Dispatches from Reality
Dispatches from Reality - Narrated
The Coincidence Zone: East Palestine Edition

The Coincidence Zone: East Palestine Edition

A glimpse into the true nature of our foe…

Scipio ventures back into the Coincidence Zone to examine the East Palestine mass ritual, before narrating his February 27th, 2023 article from the The Coincidence Zone series:

The Coincidence Zone: East Palestine Edition (https://dfreality.substack.com/p/the-coincidence-zone-east-palestine)

Subscribe to Dispatches From Reality to receive Scipio’s free weekly articles: dfreality.substack.com

Dispatches from Reality
Dispatches from Reality - Narrated
Christ-follower, Truth-seeker, Idol-smasher.
I write about parapolitics, alternative history, alternative science and the intersection of all three with Christianity.