this to try and undermine the Word of God out of the blue. There is clearly a strategy here, which he has openly admitted to.

God bless you brother.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I, like John K and so many others see and remember things you don't, I find this extremely odd. Like other ME's not everyone sees all, part or none. To me it falls into end time prophecy.

In Isaiah, do you remember the wolf always laid with the lamb?

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I got a 90% on JK’s Bible test. I remembered the vast majority of these verses correctly, including the wolf and the lamb verse. I’ve only ever used the 1611 KJV or the KJV for my personal reading and study.

The Catholic and Orthodox liturgy are a huge reason for so much of this confusion, as their versions of the Lord’s Prayer include the phrase “trespasses”.

With thousands of English translations alone, I don’t find it that odd personally. I’ve listened to many sermons where Pastors ad in or remove words during their readings, despite literally looking at the book they are reading.

The human mind is a funny thing. It does not work in the ways a layman might expect. Every time we access a memory, our brains slightly change it. Memory is inherently an unstable and ever changing thing. JK’s presentations heavily revolve around psychologically priming an audience so that whatever memory they have is now viewed in this strange light, as opposed to a very natural and explainable phenomenon; particularly with the plethora of translations, liturgies, and denominations.

And that’s before we get into some of the very strange neural phenomena such as selective attention and typoglycemia.



There are many more logical explanations to this phenomena before jumping to the conclusion that Satan is metaphysically changing all of time and space at any given moment. Accepting those answers requires the humility to accept that your memories might be wrong, despite how Biblically literate the individual might be.

There 788,820 words in the KJV. Using Occam’s razor, what is more likely: That someone is misremembering some of those words? Or that Satan is secretly changing the words around?

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

I need to retract my statement that I have primary research that Bacon had anything to do with the 1611 KJVB. The links I have from 2012 show only error codes. My apologies.

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Scipio Eruditus

It's in my digital library, I definitely saved it, and I am not prone to false memory and eventually that's what led me to S. Douglas Woodard and his Rebooting the Bible which I think is more significant that what I proffered in my commentary. It's likely been a decade since I looked at it and tonight I am toast (which isn't helpful), but I will look for it. The guy who did the original research says they wanted him to bury it. Kinda like Derek Prince getting infiltrated by the Jesuits, nobody wants to admit that happened so let's not talk about it. Regarding Bacon having the manuscript, he was not allowed to change any chapters ( the Geneva had a strong hold on those). I wish I could be more helpful but I am hitting the circuit breakers tomorrow in the a.m. till 4 or 5 pm cuz of the emergency test but I will do my due diligence.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

Your political cartoon "The Descent of the Modernists" expresses a false conclusion of a process of questioning Christian beliefs. Seeking truth does not end in atheism but rather a much more complete understanding of Reality, which the church has been suppressing for nearly two thousand years, and that suporession accelerated since the compilation of the Bible by the fourth century Catholic church, which apparently you don't understand, is just a propaganda piece for the church. The Bible didn't exist in Jesus's time, only as the books of the Old Testament in the Jewish scrolls of the time. Jesus did not go before the masses and preach from scripture. Why? Because he was an expression of Divine Consciousness and imparted a direct experience of that consciousness to those whom he came into contact with who were open to it. Four centuries later, the church was clueless about who Jesus was and why he came here, and Christianity has only devolved farther from the Truth since then. Many of the precepts of Christianity ARE wrong, and repeating a false teaching for more centuries isn't going to make it true or help anyone. The Truth is MUCH bigger and Grander than you know! Reading the Bible will never get you to the Truth, and demeaning those who sincerely seek Reality just reflects badly on your very limited understanding. God IS pure Consciousness and Energy. It cannot be realized by the limited mind, it can only be connected with through direct EXPERIENCE, not by blind "belief". "Believers" won't get to that experience of Divinity by ideas, mental processes, or beliefs. The Infinity of God is too BIG to fit within mind. You cannot get beyond mind by any thought, by using the limited tool of mind. So your teachings "miss the mark" entirely. Jesus definitely would not approve of your misleading people.

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This is entirely incorrect but you are welcome to your own opinions.

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It is only "incorrect" according to your limited beliefs, and beliefs aren't real. You only believe what you believe because somebody TOLD you to. Your "authority", a book, is only some people's beliefs, too. Beliefs are not real. Yoy can believe anything you want, but that won't make it real. God is NOT a belief! God is an EXPERIENCE. You can't get the experience of Got out of a belief.

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Sep 17Liked by Scipio Eruditus

There are technologies simulating “ heightened consciousness “ right now called V2K, aka Voice of God, so God came in the flesh that was Jesus not an illusion. I am sharing through actual present circumstances so these things do not cause a derailment. I mean this out of kindness.

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